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Holland Hallman

Dr. Arrighi

EDCI 4190

October 25th, 2023

Philosophy of Technology Integration

Integrating technology within the classroom is essential for teaching students in the 21st

century. Many students are surrounded with technology twenty-four seven, 365 days a year.

Using technology in the classroom allows the teacher to provide a variety of experiences for the

students, allows students to be engaged in various learning experiences, and allows the

community to work together to support and share materials with one another.

It is no secret that teaching is challenging. Technology is such a helpful tool that allows

teachers to create various and impactful learning experiences for students. Using technology in

the classroom provides the teacher the chance to have flexibility for all students. It also allows

you to teach online through different resources and sites if we were to have a pandemic again

where everything is located online. I also believe that as a future educator, that allowing students

at elementary level to have access to technology allows them to gain independence for future

assignments on their own. Technology allows the teachers to differentiate learning for students in

their classrooms. Technology is so powerful and a needed tool in teaching our youth today!

Technology is such an needed tool for our students in the 21st century. We are

surrounded by technology everywhere we go today. Integrating technology into our schools,

lessons, and curriculum is beneficial for students because it keeps them engaged and focused on

the learning tasks. It also helps students who have different learning styles amongst the

classroom, and allows students to work at their own pace while learning. Technology surrounds
us when we go to Walmart, out to eat, and even when we are playing a video game. It is essential

for all students to have some type of technology experience in their school career because it is

our life. Preparing students how to use resources and materials such as Google Docs,

PowerPoint, etc. are all essential to prepare them for their futures. Technology makes it easy for

students to save and send their work to others.

Technology is crucial for our global community in education. As educators and even

students, we send resources, materials, documents, etc. all around to other students and

educators. It allows us to collaborate from miles and miles away, and it brings us closer together

to share our learning experiences and opportunities. Technology gives us the opportunity to learn

from one another, and it benefits us all greatly.

Technology is so beneficial for teaching and learning in the 21st century. Many of the

things we do surround technology. We get the benefit to teach, to learn, and to share with others

about the technology resources we use within our teaching and learning!

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