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The formula that we’ll be

using to find the inertia of 0.214m
the book is:

I = ½ m (a2 + b2)
Name: Aryan Jovic C. Domingo m = 0.360kg
Grade & Section: 12 STEM Ryann

TASK: Look for an object in your home and measure the mass of it.
Using the different formulas of the different shapes presented in
the discussion, find the moment of inertia of the object.
Photo of the Object Diagram

Formula to be used Computation Part


Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its

state of motion. Upon doing the activity, I noticed that,
objects that have a low mass, have a greater amount of inertia,
while objects that have greater amount of mass have a high
amount of inertia, in short, inertia is proportional to mass.
This exploration of inertia highlights the connection between
scientific principles and the objects we encounter daily.

In this picture I Measuring the Measuring the

measured the width of the book height of the book
weight the book using a ruler using a ruler
using a scale.

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