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Opens with a WIDE/FULL SHOT, displaying silhouette of the

character in the middle of the frame. The background of the
river and buildings can be seen either side of MARY along with
the barrier of the bridge.

The CAMERA zooms in, in a landscape shot to see Mary from the
hips up, focussing on her emotionless mood.

MARY is sitting stationary on the edge of the bridge (facing

the road), hood up with a blank expression and intense eyes.
Her perfervid stare is somewhat chilling and intimidating. The
girl’s head pans down, twiddling her fingers remaining with an

The CAMERA pans to a zoomed in shot of the girl’s expression

as her head is turning, studying the grave shock on her face
as she is registering the source of the noise.

MARY looks to the left as a loud stream of sirens is heard –

in which she swiftly launches herself up and starts briskly

The CAMERA shoots further back, showing another full body

shot, following the girl as she begins to tread, the sound of
the police sirens grows louder and the camera is tracing the
girl as her head falls, beginning to bolt. The CAMERA remains
shaking. The CAMERA adjusts to a manic shot of her hands
hurriedly tossing her hood over the head in an attempt to hide
from the incoming cars.

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