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Determine the following statement and specify the theory it supports.

__________1. Wegener expanded his theory and presented into a dozen or more large and small
solid plates.
__________2. One of the foundational works that gave rise to this theory is the first world Atlas.
__________3. Earth is compared to a grape due to the cooling process that occurred after the Big
__________4. The earth’s outermost layer is divided into a dozen or more large and small solid
__________5. Scientists believed that the cooling caused the contraction and pressure that
allowed some parts of the crust to rise.
__________6. Suggested that America was originally connected to Europe and Africa and that
the projecting parts of the continents would fit the recesses of America.
__________7. During the Triassic period, Pangea began to split into two.
__________8. Alfred Wegener proposed this theory in his book The Origins of Continents and
__________9. The contraction and pressure from mountains while others buckled downward and
formed ocean basins and other depressions.
__________10. Wegener explained that about 1,000 million years ago, a supercontinent called


__________11. He developed and published the first Atlas, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum.
__________12. He used identical plant fossils discovered in coal beds in Europe and United
__________13. He attributed the supercontinent’s disintegration to Noah’s great flood.
__________14. He proposed the term “isostasy” to explain the concept of a contracting Earth.
__________15. Large continental mass must be composed of lighter materials than those thought
to constitute the ocean floor.
__________16. Whenever equilibrium exists on the Earth’s surface, equal mass must underpin
equal surface areas.
__________17. Proposed the continental drift theory in his book The Origin of Continents and
__________18. Explained that because the fossils of the seed fern are too large to be dispersed
across the ocean by winds, their metropolitan distribution can only be explained by continental.
__________19. Expanded the theory and presented the evidence that Pangaea had really existed
during the Permian period.
__________20. He noted the similarity between the coastlines of Africa, Europe and Americas
and adopted Plato’s theory of the demise of Atlantis.


__________21. The term “tectonic” is derived from the Greek word “tekton” which means __.
__________22. It exists within the earth’s crust, whereby the upper lithosphere floats on denser
magma beneath.
__________23. Freshwater reptile which remains were found in Africa and South America.
__________24. The seed fern that are too large to be dispersed across the oceans by winds.
__________25. The study of the extended climatic conditions of past geological conditions.
__________26. Antonio Snider Pellegrini said that his hypothesis was based on what passage
from the bible.
__________27-28. During the late Triassic Period, Pangaea began to break up into two smaller
supercontinents called __________.
__________29. Platforms that are connected with basement rocks.
__________30. Interval of time within the ice age that is marked by colder temperatures.
__________31. The study of ancient magnetic fields.
__________32. Two land reptiles that lived during the Triassic period, have been discovered on
various continents, and their fossils are so numerous that they account for a large percentage of
bones recovered at some fossil beds.
__________33. The book written by Alfred Wegener.
__________34. Earth is generally composed of __ crustal plates.
__________35. The oldest foundation which is estimated to be four billion years old.


Enumerate all the plates.

A. Primary Plates

B. Secondary Plates

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