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Group member: Samnang, Vouchlang

Are you kind, Quiet and Calm?

Hi every one today I am going to tell you guys about my topic today.
First of all let me thank to all of you guys for coming here today. First let
me introduce my teammate first. So we are the students from
sovannaphumi school students. There are 2 member in my team. I’m
Samnang I’m the leader I responsible for the first and second part, My
teammate Vouchlang responsible for the last part. And the topic today is
‘’Are you Kind, Quiet and Calm?’’
Before we start our topic let us explain some keywords first some of you
might not know what it means first the word ''kind'' mean of a good
benevolent nature disposition as a person or being nice. so the second
word is' 'quiet" means to make become silent calm or still. so let move on
to the last word. ''calm'' means to make or become tranquil and quiet.
For me I'm not really kind person I'm only being kind to kid and to the
person who being kind to me the reason that I only being to person who
kind to me because why would I have to be kind to person who being
rude to me that why I only being kind to the person who being kind to me.
I am not quiet too I am a talkative person and I only talk to a person that i
know I don't talk a lot with the person I don't know I'm quiet around other.
and I'm not a clam person I have anger issues I get mad easily I get mad
with a little thing it hard for me to control my anger so when someone
make me mad I just being silently . I just look straight into their eye.
Thanks you all for reading our paragraph!

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