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Chapter 3

1. The word matrix was first used by

(a) Arthur cayley (b) James sylvester (c) G.W.Leibniz (d) Seki kowa
2. Who developed the theory of matrices and used them in the linear transformation
(a) Arthur cayley (b) James sylvester (c) G.W.Leibniz (d) Seki kowa
3. The concept of determinants was given by
(a) Americans & Chinese (b) Chinese & Russians
(c) Chinese & Japanese (d) Japanese & English
4. Who are credited for the invention of determinants
(a) Arthur Cayley & Seki Kowa (b) James Sylvester & Seki Kowa
(c) G.W.Leibniz & G. Grammar (d) Seki Kowa & G.W.Leibniz
5. A rectangular array of numbers enclosed by a pair of brackets is called
(a) Determinant (b) Entry (c) Matrix (d) Vector
6. The horizontal lines of numbers in a matrix are called
(a) Rows (b) Columns (c) Entries (d) Elements
7. The vertical lines of numbers I a matrix are called
(a) Rows (b) Columns (c) Entries (d) Elements
8. The numbers used in rows and columns of a matrix are called
(a) Members (b) Entries (c) Elements (d) All of these
9. The order of a matrix with m rows and n columns is
(a) m ×m (b) m ×n (c) m ×m (d) n×n
10. The order of the matrix ¿ is
(a) 3×3 (b) 2×3 (c) 1×3 (d) 3× 1
11. The order of the matrix [a b c ] us
(a) 3×3 (b) 2×3 (c) 1×3 (d) 3× 1

[ ]
1 2
12. The order of the matrix 3 4 is
5 6
(a) 1× 2 (b) 2×2 (c) 3×2 (d) 3×1

13. The order of the matrix

[ 14 25 36]
(a) 1× 2 (b) 2×2 (c) 2×3 (d) 3×2
14. The notation a31 indicates
(a) The element of 3rd column and 1st row (b) The element of 1st column and 3rd row
(c) The element of 3rd column and 1st Colum (d) The element of 1st column and 3rd row
15. A matrix is called a real matrix if all of its element are
(a) Imaginary (b) Real (c) Complex (d) Rational
16. A matrix in which number of rows is not equal to number of columns is called
(a) Scalar matrix (b) Rectangular matrix
(c) Square matrix (d) Diagonal matrix
17. A matrix in which number of rows and number of columns are equal is called
(a) Scalar matrix (b) Rectangular matrix
(c) Square matrix (d) Diagonal matrix
18. A matrix A of order 1 × n is called
(a) Column matrix (b) Row matrix (c) Diagonal matrix (d) Identity matrix
19. A matrix A of order 1 × n is called
(a) Column matrix (b) Row matrix (c) Diagonal matrix (d) Identity matrix
20. A square matrix all of whose elements except the main diagonal are zero is called
(a) Symmetric (b) Rectangular matrix (c) Singular matrix (d) Identity matrix
a1 j
a2 j
21. The order of the matrix a3 j
am j

(a) Symmetric (b) j×m (c) m×m (d) m ×1

22. The order of the matrix [ai1 , ai2 , ai3 ……………… ain]
(a) 1×n (b) i×n (c) n×i (d) n×n
23. The diagonal matrix in which diagonal element are equal is called.
(a) 1×1 (b) 1×2 (c) 1×3 (d) 3×1
24. The order of the matrix [1 2 3 ] is
(a) m =n (b) m≠ n (c) m×n=n×m (d) m>n
25. Let A be be a rectangular matrix of ordr m × n then
(a) m =n (b) m≠ n (c) m×n=n×m (d) m>n
26. Let A be be a square matrix of ordr m × n then
(a) m =n (b) m≠ n (c) m×n≠ n×m (d) m>n
27. A matrix whose each element is zero is called
(a) Identity matrix (b) Symmetric matrix
(c) Null matrix (d) None of these
28. A square matrix “A” is said to be symmetric if
(a) At = A (b) At = −¿A (c) At = 0 (d) A=A
29. A square matrix A for which At = A is called
(a) Row matrix (b) Column matrix (c) Symmetric matrix (d) skew-symmetric
30. A scalar matrix is also called a
(a) Diagonal matrix (b) Rectangular matrix
(c) Square matrix (d) Symmetric matrix
31. A square matrix A is said to be skew-symmetric
(a) At=A (b) A t =O (c) A t = -A (d) A ̅ = -A
32. A square matrix ‘A’ is said to be hermit in if
(a) A ̅ = -A (b) A t = -A (c) (A ̅ )t = A (d) (A ̅ )t = −¿A
33. A square matrix’A’ for which (A ̅ )t = A is called
(a) Symmetric matrix (b) Skew –symmetric
(c) Hermitian matrix (d) Skew Hermition matrix
34. A square matrix ‘A’ said to be skew hermitian if
(a) A ̅ = -A (b) A t = -A (c) (A ̅ )t = A (d) (A ̅ )t = −¿A
35. A square matrix ‘A’ for which (A ̅ )t = -A is called
(a) Symmetric matrix (b) Skew –symmetric
(c) Hermitian matrix (d) Skew Hermition matrix
36. Identity matrix is also a
(a) Unit matrix (b) Diagonal matrix (c) symmetric matrix (d) All of these
37. A unit matrix is denoted by
(a) I (b) Inxm (c) In (d) All of these
38. A null matrix is denoted by
(a) On (b) Omxn (c) O (d) All of these
39. If A matrix of order mxn and B is a matrix of order n × p ,then AB is a matrix of order.
(a) m×n (b) n×p (c) n×n (d) m×p
40. Two matrices A and B are said to be equal if
(a) Orders of both matrices are same (b) Corresponding entries are same
(c) Both A & B are square matrices
(d) Orders of A & B are same and their Corresponding entries are same
41. Given matrices A and B are said to be Conformable for addition if
(a) No. of column In A = NO.of column in B
(b) No. of rows in A = No. of row 5 in B (c) Order of A= order of B
(d) No. of row in A = No. of rows in B
42. The transpose of a row matrix is a
(a) Row matrix (b) Column matrix (c) Null matrix (d) Identity matrix
43. The transpose of a column matrix is a
(a) Row matrix (b) Column matrix (c) Null matrix (d) Identity matrix
44. The transpose of zero matrix is
(a) Row matrix (b) Column matrix (c) Null matrix (d) Identity matrix
45. The transpose of a square matrix is a
(a) Square matrix (b) Rectangular matrix
(c) Identity matrix (d) Null matrix
46. The transpose of rectangular matrix is a
(a) Square matrix (b) Rectangular matrix
(c) Identity matrix (d) Null matrix
47. The additive inverse of any matrix A is
(a) A (b) At (c) −A (d) A-1
48. The product of any non-zero number K with a matrix is called
(a) Multiplication of matrices (b) Scalar multiplication
(c) Vector multiplication (d) Multiplication
49. If order of a matrix A is m ×n then the ordr of KA is
(a) m×m (b) n×m (c) n×n (d) n×n
50. If A and B are matrices of the same order thus , the ordre of A – B = ?
(a) m×m (b) n×m (c) Same A&B (d) n×n
51. Two matrices A and B are said to be conformable fro multiplication AB if
(a) No. of column In A = NO. of column in B
(b) No. of Column in B = No. of Column 5 in A (c) No. of row in B = No. of rows in A
(d) No. of row in A = No. of rows in B
52. If order of A is 3× 4 and B is 4×3 then order of AB is
(a) 3×4 (b) 3×3 (c) 4×3 (d) 4×3
53. Which one is not true in general ?
(a) AB=BA (b) A(BC) = (AB)C (c) A(B+C)=AN+AC(d) All of these

[ ]
54. 0 5 6 is a
(a) Diagonal matrix (b) Upper triangular matrix
(c) Lower triangular matrix (d) Scalar matrix

[ ]
55. 0 6 0 is a
(a) Diagonal matrix (b) Upper triangular matrix
(c) Lower triangular matrix (d) Singular matrix

[ ]
56. 050
(a) Diagonal matrix (b) Upper triangular matrix
(c) Lower triangular matrix (d) Scalar matrix

[ ]
57. 0 1 0 is a
(a) Diagonal matrix (b) Scalar matrix (c) Identity matrix (d) All of these
58. A square matrix A is symmetric if At
(a) −A (b) A2 (c) 2A (d) A
59. A square matrix A is skew- symmetric if At = ?
(a) −A (b) A2 (c) 2A (d) A
60. A square matrix A is singular of | A| =
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) ≠0 (d) −1
61. For non-singular matrices A and B, (AB)-1
(a) A-1 (b) B-1 (c) A-1 B-1 (d) B-1 A-1
62. The number of non-zero rows in reduced echelon form of a matrix is called
(a) Rank of matrix (b) order of matrix (c) Row operation (d) Column operation
63. The determinant of a matrix is possible if it is a
(a) Identity (b) Diagonal (c) Square (d) Rectangular
64. The determinant of a unit matrix is always equal to
(a) 1 (b) Diagonal (c) Square (d) Rectangular

65. The matrix A =

[ 14 24] is a

(a) Singular (b) non-singular (c) symmetric (d) skew- symmetric

66. The matrix A =

[ 13 26] is a

(a) Singular (b) non-singular (c) symmetric (d) skew- symmetric

67. The matrix A =

[ 14 46] is a

(a) Singular (b) symmetric (c) skew- symmetric(d) None of these

68. The inverse of a matrix A exists if
(a) | A|<0 (b) | A|=0 (c) | A|>0 (d) All of these
69. Two matrices A and B are called multiplicative inverse of each other if
(a) An exists (b) AB=BA (c) AB ≠ BA (d) AB=BA=I
70. If A and B are two matrices of the same order then
(a) A+B (b) A+B=B (c) A+B=B+A (d) A+B≠ B+A
71. Commutative law of matrices w.r.t addition is
(a) A+B≠ B+A (b) A+B=A (c) A+B=B+A (d) All of these
72. Associative law of matrices w.r.t multiplication is
(a) (A+B)+C=A+(C+B) (b) (A+B)+C=A+(A+C)
(c) (A+B)+C=A+(B+C) (d) A(BC)=(AB)C.
73. If a matrix is a diagonal matrix, then the value of its determinant is
(a) Product of the entries in its row (b) Product of the entries in its Column
(c) Product of the entries in secondary diagonal
(d) Product of the entries in main diagonal
74. The minor of element 2nd row and 3rd column ins denoted by
(a) A23 (b) M23 (c) M32 (d) A32
nd rd
75. The cofactor of an element ins 2 row and 3 column is demoted by
(a) A23 (b) M23 (c) −¿A23 (d) None of these
76. The minor of an element aij is denoted by
(a) A23 (b) M23 (c) Mij (d) A32
77. If A and B are multiplicative inverses of each other then AB = BA = ?
(a) 0 (b) I (c) A (d) B
78. If a square matrix has tow identical rows or columns then its determinant is
(a) Non-zero (b) Greater than zero(c) zero (d) Less than zero
79. If all the elements of a row or column of a square matrix are zero, then its determinant is
(a) 0 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 3

80. The matrix A =

[ ac bd ] is
(a) Diagonal matrix (b) Identity matrix
(c) symmetric matrix (d) None of these
[ ]
81. The matrix A = 0 0 1 3 is in
(a) Symmetric from (b) Echelon from
(c) Reduced echelon from (d) Null matrix
82. For two matrices A & B
(a) (AB)t =AB (b) (AB)t =BA (c) (AB)t =At Bt (d) (AB)t =BtAt
83. If a matrix B is obtained from A by applying a finite number of rwo or column operations, then A and B are
(a) Inverse of each other (b) Equal
(c) Equivalent (d) identity

[ ]
11 2
84. The matrix A = 0 1 −1 is in
00 1
(a) Symmetric from (b) Echelon from
(c) Reduced echelon from (d) Null matrix

85. The matrix A =

[ 13 26] is a

(a) Singular (b) non-singular (c) symmetric (d) skew- symmetric

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