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Science, technology and society 5.

Late 1800 - discovery of light bulb

September 14, 2023 6. 20th century - cars, first car with engine; first man went to space w/ rocket; beginning of
5:00pm to 6:30pm communications

General concept of science and technology Philippines

Modern world to Philippines (role of technology) Starts in Spain colonize- indigenous methods and ways: alburaryo (medicine); pottery and
-mini reporting with short biography weaving; alphabet system(baybayin); method of counting; calendar; farming and mining
-marshal law era and so on

History of science and technology in ancient, middle and modern ages Groupings
-determine the socio economic of our country 1. Spanish and American Period - dezyla, venus, nicole, edriann, darvilyn and christian
-which country has a fastest network? 2. Marcus era and marshal law -jeorge, jamaica
3. 5th republic - marc, wenzi, edrian, natalio, nova
History of science and technology in the world 4. Etrada and arroyo - justine, jl, yuri, ara, jezel
-since beginning 5. Benigno - airon, antonio, jefferson, juzcelyn
*problem: poverty not technology

Human life 2m ago

-during the pre-historic time
1. Human artifacts - shape stones in Eastern Africa (choppings, scarpings)
2. Record of science that came from Meso-culture 400BC (disease symptoms, astronomical
observations and chemical substances)
3. Same period in Nile valley (treatment of wounds and diseases, mathematical equations)
4. From 300-400BC there were rise in numbers of philosophers such as Euclid(founder of
geometry), Archimedes (engr. Math and calculated the value of pie)
5. Bronze Age- metals such as copper was discovered in this age, swords and weapons
6. 3500BC in Mesopotamia - two wheeled carts was discovered for transportation
7. Urbanization - development of cities, first pyramid was built
8. Middle Ages (450 - 1450AD) - scientific and technological, also known as the dark ages
(warfare have improved)
9. Renaissance Era (Europe:1450-1600AD) - rebirth of knowledge; Germany: printing press
10. Copernicus - discover that the sun was the center of the solar system

Modern science and technology (around 1600 AD)

1. (1608) Galileo - spyglass added magnification until become telescope; discover moon,
mountains, thermometer, microscope, observe the Saturn by the used of telescope
2. (1642) Isaac Newton - law of gravity and planetary motions; co-founded calculus and
explained the law of light and color
3. (20th century) Albert Einstein - quantum theory, came up with the famous equation
4. Industrial revolutions - factories revealed

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