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Laine Smith Sep 18 th,2023

My career plan is to take a year off, after high school. To explore different opportunities evolved
around farming, agriculture, and livestock. To see if that's really my interest, then moving
forward into university, possibly UFV. They have a program called livestock production and move
from there up with all their programs and opportunities. I would love to also explorer a career
in arts, mostly painting so if I were to have a farm, I could have something to do on the side that
I also enjoy.

My strengths are very similar to the personality test such as, very loyal, sensitive and warm,
good connections with others, strong practical skills, and strong sense of duty. The weaknesses
are very similar as well. I worry a lot what other people think of me, and I'm often very needy.

My relationships with people are slightly different. I personally like being in small, confined
groups, rather than big, large friend groups. I always found it better to build a strong connection
with one person, rather than many. When my friends do come up to me for advice, I am a great
motivator someone they can talk to.

The reason why I want to be a farmer is to help my community, with food, and tradition. I plan
one day to open my own pumpkin patch, and my own store. To provide for those close to me.
My work habits are very similar as well, I'm very patient, I love working with others, and I thrive
on a structured workplace environment.

In conclusion, I'm very surprised on how accurate the personality test was to how I really feel
with my lifestyle.

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