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‫ ڤ‬of Parts of Speech

General Illustration
‫تصور عام عن أجزاء الكالم‬
Pars of Speech are divided into 5 main parts:
1- The letters ( Alphabet )
‫ الحروف‬-1
2- Words in the English language are divided, according to their use in
the sentence, into nine classes called parts of speech.
: ‫ أنواع تسمى أجزاء الكالم‬9 ‫ إلى‬- ‫ الكلمات في اللغة اإلنجليزية تنقسم – حسب استخدامها في الجملة‬-2
The 9 parts of speech are classified under four headings:
:‫تصنف أجزاء الكالم التسعة تحت أربعة عناوين‬
1- Principal ‫ رئيسية‬2- Modifiers ‫ محددات‬3- Connectives ‫ روابط‬4- Independent ‫مستقلة‬
a. Noun a. Adjective a. Prepositon a. Interjection
b. Pronoun b. Adverb b. Conjunction
c. Verb c. Article
a) A Noun: is a word used for naming anything
.‫ االسم هو عبارة عن كلمة تستخدم لتسمية أي شيء‬-1
b) A Pronoun: is a word used instead of a noun and takes its place
.‫ الضميرعبارة عن كلمة تستخدم بدل االسم و تحل محله‬-2
c) A Verb: is a word used for expressing a state or an action
.‫ الفعل عبارة عن كلمة تعبر عن حركة أو حالة‬-3
d) The Adjective: is a word used to qualify a noun or a pronoun
.‫ الصفة عبارة عن كلمة تصف االسم أو الضمير‬-4
e) The Adverb: is a word used to describe a verb, an adjective or another adverb
.‫ الظرف هو عبارة عن كلمة تصف الفعل أو الصفة أو ظرف آخر‬-5
f) The Articles: A, An and The
a , an & the ‫ األدوات هي الكلمات‬-6
g) A Preposition: is a word used to show the relation between a noun and another word in the sentence
.‫ حرف الجر عبارة عن كلمة تستخدم لتبين العالقة بين االسم و بين أي كلمة أخرى في الجملة‬-7
h) A Conjunction: is a word used to join words, phrases and sentences
.‫ الرابط هو عبارة عن كلمة تستعمل لربط الكلمات و العبارات و الجمل‬-8
i) The Interjection: is word or words used to express a sudden emotion.
.‫ اللفظ العاطفي هو عبارة عن كلمة أو كلمات تستخدم للتعبير عن عاطفة مفاجئة‬-9
3) The phrase:
The phrase is a group of words nonsense, without a finite verb. It is divided into 3 kinds:
1) The noun phrase. 2) The adjectival phrase. 3) The adverbial phrase.
:‫) العبارة‬3
:‫العبارة هي مجموعة من الكلمات خالية من المعنى و ليس بها فعل محدد بفاعل و تنقسم إلى ثالثة أنواع‬
) ‫ ( التي تعبر عن الحال‬.‫) العبارة الحالية‬3 .‫) العبارة الوصفية‬2 .‫) العبارة االسمية‬1
4) The clause:
The clause is a group of words does not express full sense although it comprises a finite verb. It is
divided into 3 kinds:
1) The noun clause. 2) The adjectival clause. 3) The adverbial clause.
:‫) شبه الجملة‬4
:‫هي مجموعة من الكلمات ال تعبر عن معنى تام بالرغم من احتوائها على فعل محدد بفاعل و هي تنقسم إلى ثالثة أنواع هي‬
.‫) شبه الجملة الحالية‬3 .‫) شبه الجملة الوصفية‬2 .‫) شبه الجملة االسمية‬1
5) The Sentence:
The sentence is a group of words which makes a complete sense and contains a finite verb.
- The sentence is divided into 3 kinds.
a) A simple sentence.
b) A compound sentence
c) A complex sentence
.‫ هي عبارة عن مجموعة من الكلمات لها معنى تام و تحتوي على فعل محدد بفاعل‬:‫ ) الجملة‬5
:‫ الجملة تنقسم إلى ثالثة أنواع‬-
‫أ) الجملة البسيطة‬
‫ب) الجملة المركبة‬
‫ج) الجملة المعقدة‬
- The sentence has two main parts:
1) The subject: Which has 5 substitutes.
a) The noun
b) The pronoun
c) An adjective used as a noun
d) The Noun phrase
e) The Noun clause
:‫ له خمسة بدائل‬:‫) الفاعل‬1
‫أ) االسم‬
‫ب) الضمير‬
‫ج) الصفة التي تستخدم كاسم‬
‫د) العبارة االسمية‬
‫هـ) شبه الجملة االسمية‬
2) The predicate: Where the verb is playing the fundamental part like.
a) The Transitive verb
b) The intransitive verb
c) The Joining verb
:‫ حيث أن الفعل يلعب دورا هاما فيه مثل‬:‫) الخبر‬2
‫أ) الفعل المتعدي‬
‫ب) الفعل الالزم‬
‫ج) الفعل الرابط‬
The Parts of Speech

Firstly: The Alphabet: ‫ حروف الهجاء‬:‫أوال‬

A) The letters:
1) Capital letters:
2) Small letters:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Alphabet consists of 26 letters 5 of them are vowels, 2 of them are considered semi-vowels and the
remain are consonants
.‫ ) تعتبر شبة متحركة و الباقي أحرف ساكنة‬2 ( ‫ ) أحرف متحركة و‬5 ( ‫) حرفا منها‬26( ‫تتكون حروف الهجاء من‬
B) How to pronounce the letters well?
‫ب) كيف تنطق الحروف نطقا جيدا؟‬
Pronouncing the Vowels
A ‫حرف‬
:‫ – ينطق كاأللف الممدودة ( آ ) كما في الكلمات التالية‬1
far – father – farmer- car – fast – dark
:‫ ) مثل‬y ) ‫ ينطق كاسمه إذا جاء بعده حرف‬-2
way ‫ طريق‬lay ‫وضع‬
say ‫ يقول‬day ‫يوم‬
may ‫ ربما‬ray ‫شعاع‬
:‫ في نهاية الكلمة مثل‬a consonant + e ( silent ) ‫ ينطق بنفس الطريقة إّذا جاء بعده‬-3
‫‪date‬‬ ‫‪ make‬تاريخ‬ ‫يصنع‬
‫‪fate‬‬ ‫‪ cake‬مصير‬ ‫كعك‬
‫‪ -4‬و يلفظ بنفس الطريقة إذا جاء بعده حرف ) ‪ ( i‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪hair‬‬ ‫‪ pair‬شعر‬ ‫زوج‬
‫‪fair‬‬ ‫‪ stair‬جميل‬ ‫سلم‬
‫‪ -5‬يلفظ كاأللف العادية في الكلمات التي تتكون من ثالثة أحرف‪:‬‬
‫‪bad‬‬ ‫‪ cat‬رديء‬ ‫‪ fat‬قطة‬ ‫سمين‬
‫‪hat‬‬ ‫‪ sad‬قبعة‬ ‫‪ bag‬حزين‬ ‫حقيبة‬
‫و ال يقتصر على الكلمات القصيرة فقط فهناك كلمات أطول تنطق بنفس الطريقة مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪bank‬‬ ‫‪ battle‬مصرف‬ ‫‪ camera‬معركة‬ ‫‪ camel‬كاميرا‬ ‫جمل‬
‫‪amateur‬‬ ‫‪ angry‬هاوي‬ ‫‪ accident‬غاضب‬ ‫‪ absent‬حادثة‬ ‫غائب‬
‫‪ -6‬إذا وقعت ‪ a‬في أول الكلمة فإنها تنطق كالهمزة (أ) مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪ahead‬‬ ‫‪ about‬أمامك‬ ‫‪ above‬حول ‪ ،‬تقريبا‬ ‫فوق‬
‫‪allow‬‬ ‫‪ asleep‬يسمح‬ ‫‪ alarm‬نائم‬ ‫إنذار‬
‫‪ -7‬ينطق حرف )‪ (a‬مثل حرف )‪ (o‬إذا جاء بعده حرف )‪ (l‬أو )‪ (ll‬كما في الكلمات التالية ‪:‬‬
‫‪call‬‬ ‫‪ all‬نداء‬ ‫‪ ball‬كل‬ ‫كرة‬
‫‪alter‬‬ ‫‪ wall‬مذبح‬ ‫‪ fall‬حائط‬ ‫يسقط‬
‫‪small‬‬ ‫‪ hall‬صغير‬ ‫‪ also‬قاعة‬ ‫أيضا‬
‫‪tall‬‬ ‫‪ mall‬طويل‬ ‫‪ already‬سوق تجاري كبير‬ ‫من قبل‬
‫‪ -8‬إذا وقع بعد حرف )‪ (a‬حرف )‪ (u‬أو )‪ (w‬فإنه ينق )‪:(o‬‬
‫‪autonomy‬‬ ‫‪ Austria‬حكم ذاتي‬ ‫النمسا‬
‫‪awful‬‬ ‫‪ awl‬فظيع‬ ‫مخرز‬
‫حرف ‪E‬‬
‫‪ -1‬إذا وقع حرف )‪ (e‬وحده في كلمة ينطق كالياء المفتوحة‪:‬‬
‫‪ten‬‬ ‫‪ fed‬عشرة‬ ‫‪ bed‬اطعم‬ ‫سرير‬
‫‪red‬‬ ‫‪ pen‬أحمر‬ ‫‪ fence‬قلم‬ ‫سياج‬
‫‪ -2‬إذا جاء حرف )‪ (e‬مضاعفا أي )‪ (ee‬أو جاء بعده حرف )‪ (a‬يكون طويل‪:‬‬
‫‪sweet‬‬ ‫حلو‬ ‫‪deep‬‬ ‫‪ feet‬عميق‬ ‫أقدام‬
‫‪deer‬‬ ‫غزال‬ ‫‪street‬‬ ‫‪ tree‬شارع‬ ‫شجرة‬
‫‪eat‬‬ ‫يأكل‬ ‫‪seat‬‬ ‫‪ east‬مقعد‬ ‫شرق‬
‫‪meat‬‬ ‫لحم‬ ‫‪beat‬‬ ‫‪ neat‬يضرب‬ ‫منسق‬
‫‪ -2‬حرف )‪ (e‬يكون دائما صاما في نهاية الكلمة‪:‬‬
‫‪have‬‬ ‫‪ live‬يملك‬ ‫‪ life‬يعيش‬ ‫حياة‬
‫‪blue‬‬ ‫‪ love‬أزرق‬ ‫‪ move‬يحب‬ ‫يتحرك‬
‫حرف ‪I‬‬
‫‪ -1‬ينطق حرف )‪ (i‬مثل الكسرة في اللغة العربية‪:‬‬
‫‪sin‬‬ ‫‪ fit‬ذنب‬ ‫‪ sit‬مناسب‬ ‫يجلس‬
‫‪ink‬‬ ‫‪ ring‬حبر‬ ‫‪ hit‬خاتم‬ ‫يضرب‬
‫‪ -2‬إذا جاء حرف )‪ (i‬في وسط الكلمة و كانت منتهية بحرف )‪ (e‬صامت فإنه ينطق كاسمه‪:‬‬
‫‪bite‬‬ ‫‪ life‬يعض‬ ‫‪ time‬حياة‬ ‫وقت‬
‫‪dive‬‬ ‫‪ price‬يغوص‬ ‫‪ wine‬سعر‬ ‫خمر‬
‫و يشذ عن هذه القاعدة بعض الكلمات مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪give‬‬ ‫‪ rinse‬يعطي‬ ‫‪ live‬يشطف‬ ‫يعيش‬
‫‪bizarre‬‬ ‫‪ mince‬غريب‬ ‫‪ since‬يفرم‬ ‫منذ‬
‫‪ -3‬إذا وقعا حرفا )‪ (gh‬بعد حرف )‪ (i‬فإنهما ال يلفظان ‪ ،‬ويلفظ كاسمه‪:‬‬
‫‪high‬‬ ‫‪ sigh‬مرتفع‬ ‫‪ fight‬يتنهد‬ ‫يحارب‬
‫‪nigh‬‬ ‫‪ bright‬قريب من‬ ‫‪ fright‬المع‬ ‫يخيف‬
‫‪light‬‬ ‫‪ night‬ضوء‬ ‫‪ sight‬ليل‬ ‫نظر‬
‫حرف ‪o‬‬
‫‪ -1‬إذا وقع حرف )‪ (o‬وحده في كلمة واحدة أو جاء في كلمة منتهية بحرف )‪ (e‬صامت‪ ،‬فإنه ينطق مثل اسمه‪:‬‬
‫‪mode‬‬ ‫‪ gold‬أسلوب‬ ‫‪ rose‬ذهب‬ ‫وردة‬
‫‪go‬‬ ‫‪ rope‬يذهب‬ ‫‪ host‬حبل‬ ‫مضيف‬
‫‪ -2‬إذا جاء بعده حرف )‪ (a‬فإن النطق ال يتغير‪:‬‬
‫‪road‬‬ ‫‪ coal‬طريق‬ ‫‪ soap‬فحم‬ ‫صابون‬
‫‪coast‬‬ ‫‪ goal‬شاطئ‬ ‫‪ throat‬هدف‬ ‫حنجرة‬
‫‪ -3‬و يلفظ كذلك إذا جاء بعده حرف )‪ (w‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪grow‬‬ ‫‪ flow‬ينمو‬ ‫‪ crow‬ينساب‬ ‫غراب‬
‫‪low‬‬ ‫‪ show‬منخفض‬ ‫‪ slow‬يعرض‬ ‫بطيء‬
‫و يشذ عن هذه القاعدة بعض الكلمات مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪cow‬‬ ‫بقرة‬ ‫‪power‬‬ ‫‪ fowl‬قدرة‪ ،‬طاقة‬ ‫طائر‬
‫‪brown‬‬ ‫بني‬ ‫‪tower‬‬ ‫‪ how‬برج‬ ‫كيف‬
‫‪down‬‬ ‫تحت‬ ‫‪trowel‬‬ ‫‪ now‬مجرفة‬ ‫اآلن‬
‫‪crown‬‬ ‫تاج‬ ‫‪town‬‬ ‫‪ powder‬مدينة‬ ‫مسحوق‬
‫‪howl‬‬ ‫نباح‬ ‫‪coward‬‬ ‫‪ sow‬جبان‬ ‫خنزيرة‬
‫‪jowl‬‬ ‫الفك األسفل‬ ‫‪towel‬‬ ‫‪ bow‬منشفة (فوطة)‬ ‫ينحني‬
‫حرف ‪u‬‬
‫‪ -1‬إذا وقع حرف )‪ (u‬وحده في كلمة واحدة أو جاء في بداية الكلمة فإنه ينطق كفتحة من أعماق الفم‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪cut‬‬ ‫‪ fun‬يقطع‬ ‫‪ nut‬متعة‬ ‫بندق‬
‫‪but‬‬ ‫‪ mud‬لكن‬ ‫‪ shut‬طين‬ ‫يغلق‬
‫‪up‬‬ ‫‪ under‬فوق‬ ‫‪ unkind‬تحت‬ ‫قاسي‬
‫‪ugly‬‬ ‫‪ ulcer‬قبيح‬ ‫‪ utter‬قرحة‬ ‫يلفظ‬
‫و لكن يشذ عن هذه القاعدة بعض الكلمات‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪bull‬‬ ‫‪ put‬ثور‬ ‫‪ pull‬يضع‬ ‫يسحب‬
‫‪push‬‬ ‫‪ full‬يدفع‬ ‫‪ pulley‬مملوء‬ ‫بَكرة الخيط‬
‫‪unit‬‬ ‫‪ use‬وحدة‬ ‫‪ Utopia‬يستخدم‬ ‫المدينة الفاضلة‬
‫‪unite‬‬ ‫‪ union‬يوحد‬ ‫‪ utensil‬اتحاد‬ ‫إناء ‪ ،‬وعاء‬
‫‪unity‬‬ ‫‪ urine‬وحدة‬ ‫‪ university‬بول‬ ‫جامعة‬
‫‪universe‬‬ ‫‪ useful‬الكون‬ ‫‪ unique‬مفيد‬ ‫فريد‬
‫‪ -2‬إذا جاء حرف )‪ (u‬بعد حرف )‪ (o‬فيلفظان (أو) كما في الكلمات التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪boundary‬‬ ‫‪ loud‬حدود‬ ‫‪ stout‬عالي‬ ‫جريء‬
‫‪ground‬‬ ‫‪ sound‬سطح األرض‬ ‫‪ founder‬صوت‬ ‫مؤسس‬
‫‪ -3‬و يلفظ )‪ (u‬مثل صوته في حروف الهجاء أي (يو) إذا وقع في الكلمة و تبعه حرف ساكن ثم حرف متحرك‪:‬‬
‫‪pure‬‬ ‫‪ during‬نقي‬ ‫‪ articulate‬خالل‬ ‫يتحدث بوضوح‬
‫‪human‬‬ ‫‪ albumen‬إنسان‬ ‫‪ ambulance‬بياض البيض‬ ‫سيارة إسعاف‬
‫‪Pronouncing the Consonants‬‬
‫حرف ‪b‬‬
‫هو كحرف (الباء) في اللغة العربية الحظ‪:‬‬
‫‪basket‬‬ ‫‪ cab‬سلة‬ ‫‪ banana‬سيارة أجرة‬ ‫‪ mobile‬موز‬ ‫موبايل‬
‫حرف )‪ (b‬عادة يكون صامتا إذا جاء بعد حرف )‪ ، (m‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪tomb‬‬ ‫‪ lamb‬مقبرة‬ ‫‪ dumb‬خروف صغير (حمل)‬ ‫أخرس ‪ ،‬غبي‬
‫‪thumb‬‬ ‫‪ climb‬إبهام‬ ‫‪ limb‬يتسلق‬ ‫طرف ( مفرد أطراف)‬
‫و في بعض الكلمات‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪debt‬‬ ‫‪َ doubt‬دين‬ ‫‪ subtle‬شك‬ ‫رقيق‬
‫حرف ‪c‬‬
‫‪-1‬إذا كان حرف )‪ (c‬متبوعا بـ )‪ (a, o, u‬فأنه ينطق مثل حرف )‪ (k‬كما في‪:‬‬
‫‪cat‬‬ ‫‪ come‬قطة‬ ‫‪ cut‬يأتي‬ ‫يقطع‬
‫‪car‬‬ ‫‪ contain‬سيارة‬ ‫‪ cup‬يحتوي‬ ‫كوب‬
‫‪can‬‬ ‫‪ coat‬يستطيع‬ ‫‪ cub‬معطف‬ ‫شبل‬
‫‪ -2‬وينطق كذلك إذا جاء بعده حرف ساكن ماعدا )‪ (h‬أو جاء في نهاية الكلمة‪:‬‬
‫‪class‬‬ ‫‪ creep‬فصل‬ ‫‪ arc‬يزحف‬ ‫قوس‬
‫‪clean‬‬ ‫‪ cross‬نظيف‬ ‫‪ Arabic‬يعبر‬ ‫اللغة العربية‬
‫‪clinic‬‬ ‫‪ crazy‬عيادة طبيب‬ ‫‪ classic‬مجنون‬ ‫تقليدي‬
‫‪ -3‬إذا كان حرف )‪ (c‬متبوعا بـ )‪ (e, i, y‬فأنه ينطق مثل حرف )‪ (s‬كما في‪:‬‬

‫‪cell‬‬ ‫‪ city‬خلية‬ ‫‪ cylinder‬مدينة‬ ‫أسطوانة‬
‫‪nice‬‬ ‫‪ circus‬لطيف‬ ‫‪ cycle‬سيرك‬ ‫دورة‬
‫‪celebrate‬‬ ‫‪ cinema‬يحتفل‬ ‫‪ bicycle‬سينما‬ ‫دراجة‬
‫‪ -4‬إذا كان حرف )‪ (c‬متبوعا بـ )‪ (ia, ie, io‬فأنه ينطق مثل )‪( (sh‬ش) كما في‪:‬‬
‫‪special‬‬ ‫‪ efficient‬خاص‬ ‫‪ efficacious‬كفء‬ ‫فعال‪ ،‬مؤثر‬
‫‪ -5‬عندما يتجمع حرف الـ )‪ (c‬مع حرف الـ )‪ (h‬فيكونان صوتا هو )‪( (ch‬تش) و إليك بعض األمثلة‪:‬‬
‫‪chain‬‬ ‫‪ beach‬سلسلة‬ ‫‪ chair‬شاطئ‬ ‫كرسي‬
‫‪chance‬‬ ‫‪ reach‬فرصة‬ ‫‪ chalk‬يصل‬ ‫طباشير‬
‫‪cheap‬‬ ‫‪ cheese‬رخيص‬ ‫‪ champion‬جبنة‬ ‫بطل رياضي‬
‫‪ -6‬هناك كلمات تشذ عن هذه القاعدة فيلفظ الـ )‪ (ch‬مثل حرف )‪ ، (k‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪character‬‬ ‫‪ architect‬شخصية‬ ‫‪ chorus‬مهندس معماري‬ ‫كورس‬
‫‪chemist‬‬ ‫‪ headache‬صيدلي‬ ‫‪ stomach‬صداع‬ ‫معدة‬
‫‪ -7‬أيضا هناك كلمات تشذ عن هذه القاعدة فيلفظ الـ )‪ (ch‬مثل حرف )‪ (sh‬أي (ش) ‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪chamois‬‬ ‫‪ machine‬شامواه‬ ‫‪ chalet‬ماكينة‬ ‫شاليه‬
‫‪ -8‬يكون حرف الـ )‪ (c‬صامت في حالة واحدة إذا جاء بعده حرف الـ )‪ (k‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪black‬‬ ‫‪ back‬أسود‬ ‫‪ block‬ظهر‬ ‫عمارة‬
‫حرف ‪d‬‬
‫‪ -1‬ينطق كحرف الدال في اللغة العربية مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪deep‬‬ ‫‪ deed‬عميق‬ ‫‪ dam‬عمل‬ ‫‪ dance‬سد مياه‬ ‫يرقص‬

‫"‪2- Pronunciation of "ed‬‬

‫‪/t/‬‬ ‫‪/d/‬‬ ‫‪/ id /‬‬
‫إذا انتهت الكلمة بـ‪:‬‬ ‫مع باقي الحروف‪:‬‬ ‫إذا انتهت الكلمة بـ‪:‬‬
‫‪ch, f, gh, k, p, s, sh‬‬ ‫‪moved, played, answered, filled d, t‬‬
‫‪worked, finished, watched,‬‬ ‫‪needed, started, waited,‬‬
‫‪laughed, crossed, dropped,‬‬ ‫‪defended‬‬
‫‪ -3‬ال ينطق في هذه الكلمات‪:‬‬
‫‪handkerchief‬‬ ‫‪ handsome‬منديل‬ ‫‪ grandmother‬وسيم‬ ‫‪ Wednesday‬جدة‬ ‫األربعاء‬
‫حرف ‪f‬‬
‫ينطق مثل حرف (الفاء) في اللغة العربية‪:‬‬
‫‪fast‬‬ ‫‪ find‬سريع‬ ‫‪ furious‬يجد‬ ‫غاضب جدا‬
‫‪fat‬‬ ‫‪ far‬سمين‬ ‫‪ deaf‬بعيد‬ ‫أصم‬
‫حرف ‪G‬‬
‫‪ -1‬صوت قاسي )‪ (hard‬كالجيم المصرية إذا جاء بعده الحروف )‪ (a, o, u‬أو جاء في أخر الكلمة أو جاء بعدة أي حرف ساكن كما في الكلمات‬
‫‪game‬‬ ‫‪ go‬لعبة‬ ‫‪ gum‬يذهب‬ ‫لبان‬
‫‪gate‬‬ ‫‪ goose‬بوابة‬ ‫‪ gun‬إوزة‬ ‫بندقية‬
‫‪egg‬‬ ‫‪ beg‬بيضة‬ ‫‪ ring‬يتوسل‬ ‫خاتم‬
‫‪dog‬‬ ‫‪ bag‬كلب‬ ‫‪ plug‬حقيبة‬ ‫يوصل جهاز كهربائي‬
‫‪green‬‬ ‫‪ group‬اخضر‬ ‫‪ glass‬مجموعة‬ ‫زجاج‬
‫‪ -2‬صوت رقيق )‪ (soft‬إذا جاء بعده الحروف )‪ (e, i, y‬كما في الكلمات التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪gem‬‬ ‫‪ cage‬جوهرة‬ ‫‪ age‬قفص‬ ‫عمر‬
‫‪engine‬‬ ‫‪ giant‬محرك‬ ‫‪ ginger‬عمالق‬ ‫زنجبيل‬
‫‪gymnastics‬‬ ‫‪ gypsy‬رياضة بدنية‬ ‫‪ gypsum‬غجري‬ ‫جبس‬
‫يشذ عن هذه القاعدة الكلمات‪:‬‬
‫‪give‬‬ ‫‪ get‬يعطي‬ ‫‪ gift‬يحصل على‬ ‫هدية‬
‫‪gynecology‬‬ ‫‪ gynecologist‬طبيب نساء‬ ‫طبيب أمراض نساء‬
‫عند ورود حرف )‪ (h‬بعد حرف )‪ (g‬يكون على وجهين‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬ينطق مثل حرف )‪ (f‬أو (ف) في اللغة العربية‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪enough‬‬ ‫‪ cough‬كاف‬ ‫‪ laugh‬يسعل‬ ‫‪ rough‬يضحك‬ ‫خشن‬
‫‪ -2‬يكون صامتا ً كما في الكلمات التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪high‬‬ ‫‪ bright‬مرتفع‬ ‫‪ might‬المع‬ ‫ربما‬
‫‪night‬‬ ‫‪ bought‬ليل‬ ‫‪ sight‬أشترى‬ ‫بصر‬
‫‪fight‬‬ ‫‪ caught‬يحارب‬ ‫‪ taught‬مسك‬ ‫علم‬
‫‪ -3‬حرف )‪ (g‬يكون صامتا إذا جاء بعده حرف )‪ (n‬أو )‪ (m‬كما في األمثلة‪:‬‬
‫‪diaphragm‬‬ ‫‪ sign‬حجاب حاجز‬ ‫‪ foreign‬عالمة‬ ‫أجنبي‬
‫‪gnat‬‬ ‫‪ gnaw‬بعوضة صغيرة‬ ‫‪ reign‬يقضم‬ ‫يتولى الملك‬
‫حرف ‪H‬‬
‫‪ -1‬يلفظ مثل حرف (الهاء) في اللغة العربية‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪half‬‬ ‫‪ hand‬نصف‬ ‫‪ hill‬يد‬ ‫تل‬
‫‪hat‬‬ ‫‪ heat‬قبعة‬ ‫‪ house‬حرارة‬ ‫منزل‬
‫‪ -2‬يكون حرف )‪ (h‬صامتا إذا سبقه )‪ ( g, k, r & w‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪ghost‬‬ ‫‪ rhinoceros‬شبح‬ ‫‪ whale‬وحيد القرن‬ ‫حوت‬
‫‪aghast‬‬ ‫‪ rhyme‬مصدوم‬ ‫‪ what‬قافية‬ ‫ماذا‬
‫‪ghee‬‬ ‫‪ khaki‬دهن نباتي‬ ‫‪ wheat‬كاكي‬ ‫قمح‬
‫‪ -2‬يكون صامت في بعض الكلمات‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪honest‬‬ ‫‪ hour‬أمين‬ ‫‪ honour‬ساعة‬ ‫شرف‬
‫حرف ‪J‬‬
‫حرف )‪ (j‬ينطق مثل (الجيم) العربية‪:‬‬
‫‪joke‬‬ ‫‪ jam‬نكتة‬ ‫‪ joy‬مربى‬ ‫ابتهاج‬
‫‪job‬‬ ‫‪ jump‬وظيفة‬ ‫‪ journey‬يقفز‬ ‫رحلة‬
‫حرف ‪K‬‬
‫يحمل حرف )‪ (k‬صوت حرف (ك) في العربية‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪kill‬‬ ‫‪ kid‬يقتل‬ ‫‪ king‬طفل‬ ‫ملك‬
‫‪kite‬‬ ‫‪ keep‬طيارة ورقية‬ ‫‪ key‬يحفظ‬ ‫مفتاح‬
‫إذا جاء حرف )‪ (n‬بعد حرف )‪ (k‬فإنه ال ينطق و إليك أمثلة‪:‬‬
‫‪know‬‬ ‫‪ knit‬يعرف‬ ‫‪ knee‬يحوك‬ ‫‪ knife‬ركبة‬ ‫سكين‬
‫‪knight‬‬ ‫‪ knock‬فارس‬ ‫‪ knob‬يطرق‬ ‫مقبض‬
‫حرف ‪L‬‬
‫هو كحرف (ل) العربية كما في الكلمات التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪lake‬‬ ‫‪ lid‬بحيرة‬ ‫‪ loyal‬جفن العين‬ ‫مخلص‬
‫‪leg‬‬ ‫‪ last‬رجل‬ ‫‪ luck‬أخير‬ ‫حظ‬
‫يكون حرف )‪ (l‬صامتا في مجموعات الحروف )‪ (-alk, -alm‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪talk‬‬ ‫‪ chalk‬يتكلم‬ ‫‪ calm‬طباشير‬ ‫هادئ‬
‫‪walk‬‬ ‫‪ balm‬يمشي‬ ‫‪ palm‬بلسم‬ ‫كف اليد‬
‫حرف ‪m‬‬
‫لحرف )‪ (m‬نفس صوت حرف الـ (م) العربي‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪man‬‬ ‫‪ milk‬رجل‬ ‫‪ mount‬حليب‬ ‫‪ make‬جبل‬ ‫يصنع‬
‫‪meat‬‬ ‫‪ map‬لحم‬ ‫‪ menu‬خريطة‬ ‫‪ mint‬قائمة طعام‬ ‫نعناع‬
‫حرف ‪n‬‬
‫لحرف )‪ (n‬نفس صوت حرف الـ (ن) العربي‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪name‬‬ ‫‪ nose‬اسم‬ ‫‪ novel‬أنف‬ ‫‪ need‬رواية‬ ‫يحتاج‬
‫‪neck‬‬ ‫‪ noon‬عنق‬ ‫‪ near‬الظهيرة‬ ‫‪ navy‬قريب‬ ‫أسطول‬
‫و حين يأتي حرف )‪ (n‬في أخر الكلمة بعد حرف )‪ (m‬فإنه يكون صامتا‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪solemn‬‬ ‫‪ column‬وقور‬ ‫‪ condemn‬عمود‬ ‫‪ damn‬أدان‪ ،‬شجب‬ ‫لعن‬
‫حرف ‪p‬‬
‫حرف ليس له مثيل في العربية ولكنه يصدر من الشفتين بقوة كأنه )‪ ، (ph‬مثل‪:‬‬

‫‪park‬‬ ‫‪ power‬منتزه‬ ‫‪ pen‬قوة‬ ‫قلم‬
‫‪party‬‬ ‫‪ past‬حفلة‬ ‫‪ pay‬ماضي‬ ‫يدفع‬
‫حرف )‪ (p‬يكون صامتا إذا جاء بعده حرف )‪ (s‬أو )‪ (n‬كما في األمثلة‪:‬‬
‫‪pneumatic‬‬ ‫‪ psalm‬هوائي‬ ‫‪ psychiatrist‬ترنيمة‬ ‫طبيب نفسي‬
‫‪pneumonia‬‬ ‫‪ pseudo‬التهاب رئوي‬ ‫‪ psychology‬زائف‬ ‫علم نفس‬
‫ينطق حرفي )‪ (ph‬مثل حرف )‪ (f‬كما في الكلمات التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪phantom‬‬ ‫‪ elephant‬شبح‬ ‫‪ philosophy‬فيل‬ ‫فلسفة‬
‫‪pharmacy‬‬ ‫‪ photo‬صيدلية‬ ‫‪ graph‬صورة فوتوغرافية‬ ‫بياني‬ ‫رسم‬
‫‪phone‬‬ ‫‪ phosphate‬تليفون‬ ‫‪ physical‬فوسفاتا‬ ‫بدني‬

‫حرف ‪q‬‬
‫إن حرف )‪ (q‬يكون دائما متبوعا بالحرف )‪ (u‬و هو يعطي الصوت (كو) في الكلمات اإلنجليزية الصرفة و األصلية مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪quick‬‬ ‫‪ quite‬سريع‬ ‫‪ quiet‬تماما‬ ‫هادئ‬
‫‪quality‬‬ ‫‪ quantity‬جودة‬ ‫‪ liquid‬كمية‬ ‫سائل‬
‫أما المقطع النهائي )‪ (que‬يلفظ مثل (ك)‪:‬‬
‫‪unique‬‬ ‫‪ antique‬فريد‬ ‫‪ plaque‬قديم‬ ‫لوحة‬
‫حرف ‪r‬‬
‫حرف )‪ (r‬يشبه حرف (ر) العربي‪:‬‬
‫‪radio‬‬ ‫‪ rat‬الراديو‬ ‫‪ rose‬وردة‬ ‫وردة‬
‫‪rain‬‬ ‫‪ red‬مطر‬ ‫‪ royal‬أحمر‬ ‫ملكي‬
‫حرف ‪s‬‬
‫‪ -1‬حرف )‪ (s‬مثل حرف (س)‪:‬‬
‫‪sad‬‬ ‫‪ seed‬حزين‬ ‫‪ six‬بذرة‬ ‫ستة‬
‫‪sand‬‬ ‫‪ son‬رمل‬ ‫‪ start‬ابن‬ ‫يبدأ‬
‫‪ -2‬ينطق مثل (ز) إذا وقع بين حرفين متحركين‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪positive‬‬ ‫‪ nose‬إيجابي‬ ‫‪ refuse‬أنف‬ ‫يرفض‬
‫‪noise‬‬ ‫‪ lose‬ضوضاء‬ ‫‪ pose‬يفقد‬ ‫تكلف‬
‫"‪Pronunciation of final "s‬‬
‫‪/iz/‬‬ ‫‪/s/‬‬ ‫‪/z/‬‬
‫‪c‬‬ ‫‪races‬‬ ‫‪p‬‬ ‫‪sleeps‬‬ ‫‪b‬‬ ‫‪rubs‬‬
‫‪s‬‬ ‫‪buses‬‬ ‫‪k‬‬ ‫‪books‬‬ ‫‪d‬‬ ‫‪cards‬‬
‫‪x‬‬ ‫‪boxes‬‬ ‫‪t‬‬ ‫‪hats‬‬ ‫‪g‬‬ ‫‪bags‬‬
‫‪z‬‬ ‫‪prizes‬‬ ‫‪f‬‬ ‫‪cliffs‬‬ ‫‪l‬‬ ‫‪deals‬‬
‫‪ss‬‬ ‫‪kisses‬‬ ‫‪ph‬‬ ‫‪graphs‬‬ ‫‪m‬‬ ‫‪dreams‬‬
‫‪ch‬‬ ‫‪watches‬‬ ‫‪th‬‬ ‫‪months‬‬ ‫‪n‬‬ ‫‪fans‬‬
‫‪sh‬‬ ‫‪dishes‬‬ ‫‪ng‬‬ ‫‪sings‬‬
‫‪ge‬‬ ‫‪changes‬‬ ‫‪r‬‬ ‫‪wears‬‬
‫‪v‬‬ ‫‪gloves‬‬
‫‪y‬‬ ‫‪plays‬‬
‫‪vowels sees, fleas‬‬
‫يلفظ حرفا )‪ (sh‬كحرف الـ (ش) مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪ship‬‬ ‫‪ short‬سفينة‬ ‫‪ shallow‬قصير‬ ‫ضحل‬
‫‪shirt‬‬ ‫‪ shake‬قميص‬ ‫‪ sharp‬يهز‬ ‫حاد‬
‫يكون حرف )‪ (s‬صامتا إذا وقع بين حرف)‪ (i‬و )‪ (l‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪island‬‬ ‫‪ isle‬جزيرة‬ ‫‪ islander‬جزيرة‬ ‫من سكان الجزيرة‬
‫‪aisle‬‬ ‫ممشى‪ ،‬ممر‬
‫حرف ‪t‬‬
‫‪ -1‬ينطق كحرف التاء مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪take‬‬ ‫‪ table‬يأخذ‬ ‫‪ tax‬طاولة‬ ‫ضريبة‬
‫‪tie‬‬ ‫‪ tall‬رباط‬ ‫‪ teacher‬طويل‬ ‫معلم‬
‫‪ -2‬يكون حرف )‪ (t‬صامتا إذا وقع بين حرف )‪ (s‬و حرف )‪ (l‬أو جاء بعده )‪ (ch‬كما في الكلمات التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪castle‬‬ ‫‪ wrestle‬قلعة‬ ‫‪ whistle‬يتصارع‬ ‫يصفر‬
‫‪hustle‬‬ ‫‪ apostle‬صخب‬ ‫‪ bristle‬حواري‬ ‫شعر الفرشاة‬
‫‪catch‬‬ ‫‪ match‬يمسك‬ ‫‪ blotch‬مباراة‬ ‫بقعة‬
‫‪ -3‬و يكون صامتا في بعض الكلمات‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪mortgage‬‬ ‫‪ listen‬رهن‬ ‫‪ chasten‬يستمع‬ ‫يؤدب‬
‫‪fasten‬‬ ‫‪ often‬يربط‬ ‫غالبا‬
‫ينطق مثل حرف (ذ)‬ ‫ينطق مثل حرف (ث)‬
‫‪then / this / that‬‬ ‫‪thin / three / tooth‬‬
‫تنطق بهذا الشكل إذا تبعها (‪ (e‬مثل‪:‬‬ ‫في العادة عندما تأتي )‪ (th‬في نهاية الكلمة تنطق كذلك‪:‬‬
‫يستحم ‪breathe / the / bathe‬‬ ‫‪breath / mouth‬‬
‫حرف ‪v‬‬
‫يطلق عليه (ڤي) هذا الحرف ال يوجد له مثيل في اللغة العربية‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪van‬‬ ‫‪ village‬شاحنة صغيرة‬ ‫‪ vast‬قرية‬ ‫واسع‬
‫‪velvet‬‬ ‫‪ vibration‬قطيفة‬ ‫‪ visit‬اهتزاز‬ ‫يزور‬
‫حرف ‪w‬‬
‫ينطق كحرف الواو العربية ‪ ،‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪we‬‬ ‫‪ wax‬نحن‬ ‫‪ wide‬شمع‬ ‫واسع‬
‫‪wind‬‬ ‫‪ weapon‬رياح‬ ‫‪ window‬سالح‬ ‫نافذة‬
‫حرف )‪ (w‬يكون صامتا إذا وقع قبل حرف )‪ (r‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪write‬‬ ‫‪ wrist‬يكتب‬ ‫‪ wrong‬معصم‬ ‫خطأ‬
‫‪wrap‬‬ ‫‪ wrest‬يغلف‬ ‫‪ wrath‬ينزع‬ ‫غيظ‬
‫حرف ‪X‬‬
‫ينطق على أربعة أوجه‪:‬‬
‫‪ks‬‬ ‫‪gz‬‬ ‫‪ksh‬‬ ‫في أول الكالم ‪z‬‬
‫‪exercise‬‬ ‫تمرين‬ ‫‪exhibit‬‬ ‫‪ luxury‬معرض‬ ‫‪ xylophone‬رفاهية‬ ‫آلة موسيقية‬
‫‪box‬‬ ‫صندوق‬ ‫‪exact‬‬ ‫‪ anxious‬مضبوط‬ ‫‪ xenophobia‬قلق‬ ‫كره لألجانب‬
‫‪exclaim‬‬ ‫يصرخ‬ ‫‪examine‬‬ ‫يمتحن‬
‫‪excuse‬‬ ‫يعذر‬ ‫‪example‬‬ ‫مثال‬

‫حرف ‪Y‬‬
‫‪ -1‬ينطق مثل حرف الياء كما في الكلمات التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪you‬‬ ‫‪ yacht‬أنت‬ ‫‪ young‬يخت‬ ‫صغير السن‬
‫‪year‬‬ ‫‪ yawn‬سنة‬ ‫‪ yeast‬يتثاءب‬ ‫خميرة‬
‫‪ -2‬ينطق مثل حرف )‪ (i‬كما يلي‪:‬‬
‫‪sky‬‬ ‫‪fly‬‬ ‫‪ try‬يطير‬ ‫يحاول‬
‫حرف ‪Z‬‬
‫ينطق مثل حرف (ز)‪:‬‬
‫‪zoo‬‬ ‫‪ zeal‬حديقة حيوان‬ ‫‪ zero‬حماس‬ ‫صفر‬
‫‪zebra‬‬ ‫‪ zone‬حمار وحشي‬ ‫‪ zigzag‬منطقة‬ ‫متعرج‬

‫‪Secondly: The word‬‬ ‫ثانيا‪ :‬الكلمة‬

‫‪The word plays a particular role that determines which part of speech it is.‬‬
‫‪It plays 9 roles in parts of speech as following:‬‬

‫‪Nouns‬‬ ‫األسماء‬
‫ما هو االسم ?‪- What is a noun‬‬
A noun is a word used to name something: a person/animal, a place, a thing, or an idea. The following
table lists a variety of nouns.
.‫ أو فكرة‬،‫ شيء‬،‫ مكان‬،‫ حيوان‬،‫االسم كلمة تسمي إنسان‬
Examples of Nouns
People:‫أشخاص‬ student, mother, Charles, Mrs. Jones
Places: ‫أماكن‬ Japan, Venezuela, lake, province
Things: Animals:‫حيوانات‬ cat, dog, cow, donkey
‫أشياء‬ Objects:‫أشياء‬ fork, television, car, pencil
Substances:‫مواد‬ iron, air, gold, paper
Actions:‫أحداث‬ (a) race, (the) dance, (the) competition
Measures:‫مقاييس‬ kilogram, centimetre, day, metre
Ideas: ‫أفكار‬ happiness, honesty, beauty, courage
☺ The noun principally plays these roles: ‫االسم يقوم بهذه األدوار‬
- Subject ‫فاعل‬ - Object ‫مفعول‬
- Object of a preposition ‫بعد حرف جر‬ - Noun in apposition ‫البدل‬ - Complement ‫تكملة‬
HINTS TO HELP YOU IDENTIFY NOUNS: ‫تلميحات للمساعدة على التعرف على األسماء‬
1. The, a, and an signal that a noun is coming. Sometimes the noun is the next word. Sometimes it is
a few words away.
Examples: a book a green storage box
an orange an old wooden toy
the old man the baby
2. His, her, my, your, their, our, and its sometimes signal that a noun is coming. Sometimes the noun
is the next word. Sometimes it is a few words away.
Examples: his book their young child
your orange its paw
my red dress her former neighbour
3. Sometimes students get confused when they see two or three nouns in a row. In these cases, only
the last word serves as a noun. The other words are describing that noun.
Examples: the American student the shoe box
the Vietnam War veterans
4. Possessive words, words that show ownership, also signal that a noun is coming. Sometimes the
noun is the next word. Sometimes it is a few words away.
Examples: Mary's friend my sister's mean boss
the girl's science books
5. Word endings, like -ness, -ion, -ment, signal a noun.
Examples: kindness madness cooperation
attention moment retirement
6. Occasionally -ing words can be nouns.
Examples: Swimming is great exercise.
Before the opening of the new mall, shopping was limited.
7. Objects are nouns or pronouns.
Examples: Jane threw the ball. Jane threw it. (direct object)
We will go in the morning. (object of preposition)

 Nouns are classified in several ways…


There are two types of nouns – common and proper ‫يوجد نوعان من االسماء – اسم عام و اسم علم‬
A common noun does not name a particular person, place, thing or idea. These nouns are not
capitalized. The following are some nouns:
Persons: child, teacher, movie star, uncle
Places: town, meadows ‫مروج‬, street, valley, gym
Things: book, airplane, scissors, typewriter, shed
Ideas: friendship, consideration, justice, anger
A proper noun names a particular person, place, or thing. These nouns are capitalized. The
following are proper nouns:
Persons: Ms. Frankel, Neil Armstrong, Rita, Aunt Ghada
Places: Kansas City, Idaho, Egypt, Australia
Things: Eiffel Tower, The Pyramids, Jupiter
** Proper nouns made up of more than one word are considered to be one noun.
Examples: Middle east, River Nile, Arab World


There are two types of nouns – concrete and abstract ‫يوجد نوعان من االسماء – اسم محسوس و اسم معنوي‬
• Concrete noun – names a person, place or thing. These can be sensed by your five senses; they
can be seen, touched, felt, tasted, heard, or smelled.
Examples: apple, room, book, ball, music, ice, telephone, Mississippi, school
• Abstract noun – represents a feeling, idea, or quality. These can NOT be sensed by your five
senses; they can not be seen, touched, felt, tasted, heard, or smelled.
Examples: joy, friendship, hope, truth, peace, beauty, imagination


Collective nouns are nouns that are grammatically considered singular, but include more than one
person, place, thing, or idea in its meaning. Words like team, group, jury, committee, audience, crowd,
class, troop, family, team, couple, band, herd, quartet, and society.
Generally, collective nouns are treated as singular because they emphasize the group as one unit.
The committee is going to make a decision.

4- COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS ‫األسماء التي تعد و التي ال تعد‬

Nouns can be divided into two kinds: countable and uncountable.
(A) Countable Nouns
1. Countable nouns are nouns that we can count. They can be singular or plural.
e.g. I have a boiled egg for breakfast.
I bought three story books yesterday.
The students in this school are very polite.
2. We use the indefinite article (a/ an) before singular nouns.
e.g. a boiled egg
3. We use a definite article (the) or a number before plural nouns.
e.g. the students
three story books
4. We change most singular nouns to plurals by adding –s. However, there are some that follow different rules.
Nouns We add . . . Examples
Nouns ending in -s, -x, -ss, -ch, -sh +es buses, boxes, dresses, watches, bushes
Nouns ending in -o +s or +es pianos, zoos, tomatoes, potatoes, heroes
Nouns ending in a vowel + -y +s boys, cats, days, monkeys,
Nouns ending in a consonant + -y change y to ies bodies, cities, countries, ladies, families
Nouns ending in -f/-fe change -f/-fe to -ves leaves, shelves, lives, knives
Some special nouns change the vowel(s), foot→feet,
change some letters man→men
at the end, mouse→mice
add letters at the end child→children
Some animals Make no change fish→fish, deer→deer, sheep→sheep
(B) Uncountable Nouns
1. Uncountable nouns are nouns that we cannot count. We cannot count them because they
- are too difficult to count.
e.g. rice, hair, sugar
- do not have separate parts.
e.g. air, water, steam
- are abstract.
e.g. friendship, happiness, health
2. Uncountable nouns do not have a plural form. We do not use an indefinite article (a/an) or numerals (one,
two, three, etc.) in front of these nouns.
3. If we want to show the amount of an uncountable noun, we use quantity words in front of it.
e.g. two cups of tea
a bowl of rice
three tins of paint
4. We cannot use many/few with uncountable nouns, but we can say some/much/ a lot of/ all of the/ most of the
water, butter, cheese, etc.

Pronouns ‫الضمائر‬
A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. They eliminate the need for repetition.
 There are several types of pronouns.
•Personal pronoun – refers to the one speaking (1st person), the one spoken to (2nd person), or the
one spoken about (3rd person) ‫ضمائر شخصية‬
Ex.: - She knew the grammar rules very well.
- They are playing football.
-The teacher gave all of them good grades.
-Tommy gave his poetry book to her.
-Then, Ali gave it to me.
•Possessive pronoun - a word that shows possession and defines who owns a particular object.
‫ضمائر ملكية‬
Ex.: She returned my pencil to me because it was mine.
• Reflexive Pronouns - name a receiver of an action who is identical to the doer of the action.
Ex.: She saw herself in the mirror. ‫ضمائر منعكسة‬
• Intensive Pronouns emphasize a noun or another pronoun. ‫ضمائر تأكيدية‬
Ex.: I saw Hussein Fahmi himself at the mall.
:‫الجدول التالي يشمل جميع الضمائر السابق ذكرها‬
Personal Pronoun Possessives Reflexive &
Subject Object Adjectives Pronouns Intensive Pronouns
First person Singular I me my mine myself
(the one speaking) Plural We us our ours ourselves
Second person Singular You you your yours yourself
(the one spoken to) Plural You you your yours yourselves
Third person Singular He him his his himself
(the one spoken about) She her her hers herself
It it its --- itself
Plural They them their theirs themselves
• Reciprocal Pronouns express shared actions or feelings. ‫ضمائر تبادلية‬
each other one another

Ex.: Osama and Tareq help each other with their homework.
• Indefinite Pronouns refer to non-specific persons and things. ‫ضمائر غير تحديدية‬

all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, few,
many, neither, nobody, none, no one, nothing, one, several, some, somebody, someone, something

Ex.: Many of the club members want to visit Dreamland.

Nobody knows the answer to your question.
• Demonstrative Pronouns are also considered noun markers. They “point” towards nouns.
‫ضمائر إشارة‬
this, that, these and those
Ex.: That woman attends Cairo University.
• Interrogative Pronouns introduce questions. ‫ضمائر استفهام‬
Who, Whom, Whose, Which, What
Ex.: - Who is going on vacation?
- To whom will the teacher give an “A”?
- What are you doing?
• Relative Pronouns introduce dependent clauses and refers to a person or thing already mentioned
in the sentence (i.e. the antecedent). ‫ضمائر وصل‬
Who, whoever, whom, whomever, whose, which, that

Ex.: The English that we learn in class will help us find a good job.

Verbs ‫األفعال‬
Verbs generally express action or a state of being. There are several classifications for verbs- action
verbs/linking verbs, main verbs/auxiliary verbs, transitive/intransitive and phrasal verbs.
1. Action verbs show action.
Ex.: He runs. He plays. They study.
2. Linking Verbs link the subject to an adjective.
Ex.: Messi is famous.
The linking verb is links the adjective famous with the subject Messi.
1. Main verbs can stand alone.
2. Auxiliary verbs, also called helping verbs, serve as support to the main verb.
The most common auxiliary verbs are:

have, has, had

do, does, did
be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been
should, could, will, would, might, can, may, must, shall, ought (to)
For example:
Ex.: Taher has come.
come is an action verb. The subject can actually “do” it.
Has is the helping verb. It helps the main verb come to be present perfect tense.
Verbs can be transitive or intransitive.
1. Transitive Verbs require a direct object in order to make sense.
For Example:
Ex. Yosef takes aspirin for his headaches.
Here, takes is a transitive verb since the sentence Yosef takes has no meaning without its direct object

2. Intransitive Verbs do not need direct objects to make them meaningful. For Example:
Ex. Hani swims.
The verb swim has meaning for the reader without an object.

Caution: A verb can be either transitive or intransitive depending on its context. For Example:
The cars race. – Here, race is intransitive. It does not need an object.
I raced my bother down the street. – Here, raced is transitive. It requires the object my brother in
order to make sense.
Verbs can be phrasal.
1. Phrasal verbs are made up of a verb and a preposition. The preposition gives the verb a different
meaning than it would have by itself. For example, the verb look has a different meaning from the
phrasal verb look up (in the dictionary).
Some more examples:
get up, find out, hand in, make up, put off, turn on, write up

WARNING: The base form of a verb is called the infinitive. It is to + verb. For example, to do, to
win, to study, etc. Under no circumstance can a verb preceded by to be considered a verb. Infinitives
are not verbs.

Adjectives ‫الصفات‬
An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun and answers the following questions:
WHICH? – – – – – – – – – – –Those books belong to me.
HOW MANY? – – – – – – – – She failed three tests.
WHAT KIND? – – – – – – – –The beautiful, new store just opened.
Many adjectives are formed by adding the endings ~able, ~ful, ~ish, ~less, or ~y to nouns and verbs.
agree – – – – – – – – – agreeable
help – – – – – – – – – – helpful
fool – – – – – – – – – –foolish
care – – – – – – – – – – careless
noise – – – – – – – – – noisy
Adjectives usually precede the noun or pronoun they modify. Sometimes, however, they appear after a
linking verb (be, being, been, is, are, was, were, am) and describe the word before the verb.
Examples: Mary is pretty.
The girl is lovely.
Henry was angry.
The articles (a, an, the) and the possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, its, our, their, whose) are also
Order of adjectives
When they are used together, they are arranged in a certain order.
Determiner* Opinion Size Age Color Origin Material Noun
The, This Pretty Big New Blue Puerto Leather Sofa
Some Tall Thin Old Purple Rican Wood
My Expensive Small Ancient Black Chinese Silk Scarf
For Example:
I saw that tall, thin, old, blue silk scarf at the store and I bought it.
Leon drives an expensive old Italian car.

Adverbs ‫الظروف‬
An adverb is a word that modifies an action verb, an adjective or another adverb.
.‫ صفة أو ظرف آلخر‬،‫الظرف هو كلمة تصف فعل‬
• The teacher carefully graded the homework.
Carefully is an adverb that modifies the action verb to grade ‫يعطي درجة‬.
• Tareq was extremely enthusiastic‫ متحمس‬about doing his homework.
Extremely is an adverb that modifies the adjective enthusiastic.

• Yara ran out of the classroom very quickly.

Very is an adverb that modifies the adverb quickly.

Warning: You need an adjective after linking verbs…NEVER an adverb!

For example, Sami feels bad (guilty) when he has to leave class.

Here, bad is an adjective that modifies the proper noun Sami. It is an adjective because it follows the
linking verb to feel.

Articles ‫األدوات‬ A, An & the

Q: What do articles do in a sentence?
A: Articles signal that a noun is going to follow.

 Who invented the telephone? The wheel?
The refrigerator? The airplane?
 A cat was chasing a mouse in my back yard.

Modifiers (adjectives & adverbs) can appear between an article and a noun.
 A sunset.
 A spectacular sunset.
 An exceptionally spectacular sunset.

The indefinite article ‘a’ can only appear before nouns that begin with a consonant sound: a hand, a
book, a world, a computer…

The indefinite article ‘an’ can only appear before nouns that begin with a vowel sound: an apartment,
an hour, an article…

General Rules for the Use of Articles:

I. Use a/an with singular count nouns whose specific identity is not known to the reader either
because it is being mentioned for the first time, or because its specific identity is unknown even to
the writer.

 Julia arrived in a taxi. (a = one among many. Not a specific one.)
 We’re looking for an apartment. (an = any one.)

II. Do not use a/an with non-count nouns. Only use a/an with non-count nouns if you add a count
noun in front of the non-count noun.

 Haba asked her mother for an advice.
 Heba asked her mother for a piece of

III. Use the with most nouns whose specific identity is known to the reader because:
1. the noun has been previously mentioned:
Yesterday I saw a group of ESL students. The students were playing with a ball. The ball was
white and blue. The ball rolled into a hole. The hole was small.
2. the noun is made specific by a superlative:
I bought the fastest computer they had.
3. the noun describes a unique person, place, or thing:
Please give this to the manager.
The sun is bright today.
Rain is falling heavily in the North.
4. the context or situation makes the noun’s identity clear:
Please don’t slam the door when you leave.
Bob warned me that the dog playing in his yard is very angry and jumps on every person it
IV. Do not use the with plural or non-count nouns meaning “all” or “in general” (i.e. generic
reference nouns). Do not use the with most singular proper nouns.

 The fountains are an expensive element of landscape design.

 In some parts of the world, the rice is preferred to all other grains.

V. Do not use articles with other noun markers or determiners, i.e. possessive nouns (Helen’s) ; and
some pronouns (his, her, its, ours, their, whose, this, that, these, those, all, any, each, either, every,
few, many, more, most, much, neither, several, some).
All the…
A few…
The most…
 The Hala’s book is on the floor.
 A this book belongs to Ahmed.

P repositions ‫حروف الجر‬

Prepositions are words that, like conjunctions, connect a noun or pronoun to another word in a
sentence. Some common prepositions:
‫حروف الجر األكثر شيوعا‬
about before down into through
above behind during like to
across below except of toward
after beneath for off under
among beside from on up
around between in over with
at by instead of since without

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or
pronoun. They can act as adjectives or as adverbs.
Manuela, the student from Germany, wrote an excellent paper on the computer.

C onjunctions are the scotch tape of the grammatical world. They join together words and
phrases. There are three kinds of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions,
and subordinating conjunctions.
1. Coordinating Conjunctions
There are seven coordinating conjunctions in English. You can use the mnemonic device fanboys to
remember them.
For And Nor But Or Yet So
They can be used with commas to create compound sentences. For example:
Samir is very rich, but he doesn't like his life.
Kamal works hard, yet she still earns low grades.
Note: A compound sentence is a sentence made up of two independent clauses. That is, a compound
sentence is simply two complete sentences joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction (i.e. a
2. Correlative Conjunctions also join ideas, but they work in pairs. They are:
Both…and / neither…nor / whether…or / either…or / not only…but also

For Example:
Not only am I happy about the grades, but I am also excited that you are learning!
3. Subordinating Conjunctions join an independent clause to a subordinate clause. That is, they join
a clause that can stand alone with a clause that cannot stand alone. Some frequently used
subordinating conjunctions are:

after, although, as, as if, because, before, even if, even though, if, since, so that, though, unless,
until, when, whenever, where, wherever, whether, while.

For Example:
Although the students were tired, they still came to class.

I nterjections ‫كلمات العاطفة‬

Interjections are words used to express emotional states. They can usually be found in narrative
writing, interviews, and in spoken English. They can stand alone. For example:
Oh!, wow!, Ouch! Oops! Hey!
Generally , you do not find interjections in academic writing.

A final caution- A word can be more than one part of speech. For example:
 I went on a fast.
Above, fast is used as a noun (object of the preposition).
 He is a fast runner.
But, here fast is used as an adjective to modify the noun runner.
 Muslims fast during Ramadan.
Here, fast acts as a verb.
 Don’t drive so fast!
Here, fast acts as an adverb.

Conjugation of Common Irregular Verbs
‫تصريف األفعال الشاذة الشائعة‬
Irregular verbs may be classified into three main groups:
:‫يمكن تقسيم األفعال الشاذة إلى ثالثة مجموعات رئيسية‬
I. No Change II. One change III. Two Changes
I. No-Change Group:
Present Meaning Past Past Participle
bet ‫يراهن‬ bet / betted bet
bid ‫يأمر‬ bid / bade bid
broadcast ‫يذيع‬ broadcast / broadcasted broadcast / broadcasted
burst ‫ينفجر‬ burst burst
cast ‫يلقي‬ cast cast
cost ‫يكلف‬ cost cost
cut ‫يقطع‬ cut cut
hit ‫يضرب‬ hit hit
hurt ‫يؤذي‬ hurt hurt
let ‫يسمح‬ let let
put ‫يضع‬ put put
rid ‫يتخلص‬ rid rid
set ‫تغرب‬ set set
shed ‫يريق‬ shed shed
shut ‫يقفل‬ shut shut
slit ‫يشق‬ slit slit
split ‫يشق‬ split split
spread ‫ينشر‬ spread spread
sweat ‫يعرق‬ sweat sweat
thrust ‫ يطعن‬/‫يدفع‬ thrust thrust
II. One-Change Group:
Present Meaning Past Past Participle
abide ‫يقيم‬ abode abode
awake ‫ يوقظ‬/‫يستيقظ‬ awoke / awaked awoke
behold ‫يشاهد‬ beheld beheld
bend ‫يثني‬ bent bent
beseech ‫يلتمس‬ besought besought
bind ‫يحزم‬ bound bound
bleed ‫ينزف‬ bled bled
bring ‫يحضر‬ brought brought
build ‫يبني‬ built built
burn ‫يحرق‬ burnt / burned burnt / burned
buy ‫يشتري‬ bought bought
catch ‫يمسك‬ caught caught
cling ‫يتعلق‬ clung clung
creep ‫يزحف‬ crept crept
deal ‫يتعامل‬ dealt dealt
dig ‫يحفر‬ dug dug
dream ‫يحلم‬ dreamt / dreamed dreamt / dreamed
dwell ‫يقطن‬ dwelt / dwelled dwelt / dwelled
feed ‫يطعم‬ fed fed
feel ‫يشعر‬ felt felt
fight ‫يحارب‬ fought fought
find ‫يجد‬ found found
flee ‫يهرب‬ fled fled
fling ‫يطيح‬ flung flung
foretell ‫يتنبأ‬ foretold foretold
get ‫يحصل على‬ got got /gotten
grind ‫يطحن‬ ground ground
hang ‫يعلق‬ hung hung
hang ‫يشنق‬ hanged hanged
hear ‫يسمع‬ heard heard
hold ‫يمسك‬ held held
keep ‫يحفظ‬ kept kept
kneel ‫يركع‬ knelt knelt
lay ‫يضع‬ laid laid
lead ‫يقود‬ led led
lean ‫يتكئ‬ leant / leaned leant / leaned
leap ‫يقفز‬ leap / leaped leap / leaped
learn ‫يتعلم‬ learnt / learned learnt / learned
leave ‫يترك‬ left left
lend ‫يسلف‬ lent lent
lie ‫يكذب‬ lied lied
light ‫يضيء‬ lit /lighted lit /lighted
lose ‫يفقد‬ lost lost
make ‫يصنع‬ made made
mean ‫يعني‬ meant meant
meet ‫يقابل‬ met met
pay ‫يدفع‬ paid paid
read ‫يقرأ‬ read read
say ‫يقول‬ said said
seek ‫يبحث‬ sought sought
sell ‫يبيع‬ sold sold
send ‫يرسل‬ sent sent
shine ‫يسطع‬ shone shone
shoot ‫يرمي‬ shot shot
sit ‫يجلس‬ sat sat
sleep ‫ينام‬ slept slept
slide ‫ينزلق‬ slid slid
sling ‫يقذف‬ slung slung
smell ‫يشم‬ smelt smelt
speed ‫يسرع‬ sped /speeded sped /speeded
spend ‫ينفق‬ spent spent
spill ‫يسكب‬ spilt /spilled spilt /spilled
spin ‫يغزل‬ spun spun

spit ‫يبصق‬ spat spat
spoil ‫يفسد‬ spoilt spoilt
stand ‫يقف‬ stood stood
stick ‫يلصق‬ stuck stuck
sting ‫يلدغ‬ stung stung
strike ‫يضرب‬ struck struck
string ‫ينتظم‬ strung strung
sweep ‫يكنس‬ swept swept
swing ‫يتمايل‬ swung swung
teach ‫يعلم‬ taught taught
tell ‫يخبر‬ told told
think ‫يفكر‬ thought thought
wake ‫يستيقظ‬/‫يوقظ‬ woke /waked woke /waked
weep ‫يبكي‬ wept wept
win ‫يفوز‬ won won
wind ‫يلف‬ wound wound
wring ‫يلوي‬/‫يعصر‬ wrung wrung
III. Two-Change Group:
Present Meaning Past Past Participle
arise ‫ينهض‬ arose arisen
bear ‫تلد‬ bore born
bear ‫ يحمل‬-‫يتحمل‬ bore borne
beat ‫يهزم‬ beat beaten
become ‫يصبح‬ became become
begin ‫يبدأ‬ began begun
bite ‫يعض‬ bit bitten
blow ‫يهب – يعصف‬ blew blown
break ‫يكسر‬ broke broken
choose ‫يختار‬ chose chosen
come ‫يأتي‬ came come
do ‫يفعل‬ did done
draw ‫يرسم‬ drew drawn
drink ‫يشرب‬ drank drunk
drive ‫يقود‬ drove driven
eat ‫يأكل‬ ate eaten
fall ‫يقع‬ fell fallen
fly ‫يطير‬ flew flown
forbid ‫يحرم‬ forbade forbidden
forget ‫ينسى‬ forgot forgotten
forgive ‫يسامح‬ forgave forgiven
forsake ‫يهجر‬ forsook forsaken
freeze ‫يتجمد‬ froze frozen
give ‫يعطي‬ gave given
go ‫يذهب‬ went gone
grow ‫يزرع – ينمو‬ grew grown
hide ‫يخفي‬ hid hidden

know ‫يعرف‬ knew known
lie ‫يرقد‬ lay lain
mow ‫يحصد‬ mowed mown / mowed
ride ‫يركب‬ rode ridden
ring ‫يدق‬ rang rung
rise ‫ينهض – تشرق‬ rose risen
run ‫يجري‬ ran run
saw ‫ينشر‬ sawed sawn
see ‫يرى‬ saw seen
sew ‫يخيط‬ sewed sewn
shake ‫يهتز‬ shook shaken
show ‫يعرض‬ showed shown
shrink ‫ينكمش‬ shrank shrunk
sing ‫يغني‬ sang sung
slay ‫يذبح‬ slew slain
smite ‫يقرع‬ smote smitten
sow ‫يبذر‬ sowed sown / sowed
speak ‫يتكلم‬ spoke spoken
spring ‫يقفز‬ sprang sprung
steal ‫يسرق‬ stole stolen
stink ‫ينتن‬ stank stunk
stride ‫يهرول‬ strode stridden
strive ‫يجاهد‬ strove striven
swear ‫يقسم‬ swore sworn
swell ‫ينتفخ‬ swelled swollen
swim ‫يسبح‬ swam swum
take ‫يأخذ‬ took taken
tear ‫يمزق‬ tore torn
throw ‫يرمي‬ threw thrown
tread ‫يطأ‬ trod trod / trodden
wear ‫يلبس‬ wore worn
weave ‫ينسج‬ wove woven
write ‫يكتب‬ wrote written

Mr. Ahmed M. Hassan


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