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TO minghao@bcompany.



SUBJECT Daycare Centre

Dear Mr Minghao,

Regarding the subject, there are 3 people whom I chose to assist me in planning this project in detail.
We held a meeting recently to discuss this project. In our discussion, we talked through objectives,
suitable dates suggestions, choosing teachers and staff, funding and budgeting, and committee with
their duties.

The objectives of building the daycare centre are:

● To lessen the time consumed by staff in the morning to send their children to babysitters or
other daycare centres far from the office.
● To ease staff’s minds from worrying about their children since they can watch over their
children at their workplace.

As for the suitable date to set up this centre, we did have some different suggestions but we all have
agreed that September is the most right time to launch the daycare centre’s opening. It is a reasonable
duration for the construction to finish.

In the matter of finding suitable workers at the centre, we decided that only those qualified with
certificates and good reputations will be accepted.

We did some research and have agreed that RM50 000 is enough to start setting up the centre, and
RM10 000 a month is needed for maintenance including the staff’s salary.

We also decided to set up two new committees to care for the daycare centre's quality. Food
Committee will be in charge of the daily food while Basic Necessities Committee takes care of the
basic needs such as diapers, wipes, bedding and extra clothing.

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