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GE 3

Activity # 1

Look in your bag, at the tags on your clothing last weekend, at your cell phone, at your accessories, etc. Write down five (5)
objects that you have with you and try to identify where each object was made. Chart your discoveries and answer the questions
that follow below:

Maker (country/region) Who profits from Who suffers or is

OBJECT these exploited?

1. What ideas do you have about globalization in relation to your discoveries above?
2. Have you experienced globalization? Why do you say so?
3. In your own understanding, define globalization.
Activity # 2

How close is the world to me?

Try to find your connection to the rest of the world based on the music you listened to by
answering the following questions:

1. What was the most recent song or piece of music that you listened to?
2. What is the origin of that song or piece of music? Describe the nationality of the creator of the
music as well as the tradition to which it belongs.
3. What technology do you most commonly use to listen to music?
4. Where is the technology made? Where is the company that owns the technology based?
5. How have you obtained music? Was it downloaded? Through online purchases? Or was it physical
bought from retail outlets?
Activity #3
Think of a current event featuring in headlines around the world. Topics may be about politics, music, sport,
film, celebrity culture, or disaster (Hint: Twitter might provide some ideas). Write about the event using some
of the following prompts: national identity, language, design, place of manufacture, origin of natural
resources, cultural traditions, use of technology, history etc. A sample is provided below:
Example: Globalization = Osama Bin Laden He was born in Saudi Arabia to a family of Yemeni descent and educated at a school
modelled on the British education system. He joined the US– and Pakistani–Government backed resistance against the Soviet
Union’s invasion of Afghanistan and formed a series of organizations, whose members came from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey
and Lebanon— to name just a few. His men fought with imported weapons and were funded by off-shore accounts, and by the
early 1990s his networks, influence and terror attacks spanned across the Middle East, North Africa and the Balkans. The victims
of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the USA came from all over the world and worked for multinational companies from
countries like Japan, Germany, Switzerland and Singapore. Bin Laden’s death in Pakistan at the hands of US forces (who arrived
in helicopters that were built by a company founded by a Ukrainian immigrant) was initially reported via Twitter; spreading the
news worldwide within minutes and more than half an hour before US President Barack Obama officially confirmed the news in a
live television speech.

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