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Faculty of Engineering - Industrial Engineering.

Week 18 - Final Assignment: My best sport experience (Part 2)


Eulatth Vidal, Genny Lourdes

Piura, Perú 2023


Good evening, my name is Jhonatan Salvador and this time my partner,, Katia Parrilla and I
are going to talk about "My best sport experience."

Katia: Hi Jhonatan When I was in fourth grade in my classroom in the physical education
course we played soccer the whole first semester, in one of the soccer games I was playing
the teacher called me and told me that at recess time I had to go back to the field, I did not
understand why, but when I got to the field at recess time there were several girls from my
grade with the teacher and he told us that he was going to divide us into two teams to play a
soccer game and he was going to select the best ones. I was one of the first girls he chose to
belong to the soccer team he was putting together.

For me being on the soccer team was a great experience since I didn't consider myself good
at playing but according to everyone else I was, so it was an experience that made me have
more confidence in myself and despite having an injury the day we played the Inter-school
finals it was one of the best experiences I've had from start to finish.

Jhonatan: ooooh me I remember yesterday when in my school days I participated in sports

competitions organized by the National Government, without a doubt there were very good
prizes and scholarships for foreigners, we always sweated our shirts until the Regional stage
since we had very strong rivals above.
You won't believe me but he was the front-line goalkeeper, it is true that the forward and the
mid fielders defined victory on the pitch but it was I who avoided the possible defeat.
And that is nothing to us, friend, I did not tell you that one day we reached the National stage.
we reached the major soccer league in the capital of Lima in 2019, it was the best experience
of our lives, the government covered the expenses of lodging and food for a whole week in the
city of the kings.

It was a very well-known team from Lima, really a great team, if you only saw the talent with
which they stole the balls and scored within minutes of seeing the game started, without a
doubt they earned our respect, because we knew that they were fixed candidates for
represent the Paiz and so it was.

Katia: Wouu your friend sports story very moving.We all have a hidden talent that with the
passing of time we reveal it.

Jhonatan: If friend you are absolutely right, I hope to find mine soon and live incredible
experiences like yours

Katia: See you soon Friend

Jhonatan: Good Bye

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