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Globalization Documentary

(Reaction Paper)

In the documentary I watched about globalization, it is discussed how the speed at

which information, transactions, and capital can move virtually anywhere in the world has
created a level of globalization that is unprecedented in human history. It claims to make it
possible for human activity to be continuously coordinated at new scales and levels of
complexity. This provides documentation of the rapidly evolving environment at the nexus of
globalization and the ongoing growth of information networks. It begins with the background
that, as commercial routes have developed over history, global interconnection has fluctuated
Society can now do anything with the help of advanced technologies. Due to the
constant improvement of our networks and communication, which allows individuals to
readily find information, data, and concerns on the internet or other websites, the economics
and technology of our world are becoming more accessible to people. The rapid advancement
of science and technology, which increases the interdependence of our economies, is the
source of the quick globalization that is taking place.
The globalization documentary makes me wonder about future events because it is
clear that globalization is progressing and reaching new heights. Although I am aware that
there are positive and negative aspects to globalization, I am also aware that it has changed
my life and given me a larger perspective and knowledge of various cultures.

I can't say I gained much knowledge from it, but in general, there is a lot to understand
about what they have produced. And I believe the world will be more advanced in the future
than today’s society.

Gavanzo, Samantha Joy P.

BSAC 1-1

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