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Hello teacher and friends, today my group would

like to present about the taboos in countries

around the world

first is America
and finally Thailand


1.Litter in public places (xả rác bừa bãi)

In the US, environmental protection is always on top priority, so when you litter the US, you will

get annoyed eyes from Americans and will be judged as lacking in public culture. . And worse,

will be fined by the authorities

2.Speak on the phone aloud. (nói điện thoại lớn tiếng)

When you receive a call in a crowded place, you should be polite to a less-than-public location to

hear your call. Because Americans believe that it is impolite to listen to the phone in the crowd,

especially in eating and communicating.

3.DRUG DRUGS IN PUBLIC (hút thuốc)

In the United States, smoking in public places is a prohibited practice. If someone is found to

take this action, they will be punished immediately. Therefore, you should avoid smoking in
crowded public places such as parks, bus zones, places with children, ... If you do this, it will

affect the people next to you. back to their annoyed looks.


1. Do not wear shoes when entering mosques (không đi giày vào nhà thờ hồi giáo)

If you are visiting a mosque, be sure to take your shoes off before entering the building. Note

also that shorts should not be worn, as this is not considered good. If you are lucky enough to

visit a Turkish house, check the entrance to see if there is a shoe storage and then enter the

designated place.

2.Do not walk in front of someone who is praying (Đừng đi trước mặt người đang cầu nguyện)

According to traditional belief of Muslims, if you go in front of someone who is praying, their

prayer will not count. This becomes even more true when you visit a mosque. Therefore, be

extremely cautious when going to these places while walking.


1. Chạm vào đầu,vai hoặc lưng là điều cấm kỵ của người Thái

Touching the head or pat on the shoulder / back is also one of the taboo of Thai people

because for Thai people, head is the most valuable part of the human body.
2. Không chỉ bằng đầu ngón tay, búng tay khi gọi ai đó

Don't just point with your fingertips, don't snap your hands, clap your hands and whistle

when you want to call someone. Don't smoke in public, don't take pictures of Thai people

without their permission

3. Đừng tỏ ra cáu, nổi giận khi nói chuyện với người Thái

Do not act angry or angry when talking to Thai people. Talking loudly in public is also one

of the taboos in Thailand

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