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Trắc nghiệm: Học kỹ trong Quizzes

Tự luận:

1. Tính CPI, GDP Deflator, Inflation rate, giải thích sự khác nhau khi dùng CPI và GDP
Deflator khi tính Inflation rate.

2. Government decreases spending by 200 billion. Using a graph representing the market for
loanable funds, show and explain:

a. What happens to interest rate and investment?

b. Compare the change of investment with the change of government spending. Explain.

Cuối kỳ

Trắc nghiệm: Học kỹ trong Quizzes

Tự luận:

1. An economy is in long-term equilibrium. covid19 pandemic occurs and most economists

would agree that the Covid19 pandemic combines aspects of both supply and demand
shocks. A supply shock is anything that reduces the economy's capacity to produce g&s, at
given price. Lockdown measures preventing workers from doing their jobs can be seen as a
supply shock. A demand shock, on the other hand, reduces consumer's ability or willingness
to purchase g&s, at given price.

a. Use your diagram to show what happens to output and the price level as the economy
moves from the initial to the new short-run equilibrium.

b. To stabilize output in short-run, should Central Bank sell bonds on the open market?
explain your answer.

2. The economy of Amazon contain 2000 $5 bills.

a. If people hold all money as currency, what is the quantity of money? If people hold all
money as demand deposits and banks maintain a reserve ratio of 5%, what is the quantity of

b. If people hold amount of currency which equal a half of demand deposits and banks
maintain a reserve ratio of 10%, what is the quantity of money?

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