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The world today is slowly losing it’s vibrance and rich life as we progress into the future with

culture for mass production increasing day by day. We tend to neglect the causes it has to our
environment and focus on the temporary benefits that it gives us. Taking care of the world is the
number one priority when it comes to us but, how are we going to manage the constant duress
that we put our world everyday and save ourselves from our own hubris.

An advocacy by Pope Francis addresses this current problem in his encyclical on human
ecology by the name of Laudato Si. The pope informs us how we need to take care of our
common home because at the end of the day we are the ones responsible for making problems
ourselves and at the same time taking care of it. The poor are the ones suffering most from this
and if we don’t help them how do we make the world a better place. Laudato Si aims to unite
every human being on the planet and urges us to take care of each other and the environment
no matter what our race and status in life is. I believe that the church highly encourages the
people to at least practice what Pope Francis is trying to tell us, because it gives our religious
brethren who may not be aware of what is going on to have the initiative to help in making the
world a better place for everyone because if we do not do something and neglect the
environment we are the ones to suffer the consequences. I think that Laudato Si’s aims are very
relevant until now even though this was put out back in 2015 because we are still in the process
of trying to take care of the environment and uniting the people but are still struggling.
Personally I would vouch for Pope Francis’ encyclical because I believe that people should be
able to be more empathetic towards each other in order for us to be able to work together and
successfully take care of our environment if we are able to do this we could very easily deal a
more positive outlook in our lives and in general his encyclical has a positive message. The
world is lacking unity currently and working together towards a common goal that can benefit
every living person is a great way of uniting people towards a better future for the generations to
come. The world would be a better place if we as human beings could work together and put
aside our differences.

All in all being able to take Pope Francis’ encyclical into action would cause a greater benefit
towards the world and every human being living. We would have a better livelihood and better
environment that could lead the road to a better future. Taking care of the environment would be
the first step to combat poverty and ultimately help everyone.

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