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Ayu lestari tarigan
Muhammad Fahri
Mawar Riska
Davina Dinda Maharani
Luthfi sauqi
Procedure text is a type of text that provides step-by-step instructions or
guidance on how to do something. The goal is to help readers or listeners
understand a particular process or action so they can carry it out correctly. This
is a very functional and practical type of text.

Procedure Text Structure:

The basic structure of a procedure text usually consists of three main parts:

1. Aim/Title (Title): This is the initial part that states what will be explained in
the text, usually in the form of a title or short statement.

2. Materials/Equipment (Materials/Equipment): This is the section where the

author describes the materials or equipment needed to carry out the procedure.

3. Steps (Steps): This section is the core of the procedure text, where the author
provides step-by-step instructions on how to carry out the task or procedure.
Each step must be explained clearly and sequentially.

Language Used:
In the procedure text, the language used must:

- Objective: Avoid using emotional or subjective words. Use language that is

simple, clear, and not confusing.

- Imperative (Command): Use imperative verbs (command) to give

instructions, for example "Take", "Mix", "Cut", and so on.

- Active Sentence: Avoid passive sentences and use active sentences to make
understanding easier.
Example of Procedure Text - Making Tea:

Purpose/Title: How to Make Delicious Tea.

- Hot air
- Tea bags
- Sugar (optional)
- Glass

1. Boil the air until it reaches boiling point.
2. Put the tea bag into the glass.
3. Pour hot water into a glass, around 200 ml or according to taste.
4. Wait for 2-3 minutes for the tea to infuse.
5. Remove the tea bag and add sugar if desired.
6. Stir until the sugar dissolves.
7. The tea is ready to drink.

In the example above, the procedure text structure includes a title, ingredients,
and clear steps. The language used is objective, imperative, and uses active
sentences. All of this aims to provide an easy to understand guide on how to
make tea.

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