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216 Review Article

Turk J Endocrinol Metab. 2021;25:216-226

Primary Hypoparathyroidism, Current Treatment,

and Recent Experience with
Parathormone Analogs in Adults
Primer Hipoparatiroidizm, Güncel Tedavisi ve Erişkin Hastalarda
Parathormon Analoglarının Etkinliği
Fatma Nur KORKMAZ, Murat Faik ERDOĞAN
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY

Parathormone (PTH) is a polypeptide hormone consisting of Parathormon (PTH), 84 amino asitten oluşan polipeptid ya-
84 amino acids. It is secreted from the parathyroid glands pıda bir hormondur. Paratiroid bezlerinden salgılanarak
and functions to maintain serum calcium (Ca) and phosp- serum kalsiyum (Ca) ve fosfat (PO4−) seviyelerini dar bir
hate (PO4−) levels within a narrow range. Primary hypopa- aralıkta tutulmasını sağlar. Primer hipoparatiroidizm (PHP),
rathyroidism (PHP) is a rare disease characterized by low düşük serum Ca ve yüksek PO4 seviyelerine rağmen düşük
PTH levels despite low serum Ca and high PO4 levels. It PTH seviyeleri ile karakterize nadir bir hastalıktır. Çoğun-
mostly occurs after thyroid surgery or due to autoimmunity. lukla tiroid cerrahisi sonrası veya otoimmünite nedeniyle or-
This review focuses primarily on hypoparathyroidism in taya çıkar. Bu makalede esas olarak erişkinlerde saptanan
adults, which is commonly treated with calcitriol and oral primer hipoparatiroidizm üzerinde durulacaktır. Tedavide ço-
Ca. Since this treatment does not completely compensate ğunlukla kalsitriol ve oral kullanılmakta ancak PTH’nin fiz-
for the physiological effects of the absent PTH, patients may yolojik etkilerini tamam olarak karşılanmadığından, hastalar
still experience hypocalcemia-related symptoms. Moreover, hipokalsemi ile ilişkili semptomlar yaşayabilmektedirler. Ay-
PHP is associated with increased morbidity due to compli- rıca PHP, hastalığın kendisine ve tedavisi ile ilişkili kompli-
cations attributed to the disease itself and its treatment. kasyonlara bağlı olarak artan morbidite ile ilişkilidir. Son
PTH (1-34) and PTH (1-84), two analogs of PTH that have zamanlarda PHP tedavisine 2 PTH analoğu olan PTH (1-34)
been used recently, provide better treatment outcomes. ve PTH (1-84) tedavisi kullanımı sunulmuştur. Bu derleme,
This review summarizes the etiology, current treatment mo- etiyolojiyi, güncel tedavi yöntemlerini ve ilgili komplikas-
dalities, and related complications, along with the recent ex- yonları, PTH analoglarının kullanımıyla ilgili son deneyimler
perience of using PTH analogs. özetlenecektir.

Keywords: Hypoparathyroidism; hypocalcemia; Anahtar kelimeler: Hipoparatiroidizm; hipokalsemi;

PTH (1-34); PTH (1-84) PTH (1-34); PTH (1-84)

Introduction PO4− levels within a narrow range via direct

Parathormone (PTH), a polypeptide hor- involvement of kidneys, bones, and indi-
mone, is secreted from the parathyroid (PT) rectly through the intestines. PTH promotes
glands. Its secretion is regulated by serum PO4− excretion from the renal tubules and
calcium (Ca) and phosphate (PO4−) levels increases Ca and magnesium (Mg) reab-
DOI: 10.25179/tjem.2020-80506

and Ca-sensing receptors (CasR) located in sorption by distal tubules. Moreover, it in-
the PT glands. PTH maintains serum Ca and creases the levels of serum Ca and PO4− by

Address for Correspondence: Fatma Nur KORKMAZ, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Ankara, TURKEY
Phone: :0312 508 2100 E-mail:

Peer review under responsibility of Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism.

Received: 09 Dec 2020 Received in revised form: 22 Jan 2021 Accepted: 11 Feb 2021 Available online: 17 Mar 2021
1308-9846 / ® Copyright 2021 by Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Turkey.
Publication and hosting by Turkiye Klinikleri.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license (

Turk J Endocrinol Metab.
Korkmaz et al.
Primary Hypoparathyroidism: Complications and Treatment

considerably lower, i.e., 2.3 to 17 cases per

100,000 individuals (2-6). Thus, neck
glands CARS
surgery accounts for approximately 75% of
PHP cases (5,7).
Relevant symptoms and findings of PHP in-
PTH release by clude severe hypocalcemia as well as weak-
CaSR in low Ca
ness; muscle cramps; numbness in the lips,
İncreased Ca and
PO4 absorotion
PTH fingertips, and toes; depressive symptoms;
Bone resorbtion
basal ganglia calcification; seizures;
İncreased Ca
cataract; hypotension; laryngospasm; and
reabsorption and
PO4 excretion cardiac arrhythmias (prolonged QT). More-
1 alpha hydroxylotion over, PHP may be present as a laboratory
1,25 Hydroxyvitamin D
finding alone.
Approximately 75% of PHP cases develop
after total thyroidectomy (TTx) (8).
Hypocalcemia lasting longer than six months
after thyroidectomy is defined as permanent
PHP and should not exceed 1 to 2% in spe-
Figure 1. Regulation of Ca and PO4−homeostasis in cialized centers. In other words, the risk of
Ca: Calcium; PO4−: phosphorus; permanent PHP is less than 2% in the hands
CaSR: Calcium-sensing receptor; PTH: Parathormone. of surgeons performing more than 100 thy-
roidectomies annually (9,10). Female gen-
der, recurrent neck surgery, the addition of
stimulating osteoclasts and increasing bone central and lateral lymph node dissection
resorption. Osteoblasts, which are activated (LND) to TTx, not considering PT glands dur-
by PTH stimulation, increase bone formation ing surgery, and Graves’ thyroidectomies
and signal the pre-osteoclasts to differenti- are associated with an increased risk of de-
ate into mature osteoclasts. Mature osteo- veloping permanent PHP (11).
clasts, in turn, increase bone resorption. The second most common cause of PHP is
Thus, PTH participates in normal dynamic autoimmunity (10). PHP either occurs in iso-
bone turnover through an indirect mecha- lation or presents itself as a part of autoim-
nism. In addition, stimulation of 1-α-hy- mune polyendocrine syndrome type 1
droxylase in the renal cells promotes (APS-1) associated with other autoimmune
PTH-induced formation of the active form 1- endocrinopathies such as Addison’s disease
25(OH)2 vitamin D from 25(OH)vitamin D, and Hashimoto’s disease. Autoimmune PHP is
which in turn increases the intestinal Ca and associated with varying rates of anti-CaSR an-
PO4− reabsorption. 1-25(OH)2 vitamin D tibody positivity; however, whether the anti-
and PTH work simultaneously to maintain body is functionally active or causes tissue
serum Ca, PO4−, and Mg levels within a nar- damage is unknown (10).
row range (8.5-10.5 mg/dL, 2.5-4.5 mg/dL, The contribution of genetic causes to PHP is
and 2.0-4.0 mg/dL, respectively) (Figure 1) less than 10% (12). One of the genetic causes
(1). of PHP is APS-1, which occurs due to a muta-
Primary hypoparathyroidism (PHP) is char- tion in the AIRE gene, in which other en-
acterized by the presence of low or normal docrine glands (i.e., Addison’s disease,
PTH serum levels despite hypocalcemia and autoimmune thyroid disease) are also af-
hyperphosphatemia. In addition, it is asso- fected. APS-1 is characterized by candidiasis,
ciated with a low bone turnover with in- alopecia, pernicious anemia, and hepatitis. Di-
creased bone mineral density (BMD). George syndrome is associated with 22q11
Although its incidence varies among differ- deletion, in which congenital heart defects,
ent individuals, PHP is observed with a fre- immunodeficiency, and pharyngeal and laryn-
quency of 10 to 40 cases per 100,000 geal abnormalities are observed owing to the
individuals and surgical PHP with a fre- abnormal development of the third and fourth
quency of 6.4 to 29 cases per 100,000 indi- pharyngeal pouches. Most cases are sporadic
viduals. The incidence of non-surgical PHP is and can be detected at a rate of 1 in 4,000 to

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Primary Hypoparathyroidism: Complications and Treatment 2021;25:216-226

5,000 births (13). Autosomal dominant asis was detected in 31% of patients, and
hypocalcemia type 1 is characterized as acti- stage 3 or more advanced chronic renal fail-
vated CasR receptors due to mutations in the ure (CRF) in 41% of patients (4). These pa-
CasR gene. Autosomal dominant hypocal- tients were 2 to 17 times more likely to
cemia type 2 is characterized by the activated develop CRF than their age-matched con-
alpha subunit of the G protein-a key mediator trols. GFR loss was inversely related to age,
in the CasR signaling pathway due to an acti- duration of disease, Ca levels above >9.5
vating mutation of guanine nucleotide-bind- mg/dL, high calcium levels for prolonged du-
ing protein alpha 11 (GNA11) gene, which rations, and high CaxPO4 products (4, 17).
suppresses PTH secretion and causes hyper- Moreover, patients with four or more
calciuria and hypomagnesemia (14,15). The episodes of hypercalcemia had a three-fold
HRD syndrome consisting of hypoparathy- risk of developing renal diseases (17). The
roidism, sensorineural deafness, and renal use of alfacalcidol above the median dose
dysplasia syndrome results from mutations in was associated with a reduced risk of renal
the GATA-binding protein 3 gene (GATA3) and complications (17).
is inherited either as an autosomal dominant In a study conducted by Undenbjerg et al.,
or recessive disorder. Kenny Caffey type 1 dis- 688 patients having surgical PHP for 8.4
order is caused by mutations in the tubulin- years were at a 4.02-fold (1.64-9.90), and
specific chaperone E (TBCE) gene and has 3.10 fold (1.73-5.55) increased risk of de-
clinical features such as congenital hy- veloping nephrolithiasis and CRF, respec-
poparathyroidism, severely delayed growth, tively, as compared with healthy controls
mental retardation, microcephaly, and facial (2). In patients with non-surgical PHP, the
dysmorphism (15). risk of any renal disease increased three-
Other causes of PHP are hypomagnesemia, fold, and the risk of CRF increased six-fold,
ionizing radiations, infiltrative diseases such compared with the controls [3.39 (1.67-
as hemochromatosis/hemosiderosis, Wil- 6.88) and 6.01 (2.45-14.75), respectively]
son’s disease, and osteoblastic metastases (3). In contrast, there was no increase in the
(i.e., breast and prostate). In cases where risk of developing nephrolithiasis in patients
the cause of hypoparathyroidism is not iden- with non-surgical PHP (3).
tified, following a careful clinical and labora- Cardiovascular complications: Underb-
tory evaluation and no family history can be jerg et al. did not detect an increase in car-
considered idiopathic. Idiopathic cases may diovascular disease (CVD), ischemic heart
have de novo activating mutations in the disease and arrhythmia, CVD-related hospi-
CASR gene. Idiopathic cases have also been talization, or overall mortality in patients
reported in North America with a 6% fre- with surgical PHP and with a disease dura-
quency (5,8,11,12,16). tion of eight years (2). In contrast, pa-
PHP should be considered when there is a tients with non-surgical PHP had an
history of neck surgery, exposure to radia- approximately two-fold increase in is-
tion, and the presence of autoimmune dis- chemic heart disease, arrhythmia, and any
eases. CVD over an average follow-up of 49.7
Renal complications: Because the tubular years that was equal to the median age of
reabsorption of Ca and excretion of PO4− patients (most since birth) (3). Patients
cannot be achieved in PHP, the extent of cal- with PHP for more than 20 years had a
ciuria is associated with the levels of serum four-fold increased risk of developing CVD,
Ca. Thus, high serum Ca levels (>9.5 compared with patients having a disease
mg/dL) due to overtreatment, hypercalci- duration of less than 7.2 years. Patients
uria, decreased glomerular filtration rate with four or more hypercalcemic attacks
(GFR), and nephrolithiasis have been re- had the highest risk of developing CVD
ported in patients with PHP (4). It is recom- (i.e., nine-fold) compared with those with-
mended to keep the serum Ca levels in the out these attacks (17). Unlike patients with
low normal range (7.5-8.5 mg/dL) to pre- non-surgical PHP, the minimal risk of CVD
vent complications. Mitchell et al. showed in patients with surgical PHP may be asso-
that although serum Ca levels were within ciated with shorter disease duration (11
the targeted low normal range, nephrolithi- vs. 47 years). In a population-based study,

Turk J Endocrinol Metab.
Korkmaz et al.
Primary Hypoparathyroidism: Complications and Treatment

Vadiveloo et al. suggested that PHP and associated with 4.72-fold, 8.43-fold, and
non-surgical PHP were associated with 6.85-fold increased mortality, respectively
2.24-fold and 2.10-fold increased risk of (17).
developing a CVD, respectively (3,18). Effects on bone: In a retrospective study
Other complications: Mitchell et al. conducted on 42 patients with PHP, Mitchell
found other complications in 120 patients et al.. reported high total hip (0.9±1.4) and
with mostly postsurgical PHP and a mean spine (2.4±1.4) (p<0.001) Z scores (4). A
disease duration of 17 years. Thirty-three total of 44 fractures developed in 21 pa-
percent of patients were admitted to the tients, although 10 of them were traumatic
hospital at least once due to complications (4). Another retrospective study performed
related to PHP. Sixty-two percent of the ad- by Underbjerg et al., in patients with surgi-
missions were due to hypocalcemia, 12% cal PHP, reported no increase in fracture risk
due to symptomatic hypercalcemia, and (FR) when compared with the control group
26% due to other reasons. Basal ganglia (H: 1.03; 95% CI: 0.83-1.29) (19). In con-
calcification was detected in approximately trast, proximal humerus and upper extrem-
half of the patients (4). ity were found to have a significantly lower
The frequency of hospitalization due to FR, whereas other regions showed no differ-
seizures in patients with surgical PHP in- ence (H: 0.24; 95% CI: 0.09-0.68 and H:
creased (H: 3.82; 95% CI: 2.15-6.79) com- 0.69; 95% CI: 0.49-0.97, respectively)
pared with the control group, and a 10-fold (19). Another study from the same group on
increase was observed in patients with non- patients with non-surgical PHP reported no
surgical PHP (H: 10.05; 95% CI: 5.39- increase in the general FR as compared with
18.72) (2,3). the control group (H: 1.40; 95% CI: 0.93-
The risk of developing a cataract was the 2.11). However, an increased FR was de-
same as that in patients with surgical PHP tected in the forearm (p=0.003). The same
as compared with the control group. The risk study reported a significantly increased FR
increased in patients with non-surgical PHP in patients under 18 years (18-fold) (3). The
as compared with the control group (H: authors associate the increased risk of frac-
4.21; 95% CI: 2.13-8.34) (3,19). tures in the upper limb with an enhanced
There was a 1.42-fold increase in the risk of risk of cataracts and seizures due to falls
infections requiring hospitalization in pa- (3).
tients with surgical PHP and a 1.9-fold in- Quality of life (QoL): Disease-related
crease in patients with non-surgical PHP symptoms, such as weakness, muscle
(3,19). A three-fold increase in hospitaliza- spasm, pain, paraesthesia, muscle weak-
tion due to upper respiratory tract infections ness, difficulty in concentrating, forgetful-
and a four-fold increase in urinary tract in- ness, sleep disturbances, and disease- and
fections were reported. A significant risk treatment-related complications, showed
continued to be present even when patients significantly lower QoL even in treatment-
with DiGeorge and autoimmune polyglandu- compliant patients. Personal social relation-
lar syndrome type 1, who had an immune ships and the professional lives of patients
deficiency, were excluded (3). Increased risk were significantly affected (20).
of infection was associated with disease du- A study in Denmark with 22 surgical PHP
ration, presence of more than three hyper- and hypothyroidism, 22 surgical hypothy-
calcemic episodes, and high serum PO4− roidism alone, and 22 healthy controls found
levels. However, a calcitriol dose of more that patients with surgical hypothyroidism
than 1 µg/d is known to be associated with and PHP had significantly lower physical
a decrease in the infection risk (17). component scores compared with patients
Psychiatric diseases such as depression and with surgical hypothyroidism alone and
bipolar disease were found to be increased those in the control group (21). The pres-
by two-fold in patients with surgical PHP, ence of PHP exerted a negative effect on the
and by 2.7-fold in patients with non-surgical QoL.
PHP (3,19). Disease duration (above 20.2 Astor et al. compared SF-36 scores of 283
years), high PO4− levels, and Ca and PO4− patients with PHP (70% postsurgical) with
products ≥2.93 mmol2/L2 were found to be normal population data. All domains of SF-

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Primary Hypoparathyroidism: Complications and Treatment 2021;25:216-226

36 were significantly lower in patients with tomatic. After intravenous administration of

PHP. Moreover, scores of female patients two ampules of 10% Ca gluconate (90 mg
were lower than those of male patients Ca2+ in 10 mL) in 50 mL of 5% dextrose in-
(p=0.03, both). The number of surgical pa- fused in 10 to 15 min, a continuous infusion
tients was lower than non-surgical patients for should be initiated. Electrocardiography
physical (p=0.002), body pain (p=0.03), and (ECG) should be performed simultaneously
vitality (p=0.04) domains (22). Hospital Anx- to monitor the development of arrhythmias
iety and Depression Scale anxiety and de- and QT duration, with a rate of 50 mL/h and
pression scores were significantly higher in an IV infusion prepared by adding ten am-
patients with PHP compared with the normal pules of 10% Ca gluconate in 1000 mL of 5%
population. Moreover, surgical PHP patients dextrose. In addition, oral Ca and calcitriol
had higher depression scores than non-surgi- treatment should be started simultaneously.
cal PHP patients (22). This decrease in QoL The infusion is discontinued after the symp-
was not associated with serum Ca levels (22), toms, and ECG findings improve, and serum
indicating that it could be related to the direct Ca levels reach a range of 8 to 9 mg/dL (25).
effects of PTH, other than Ca regulation in tis-
sues or thyroid malignancy, or Graves’ dis- Chronic conventional treatment
ease, which could be the reason for the Chronic treatment aims to improve the QoL
surgery (22). Interestingly, the study con- by reducing the symptoms of the patient,
ducted by Tabacco et al., in which the effect of ensuring the patient’s well-being, and pre-
eight years of PTH (1-84) treatment on QoL venting the development of complications.
was investigated with 20 patients (60% sur- Agents used in the conventional treatment
gical) with an average disease duration of 25 are oral Ca salts, 25(OH) vitamin D, cal-
years, reported significant improvement in 5 citriol, thiazide diuretics, PO4 binders,
of 8 domains of SF-36, compared with the and/or recently, two new peptide analogs
baseline scores. The worse the baseline PTH (1-34) and PTH (1-84). The primary aim
scores, the more the treatment outcomes. is to maintain the serum Ca levels as low as
Conventional treatment dose and physical possible, and within a range where the patient
and mental component summary scores were does not experience hypocalcemia-related
found to be inversely correlated (23). Simi- symptoms, hyperphosphatemia is prevented,
larly, another study conducted with PTH (1- and Mg levels are within the normal range.
84) reported a negative correlation between The secondary aim is to maintain the serum
baseline SF-36 scores and improvement in Ca and PO4− products below 55 mg2/dL2 and
QoL after treatment (24). prevent hypercalciuria after the target Ca and
Even in patients whose serum Ca and vitamin PO4 levels are achieved and ultimately pre-
D levels are stable, the lower SF-36 scores, vent treatment-related complications such as
compared with the normal population, could nephrocalcinosis, nephrolithiasis, renal insuf-
be explained by the direct effect of PTH on the ficiency, calciphylaxis, and augmented
central nervous system and muscle tissue. In atherosclerosis.
addition, the effect of PTH treatment on the The frequency of follow-up visits varies from
QoL could be explained by reducing conven- individual to individual and according to the
tional treatment, thereby decreasing the treatment received. After the initial visit, 6-
number of tablets taken daily (23). month or annual follow-up may be recom-
mended in patients who are asymptomatic
with biochemical parameters at the targeted
levels. However, the majority of the patients
Acute treatment
require 3 to 6 months of follow-up. Patients
Hypocalcemia is a medical urgency. Intra- who have changed their current treatment
venous therapy should be applied in case of should be evaluated within two weeks.
significantly prolonged QT, change in con- Twenty-four hours of urine Ca levels should
sciousness, tetany, seizures, laryngospasm, be monitored annually.
rapidly developing hypocalcemia after neck Carbonate and citrate salts of Ca can be
surgery, and corrected serum Ca level below used. Although 1 to 2 g/day of elemental Ca
7 to 7.5 mg/dL even if the patient is asymp- is sufficient in divided doses, patients may

Turk J Endocrinol Metab.
Korkmaz et al.
Primary Hypoparathyroidism: Complications and Treatment

occasionally require up to 10 to 12 g/day Ca Parathormone Analogs

to achieve the targeted serum Ca levels. Ca Despite the conventional therapy, PHP-asso-
carbonate (CaCO4), which contains 40% el- ciated morbidity is high, and some patients
emental Ca and an acidic environment for still experience hypocalcemic episodes de-
absorption, is generally preferred. Ingestion pending on the severity and disease dura-
of CaCO4 with meals increases the absorp- tion. Thus, recently human PTH analogs PTH
tion and binds to PO4− in the food. However, (1-84) and N-terminal PTH (1-34) have
gastrointestinal side effects are high and ad- been developed and used in clinical trials.
equate absorption may not be achieved in Winer et al., in a 3-year randomized con-
some cases using proton pump inhibitors trolled trial, comparing PTH (1-34)
and with achlorhydria. In such cases, Ca cit- (mean±SD: 37±2.6 µg/d, twice daily) with
rate, which contains 21% elemental Ca and conventional treatment (mean±SD:.
does not need an acidic environment, could 0.91±0.2 µg/d calcitriol), in 27 patients,
be preferred. Patients should be advised to found that although serum Ca levels were
take oral Ca salts 4 h after the levothyroxine within the low normal range in both arms,
treatment to enable adequate thyroid hor- the 24-h urine Ca excretion remained sig-
mone absorption. nificantly lower and in the normal ranges in
Because α-hydroxylation does not occur and the PTH arm but above the normal range in
is associated with impaired activation of vi- the conventional treatment arm (5.8±0.27
tamin D in PHP, calcitriol [1.25 (OH)2 vita- vs. 8.2±0.51 mmol/d, normal, 1.25-6.25
min D] or alfacalcidol [1α(OH) vitamin D] is mmol/24, and 24-h urine PO4− and Mg were
recommended. Calcitriol can be initiated at a similar in both arms. Nevertheless, no posi-
dose of 0.25 µg/d and increased up to 2 tive effect of controlling hypercalciuria by
µg/d. Alfacalcidol can be started at a dose PTH (1-34) has been detected on creatinine
of 0.5 µg and increased up to 4 µg/d. Un- clearance after three years, probably due to
fortunately, conventional treatment does not relatively short follow-ups (26). In the same
completely meet the physiological effects of study, serum and urine bone turnover mark-
PTH; thus, renal excretion is directly related ers were significantly increased in the PTH
to serum Ca levels. In addition, hypercal- (1-34) arm compared to the calcitriol arm
cemia, hypercalciuria, hyperphosphatemia, and reached the highest level in 2.5 years of
and PO4− precipitation contribute to ectopic PTH (1-34) treatment (26). No significant
calcification and nephrocalcinosis with con- difference was found between the two treat-
ventional therapy. Conventional treatment ment arms in BMD of the whole body, lum-
could also lead to hypercalciuria in 38% of bar spine, distal radius, and femoral neck.
patients, nephrolithiasis or nephrocalcinosis However, while BMD and bone mineral con-
in 31% of patients, and stage 2 and 3 CFR in tent (BMC) of the lumbar spine and the
31% and 45% of patients, respectively (17). whole body remained stable in the PTH (1-
To counter hypercalciuria, reduced oral Ca 34) arm for three years, a significant in-
intake, sodium-restricted diet, and 25 to crease was achieved at the same regions in
100 mg/d thiazide diuretics, in divided the calcitriol arm. Increased femoral neck
doses, are recommended. Patients receiving BMD values were detected in both treatment
thiazides should be monitored for hypona- arms (26). The increase in the calcitriol arm
tremia and hypopotassemia. If necessary, could be associated with a low bone
potassium replacement or potassium-spar- turnover due to PHP, whereas the increase
ing diuretics can be added. in serum and urine markers indicated an in-
In the presence of hyperphosphatemia, creased turnover with PTH (1-34). Until
PO4− restricted diet and PO4-binding agents now, the effect of rhPTH (1-84) therapy on
are recommended. Furthermore, reducing FR in PHP has remained unknown (27).
the dose of calcitriol treatment may also be The same group compared PTH (1-34)
helpful. Because Mg has an important role treatment with twice-daily injection against
in PTH secretion and bioactivity, functional the pump delivery in eight patients who had
PHP can result in Mg deficiency; thus, hypo- surgical PHP. The daily dose of PTH de-
magnesemia should be treated when de- creased by 65% to provide low normal
tected in patients with PHP. serum Ca levels with pump delivery [13±4

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Primary Hypoparathyroidism: Complications and Treatment 2021;25:216-226

(0.17±0.03) vs. 37±14 µg/d (0.47±0.13 serum 25(OH)D levels declined steadily be-
µg/kg•d), p<0.001]. In addition, urinary Ca tween the baseline and week 12 and subse-
excretion reduced, serum Mg level was quently stabilized. However, these remained
higher, and the need for Mg replacement de- below the baseline until week 24 in the PTH
creased with pump delivery (28). Further- (1-84) arm. They suggested that a higher
more, bone turnover markers increased dose of 25-OH vitamin D treatment was re-
significantly in both groups to the physio- quired and the serum vitamin D levels
logical range; however, the values were should be monitored and replaced appropri-
lower in the pump delivery group. The au- ately during PTH (1-84) use (30).
thors concluded that PTH (1-34) treatment In another study conducted by Rubin et al.,
with pump delivery provided less frequent 33 patients were followed for six years
intervals and smaller doses, thereby caus- under PTH (1-84) treatment. The PTH treat-
ing fewer fluctuations in serum Ca levels, ment was started with a dose of 100 µg
which is more physiological (28). every other day, and the dose was titrated
Mannstadt et al. conducted a 24-week, dou- according to the serum Ca levels and was in-
ble-blind, placebo-controlled “REPLACE” creased up to 100 µg/d. The majority of the
study using PTH (1-84). They recruited 134 patients achieved a low-normal serum Ca
patients (n=90 in the study arm) with 76% level with a dose of 50 µg/d of PTH. At the
surgical and 16% idiopathic PHP. At the be- end of the study, the need for an oral Ca re-
ginning of the study, 68% of patients were placement reduced by 53% in the first year
taking high-dose calcitriol, and 32% of the and decreased from 2,657±190 mg/d to
patients were receiving more than 2,000 1,236±190 mg/d at the end of the study
mg/day of Ca therapy. A 50% reduction in (p=0.001). Similarly, the need for calcitriol
conventional treatment doses, when serum replacement decreased by 67%, from
Ca levels were within the normal range, was 0.72±0.1 µg/d to 0.23±0.1 µg/d at the end
established as the primary endpoint. The ini- of the study (p<0.0001) (31). Diuretics
tial dose with PTH (1-84) was 50 µg/d. After were discontinued in 16 (48%) of the pa-
dose titration, 52%, 27%, and 21% of pa- tients who received calcitriol replacement
tients received PTH (1-84) treatment doses and 5 (45%) of the 11 patients who received
of 100 µg/d, 75 µg/d, and 50 µg/d, respec- thiazide. The urine Ca excretion decreased
tively, at the end of the study. Finally, 53% significantly in the first, third, and sixth
of patients in the PTH arm and 2% in the years of treatment, from 275±24 mg/day to
placebo arm reached the primary endpoint. 186±25 mg/day in the sixth year of treat-
The calcitriol treatment was stopped in 43% ment (p=0.07) (31). The serum PO4− levels
of patients in the PTH arm and 5% of pa- decreased significantly in the fourth and fifth
tients in the placebo arm. In addition, the years of treatment; the significance disap-
need for oral Ca decreased (<500 mg/d). peared in the sixth year. The renal function
Similar mild side effects were detected in remained stable during six years of follow-
both arms (29). up. The levels of bone turnover markers in-
Effects of PTH (1-84) on serum PO4− levels creased, starting from the first year, and
were investigated in a follow-up study of the remained significantly high at the end of six
REPLACE study, with 120 patients (n=84 pa- years. The activity of alkaline phosphatase
tients in the PTH arm). The mean serum also increased significantly at the end of the
PO4− levels decreased and remained stable sixth year as compared to the baseline
in the PTH arm. Urine PO4− excretion varied (p<0.01). The BMD scores of the lumbar
during the study. The levels of CaPO4 prod- spine and total hip increased significantly at
ucts were still lower in the PTH arm than in the end of the sixth year compared to the
the placebo arm (30). It was reported that baseline (3.8±1%, 2.4±1%, respectively).
1.25(OH)2 vitamin D levels of patients with Although the femoral neck score remained
PTH (1-84) treatment continued in normal similar to the baseline values at the end of
levels, although oral calcitriol treatment was the study, an average of 4.4±1% loss in the
discontinued in 62% of patients of PTH (1- BMD score was detected in the distal radius
84) group. Thus, PTH (1-84) resulted in a (p<0.0001). Twelve hypercalcemic events
physiological transformation. In contrast, that did not require hospitalization occurred

Turk J Endocrinol Metab.
Korkmaz et al.
Primary Hypoparathyroidism: Complications and Treatment

in nine patients, and hypocalcemia devel- creased the BMD score in the cortical bone-
oped in three patients five times. In addi- rich regions whereas increased the scores in
tion, a total of eight minor fractures the trabecular bone-rich regions. Because
developed in six patients at different times there is no control group in the 6 and 8 years
of the treatment in cortical bone-rich re- of follow-up studies, it is not possible to an-
gions, and three patients developed swer the question of the developing fractures
nephrolithiasis (31). are a complication of PTH (1-84) treatment
Tay et al. conducted a study with 24 pa- or related to PHP itself.
tients; at the end of 8 years of PTH (1-84) Thus, PTH (1-84) treatment in 6-and 8-year
treatment, the requirement for oral Ca re- follow-up studies was found to be reliable;
placement decreased by 57% from it provided stable serum Ca levels, reduced
3,000±300 mg/d to 1,300±300 mg/d (32). the need for conventional treatments, hy-
The number of patients who required more percalciuria, and ensured the normal cycle
than 1500 mg/day of oral Ca treatment de- of the bone without any obvious side effects.
creased from 19 (79%) to 8 (33%) Moreover, observing similar findings after
(p<0.01). The need for calcitriol treatment eight years of follow-up showed that the ef-
decreased by 76% and disappeared in half fectiveness of the treatment probably con-
of the patients. The thiazide diuretic dose tinued.
was reduced by 50% and was completely
discontinued in two patients. Calcium excre- Conclusion
tion in 24-h urine decreased from 254±29 Although hypoparathyroidism is a lifelong
mg/d to 157±37 mg/d (p<0.01). The disease with high morbidity, it is preventable
change in urine Ca excretion was not asso- in most patients. Thyroid and PT surgeries
ciated with the change in oral Ca replace- with or without neck dissection are less
ment and PTH (1-84) dose (r=-0.29, morbid in the hands of endocrine surgeons
p=0.26, and r=0.3, p=0.25, respectively). or ENT surgeons specialized for head and
The renal function remained stable for eight neck surgeries. Each patient should be re-
years. The lumbar spine and total hip BMD ferred to experienced hands because this
scores increased, the femoral neck remained lifelong disease not only has severe treat-
stable, and the distal radius score decreased ment-related complications but also affects
(32). Throughout the study, three hypercal- the QoL significantly. In addition, neck
cemic events, which did not require hospi- surgeries should be avoided because even
talization, and three hypocalcemic events at the hands of experienced surgeons, PHP,
developed in three patients. Eight fractures although much less likely, can occur
developed in six patients in the cortical (<1%). Conventional treatment with cal-
bone-rich regions (32). citriol and calcium salts is effective for the
PHP increased the BMD score due to low majority of patients. However, treatment-
bone turnover. The PTH treatment stimulated related complications could be present.
and normalized bone turnover, as evident The recent introduction of PTH analogs has
from increased bone turnover markers led to more effective treatment of patients
(26,31). In two studies evaluating the effects and probably less morbidity. Treatment of
of PTH (1-84) treatment on bone, bone PTH (1-84) was approved by the Food and
biopsy performed 3 to 24 months after PTH Drug Administration (FDA) in January 2015
(1-84) treatment showed increased new for the treatment of PHP with a “black box”
bone formation and intratrabecular tunneling warning about an increased risk of os-
in cortical and trabecular bone (33,34). In teosarcoma in rats. Fortunately, none has
the group with a higher number of tunneling, been observed in human studies, with 6-and
bone turnover markers were higher, and PTH 8-year follow-ups.
(1-84) effect on biochemical markers contin- Although PTH (1-34) has been studied on
ued for 24 months. The increase in the patients with PHP, it has not been approved
“Haversian canals” in the cortical bone has by the FDA or European Medicines Agency.
been shown to cause an increase in porosity Treatment with PTH analogs can be consid-
(33,34). Although PTH is anabolic for both ered in patients with the below issues de-
cortical and trabecular bone, PTH (1-84) de- spite conventional therapy (8):

224 Korkmaz et al. Turk J Endocrinol Metab.
Primary Hypoparathyroidism: Complications and Treatment 2021;25:216-226

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d. Requiring a higher dose of Ca (i.e., >2.5 Writing the Article: Fatma Nur Korkmaz;
g/d) or calcitriol >1.5 µg/d. Critical Review: Murat Faik Erdoğan.
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