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“Online Learning is better than on-ground learning for the students”

It is a fact that in the world we live in, technology is developing more and more
every day. As technology advances, classroom learning has also changed depending on
technology. Online learning based on technology has also reached a wide range of students.
Compared to face-to-face learning, online learning became more widespread in the late 20th
century. Most young students prefer online learning. In my opinion, on-site learning is better
than online learning.
This is because most young people are learning online, but their minds are drifting
away and they are not paying attention to the text. If we ran away from school in the past,
we had to run over the school wall. If it is said that we are skipping school these days, it is
true that we do whatever we want to do by turning off the microphone and camera. One of
the biggest problems with online learning is the lack of face-to-face interaction between
students and teachers. This can lead to isolation and disconnection from the learning
process. At the on-site teaching school, we learn to listen carefully to the teacher's face-to-
face lectures. Those who don't know or don't understand are also allowed to ask questions
directly. In online schools, you don't learn closely with the teachers, thus most of them pay
less attention to the text.
It is true that in online learning, you can learn many lessons and any language you
want to learn without sitting down, online learning saves time; alleviating people's fatigue
although there are many having to sit and learn in one sitting can be very harmful to your
health. In the time of the lesson, only the screen of the phone is looked at, so the story, it
also causes health symptoms such as wrinkles around the eyes. On the other hand, the
presence of video program websites during the lesson makes the students' attention wander.
In addition, if the Internet is not good, it will be very difficult to learn literature. In small
towns, and countries, the lack of good internet connection in small villages causes delays in
students' studies. Group activities are done online, so it's not as smooth as doing it on the
ground. If it was a lesson that required practical work, it would be very difficult to do.
Learning online is not sure about each other, so it's not very convenient to talk and move.
Another problem with online learning is that it takes a lot of self-discipline and
motivation. Without the structure and routine provided by traditional classroom settings,
students may struggle to stay on track and complete assignments on time. Technical
difficulties are also a common problem with online learning. poor internet connection;
Software bugs and hardware failures can disrupt the learning process and cause frustration
for students and teachers.
It may not be suitable for all types of online learners. Some students need to thrive
in an interactive classroom environment where they can ask questions and have discussions
with their peers. While online learning offers many benefits such as flexibility and
convenience, it also has many challenges that must be addressed to be effective as an
educational tool.
On-ground learning, traveling from one place to another is time-consuming.
Although kicking makes people tired, it is like doing exercise, and it helps a lot of people's
health. Because we don't sit all the time, we tend to be nervous. There is no need to worry
about health as it causes back pain. Learning in ground schools is about being close and open
with friends. Learning to cooperate; It helps a lot to improve social relations.
Online learning has become part of the educational learning methods of the future
technology, but it is the biggest threat to human health, thus I object to the topic of
discussion that online learning is much better than on-ground learning.

Beach 2/ Grade 10
Alpha 8*
Group (1)

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