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tensor tympani muscle.

muscular branch motors medial pterygoid
muscle.-- tensor vili
branches of muscle.
Salman Alshrai undivided nerve
nervous spinosus mastoid cells and dura

massteric nerve
parotid gland
deep temporal
lacrimal nerve nerve
lateral portion of
upper eyelid anterior branch
lateral pterygoid
ethmoidal sinus.-- medial and lateral anterior ethmoidal nerve
and internal nasal
buccal nerve
post. ethmoidal air posterior ethmoidal nerve
sinus.-spheniodal air
anterior auricular n
iris of cornea long cillay nerve nasocilliary nerve

opthalmic nerve trigeminal nerve mandibular external audiatoy meatus

skin of ala.-- external nasal nerve nerve nerve
tip of nose . auricular temporal all sensory

both eyelid .-- superficial nerve

side of nose .-- infratoclear nerve
lacrimal sac
articular nerve

conjjuctive of upper
eyelid. - frontal sinus.-- supra-orbital nerve
skin over forhead lingual nerve( sensation of anterior 2/3 of
posterior branches sensory) tongue.-- floor of mouth .--
general sensation of gingiva .
frontal nerve
ascending branch
supra- troclear
mylohoid nerve ( mylohoid muscle.-- ant. belly
descending branch of digastric muscle

posterior part molar teeth .-- buccal gingiva of molar teeth and pulpal
inferior alveolar tissues of all side
inferior alveolar
nerve nerve( in .mandibular
mental nerve chin .- lower lip .-- buccal

nerve incisive branch incisors teeth

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