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Academic Plan for the week 13th November to 16th November 2023

Year 7

Name of book: Cambridge Global English 7 (Learner’s book & Workbook)
Date/Day Classwork Homework
Monday Cambridge English Global Unit 3.1 Complete the exercise on Workbook page 40
13th November My Style
2023 Learner’s book Pages 64 and 65
Workbook page 40
Tuesday Cambridge English Global Unit 3.2 Complete the exercise on Workbook page 41
14th November How stylish were the ancient Egyptians?
2023 Learner’s book Pages 66 and 67

Wednesday Cambridge English Global Unit 3.3 Reading uploaded in Razplus.

15th November Clothes and you Complete the book report based on the assigned
2023 Learner’s book Pages 68 and 69 reading uploaded.
( Find the book report template on Google Classroom).
Thursday Creative Writing Complete the exercise on Workbook pages 42-44
16th November
Literature The Prince and the Pauper Summarise Chapter 8 ( final chapter).
Author: Mark Twain
Literacy Literacy KS2 Book 6 Text 3: Complete the KS2 text “Kidnapped” (Question set 2)
Pages 16 and 17 Pages 20 and 21.
Name of book: Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 7 (Learner’s Book & Workbook)

Day & date Classwork Homework

Monday Unit 5.1—A sum of 360 Unit 5.1— A sum of 360
13th Nov Learner’s Book pg.106, 107 Ex. 5.1 Q1-6 Work Book pg. 66, 67 Ex5.1 Q1b, 2b, 3b
Tuesday Unit 5.1—A sum of 360 Unit 5.1— A sum of 360
14th Nov Learner’s Book pg.106, 107 Ex. 5.1 Q7,8,9,10,11,13 Work Book pg 67 Ex5.1 Q4, 5, 6
Wednesday Unit 5.2—Intersecting Lines Prepare for Biweekly Quiz
15th Nov Learner’s Book pg.111, 112 Ex. 5.2 Q1-7 Biweekly Quiz3 will be conducted by tomorrow
Unit4: Decimals
Learner’s Book pages: 79 - 99
Work Book pages 51--64
Thursday Unit5.2— Intersecting Lines Unit 5.2—Intersecting Lines
16th Nov Learner’s Book pg.112 Ex. 5.2 Q8, 10, 11, 12 Work Book pg 68 Ex5.2 Q1-- 4
Biweekly Quiz will be conducted.
• Revise times tables 2 – 12 daily as it helps with many topics and quick calculations.
• A Biweekly Quiz Revision worksheet will be uploaded.
• Bring a protractor for Maths Activity next week.
Name of book: L’Amitié 2
Day & date Classwork Homework
Nov 13th - Nov 16th L’Amitié 2. Unité 4. C'est l'Arc de Triomphe. Tb. Page : 31. L’Amitié 2. Unité 4. C'est l'Arc de Triomphe.
Cahier D’activités. Unité 4. Page : 19. Questions 9,10,11. Cahier D’activités. Unité 4. Page : 19. Questions
Name of book: Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 7 (Learner’s book & Workbook)
Day & date Classwork Homework
Student must prepare to speak about “Unit 1 – Cells” in
class tomorrow. Thoroughly review the topic and prepare at
least two thoughtful questions related to it. Consider asking
Monday Unit 3 – Forces and Energy - Check your Progress. questions that explore the "why" or "how" behind the
13 November Learner’s book Pgs. 125 - 126 concepts or that encourage the classmates to analyse and
apply the knowledge. Along with the questions, students will
provide a summary or explanation of your understanding of
the topic or the context of your questions.
Student must prepare to speak about “Unit 2 – Materials
and their structure” in class tomorrow. Thoroughly review
the topic and prepare at least two thoughtful questions
Unit: 1 – Cells
related to it. Consider asking questions that explore the
Tuesday Learner’s book Pgs. 8 to 27
"why" or "how" behind the concepts or that encourage the
14 November Workbook Pgs. 1 to 15
classmates to analyse and apply the knowledge. Along with
Students that chose topics from Unit 1, will do their presentation.
the questions, students will provide a summary or
explanation of your understanding of the topic or the context
of your questions.
Student must prepare to speak about “Unit 3 – Forces and
Energy” in class tomorrow. Thoroughly review the topic
Unit: 2 – Materials and their Structures and prepare at least two thoughtful questions related to it.
Wednesday Learner’s book Pgs. 28 to 74 Consider asking questions that explore the "why" or "how"
15 November Workbook Pgs. 16 to 41 behind the concepts or that encourage the classmates to
Students that chose topics from Unit 2, will do their presentation. analyse and apply the knowledge. Along with the questions,
students will provide a summary or explanation of your
understanding of the topic or the context of your questions.
Unit: 3 – Forces and Energy
Thursday Learner’s book Pgs. 75 to 126
16 November Workbook Pgs. 42 to 69
Students that chose topics from Unit 3, will do their presentation.
Name of book: KIPS TOOLS 16 – Book 5
Day & date Classwork Homework
13thNov – 16th Lesson 1 Revise the Brain developer exercise.
November 2023 • Brain Developer Exercise (Lesson 5- More on PowerPoint) 1. Lesson 9: Microsoft Excel
• Brain Developer Exercise (Lesson 7- Programming in Scratch) 2. Lesson 5: More on PowerPoint

1. In all subjects, at the end of every period, students will be asked to speak about what they studied in
the lesson. This is to improve their speaking skills and confidence.
2. For every subject, every student must prepare 2 questions to ask their friends based on the topic they
will study in class.
3. Students will be awarded marks for participation.

Name of book: ‫ كتاب تطبيقات نحوية‬+ ‫كتاب اللغة العربية الجزء االول‬
Date/Day Classwork Homework
Monday ‫من كتاب اللغة العربية‬ --------------------------------------
13 November ‫من كتاب اللغة العربية‬
) ‫استكمال درس ( سيرة غيرية‬
128 ‫زايد رجل بنى أُمة ص‬
Tuesday ) ‫استكمال شرح الدرس درس ( السيرة الذاتية‬ --------------------------------------
14 November
Wednesday ‫حل تدريبات الدرس‬ ‫استكمال قراءة القصص على منصة كتبي مع االجابة على االوراق المر فقة‬
15 November ‫واالختبار الموجود مع القصة وتسجيل صفحة واحدة فقط من القصة‬
‫‪Thursday‬‬ ‫تعبير عن ( االستدامة )‬ ‫اختبار قصير ع الجوجل كالس‬
‫‪16 November‬‬

‫ملحوظة هامة ‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬في جميع المواد في نهاية كل فترة سيطلب من الطالب التحدث عما درسوه في الدرس وذلك لتحسين مهارات التحدث لديهم وتنمية الثقة بالنفس ‪.‬‬
‫‪- 2‬لكل مادة ‪ ،‬يجب على الطالب اعداد سؤالين ليطرحهما على أصدقائه بناء على الموضوع الذي سيدرسه في الفصل‬
‫‪ 3‬سيتم منح الطالب عالمات للمشاركة ‪.‬‬

‫تكملة حل التدريبات بالكتاب المدرسي والواجبات الناقصة بالدفتر االصفر ( ‪ ) 20‬درجة‬

‫الر جاء تكملة حل أوراق العمل والتعبير سيتم وضع درجات الدفتر والكتاب خالل االسبوع القادم‬

‫‪Day & date‬‬ ‫‪Classwork‬‬ ‫‪Homework‬‬
‫‪Day 1‬‬ ‫الوحدة الثانية الدرس الثالث‪:‬استكمال درس حاسبوا أنفسكم‬ ‫حل صـ(‪ )107-106-105-104‬من كتاب الطالب‬

‫‪Day 2‬‬ ‫الوحدة الثانية الدرس الثالث‪:‬استكمال درس حاسبوا أنفسكم‬ ‫حل صـ(‪ )107-106-105-104‬من كتاب الطالب‬

‫‪National Studies‬‬
‫‪Day & date‬‬ ‫‪Classwork‬‬ ‫‪Homework‬‬
‫الوحدة الثانية ( المواطنة )‬ ‫اختبار قصير على الجوجل كالس روم على درس ( شهداء‬
‫‪Nov 13th - Nov 16th‬‬ ‫الدرس الثالث ‪ :‬تابع شهداء العمل اإلنساني صـ ‪98‬‬ ‫العمل االنساني)‬

‫‪Moral Education‬‬
‫‪Day & date‬‬ ‫‪Classwork‬‬ ‫‪Homework‬‬
‫‪Nov 13th - Nov 16th‬‬
‫درس ( الصحة وتحديتها )‬ ‫‪------------------------------------------------‬‬

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