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TOPIC: NIuelear Hazards and

Human Heath risks

Dene Bye

dekinibion: Rtk davngen to huvan halh on the envisommnt þostid by

hadialion emanating hom the afmic ruclei of a gnern aubstonte, o the

posiblta o an tncrtihdled erplosion oiginating hom a fusion o hssion
Alaction od atmic nutlei.
tohich is nedated
Radioadlive ptukion å a
fecial tyfe d fhuysical pllution
teall aje life suppobirng sydms lk ai, watiu ond sql.

Nudiam Hazards
Raltonctive (nudras) fellukn di apecial fem hysitol follubin relatd
toall majch life- siheing sylmi - an, uontn arnd soil

Radicachviy å the phenmunon ef emissionof rugy horm sadtoachive istopes

(ie, unstalte ísotopes,Suchas (asbon-14, haniwn-235, Vhanium-238,

Uhanium-231, Radium-226 eke..

Jhe emision of enn AomAadhionctie Substanas in the envhannent

s oftun calid as Radkoattive Pollubn

.enualy, hadiatiom hazands in envt. Covmes Aom UVhauy, Comichays, idtle,

micwware Aadialon.

CAmang thun XAaus tuhich podutt oul 15/. nadiation erfhpere

Nacluon tnungy (frwunflent) di und faoduteclichioly But fud
wmd in pown plans A hadioacthve, which veng dangeios k wastt

molnials ast hazandous.

.Hoe the nudhas wall maleials alio tnmit hadintion, ie, hadianchive

polluution. Paqe 1 of 6
Hne thi nuchas tanse, Gererdly
the Aadiatien enpesuv i meanued ky
the unt called nartgen()
sadlatin tuhich podules
Cne sverdgen As clufinecd as the qparntity of
iondin 1gm ef an.
6 XI012 haius oh

Somes d Nucliau Hazamds

Natunal sekowsts:
on allitude
vnitnspale. ht quantily debends
)Cosmic Aays fAom
and labitude; t å mde at hahe lalkles and hiah albtuds.
the fonths CAusl
2 Enaisions hm hadioochive malials hom

2 Mannade souunces:
Nuclian fpondenplanti
X Aau
Nudhan lonbs
Nudean acciclen
Mining and pouing4adioactie oles.
Vse uf nadioackie matuals n nuclhas uweabons.

Jht Bielegial efeb d nucleas nadéabim Gan be daided into thaegrayp

o) shottomMtaeLable dheh (onoll ehyet ukuih teada to lers f hals)
(r longtem inoveralt efeb and ggnebt elhert

Snterral ucding A Hoed vescl damage may show up as Mdgiek on the skin.
Cartt ts Coniclesedl to be mafr htalth preblam san Aadiabton e»boveve
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in DNA uhch s
knon as MUTA TION.
Kaciatiom Can Catse changs
hah lots,
buns & hadiahon sitknt (nauaa,
dMcutt erbosures apbeas as


O-5Op: Novfsible elpcb.
50-20OR: BaRel foiods o, naLa n layof eapoStUe.
Aadiatin sickrnes
50/ may expritna
(auka and Vamlting ), 5f may Muguie
medical attinbbn, no daths ast eapetid.
-450R: Most munles o the gsoyp will Auguist
mudical attenbion brcause of Serious
Aadiation Sekntss. 5o dealhs eithin
two to fon teeks.
450-600R: Seious Aadiation icknm in all
muwnbrs of the gsoup, midital aklenbion
lpuisnd eath to moie than 501
within ontto thme weps

6CoR Sevese hadlinkion sitknus. IC0 dealhs in hoo weuks.

Corthol Meaknes:
deakacpso nucleos macles, Canelss handling, banspot and ust of

Aadonchve ful, fisin frockuets arnd nadioatlive (sotapes frave to be

sthonlel be enfotcucd shiclly
Saleby measnes

.bste dlefposal muste Casefeul, ehhicint and eehve:

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n shouldIt atgulas monitring and quautitalkive analyis thseugh
sisk onas,
uguent samblong tn the
llowed so thal mkg.aund hadiahm
evenhtve. measws shonld e
Kevuls do not enutd the feumrible lirnis;
clprofrilah dips should be token against acubhatiral exposwrt;
Shonld be shnglhentd against nudlean oacriden.
Sohe ly muasmes

&rspasnl ofnuchasuinstis:
Hiyh Levul hlast s (HL): Figh hvel hase a vey hgh- sadioactivity

per unit votuune. Sina these tünstus ant too dangerous to be stllasd anyuuhee
in the biosphne, thesefre, they must be contained eithus by Convesbirg

thim into mat solids (Cvanies) and thn buuted detp into lanth o ac

Storud in duh sal mints

2 Medium kevel uast es (MLAD) : Medium level wnsdes tg: His, Mtacn
Coponents, etc) ant Seldiied and ant uirtd uwilh comntt in stiel obhuns
Lefore betng buted in dub mdrns ol belons sea brd in concneti chanbs

Auo Kevel tiests (LLti): Aoro lioyutd uiasts (eg: salids ol ligidi cnbanintd
toihh thauso hadioactivita) a t depoctd of in sãtl chums in conotu-lintd
tundes In drigrralidsit
Saluby Measues:
Monitatng nadstacbvity asound the ditfosalsits
everion of enoione hadioactive toesti dishosalsits.
Tvention e any duiling atbirty n and asonurd the waste deisposalste
Peiodit and lorg lun monltmbr o such dishosal sits and amas fnaliuall,
OcCuning wanium hich Aacks Pace 4 of 6
ednuduas tydosions onhuman htalth
he mudital lhet: f the almait bamb on Hinochima upon hunmans tan be pud
into the haus calugorts brclrve, wsth #he elech d onges thematudeas uweapor

theumal eht so lange thak these terrld be nugiglle


pscduitrg last and

wnuld eperience
numba Suuivos cloa ennugh o the curte of, blast tho
1S kiloton
punpt/alutt hadialion elfeck, uhah uhrt obseved altn the
yield Finoslntma bomb, dut to ih sulatively yeld
numben of cleatihs,
1-9 oeks ,in which on the gsualust
nbial stage- the fisst
tuith 90 dut b thtsmal mjuy and/n
Plast ehhch ond lo. dut to saper-

Lthal nadiakion txpocu

Jrtmtdinte puiod-hom l0-12 wecks. Thu diaths m this peniod au hem iotrg sadiabin.
att Peniod- lasting hem 13-20 t0eks. Jho peried has sinnt irnrpoverant
in Sunvivovs Comdíhn.

olagd Peiod- hem 20+ wenks. {handuired bg nwmeous Comphitalions,

mothy sulatnd to hualing4 tharal and mthanial inpvies, and if the irdloid
ual was txposed b a feohunded toa theuand mildi'vtvesta f sadiahmit

i couplecl vuith irfesbilety, sub- porkility and blord disolders. Junihnmoe.

igniznkioniadiabian ole a dose of anmund 50-100 millisievest expostue has

n ehonn t slahisticall legin hAtastrg a posns thona f djirg d

Contu sonutime in thi leelime oven the ?helmal untebosed sali c.25, in ta

langtum, a helghtntd nat h cavnter, poptfinal to the dost Atceived, toemdd

Segan to Be cbswned afta C a s , uilhlusnfrobtoms, such as eye calandá

and othen nmol mntn.efcts in olhes otgans and tiut also lring

otsewed cvn the lentem

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Nudtan érloions
Nudas excplevins htleast huge amciunts of pllutarntsincludárgmany
hagandrus chunitals and dust pan bidis intb the atinsphene. Jlug.
ancunts of nadoatbhe matasal with long Lhe bimts caus hug te
Cn human hualih.

Nudear Powes Plants:

Thun lants damage the envisommint cwing to unantum minba
Aacdtoathie lunt ernieion and gnruation of ati huat. Flaoeven the

damage tausd by nuduas fpnoen plant ast lus than thou Aam foril
uhile polutor
huul planb. An honage Conl plart kills 95peetle pes yes
sen &imilan nutleam pont kills 0-0l8 peple.

Mou Cmbid Meanues o} Radioactive Plubion

Plantabion denu hus aund tht atmicpovoen planta.

PAepen managumart cAadioacéive uwosh.

UnntCthasy X-ray eNanminalion should be avrided.

Sui tolte wastt diposal methode and Krlta techrnadogy het nucha pae
lants sherdd be develped to fokct against hadiation health hazard
ouning nucuan installatins, Vanioms tfalts inchdirg thi piocs ol site
Selachion, t destgn, Comsbuitbion, opsalim, and ik shot and lmgtam
alluct should be sentnesdy Considord to contuel nadiakion

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