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LASSO Affiliate School and PAASCU Accredited Level I

Owned and managed by: Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.
Pardo de Tavera Street, Davao City


SY 2022-2023
NAME:____________________________ Score:___________
TEACHER: Leamel C. Osnan Date: ___________

Instruction: Identify different phases of running and sprinting. Choose your answer inside the box
and write your answer on the space provided.

Take Off Transition Mid-Stance Initial Contact

Maintaining Speed Starting Phase Terminal Swing Mid Swing.
Acceleration Phase Maximizing Speed Initial Swing

____________1. This phase starts at 40-60 meters. Slowly move your body to do an upright
____________2. This a phase in a competitive race when a player maximizes leg power to create
______________more speed. Length of stride in each step starting to widen.
____________3. In this stage, maintaining a proper form will determine your speed.
____________4. The first phase of swinging of the arms to gain more balance while striding.
____________5. The second phase of swinging, preparation for the other foot to land on the
____________6. The last phase and the heel contact the ground.
____________7. Sprinter is touching the starting line.
____________8. This phase starts at 40-60 meters.
____________9. This is the hardest phase, and sprinter needs to develop more on.
____________10. When your foot lands on the ground, the foot and leg serve as a shock
_______________absorber, before the foot hits the ground, the knee flexes.
____________11. The foot is in the swinging phase, and the leg provides the body a more
_______________balanced stride.
Instruction: Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE. Write your answer on
the space provided.

________12. The R in the RICE method stands for Recovery. F

________13. If the athlete is unconscious, put him on a recovery position and call an ambulance
___________or physician.
________14. If the athlete is conscious during heat exhaustion, give him a cold drink.
________15. Runners should stay on their lane all throughout the race.
__________16. The C in the RICE method stands for Cramps. F
________17. Do the dynamic and stretching before and after physical activities.
________18. Always bring extra shirt engaging physical activities.
________19. Do not stretch cramped muscles during heat cramps. F
________20. Drink plenty of fluids during vigorous or outdoor activities especially on hot days.
________21. Do not return to strenuous activity for a few hours after the cramps subside because
___________further exertion may lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
________22. Cool the person by spraying or sponging with cool water and fanning during heat
Instructions: Answer the following questions and write your answer in 3-5 sentences.

23-26. What are the basic first aid for leg cramps?

27-30. What do you think are the importance of bone and muscle-strengthening activities?

4-has a strong central idea that is related to the topic;
3-has few mechanical, grammatical, and spelling errors that do not distract from the overall message.
2-uses common words accurately, but sentences tend to be simplistic and unsophisticated;
1-has one or two severe mechanical or grammatical errors.

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