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Anatomy and Physiology - Muscles and Muscles Physiology

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1. skeletal muscle muscle composed of connec-

tive tissue, blood vessels, blood
nerves, muscle fibres with striat-
ed appearance

2. structures of muscle fibres long, cylindrical, multinucleated

3. Functions of skeletal muscle body movement, posture main-

tenance, respiration through di-
aphragm, body heat prodcution,

4. contractibility muscle ability to contract force-


5. excitability muscle ability to respond to stim-

ulus by producing action poten-

6. extensibility muscle ability to stretch beyond

its resting length and still be able
to contract

7. elasticity muscle ability to recoil to original

resting length

8. tendon A collagenous band that con-

nects a skeletal muscle to an el-
ement of the skeleton

9. fascia a band or sheet of fibrous con-

nective tissue that grousp mus-

10. epimysium outermost tissue layer

11. fascicle bundle of muscle fibers sur-

rounded by perimysium

12. sarcolemma muscle cell membrane

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13. sarcoplasm cytoplasm of a muscle

14. myofilaments individual muscle proteins

15. muscle fibres cells found inside perimysium

separated by endomysium

16. myoglobin oxygen carrying molecule that

makes the muscle appear red

17. dystrophin protein tethering myofibrils to

membrane proteins

18. dystrophin regulates ____________ calcium

19. membrane proteins attaches the neighbouring sar-

colemmas on the endomysium

20. transverse tubules inward tube of off sarcolemma

that produces very fast action
potential movements

21. sarcoplasmic reticulum like endoplasmic reticulum,

highly organized, runs from
t-tubules to next, wraps around
every myofibril and appears
where actin and myosin overlap

22. terminal cisterns dilated end sacs of the sar-

coplasmic reticulum which re-
leases calcium to bind to tro-

23. triad 1 T-tubule and 2 terminal cister-

nae causing muscle contraction

24. z discs separate one sarcomere from

the next, holds actin

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25. I band light band, from z disc to end of

26. a band dark band, length of myosin

27. h zone a band region where actin and

myosin don't overlap

28. m line middle of H zone, holds myosin

in place

29. Titin filaments elastic chains of amino acids

make muscles extensible and

30. actin thin filaments, double helix

31. actin components myosin-binding sites,

tropomyosin, troponin

32. troponin components attaches to actin, attaches to

tropomyosin, releases calcium

33. myosin thick filament

34. myosin components 600 heads sticking out in all di-


35. sliding filament theory - stage 1 relaxed muscle

36. sliding filament theory - stage 2: partially actin and z discs move toward
contracted muscle each other, sarcomere short-
hens, A band doesnt change
shape, H zone and I band nar-

37. sliding filament theory - stage 3: maxi- H zone disappears, I band ap-
mally contracted muscle pears, A band doesn't change,
myosin heads bind and pull actin
towards the end lines

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38. cross bridge cycle calcium binds to troponin cous-
ing exposure to the actin active

39. cross bridge cycle - stage 1 myosin heads hydrolyze ATP ad

become reoriented and ener-

40. cross bridge cycle - stage 2 myosin heads bind to actin form-
ing x-bridges

41. cross bridge cycle - stage 3 myosin x-bridges rotate towards

the centre of sarcomere

42. cross bridge cycle - stage 4 as myosin heads bind, x-bridges

detach from actin

43. right mortis prevention of myosin head from

detaching actin binding sites due
to lack of ATP

44. Neuromuscular junction connection between nervous

system and muscles

45. neuromuscular junction - step 1 AP arrives at presynaptic termi-

nal and initiates the release of
acetylcholine from synaptic vesi-

46. neuromuscular junction - step 2 acetylcholine diffuses across

synaptic cleft and binds to ites
receptors causing an increase in
the Na+ channels permeability

47. neuromuscular junction - step 3 the increased Na+ permeabil-

ity causes repolarizmatino of
postsynaptic memrbrane where
when threshold has reached,
postsynaptic actino potential oc-
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48. neuromuscular junction - step 4 acetylcholine is rapidly brief

down by acetycholinesterase to
acetic acid and choline

49. neuromuscular junction - step 5 choline is absorbed by presyant-

pci terminal and ocmbine with
acetic acid to form more acetyl-
cholein enerting the synaptic

50. neuromuscular junction - step 6 acetic acid is take up by many

different cells

51. excitation-contraction coupling events that link the action po-

tentials on the sarcolemma to
activation of the myofilaments,
thereby preparing them to con-

52. excitation-contraction coupling; resting calcium is released, chan-

state nels close and troponin holds
tropomyosin in position to block
actin myosin-binding sites

53. excitation-contraction coupling; con- calcium binds to tro-

traction state ponin chain the shape of
troponin-tropomyosin complex
and uncoverign the actin
myosin-binding sites

54. excitation-contraction coupling - step 1 MAP propagated along sar-

colemma and into t-tubules

55. excitation-contraction coupling - step 2 calcium channels in ST open

and calcium releases into sar-

56. excitation-contraction coupling - step 3 calcium binds to troponin

resulting in the movement
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of tropomyosin off of actin
myosin-binding sites

57. excitation-contraction coupling - step 4 myosin heads bind to acting ac-

tive sites forming x-bridges

58. muscle motor unit 1 somatic neuron containing

several different fibres that inset
into targets

59. when is maximal produced by a muscle when all motor units are activat-

60. _____________ increases myofibrils in training, strength

the sarcolemma to gain ______________

61. muscles contraction - step 1 nerve impulses arrive at axonal

terminal of motor neurons and
triggers acetylcholine release

62. muscles contraction - step 2 acetylcholine diffuses across

synaptic cleft and binds to its re-
ceptors triggering a MAP

63. muscles contraction - step 3 acetychlinesterase in synaptic

cleft destroys acetycholine so
another MAP doesnt occur

64. muscles contraction - step 4 AMP travelling along t-tubules

opens calcium release channels
in the SR letting calcium ions
flood into the sarcoplasm

65. muscles contraction - step 5 calcium binds to troponin of

actin exposing its myosin-bind-
ing sites

66. muscles contraction - step 6 power strokes use ATP where

myosin heads bind to actin, swiv-
el and relases as actin is pulled
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towards the centre of the sar-

67. muscles contraction - step 7 calcium release channels in the

SR close and calcium active
pumps use ATP to restore low
levels of calcium

68. muscles contraction - step 8 troponin-tropomyosin complex

slides back into position blocking
the acting binidng sites

69. muscles contraction - step 9 muscle relaxes

70. types of muscle contraction isometric and isotonic

71. isometric contraction length of muscle doesn't change

but tension increases

72. isotonic contraction constant tensions but muscle

length changes

73. types of isotonic contractions concentric and eccentric

74. concentric contraction muscle shortens when tension

overcomes resistance

75. eccentric contraction muscle lengthens when resis-

tance is greater than tesnsion

76. Type I muscle fibers slow oxidative

77. slow oxidative fibres slow twitch, high oxidative, slow

myosin ATP breakdown, small
diameter, more mitochondria,
better blood supply, fatigue re-
sistance and used for endurace

78. Type IIa muscle fibers fast oxidative glycolytic

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79. fast oxidative glycolytic fibres fast twitch, low oxidative, fast
myosin ATP breakdown, larg-
er diameter, less mitochondria,
less blood supply, less aerobic

80. type Iix muscle fibers fast glycolytic

81. fast glycolytic fibers fast twitch, low oxidative, largest

fibres, fewest mitochondria, less
blood supply, lowest aerobic
ca[acity, fatiguable, use glycoly-

82. origin/head muscle end attached to more

stationary bone

83. insertion muscle end attached to move-

able bone

84. muscle belly largest portion of muscle be-

tween origin and insertion

85. aponeurosis a very broad tendon

86. agonist muscle that when contracts

causes an action

87. antagonist muscle working in opposition to


88. synergists muscles working together to

cause a movement

89. prime mover muscle that plays major role in

accomplishing a movement

90. fixators stabilize the origin and joint

crossed by prime movers

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91. muscles on named based on location, size, shape, ac-
tion/function, orientation direc-
tion of fibres, origin and insertion
and number of heads

92. Muscle Nomenclature: Location pectoralis, gluteus, brachial

93. Muscle Nomenclature: size maximum, minimus, longus, bre-


94. Muscle Nomenclature: shape deltoid, quadrates, teres

95. Muscle Nomenclature: action or func- abductor, adductor, masseter


96. Muscle Nomenclature: orientation direc- rectus

tion of fibres

97. Muscle Nomenclature: origin and inser- sternocleidomastoid, brachiora-

tion dialis

98. Muscle Nomenclature: number of heads biceps and triceps

99. deltoid has ___________ shape triangle

100. quadrates has ___________ shape square

101. teres has ______________ shape round

102. head and neck muscles actions flexion, extension, rotation

103. head and neck muscles: flexion muscles deep within neck along
anterior margins of vertebral

104. head and neck muscles: extension posterior neck muscles attached
to occipital bones and mastoid

105. head and neck muscles: rotation

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lateral and poster groups of mus-

106. head and neck muscles examples sternocleidomastoid, trapezius

107. sternocleidomastoid movement flexion, rotation, lateral flexion

108. trapezius movement extension, rotation, lateral flex-


109. vertebral column muscles muscles that extend, laterally

flex and rotate the vertebral col-

110. vertebral column muscle function produce erect and main posture

111. vertebral column muscle divisions deep and superficial

112. Deep vertebral column muscles from vertebrae to vertebrae

113. superficial vertebral column muscles extend from vertebrae to ribs

114. vertebral column muscle example erector spinae

115. erector spinae movement VT column extend

116. thoracic muscles involved in breathing

117. thoracic muscles groups scalenes, external and internal

intercostals, transverse thoracis
and diaphragm

118. scalenes muscles elevate first two ribs in inspira-


119. external intercostal muscles elevate ribs

120. external intercostal muscle fibres lateral to medial from superior to


121. internal intercostal muscles depress ribs during expiration

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122. internal intercostal muscle fibres medial to lateral from inferior to


123. transverse thoracis muscles depresses ribs during expiration

124. Diaphragm major in inspiration movement

where it flattens during contrac-
tions and increases the thoracic
cavity volume

125. job of abdominal muscles flex and route VT column, de-

crease volume of the abdominal
and thoracic cavities

126. what do the abdominal muscles aid in? forced expiration, vomiting, defe-
cation, urination, and childbirth

127. abdominal muscles rectus abdominis, external

oblique, internal oblique, trans-
versus abdominis

128. rectus abdominis compress the abdomen, flexion

129. external obliques rotation, lateral flexion, flexion

130. internal oblique rotation, lateral flexion, flexion

131. transverse abdominis only compresses abdomen

132. job of scapular muscles muscles attaching upper limbs

to the body the move and stabilie
the scapula and clavicle

133. scapular muscles trapezius, levator scapulae,

rhomboideus, serratus anterior,
pectoralis minor

134. trapezius shoulder movement protraction, retraction, circum-

duction, pulls scapula together

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135. levator scapulae movement elevate and rotate scapula

136. rhomboideus movement major and minot that bring

scapula towards spine, roate
and elevate

137. serrates anterior movement protraction

138. pectoralis minor movement scapula depression

139. arm muscles job attach arm to thorax

140. arm muscles pectoralis major, latissimus dor-

si, deltoid

141. pectoralis major arm movement arm flexion, arm extension when
already flexion, adduction, medi-
al rotation

142. latissimus dorsi arm movement extension, adduction, medial ro-


143. deltoid arm movement abduction, medial and lateral ro-

tation, flexion, extension

144. rotator cuff muscles supraspinatus, infraspinatus,

teres minor, subscapularis

145. rotator cuff muscle movements abduction, adduction, rotation

146. infraspinatus posterior, lateral rotation

147. subscapularis anterior, medial rotation

148. supraspinatus abduction

149. teres minor adduction and lateral rotation

150. forearm muscle movements extension, flexion, supination,


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151. forearm extension triceps brachii, anconeus

152. forearm flexion biceps brachii, brachialis, bra-


153. Forearm Supination supinator, biceps brachii

154. forearm pronation pronator teres, pronator quadra-


155. Extrinsic hand muscles wrist, hand and finger muscles

156. anterior forearm muscles flex, adduct and abduct the wrist

157. posterior forearm muscles extend and abduct the wrist

158. intrinsic hand muscles originate and insert within the


159. intrinsic hand muscles examples thenar muscles, hypothenuse


160. thigh muscles originate on coxa and insert onto


161. thigh anterior muscles flex hip

162. anterior thigh muscles liacus, psoas major

163. posterolateral thigh muscles gluteus maximus, gluteus min-

imus, tensor fasciar latae

164. gluteus Maximus movement extension and abduction

165. gluteus minibus movement abduction

166. tensor fasciae latae stabilizes femur and involved in


167. deep thigh muscles high rotators

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168. sartorius flexes hip, laterally rotates thigh,
attach from lateral hip to medial

169. medial thigh muscles movement adduction

170. posterior thigh muscles hamstrings

171. hamstrings movement knee flexion, hip extension, leg


172. hamstring muscles biceps femoris, semitendinosus,


173. Semitendinosus medial and superficial

174. biceps femoris superficial, lateral with large

muscle belly

175. Semimembranosus deepest

176. quadriceps femoris anterior thigh muscles that share

a common tendon involvedin
knee extension

177. quadriceps femoris muscles rectus femoris, vastus lateralis,

vastus medialis, vastus inter-

178. rectus femoris superficial, crosses hip joints

and flexes hip

179. patellar tendon common tendon shared be-

tween quadriceps muscles

180. patellar tendon above patella connecting quadri-

ceps to patella

181. patellar ligament below patella connecting patella

to tibia

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182. anterior compartment of leg extensors involved in dorsiflex-
ion, foot eversion and inversion
and toe extension

183. lateral compartment of leg plantar flexion, eversion

184. posterior compartment of leg - superfi- plantar flexion haring common

cial movements tendon of insertion

185. posterior compartment of leg - superfi- achilles tendon, gastrocnemius,

cial muscles planters, soleus

186. posterior compartment of leg - deep plantar flexion, foot inversion,

movements toe flexion

187. intrinsic foot muscles analogous and bigger than in-

trinsic hand muscles but serve in
support and locomotion

188. intrinsic foot muscles movements toe flexion and extension, toe
abduction and adduction

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