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Project Charter

Project Title: Steve and Karen Jones’ 50th Anniversary Party

Project Start Date: January 31, 2023

Project End Date: February 31, 2023

Project Manager: Jenna Johnston

Project Description:
Steve and Karen’s 50th Anniversary is on February 31, 2023, and a party will be held on that
day to celebrate their marriage. This party will include their close friends and family
enjoying barbequed food, a cake, and sharing gifts for the couple. The party will take place
in the backyard of the Jones residence. This project’s goal is to create a relaxing celebration
for the Jones’ 50 years of marriage.

Project Scope
The limits of this project are dependent on the deliverables being the project plan and a
signed expense statement. Without these being in writing, the project cannot move forward.
A signed expense statement with the Jones’ will be made to ensure that all of the provided
budget is being used appropriately and for the agreed upon items. This documents will be
approved and signed by the Jones’ before the start of the project.

Project Objectives
Project MUST be completed by February 31, 2023

 Converse with the Jones’, their friends, and their families to determine what time
the party shall take place and who can attend.

 Select the time of the party and list how many attendees.

 Establish what food/cake guests can bring and what will need to be purchased via
the Jones’ given budget.

 Purchase any preapproved decorations and food through the Jones’ budget and
print out itemized receipts for each purchase.

 Confirm attendance for guests on February 20, 2023, to allow for any planning

 Arrive to Jones residence two hours before the event to set up decorations and
prep food purchased by the Jones’.

 Begin party at agreed upon time and have guests enjoy food and give gifts to the

Key Project Stakeholders

 Steve and Karen Jones
o The Jones’ will be key stakeholders in the project as the focus is on them
and their presence. Without them present, the project will cease to
successfully take place.

 Friends of the Jones’

o The Jones’ friends have been an important part of their successful

marriage. They have interest in the project and will be asked to take time
out of their day to be at the event.

 Family of the Jones’

o The Jones’ family have been an important part of their successful

marriage. They have interest in the project and will be asked to take time
out of their day to be at the event.

Major Milestones
The milestones in this project are partly mentioned in the project objectives above. These
milestones include picking a time with guests and hosts, confirming the list of attendees,
and providing itemized receipts of the products purchased using the budget provided by the
Jones’. Picking a time with guests and hosts helps provide everyone with the opportunity to
move to the next milestone of confirming their attendance. After this is confirmed, the
budget can be used to purchase products needed for the party with the knowledge of how
many attendees there will be.

Project Assumptions
Three assumptions take place in this project. The first being that there will be a combination
of friends and family as guests. This assumption takes place from conversing with the Jones’
and the interest coming from friends and family to get them to their 50 years of marriage.
The second assumption is the date of this event. The date has been provided as the
anniversary date so we can make as assumption that this is the reason for that exact date.
The last assumption would be that the project manager, Jenna Johnston, will remain in
communication with the Jones’ and complete the project because of the signed

Project Constraints
Depending on the food, beverages, and type of cake the Jones’ want, it can become the first
constraint and a limiting factor based on the availability of those products. Another
constraints would be a possible change in expense planning based on the price of
decorations and food and how much the Jones’ are willing to spend on these items. The last
constraint is the actual amount of people attend the event. Though attendance can be
confirmed halfway through the time period of the project, people can still cancel last minute
and then cost may be wasted.

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