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Cell biology PYQs solution

Section A: NEST PYQs

Slide 1: Unicellular, two well-defined nuclei, ciliated, without cell wall
This description matches the characteristics of Paramecium.
Slide 2: Unicellular, chloroplast, one nucleus, biflagellate, with a cell wall
This description matches the characteristics of Chlamydomonas.
Slide 3: Unicellular, one nucleus, non-flagellated, with cell wall
This description matches the characteristics of Saccharomyces (yeast).

2. C
Total magnification = Eyepiece magnification x Objective lens magnification
Total magnification = 15 x 10 = 150x
Now we can calculate the size of the cell:
Size of cell = (60 divisions) x (10 μm) / (150x)
= (60 x 10 μm) / 150
= 600 μm / 150
= 4 μm

3. C
During translation, the mRNA sequence is read in groups of three nucleotides called codons.
Each codon codes for a specific amino acid or a stop signal. However, not all mRNA
sequences are translated into protein because some codons may code for the same amino acid,
and multiple codons can encode for a single amino acid. Additionally, untranslated regions
(UTRs) at the beginning and end of mRNA molecules are not translated into protein.

4. B
The shape and structure of organelles within a cell are primarily determined by the genes that
regulate their formation and maintenance. Each organelle has specific proteins and structural
components that contribute to its shape. The genes within a cell's DNA provide instructions for
the synthesis of these proteins and components, which ultimately determine the organelles'

5. B

During spermatogenesis, which is the process of sperm cell development, immature sperm
cells called spermatids undergo a series of transformations to become mature sperm cells, also
known as spermatozoa. As part of this process, various subcellular entities are lost, while
essential structures are retained.
80S ribosomes, mitochondria, and vesicles.

6. C
Mitochondria and chloroplasts share several similarities as they are both organelles involved in
energy-related processes. However, there are differences between them, and the property that
is not common to mitochondria and chloroplasts is the presence of the same set of electron

7. D
During the initial 1-hour period, a substantial amount of H+ ions were released, resulting in a
decrease in pH inside the cell. However, since the expression of protein P was no longer
induced during the subsequent 10 generations, no additional H+ ions would be released.
Therefore, the net change in pH inside the cell would remain at the level achieved during the
initial 1-hour period, which is a decrease of 6 pH units.

8. B
Starting with 3.2 x 10^6 cells/milliliter, we can calculate the final number of cells/milliliter
after 3 generations:
Final number of cells/milliliter = Initial number of cells/milliliter * (2 number of generations)
Final number of cells/milliliter = 3.2 x 106 * (23)
Final number of cells/milliliter = 3.2 x 106 * 8
Final number of cells/milliliter = 25.6 x 106
Final number of cells/milliliter = 2.56 x 107

During Anaphase I of meiosis, the homologous chromosomes separate, but the sister
chromatids remain attached. So, the total number of chromatids in Anaphase I would be equal
to the number of homologous chromosomes.
Since there are 6 chromosomes in the mature egg cell, the total number of chromatids in
Anaphase I would also be 6.
So answer is D=3.

10. D.
The dilution factor is given as 1:2, which means that the original sample was diluted by a
factor of 2. Therefore, the number of cells in the undiluted sample can be calculated by
multiplying the cell count from the haemocytometer by the dilution factor (2).

Number of cells in the undiluted sample = Cell count from haemocytometer * Dilution factor
Number of cells in the undiluted sample = 400 cells * 2
Number of cells in the undiluted sample = 800 cells
Now, we need to calculate the total number of cells suspended in a volume of 5 ml. Since the
undiluted sample contains 800 cells, we can calculate the concentration of cells in the
undiluted sample.
Concentration of cells in the undiluted sample = Number of cells in the undiluted sample /
Volume of the undiluted sample
Concentration of cells in the undiluted sample = 800 cells / 0.004 cm³ (4 large corner squares x
0.1 mm³ each, converted to cm³)
Concentration of cells in the undiluted sample = 200,000 cells/cm³
To calculate the total number of cells in 5 ml (5 cm³), we multiply the concentration of cells by
the volume.
Total number of cells = Concentration of cells in the undiluted sample * Volume
Total number of cells = 200,000 cells/cm³ * 5 cm³
Total number of cells = 1,000,000 cells
Therefore, the total number of cells suspended in a volume of 5 ml is D. 1×106.

11. A
The number of chromatids present in a human cell varies depending on the phase of the cell
cycle. During the G2 phase, the DNA has already replicated, so there are 92 chromatids
present. In prophase, the chromatids condense further and become visible as chromosomes, so
there are still 92 chromatids. During cytokinesis, the cell divides, and each resulting daughter
cell receives a copy of each chromosome. Therefore, the number of chromatids is halved to 46.
In the G1 phase, the cell prepares for DNA replication, so there are still 46 chromatids present.

12. B
Centrifugation is used to separate sub-cellular components based on size and density. The
greater the density, the faster it move. Differential centrifugation applies different speed in
order to separate different sub-cellular component from the homogenate. When a homogenized
liver tissue is centrifuged at 500 xg, the heaviest sub-cellular components will settle first, that
is nuclei. When the supernatant is again centrifuged at 10000 xg, the second heavier sub-
cellular component will settle, that is mitochondria. When the supernatant is centrifuged at
very high speed of 25000 xg, the lightest sub-cellular component will settle, that is lysosomes.

13. A
1. The cells of P have all the cell organelles which mean it must be a eukaryote and many
small-sized vacuoles indicate that it must be an animal.
2. The cells of Q have only ribosomes and no cell organelle which means it must be a bacteria.

3. The cells of R have all the cell organelles which mean it must be a eukaryote and single
large-sized vacuole indicates that it must be a plant.
Hence, P could be the frog, Q could be E. coli. and R could be Garlic.

14. A
The cell wall is present outside of the plant cell and are absent in the animal cells. It gives
rigidity in a plant cell and absent in animal cells to provide flexibility. Glyoxysomes are
present in the plant cell as they help in the storage of fats in germinating cells. These
organelles are absent in the animal cells.

15. C
The gamete of coconut is haploid, so 16 chromosomes mean n = 16.
The white pulp of coconut is the free nuclear endosperm which is triploid. Threfore, number of
chromosomes in a cell of the white pulp of coconut = 3n = 3 x 16 = 48

16. D
The functions of vacuoles in plants include:
(i) Storage of water and salts: Vacuoles in plant cells are responsible for storing water and
maintaining turgor pressure, which helps in maintaining the cell's shape and rigidity. They also
store various salts and ions.
(ii) Cell expansion: Vacuoles play a crucial role in cell expansion by accumulating water and
causing the cell to enlarge. This is particularly important during plant growth and
(iii) Storage of metabolic waste products: Vacuoles in plant cells can store metabolic waste
products such as toxins and harmful substances, keeping them away from the rest of the cell
and preventing damage.
(iv) Degradation: Unlike lysosomes in animal cells, vacuoles in plant cells are not involved in
degradation. Lysosomes in animal cells contain enzymes that break down cellular waste and
foreign substances, whereas vacuoles in plants primarily serve storage functions.

The endosymbiotic theory proposes that these organelles, mitochondria and chloroplasts, were
once free-living prokaryotes that were engulfed by ancestral eukaryotic cells. Over time, they
became integrated into the host cell, retained their own DNA and membrane systems, and
eventually became essential components of eukaryotic cells. This theory provides a plausible
explanation for the presence of double-membrane-bound organelles with their own DNA and a
striking similarity to prokaryotes within eukaryotic cells.


Telomerase is an enzyme that can extend the length of telomeres, the protective caps at the
ends of chromosomes. It counteracts the natural shortening of telomeres that occurs with each
round of DNA replication. Telomerase activity is highest in cells that require extensive
replication, such as stem cells.

19. A
Flow cytometry is a technique used to analyze and quantify the physical and chemical
characteristics of cells, including their DNA content. During the cell cycle, which consists of
interphase (G₁, S, and G₂ phases) and mitosis (M phase), the DNA content varies.
In option A, diploid cells found in the Go or G₁ phase are considered normal. The Go phase
refers to a non-dividing state in the cell cycle, where cells temporarily exit the cycle and
become quiescent or enter a specialized function. G₁ phase is the first gap phase, where cells
prepare for DNA replication. In both cases, the cells have a normal diploid DNA content.

The average weight of a base pair is approximately 650 grams per mole (g/mol). Therefore, the
molecular weight of the E. coli DNA can be calculated as:
Molecular weight = (4 x 106 bp) x (650 g/mol)
Multiplying these values, we get:
Molecular weight = 2.6 x 109 g/mol
Now, to convert the molecular weight to moles, we divide by Avogadro's number, which is
approximately 6.023 x 1023 entities per mole:
Number of moles = (Molecular weight) / (Avogadro's number)
Number of moles = (2.6 x 109 g/mol) / (6.023 x 1023 entities/mol)
Performing the calculation, we get:
Number of moles ≈ 4.314 x 10-15 moles.

21. B
Mitochondria are double-membraned organelles that are found in aerobic prokaryotes (such as
certain bacteria) and all eukaryotic organisms. They play a crucial role in oxidative
phosphorylation and electron transport, which are involved in generating adenosine
triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the cell. Therefore, mitochondria are often referred
to as the "powerhouse of the cell."

22. B
To calculate the total magnification of a microscope, you multiply the magnification of the
eyepiece by the magnification of the objective lens. In this case, the eyepiece has a
magnification of 4x, and the objective lens has a magnification of 44x.
Therefore, the total magnification is
4x (eyepiece) * 44x (objective lens) = 176x

23. B
To induce polyploidy in a crop plant species, the small molecule drug should affect the cell
cycle stage where DNA replication occurs. DNA replication takes place during the S-phase of
the cell cycle.

24. D
If the radii of P and Q are doubled, then the volume and surface area are also doubled.
This statement is correct. When the radius of a sphere is doubled, both the volume and surface
area of the sphere are multiplied by a factor of 8.


The endosymbiotic theory explains the origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts, which are
organelles found within eukaryotic cells. According to this theory, mitochondria and
chloroplasts were once free-living prokaryotic organisms that were engulfed by ancestral
eukaryotic cells. Over time, a symbiotic relationship developed between the host cell and the
engulfed prokaryotic cells, leading to the integration of the prokaryotic cells as organelles
within the eukaryotic cell. This theory provides an explanation for the presence of certain
characteristics of mitochondria and chloroplasts, such as their own DNA, ribosomes, and
ability to replicate independently within the cell.

Since protein R is the only one that remains associated with the membrane fraction after
treatment with a high ionic strength buffer, it suggests that protein R is loosely attached to the
membrane and can be easily dissociated. This characteristic is typical of peripheral membrane
proteins, which are temporarily associated with the membrane through ionic or hydrogen
bonding interactions.

3. A
Unlike plant chlorophyll, which is involved in oxygenic photosynthesis and produces oxygen
as a byproduct, bacteriochlorophylls are associated with anoxygenic photosynthesis.
Anoxygenic photosynthesis does not involve the production of molecular oxygen (O 2) as a
result of the photosynthetic process. Instead, it utilizes alternative electron donors, such as
sulfur compounds or organic molecules, rather than water.

4. C
Mitochondrial cristae are the infoldings or invaginations of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
They are responsible for increasing the surface area available for cellular respiration and ATP

synthesis within the mitochondria. The inner membrane of mitochondria contains numerous
cristae, which are stacked layers or finger-like projections that extend into the mitochondrial
matrix. The increased surface area provided by the cristae allows for more efficient electron
transport and ATP production during oxidative phosphorylation.

5. D
The Golgi apparatus is an organelle found in eukaryotic cells, including both animal and plant
cells. It plays a crucial role in the processing, modifying, and sorting of proteins synthesized in
the endoplasmic reticulum. The Golgi apparatus receives proteins from the endoplasmic
reticulum and modifies them by adding various molecules such as carbohydrates
(glycosylation) or lipids. It also sorts and packages these modified proteins into vesicles for
transport to their final destination, including the plasma membrane.

6. D
Lipids and membrane proteins play crucial roles in providing structural and functional
asymmetry in biological membranes. Lipids, such as phospholipids, make up the basic
framework of the membrane and form a bilayer structure. This lipid bilayer provides a barrier
that separates the internal and external environments of the cell, allowing for
compartmentalization and selective permeability.


8. D
The nucleolus is a distinct organelle found within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. It is
responsible for the production and assembly of ribosomes, which are the cellular structures
involved in protein synthesis. The nucleolus plays a crucial role in the synthesis of ribosomal
RNA (rRNA), a type of RNA that combines with proteins to form ribosomes. Therefore, the
nucleolus is primarily involved in the production of rRNA rather than carbohydrates, lipids, or

9. D
When hydrogen peroxide is applied to a wound, the frothing or bubbling that occurs is due to
the presence of an enzyme called catalase in the skin cells. Catalase is responsible for breaking
down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.

10. C

The major constituents of neurofilaments are intermediate filaments.

Nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, are primarily located in the nucleus of a cell. Therefore,
the fractions that will contain nucleic acids from the given options are those that include the

12. D
Protein glycosylation, on the other hand, primarily occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum and the
Golgi apparatus. These organelles are responsible for adding sugar moieties to proteins,
forming glycoproteins. Mitochondria do not play a significant role in protein glycosylation.

13. C
The centromere is the chromosomal attachment site for spindle microtubules during cell
division. It is a specialized region of the chromosome that plays a crucial role in ensuring
proper segregation of chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis. The microtubules of the
mitotic spindle attach to the kinetochores, which are protein structures located at the
centromere region of each replicated chromosome. This attachment allows the spindle fibers to
exert force and move the chromosomes during cell division.

14. C
Penicillin is an antibiotic that exerts its antimicrobial activity by inhibiting the synthesis of
bacterial cell walls. It specifically targets a group of enzymes called penicillin-binding proteins
(PBPs) that are involved in the formation of the bacterial cell wall.

15. B
During meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair up and undergo crossing over, a process
where genetic material is exchanged between maternal and paternal chromosomes. This step
promotes genetic diversity. After crossing over, the homologous chromosomes separate,
reducing the chromosome number by half. Each resulting cell from meiosis I has one set of
duplicated chromosomes, consisting of sister chromatids.
Meiosis II is similar to mitosis in that the sister chromatids in each cell from meiosis I separate,
resulting in four haploid daughter cells. These daughter cells are genetically unique due to
crossing over and the independent assortment of chromosomes that occurred during meiosis I.

16. A
Centrosome. The centrosome is an organelle found in animal cells that consists of two granule-
like centrioles. It plays a crucial role in cell division, particularly in the organization of
microtubules during mitosis and meiosis. The centrosome helps in the formation of the mitotic
spindle, which is responsible for separating chromosomes during cell division.

Since the growth rate of the bacterial symbionts is always 10% higher than that of the host cell,
it means that for every generation, the bacterial population will increase by 10% more
compared to the host cell population.
If we assume the initial density of bacteria in the host cell to be 1 (arbitrary unit), we can
calculate the density of bacteria after 10 generations.
After the first generation, the bacterial density will be 1 + 10% of 1 = 1.1.
After the second generation, the bacterial density will be 1.1 + 10% of 1.1 = 1.21.
After the third generation, it will be 1.21 + 10% of 1.21 = 1.331.
And so on.
After 10 generations, the density of bacteria in host cells will be 1 * (1 + 10%)10 = 1.110 =
Therefore, the density of bacteria in host cells will increase approximately two-fold.

18. D
Differentiation is the process by which cells become specialized and acquire distinct
characteristics and functions. During embryogenesis, cells differentiate into different cell
types, such as muscle cells, nerve cells, and skin cells, among others.
Reprogramming refers to the process of changing the characteristics and fate of a cell. In
embryogenesis, there are specific stages where cells undergo reprogramming to become
pluripotent or totipotent, meaning they have the ability to differentiate into any cell type.

19. B
During the G2 phase, the cell has undergone DNA replication during the S phase, resulting in
the formation of sister chromatids. Sister chromatids are identical copies of the original
chromosome connected at the centromere.

20. C
Crossing over occurs during the pachytene stage of meiosis I.

The process of cell death involving DNA cleavage in cells is known as apoptosis.

22. C
The standard error measures the variability or dispersion of the sample mean from the true
population mean. By increasing the number of measurements, the sample size increases, which
generally leads to a more accurate estimation of the population mean. As a result, the standard
error decreases because the sample mean becomes a more reliable estimate of the true
population mean.

23. D
The best time to visualize the structural changes of human chromosomes would be during the
metaphase stage of the cell cycle, which occurs in the M-phase (Mitosis or Meiosis). During
metaphase, chromosomes condense and align at the equatorial plane of the cell, making them
highly visible and distinguishable under a microscope.

To confirm their resistance, one would need to perform a test to see if these colonies can grow
on another plate containing penicillin. If the colonies are resistant, they will be able to grow on
the penicillin-containing plate. This test directly assesses the ability of the colonies to survive
and grow in the presence of the antibiotic, providing evidence of penicillin resistance.

25. D
Brown fat, also known as brown adipose tissue (BAT), is a specialized type of adipose tissue
that contains a high concentration of mitochondria and is rich in blood supply. Unlike white
fat, which primarily stores energy in the form of triglycerides, brown fat is involved in non-
shivering thermogenesis. It generates heat by uncoupling the electron transport chain from
ATP production.

26. B
Plasmids are circular, double-stranded DNA molecules that exist separate from the bacterial
chromosome. They contain genes that may provide advantages to the host bacterium, such as
antibiotic resistance or the ability to produce certain proteins. Plasmids replicate autonomously
within the bacterial cell, independent of the host chromosome. This means that they can
replicate and pass on their genetic information to daughter cells during cell division.


The inner and outer membranes of mitochondria have different compositions and functions.
The inner membrane is highly folded, forming structures called cristae, which increase the
surface area for various metabolic processes. It contains enzymes involved in the electron
transport chain and ATP synthesis. On the other hand, the outer membrane is relatively smooth
and contains porin proteins that allow the passage of ions and small molecules.

2. C
The Go phase, also known as the G0 phase, is a non-dividing phase of the cell cycle. Cells in
the Go phase have exited the active cell cycle and are temporarily or permanently in a resting
state. In this phase, cells are metabolically active, performing their normal cellular functions,

but they are not actively dividing or preparing to divide. This phase is commonly observed in
cells that have reached maturity or have entered a specialized state, such as nerve cells
(neurons) or muscle cells.

During Meiosis I, DNA replication occurs once, resulting in the formation of replicated
chromosomes consisting of two sister chromatids. This is followed by the first nuclear division
(referred to as reduction division) known as Meiosis I, which separates the homologous pairs
of chromosomes, resulting in two haploid cells.
After Meiosis I, Meiosis II begins without further DNA replication. The two haploid cells from
Meiosis I undergo another round of division called Meiosis II, which is similar to mitosis. This
division separates the sister chromatids, resulting in four haploid daughter cells (gametes) in

4. C
Match entries in column I and column II.
P. Golgi apparatus (i) Divide by fission
Q. ER (ii) Site of formation for glycoproteins
R. Cytoskeleton (iii) Steroidal hormone synthesis
S. Mitochondria (iv) Mechanical support
IAT 2018
A. P-2 Q-3 R -4 S -1
B. P-2 Q-1 R-4 S-3
C. P-1 Q-3 R-4 S-2
D. P-3 Q-4 R-1 S-2

5. D
Flagella are long, whip-like appendages that protrude from the surface of bacterial cells. They
are responsible for bacterial motility, allowing the bacteria to move in liquid environments or
on surfaces. The movement of flagella propels the bacteria in various directions, including
swimming, swarming, or tumbling motions.

6. C
(i) Formation of synaptonemal complex: The synaptonemal complex forms during prophase I
of meiosis and is responsible for the pairing and alignment of homologous chromosomes. This
event is represented by "iv."
(ii) Formation of chiasmata: Chiasmata are the points of crossing-over between non-sister
chromatids of homologous chromosomes. They are formed during prophase I as a result of
genetic recombination. This event is represented by "iii."

(iii) Formation of meiotic spindle: The meiotic spindle apparatus, consisting of microtubules,
forms during both prophase I and metaphase I of meiosis. It is responsible for the separation of
homologous chromosomes during anaphase I and the subsequent separation of sister
chromatids during anaphase II. This event is represented by "ii."
(iv) Appearance of recombinant nodules: Recombinant nodules, also known as Holliday
junctions, are formed during the process of genetic recombination between homologous
chromosomes. They are visualized during prophase I and are markers of genetic exchange.
This event is represented by "i."

C. a-ii b-i c-iii d-iii
In this option, G1 phase cells (b) are matched with 46 chromatids, which is correct.
Spermatogonia (pre-replication) (c) are matched with 23 chromatids, which is correct. G2
phase cells (a) are matched with 46 chromatids, which is correct. Ovum (d) is matched with 46
chromatids, which is also correct. Therefore, option C is correct.

8. B
During metaphase of the cell cycle, the chromosomes align at the equatorial plane (also known
as the metaphase plate) of the cell. At this stage, the chromosomes are fully condensed and
attached to the spindle fibers via their centromeres.
The perpendicular distance, 'X', from the centromere of each chromosome to the equatorial
plane is determined by the position of the centromere along the chromosome. In metaphase,
the chromosomes are maximally condensed and aligned at the equatorial plane, resulting in a
relatively larger perpendicular distance 'X' compared to other stages.


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