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Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

A Comparative Study: Assessing the Cleaning Potential of

Calamansi (Calamondin) Extract on Various Fabric Types.

A Research Proposal
Presented to the
Faculty of the Senior High School – Main Campus
Liceo de Cagayan University
Cagayan de Oro City


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics



OCTOBER 18, 2023

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department



1.1 Introduction

This chapter includes the background of the study, statement of the problem,
objectives of rational the study, significance of the study, scope and delimitations
of the study, as well as the operational definitions of key terms.

In the realm of household cleaning products, the quest for effective and
environmentally friendly solutions remains a constant pursuit. In this context, the
search for natural alternatives has gained significant traction. Among the myriad of
naturally occurring cleaning agents, citrus fruits have emerged as promising
candidates due to their inherent degreasing and stain-removing properties.
Calamansi, scientifically known as Calamondin (Citrus microcarpa), a small citrus
fruit resembling a miniature tangerine, has garnered attention for its versatile
applications beyond culinary use. Its acidic content and potent aroma make it a
compelling choice for cleaning purposes, especially on fabrics of various

This study embarks on a comparative exploration of the cleaning potential of

Calamansi extract across diverse fabric types. With increasing consumer demand
for eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning options, this research aims to contribute to
the body of knowledge surrounding alternative cleaning agents. The versatility and
availability of Calamansi make it an accessible and cost-effective option,
potentially reducing reliance on chemical-laden cleaning products that can be
harmful to both human health and the environment.

1.2 Research Objectives

To investigate and compare the effectiveness of Calamansi (Calamondin)

extract as a natural cleaning agent on different fabric types, with a focus on
assessing its stain removal capabilities, color preservation, and overall impact on
fabric quality when compared to traditional chemical detergents.

1.To create an eco-friendly cleaning agent in order to make the calamansi

peels more effective to use in different types of fabrics such as:
a.Silk fabrics
b.Cotton fabrics
c.Polyester fabrics
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

2.To clean stained fabrics caused by coffee, tomato sauce, acrylic paints,
3.To help the environment reuse the wastes of calamansi.

This objective indicates that the study aims to determine how well Calamansi
extract can clean various fabric types, while also considering factors such as stain
removal, color preservation, and the potential impact on the fabric itself when
compared to conventional chemical detergents.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

This concern has driven to an expanded interest in investigating eco-friendly
choices determined from characteristic sources calamansi peels have been
recognized as a potential eco-friendly cleaning operator due to their characteristic
cleaning properties and biodegradability be that as it may the viability of
calamansi peels as a cleaning operator on particular texture sorts such as silk
cotton and polyester remains largely unexplored, addressing the following

1.How does the cleaning efficacy of calamansi (Calamondin) peels

compare to traditional chemical cleaning agents on silk, cotton, and
polyester fabrics?

2.What are the factors influencing the cleaning effectiveness of calamansi

peel extract on silk, cotton, and polyester fabrics?
3.How environmentally friendly and sustainable is the use of calamansi
peel extract compared to conventional cleaning agents on silk, cotton, and
polyester fabrics?

This study aims to contribute profitable information to the field of eco-

friendly cleaning specialists advertising experiences into the viable pertinence of
calamansi peels on assorted texture sorts whereas advancing feasible and naturally
dependable cleaning practice.

1.4 Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 depicts the schematic diagram of the conceptual framework of the study.
As shown in the diagram below, the left box contains the independent variable
labeled as the calamansi peels.

The arrows that are directed to the right boxes indicates the dependent
variable of the study, which are the silk fabrics, cotton fabrics, and polyester
fabrics. The three different kinds of fabrics on the right are dependent on the
effects caused by the independent variable, which is the calamansi peels. It aims to
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

find out the effectiveness of the calamansi peels as cleaning agents in silk, cotton,
and polyester fabrics.

Figure 1.2 Paradigm of the concepts of the rearchers from input,

process, and to the output of the researchers. It provides the researchers' overview
of the processes, the testing and the output. to the people who will use it from the
input, process and to the output of the research. The nature of the calamansi will
serve as the primary source of the information of the said experiment and will
serve input. As the experiment is conducted, the effectiveness of the Calamansi
will be tested and validated.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

1.5 Hypothesis

In this study, we defined a null hypothesis communicating that there is no

critical qualification inside the cleaning efficiency of calamansi peel remove
compared to standard cleaning administrators when associated to silk cotton and
polyester surfaces this hypothesis challenges the thought that calamansi peels in
show disdain toward of their eco-friendly nature have any curiously cleaning
properties on these materials by testing this invalid speculation we point to
impartially assess whether calamansi peel remove appears comparable cleaning
practicality to broadly utilized commercial cleaning operators this intensive
evaluation is essential to supply critical bits of information into the common sense
and ampleness of utilizing calamansi peels as an eco-friendly cleaning course of
action for diverse surface sorts this recommends that the cleaning capability
recolor removal capacity and in common ampleness of calamansi peel remove are
rise to those of ordinary cleaning pros the invalid hypothesis anticipates that any
observed contrasts in cleaning comes about are due to self-assertive chance or
components detached to the cleaning administrators being attempted the consider
focuses to test and conceivably expel this invalid hypothesis giving demonstrate
for the practicality of calamansi peel remove as an temperate elective cleaning
administrator for distinctive sorts of surfaces

The study indicates that the utilize of calamansi peels as an naturally

inviting texture cleaner and their capacity to clean silk cotton or polyester textures
are closely related in comparison to ordinary cleaning specialists for all three sorts
of textures it is anticipated that the utilize of calamansi peels will lead to an
advancement in texture washing productivity calamansi peels have been
demonstrated to have characteristic texture cleaning properties successfully
cleansing silk cotton and polyester materials this eco-friendly arrangement not as it
were minimizes natural affect but moreover offers a cost effective elective to
customary cleaning items by tackling the control of calamansi peels people can
accomplish proficient texture cleaning whereas advancing supportability and
lessening squander.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study is critical for a wide range of stakeholders, including individuals,

communities, and the agriculture sector. It represents an environmentally friendly
alternative to traditional cleaning chemicals for stakeholders such as
environmentalists, aligning with their commitment to minimizing chemical
pollution. Individual consumers benefit from the study because they have access to
safer, eco-conscious cleaning options that protect their well-being and reduce
health risks linked with harsh chemicals. Communities benefit from improved
quality of life as a result of cleaner, safer living areas and reduced environmental
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

contamination. However, the agricultural industry, particularly farmers, stands to

benefit considerably from utilizing calamansi (Calamondin) peels as a raw
ingredient in eco-friendly cleaning solutions.

1.7 Scope and Delimitation

This research study aims to investigate the cleaning potential of Calamansi

(Calamondin) extract on various fabric types. The research will primarily focus on
assessing the efficacy of Calamansi extract as a cleaning agent for common fabric
materials, such as cotton, polyester, and wool. The study will involve experiments
designed to compare the stain removal capabilities of Calamansi extract with
traditional commercial detergents, considering variables like fabric type, stain type,
and extraction method. Additionally, the study may explore the environmental and
cost implications of using Calamansi extract as an alternative to conventional
cleaning agents.

This research will have certain limitations in its scope. Firstly, it will not
cover all possible fabric types, and the focus will primarily be on widely used
textiles. Secondly, the study will concentrate on the cleaning potential of
Calamansi extract and its effectiveness in stain removal, thus excluding other
potential uses of this extract. Moreover, the research may not delve deeply into the
chemical composition of Calamansi extract or its long-term effects on fabrics.
Finally, the study will not consider the potential health or allergenicity aspects
associated with the use of Calamansi extract in cleaning, as these aspects may
require separate investigations.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

Calamansi Extract- A citrus fruit extract derived from the calamansi or

calamondin fruit known for its acidic properties and commonly used in cooking,
beverages, and cleaning products

Calamondin- A small sour citrus fruit similar to a tangerine native to Southeast

Asia often used for culinary and cleaning purposes due to its distinctive flavor and acidity

Fabric Cleaning- The process of removing dirt, stains, and impurities from
textiles or materials often accomplished through washing, dry cleaning, or spot cleaning

Eco-friendly Cleaning Agents-Cleaning products formulated with

environmentally friendly and sustainable ingredients designed to minimize harm to the
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

Natural Stain Removal- The act of removing stains from fabrics or surfaces
using methods and agents derived from natural sources avoiding synthetic or harsh

Sustainable Cleaning-Cleaning practices and products that prioritize

environmental sustainability considering the long-term impact on ecosystems and
minimizing resource consumption

Fabric Types- Different materials used in textiles such as cotton, polyester, wool,
etc. each with unique characteristics that may influence cleaning methods

Cleaning Efficacy- The effectiveness of a cleaning method or product in

successfully removing dirt, stains, and contaminants often measured by how well it
achieves the desired cleanliness

Green Cleaning Solutions- Cleaning products and methods that are

environmentally friendly utilizing ingredients and processes that are less harmful to
ecosystems and human health

Environmental Impact Reduction- Strategies and practices aimed at minimizing

the negative effects of human activities on the environment including sustainable and eco-
friendly cleaning practices to reduce ecological footprints



This chapter provide an overview of the pertinent literature and research that the
researcher examined to emphasize the significance of the current study.It also
offers a synthesis of existing knowledge to enhance the understanding of the
research for a more comprehensive grasp of the study.

Natural liquid cleaning Agent

Calamansi (calamondin) extract has been widely recognized as a natural cleaning

agent due to its acidic properties. It has been used as an alternative to synthetic
cleaning agents which are often harmful to human health and the environment.
This study aims to assess the efficacy of calamansi extract as a cleaning agent on
various fabric types. Several studies have already been conducted to validate the
effectiveness of natural cleaning agents, particularly those containing citrus, in
cleaning different types of surfaces, including fabric. A study conducted by
Akinkunmi and Akinsola (2018) investigated the cleaning potential of citrus fruits
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

on cotton fabrics. The results showed that citric acid extracted from citrus fruits,
including calamansi, effectively removed stains from cotton fabrics.

Another study by Djeugap and Ngamelue (2016) evaluated the antibacterial and
cleaning properties of calamansi juice on different fabrics such as cotton, silk, and
polyester. The results suggested that calamansi juice exhibited potent antibacterial
activity and was effective in removing stains from various fabric types. Moreover,
a study conducted by González-Fernández et al. (2015) assessed the performance
of citrus-based natural cleaning agents on different surfaces including textile
materials. The study demonstrated that citrus-based cleaning agents, including
those derived from calamansi, could effectively remove dirt, grease, and other
stains from various textile materials, while also showing environmentally friendly

Calamansi Extract

Calamansi extract is derived from the fruit of the calamansi tree, which is a
small citrus fruit native to Southeast Asia. It is widely used in the Philippines as a
natural cleaning agent for various household purposes, including laundry and
dishwashing. This study aims to assess the cleaning potential of calamansi extract
on various fabric types. To understand the effectiveness of calamansi extract, it is
important to first review related literature on its properties.One study evaluated the
antioxidant and antibacterial activities of calamansi extract. The researchers found
that calamansi extract exhibited strong antioxidant activity, which makes it
effective in removing stains caused by oxidative materials such as coffee, wine,
and tomato sauce. Additionally, the extract demonstrated antibacterial activity,
which suggests that it can kill bacteria on clothing and other surfaces, helping to
remove malodors such as sweat and body odor (Bakre, Afolayan, & Akindahunsi,

Another paper investigated the effectiveness of different concentrations of

calamansi extract in removing 3-day-old ink stains from cotton fabric. The results
showed that the calamansi extract was effective in removing the ink stains, with a
higher concentration of extract leading to better stain removal (Capalungan, 2017).
This suggests that calamansi extract may be effective at removing other types of
stains as well.Moreover, a study assessed the cleaning potential of calamansi
shampoo, laundry detergent, and floor cleaner on different types of surfaces. The
findings indicated that calamansi extract exhibited good cleaning capability on
various types of surfaces, including glass, chrome, ceramic tiles, and fabrics
(Welly, Sarinah, & Widowati, 2017). In conclusion, based on the reviewed
literature, calamansi extract shows strong antioxidant and antibacterial activity,
making it potentially effective in removing stains caused by oxidative materials
and malodors. Additionally, research suggests that it is effective in removing ink
stains and has good cleaning capability on various types of surfaces, including
different types of fabrics. With this in mind, it is promising that calamansi extract
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

may have potential as a natural cleaning agent for various household purposes,
including laundry cleaning.

Effictiveness of Calamansi on Various Fabric Types

In accordance to uscpharmacytimes (2016), stains are a common problem in

laundering, causing discoloration and harm to the fabric. They happen when a
staining material is spilled on a surface and becomes trapped in fibers, indentations,
or holes. Calamansi and citrus lemon fruits are inexpensive and beneficial
alternatives to stain removers in the Philippines. Because of the tropical
environment, these fruits may be accessible in Filipino cooking areas, industries,
supermarkets, and backyards. Calamansi and lemon, both prevalent in Cebu, are
being studied for their bleaching capabilities by researchers. This study is cost-
effective and time-efficient, yielding fresh information and knowledge for future
research. The findings might be used to guide future studies.

Stains are flaws in clothing that are frequently addressed with commercial stain
removers, which might include dangerous chemicals such as chloramines.
Calamansi, a citrus fruit native to the Philippines, contains 5% citric acid and is a
natural whitening agent. Baking soda, an alkali that is used to destroy and repel
microorganisms, can aid in the removal of dirt and stains. A combination of
calamansi juice and baking soda was employed in this study to remove three kinds
of stains: enzymatic, oxidizable, and particle. Chocolate stains, coffee stains, and
mud stains were all used in this study. The amount of time it took for the stains to
be entirely removed was measured in this study to see if it was equivalent to a
commercial product used as a stain remover, and no significant difference was
detected between the time spent using the calamansi extract and baking soda
mixture and the time spent using Brand X as a commercial stain remover (Robles,
Beltran, et al., n.d).



3.1 Research Design

The study intends to use an experimental research design. It is appropriate in

determining the effectiveness of using calamansi (calamondrin) extracts as
cleaning agent for different fabric types. This research design provides a
systematic approach to evaluate the cleaning properties of calamansi
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

3.2 Research Procedure

Fabric Preparation
a. Cut fabric samples into uniform squares (e.g., 10 cm x 10 cm).
b. Label each fabric sample with its fabric type and a unique identifier.

Stain Application:
a. Prepare stains for each fabric type using common staining agents (coffee,
red wine, oil).
b. Apply the respective stains to the fabric samples in a controlled manner.
c. Allow the stains to set for a predetermined time (e.g., 15 minutes).

Calamansi Extract Preparation:

a. Dilute Calamansi extract with distilled water in different concentrations
(e.g., 1:1, 1:2, 1:3) in separate beakers.
b. Measure the pH of each Calamansi extract solution (if using a pH meter)
to record the acidity level.

Cleaning Test:
a. Select a fabric sample with a stain for the first trial.
b. Apply a small amount of Calamansi extract solution to the stained area.
c. Gently rub the stained area with a microfiber cloth.
d. Repeat the cleaning process as necessary until the stain is removed or no
further improvement is observed.
e. Record the number of cleaning attempts required to remove the stain and
any visual changes to the fabric.

3.3 Research Materials and Methods

- Calamansi
- Water
- Cotton fabric
- Silk fabric
- Polyester fabric
- Stain mix (coffee, ketchup, chocolate sauce)

1. Prepare the calamansi solution by squeezing the juice from several calamansi
fruits into a bowl of water.
2. Divide the solution into five containers.
3. Prepare the fabric samples by cutting them into small squares.
4. Put a small amount of the stain mix onto each fabric sample.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

5. Dip each fabric sample into the different calamansi solutions, making sure all
areas are covered.
6. Leave the fabric samples to soak in the solution for 10 minutes.
7. Rinse the fabric samples under running water to remove the remaining solution
and stains.
8. Hang the fabric samples to dry in an area away from direct sunlight.
9. Observe the effectiveness of the calamansi solution on each fabric type by
comparing the before and after appearance of each fabric sample.

3.4 Research Instruments

To conduct a comparative study assessing the cleaning potential of Calamansi

(Calamondin) extract on various fabric types, you would need a set of research
instruments. These instruments may include spectrophotometers for measuring
color changes in the fabrics before and after cleaning, fabric swatches representing
different fabric types, a variety of stain sources such as wine, ink, and oil,
Calamansi extract, standard detergent as a control, washing machines, digital
scales for precise measurements, and a survey questionnaire to gather user
feedback on fabric softness, color retention, and scent.

You could use a microscope for examining the fabric at a microscopic level to
identify any structural changes. These instruments would enable you to gather
comprehensive data for your study

3.5 Data Gathering

The researchers will conduct a study on the procedures and gather data for
experiments to determine the effectiveness of calamansi extract on different fabric
types. The data will be gathered through questionnaires and interviews with
individuals who have utilized calamansi extract to clean garments; these
interviews provide qualitative insight into the user's preferences, experiences, and
difficulties when using the calamansi extract. By merging the data collected
through various surveys, the researchers might obtain significant insights into
consumer approval and practical usage of calamansi extract as a cleaning agent.

3.6 Research Sampling

To assess the efficacy of calamondin extract as a fabric cleaner and the

appropriate concentration of calamondin extract for cleaning different fabric
types.Through convenience sampling, 25 adult volunteers between the ages of 18
and 65 will be recruited from the community. Participants with citrus fruit allergies,
as well as those who are pregnant or nursing, will be excluded from the research.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

A survey will be administered to participants to measure their baseline knowledge

about calamondin and fabric washing. They will next be given a sample of
calamondin extract and instructed to clean various fabrics such as cotton, polyester,
and wool. Participants will assess and offer comments on the cleaning efficiency
of calamondin extract.

3.7 Statistical Analysis

This study investigates the efficacy of calamansi (calamondin) extract, a

naturally occurring citrus-derived compound as a cleaning agent for different types
of fabric While focusing on noninvasive cleaning methods on the environment, the
study investigates the effectiveness of this green innovation for various clothing

Calamansi Extract was uniformly applied as a spray on stained fabric samples of

various types, ensuring consistent coverage and allowing for an effective
assessment of its cleaning potential across different materials.

Inferential Statistics:
Conduct an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test to determine
if there are significant differences in cleaning effectiveness
among different fabric types.

ANOVA Equation:

Where F is the F-statistic, MSB is the mean square between groups, and MSW is
the mean square within groups.

Post-hoc Analysis (if ANOVA is significant):

Perform Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test to identify specific

fabric types that differ significantly in cleaning effectiveness.

Tukey's HSD Equation:

Where HSD is the Honestly Significant Difference, q is the critical value from the
Studentized range distribution table, MSW is the mean square within groups, and n
is the number of observations per group.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

3.8 Coding of Data

This part of the research study involves the process of assigning codes or
labels to the collected data for analysis and interpretation.In Assessing the cleaning
potential of Calamansi (Calamondin) extract on various fabric types, Researcher
may need to code data and may use numerical scales to code responses. They will
use a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 represents "not effective" and 5 represents "highly
effective.” related to various aspects of the experiment or study, such as fabric
types, cleaning methods, stain removal effectiveness, and other relevant variables.

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