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Уводна реч

Поштоване наставнице, поштовани наставници,

Пред вама је комплет петнаестоминутних тестова за проверу знања, које

смо приредили у жељи да вам олакшамо континуирану евалуацију знања
Предложене провере знања садрже задатке из наставних тема одређених
Програмом наставе и учења у осмом разреду основне школе, а у вези су са
исходима предвиђеним за дату област. Сваки од осам понуђених тестова
чине четири групе питања. Задаци покривају сва три нивоа сложености и
у функцији су праћења напредовања ученика у оквиру одређених области
наставног предмета.
Радећи задатке из овог комплета, ученици ће моћи да обнове, утврде,
систематизују и побољшају своје знање.

У наставку се налазе табеле за евалуацију свих тестова. У њих можете да

унесете податке и запажања у вези са тестирањима.

Неколико савета које можете дати ученицима:

1. Сваки задатак најпре пажљиво прочитај и размисли о томе шта се у њему
2. Прво реши оне задатке који су за тебе лакши, а касније оне задатке који су
за тебе тежи.
3. Задатке решавај прво графитном оловком, јер тако имаш могућност да,
уколико уочиш грешку, ту грешку исправиш.
4. Предат тест мора бити попуњен хемијском оловком.
5. Пре него што предаш тест, провери одговоре још једном.
Број ученика који су тачно урадили задатак
Број ученика који
су радили тест 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Задатак Запажања

Број ученика који су тачно урадили задатак

Број ученика који
су радили тест 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Задатак Запажања

Број ученика који су тачно урадили задатак
Број ученика који
су радили тест 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Задатак Запажања

Број ученика који су тачно урадили задатак

Број ученика који
су радили тест 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Задатак Запажања

Број ученика који су тачно урадили задатак
Број ученика који
су радили тест 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Задатак Запажања

Број ученика који су тачно урадили задатак

Број ученика који
су радили тест 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Задатак Запажања

Број ученика који су тачно урадили задатак
Број ученика који
су радили тест 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Задатак Запажања

Број ученика који су тачно урадили задатак

Број ученика који
су радили тест 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Задатак Запажања

петнаестоминутних тестова


Tests A and B – mixed ability classes C
Test C – slow learners, students with difficulties I 1) The 2) the 3) / 4) an 5) a
in learning (IOP 2) II 1) my 2) her 3) years 4) who
Test D – advanced learners, fast-finishers (IOP 3) 5) There
III 1) a, 2) b, 3) a, 4) b, 5) a
I 1) an 2) the 3) a 4) / 5) the D
II 1) anything 2) These 3) a little 4) whose I 1) / 2) a 3) the 4) / 5) a
5) my II 1) each other 2) no one 3) nor
III 1) c, 2) a, 3) b, 4) a, 5) a 4) whose 5) shelves
III 1) c, 2) a, 3) a, 4) b, 5) a
I 1) an 2) / 3) a 4) the 5) a 14–15 – excellent 
II 1) anything 2) There 3) a little 4) who 11–13 – very good
5) your 8–10 – good
III 1) c, 2) a, 3) a, 4) b, 5) a 5–7 – study more
0–4 – poor 



Tests A and B – mixed ability classes C

Test C – slow learners, students with difficulties I 1  ) and 2) although 3) but 4) While 5) so
in learning (IOP 2) II 1) on 2) at 3) in 4) in 5) at
Test D – advanced learners, fast-finishers (IOP 3) III 1) a, 2) b, 3) b, 4) b, 5) a

I 1  ) Despite 2) as long as 3) while I 1  ) during 2) Although 3) because
4) Although 5) during 4) even 5) in case
II 1) in – on 2) for – in 3) in – at 4) at – on II 1) with people 2) on music 3) to a doctor
5) on – in 4) of time 5) at basketball
III 1) a, 2) b, 3) b, 4) c, 5) c III 1) a, 2) c, 3) a, 4) a, 5) b

B 14–15 – excellent 
I 1) Although 2) as long as 3) during 11–13 – very good
4) Despite 5) while 8–10 – good
II 1) at – on 2) in – at 3) on – at 4) at – in 5–7 – study more
5) in – on 0–4 – poor 
III 1) b, 2) b, 3) a, 4) c, 5) b


Tests A and B – mixed ability classes C

Test C – slow learners, students with difficulties I 4, 3, 1, 5, 2
in learning (IOP 2) II 1) must 2) could 3) mustn’t 4) Can
Test D – advanced learners, fast-finishers (IOP 3) 5) can’t
III 1) a, 2) b, 3) b, 4) a, 5) b
I 1  ) can’t be 2) may be 3) must be D
4) can’t be 5) must be I 1) can’t come 2) must look 3) may travel
II 1) mustn’t 2) could 3) Can 4) might 4) must be 5) may move
5) have to II 4, 5, 1, 3, 2
III 1) b, 2) a, 3) b, 4) a, 5) c III 1) c, 2) b, 3) a, 4) a, 5) a

B 14–15 – excellent 
I 1  ) may be 2) must be 3) can’t be 11–13 – very good
4) can’t be 5) must be 8–10 – good
II 1) has to 2) should 3) could 4) should 5–7 – study more
5) May 0–4 – poor 
III 1) b, 2) a, 3) b, 4) a, 5) c


Tests A and B – mixed ability classes C

Test C – slow learners, students with difficulties I 1) teacher 2) director 3) windy
in learning (IOP 2) 4) careful 5) explorer
Test D – advanced learners, fast-finishers (IOP 3) II 4, 3, 2, 5, 1
III 1) b, 2) a, 3) a, 4) a, 5) b
I 1  ) dangerous 2) suggestion 3) discussion D
4) funny 5) decision I 1) carefully 2) signature 3) conclusions
II 1) disrespect 2) illegal 3) unusual 4) famous 5) knowledge
4) inactive 5) irregular II 1) unhelpful 2) impatient 3) disadvanatge
III 1) b, 2) c, 3) a, 4) b, 5) a 4) nonfiction 5) useful
III 1) c, 2) a, 3) c, 4) a, 5) b
I 1  ) beautiful 2) invitation 3) flight 14–15 – excellent 
4) sunny 5) arrival 11–13 – very good
II 1) dislike 2) illogical 3) unhappy 8–10 – good
4) impossible 5) irrational 5–7 – study more
III 1) b, 2) a, 3) a, 4) c, 5) c 0–4 – poor 

Tests A and B – mixed ability classes C
Test C – slow learners, students with difficulties I 1) running 2) to dance 3) asking
in learning (IOP 2) 4) to swim 5) trying
Test D – advanced learners, fast-finishers (IOP 3) II 1) playing 2) go 3) help 4) watching
5) come
A III 1) a, 2) a, 3) a, 4) b, 5) a
I 1  ) swimming 2) to help 3) to start
4) to drive 5) listening D
II 1) go 2) to see 3) to post 4) do I 1) seeing 2) to forget 3) making
5) to speak 4) looking 5) to meet
III 1) c, 2) a, 3) c, 4) a, 5) a II 1) of becoming 2) about travelling
3) for cleaning 4) to help 5) to visit
B III 1) a, 2) c, 3) b, 4) c, 5) a
I 1  ) eating 2) to drive 3) to cut
4) playing 5) jogging 14–15 – excellent 
II 1) use 2) to meet 3) to buy 4) come 11–13 – very good
5) to play 8–10 – good
III 1) a, 2) a, 3) c, 4) b, 5) c 5–7 – study more
0–4 – poor 

CONDITIONALS – types 0, 1 and 2

Tests A and B – mixed ability classes D
Test C – slow learners, students with difficulties I 1) did 2) rang 3) stays 4) were
in learning (IOP 2) 5) Will you help
Test D – advanced learners, fast-finishers (IOP 3) II 1) She won’t be successful unless she tries
A 2) Unless he studies, he won’t pass his exams.
I 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 3) You can’t make calls unless your smartphone
II 1) If 2) unless 3) Unless 4) if 5) Unless battery is full.
III 1) c, 2) b, 3) a, 4) a, 5) b 4) She wouldn’t be happy unless she spoke to
B 5) She won’t be able to do her homework
I 3, 4, 5, 2, 1 unless he helps her.
II 1) if 2) unless 3) If 4) if 5) unless III 1) a, 2) a, 3) b, 4) c, 5) c
III 1) a, 2) b, 3) b, 4) c, 5) a
14–15 – excellent 
C 11–13 – very good
I 3, 5, 1, 4, 2 8–10 – good
II 1) will 2) rains 3) is 4) won’t 5) will 5–7 – study more
III 1) a, 2) a, 3) b, 4) b, 5) b 0–4 – poor 

Tests A and B – mixed ability classes C
Test C – slow learners, students with difficulties I 3, 5, 1, 2, 4
in learning (IOP 2) II 1) was 2) is 3) written 4) will be 5) likes
Test D – advanced learners, fast-finishers (IOP 3) III 1) a, 2) a, 3) b, 4) b, 5) a

I 1  ) are eaten 2) will be opened 3) was I 1) have/’ve been offered 2) was hurt
invented 4) are produced 5) was written 3) will be performed 4) was stolen
II 1) has been sent 2) is used 3) are appearing 5) are spoken
4) were cancelled 5) bothered II 1) has just been installed 2) was 3) was
III 1) a, 2) b, 3) c, 4) c, 5) b 4) hasn’t been rapaired 5) is said to be
III 1) a, 2) c, 3) a, 4) c, 5) b
I 1  ) were written 2) is gown 3) were held 14–15 – excellent 
4) are produced 5) will be built 11–13 – very good
II 1) won’t play 2) was made 3) hasn’t been 8–10 – good
finished 4) invited 5) bullied 5–7 – study more
III 1) b, 2) c, 3) a, 4) a, 5) a 0–4 – poor 


Tests A and B – mixed ability classes C

Test C – slow learners, students with difficulties I 5, 1, 4, 2, 3
in learning (IOP 2) II 1) asks 2) say 3) tells 4) not to 5) if
Test D – advanced learners, fast-finishers (IOP 3) III 1) b, 2) b, 3) a, 4) b, 5) a

I 1
 ) her new job is boring 2) he lives in Serbia I 1) that she wants to open that box
3) I speak Spanish 4) he can play the guitar 2) if I am happy 3) where Mr Smith lives
5) open the notebooks 4) if he can skate
II 1) asks 2) says 3) wants to know 4) if 5) to give him back his tablet
5) to II 1) Where do you live?
III 1) b, 2) c, 3) a, 4) a, 5) c 2) I live in Leeds.
3) How far is Leeds from London?
B 4) It is 170 miles away.
I  ) his new shoes are great 2) she works in a
1 5) London is my favourite city!
bank 3) I play games 4) he can ski III 1) c, 2) a, 3) c, 4) b, 5) b
5) close the books
II 1) ask 2) want to know 3) says 4) to 5) if 14–15 – excellent 
III 1) b, 2) b, 3) a, 4) a, 5) c 11–13 – very good
8–10 – good
5–7 – study more
0–4 – poor 

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using A/AN or THE where necessary.

1) George is 1 ______ engineer. He lives in 2 ______ United States and works for 3 _____ big
software company.
2) I love 4 _____ sport.
3) I have two brothers. 5 _____ older one is studying law.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) I don’t remember anything / something about that accident.

2) Let me introduce you. These / Those are my new friends – Tom and Peter.
3) Can I have a little / any sugar in my tea, please?
4) This is the man who / whose wife works in a bank.
5) This is my / mine cousin Petra. She is very good at Maths and she can help you with
your homework.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) I can’t buy anything in this shop. … so expensive!

a) All are b) All is c) Everything is
2) Has … met Sally? What is she like? – I don’t know … .
a) anyone / her b) no one / her c) anyone / she
3) At school, we usually have a … break for lunch.
a) 30 minutes b) 30 minute c) 30 hour
4) I didn’t buy this cake. I made it … !
a) myself b) me c) my
5) Do you go on holiday on … own?
a) your b) yourself c) you
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using A/AN or THE where necessary.

1) Nadja is 1 _____ economist. She lives in 2 ____ Great Britain and works for 3 _____ small
accounting company.
2) Where are you? – Here I am. In 4 _____ kitchen.
3) Sometimes it is difficult for people to lose weight. It’s 5 _____ big problem.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) I’m not wearing my glasses. I can’t see anything / something.

2) The roads were busy yesterday. These / There were a lot of trucks.
3) Can I have a little / any milk in my coffee, please?
4) The man who / whose works in a bank is my uncle.
5) Is that your / yours friend David? I think I know him.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) Last night we went out with some friends of …. .

a) us b) our c) ours
2) Has …. spoken to Emma? Where is she? I haven’t seen …. for a while.
a) anyone / her b) no one / her c) anyone / she
3) My aunt and uncle have a …. old son. He is my cousin.
a) 15 year b) 15 years c) 115 years
4) Her mum didn’t paint that picture. Amy painted it …. !
a) her b) herself c) she
5) Can children do it on …. own?
a) their b) them c) themselves
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using A/AN or THE where necessary.

1) 1 ______ river Danube is 2 ______ longest river in 3 _____ Europe.

2) Give me 4 _____ apple, please.
3) My mother is 5 _____ nurse.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) David is my / me friend.
2) Please, help her / she.
3) I’m 15 year / years old.
4) This is the man who / which called you.
5) There / Those is a pen in my pencil case.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) Is there …. juice in your glass?

a) any b) many
2) …. mum is a teacher in this school.
a) Me b) My
3) Don’t shout! …. can hear you.
a) Someone b) Something
4) It’s raining. Have you got …. umbrella?
a) a b) an
5) Who is …. best friend?
a) your b) yourself
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using A/AN or THE where necessary.

 y sister and I were alone at 1 ______ home. We were waiting for our father.
1) M
After 2 ______ few minutes he came into 3 _____ room.
2) My favourite subject is 4 _____ Chemistry.
3) It is very important for everyone to get 5 _____ university diploma.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) Tom and Mary have just got married. They really love each other / each others.
2) When I got home no one / anyone was there.
3) She is neither fit nor / or healthy.
4) This is the boy who / whose sister is my girlfriend.
5) There are several shelves / shelfs above my desk.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) There’s …. interesting about that story, so I see no point retelling it.

a) something b) everything c) nothing
2) I’ve got two brothers. Their …. are my …. .
a) wives / sisters-in-law b) wifes / sisters-in-laws c) wives / sisiter-in-laws
3) She has got a …. child.
a) five year old b) five years old c) five years
4) It didn’t take …. long to get there. There wasn’t …. traffic.
a) we / many b) us / much c) our / much
5) I haven’t seen him …. .
a) either b) too c) neither
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

while as long as during despite although

1) ______________ being tired, I could not sleep.

2) I don’t mind if you talk about me ___________________ you don’t tell lies.
3) My phone rang ________________ we were having dinner.
4) __________________ it was raining heavily, we stayed outside.
5) I fell asleep ____________________ the movie.
Points: ___/5

II There is ONE mistake in each sentence. Underline it and write the correct option.

1) Oliver was born in May 2nd. ___________

2) I’ll be back for ten minutes. ___________
3) What are you doing in the weekend? ___________
4) They are coming at Sunday. ___________
5) My little brother was born on 2016. ___________
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) Can you help me … my homework, please?

a) with b) about c) for
2) Go … this street and turn left … the next corner.
a) after / in b) along / at c) along / on
3) Do you pay … cash?
a) by b) in c) at
4) I have to finish this project … the end of June.
a) in b) of c) by
5) As soon as Tom and Mary saw each other, they fell … love.
a) to b) into c) in
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

while as long as during despite although

1) ______________ the party was great, I went home early.

2) I don’t mind if you borrow my book ___________________ you bring it back in time.
3) I met some new friends ________________ my holiday.
4) __________________ living in the same building, we hardly see each other.
5) We saw Emma ____________________ we were waiting for the bus.
Points: ___/5

II There is ONE mistake in each sentence. Underline it and write the correct option.

1) I don’t get up early at Sunday mornings. ___________

2) My first lesson starts in half past eight. ___________
3) Do you study on night? ___________
4) They are leaving at the morning. ___________
5) His older sister was born in April 1st. ___________
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) When I entered the room they were talking … me!

a) with b) about c) for
2) Walk …. this street and turn right … the corner.
a) after / in b) along / at c) along / on
3) I can’t stand it any more. I’m fed … .
a) up b) in c) at
4) I’m sorry … your loss.
a) on b) of c) for
5) Get … the car! We’re leaving.
a) to b) into c) on
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

because while so but and

1) I love my friends ____________ family.

2) He isn’t at school ___________________ he doesn’t feel well.
3) The weather is nice, ________________ we must stay inside.
4) __________________ we were having dinner, her phone rang.
5) There’s no bus, ____________________ we can take a taxi.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) I’ll see you on / in Friday.

2) The school starts in / at eight o’clock.
3) He was born in / at September.
4) Do you watch TV in / on the evening?
5) What are you doing in / at the weekend?
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) I’m waiting … you in the hall.

a) for b) about
2) Listen … the teacher!
a) with b) to
3) Do you believe … ghosts?
a) up b) in
4) Let’s talk … you.
a) on b) about
5) Come … . It’s cold outside.
a) in b) at
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the text using the words from the box.

even in case during because although

I had wonderful time 1_______________ my summer holiday in Greece. I was there with
my best friends, Mark and Paul. 2________________ the weather was not always very nice,
we went swimming every day. We visited a lot of different beaches 3________________
there was so much to see and do there. Once we went sailing 4_____________ in windy
weather. Anyway, the holiday was really fun and 5_________________ I go to Greece
again, I’ll stay longer!
Points: ___/5

II Complete the second sentence, so that it means the same as the first one.

1) There were lots of people in the streets. The streets were crowded _________________ .
2) I don’t like music very much. I’m not very keen ________________________ .
3) His wife is a doctor. He’s married ____________________________ .
4) We don’t have much time. We’re short _____________________________ .
5) Sandra plays basketball very well. Sandra is very good ______________________ .
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) The weather hasn’t changed. It is the same …. yesterday.

a) as b) as if c) as long as
2) Water boils …. 100 degrees Celsius.
a) in b) on c) at
3) Look! That car is …. fire!
a) on b) in c) at
4) I’m really impressed …. your work.
a) by b) of c) for
5) She was surprised …. the news.
a) to b) at c) of
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using MAY, MUST and CAN’T and the verb BE.

He looks relaxed. He _____________________ nervous.

I _______________________ late for the meeting. I’m not sure.
She got excellent mark on the test. She __________________ very happy.
He has just had lunch. He ___________________ hungry.
The dress looks great. It ___________________ very expensive.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) I This is a top secret. You can / mustn’t tell it anyone!

2) When my grandpa was young, he could / should play the guitar.
3) Can / Will I have a glass of water, please?
4) Tell me about your problem. I might / wouldn’t be able to help you.
5) It’s very late. I have to / mustn’t go. Goodbye!
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) There’s a lift in our building, so we … climb the stairs.

a) must b) don’t have to c) can’t
2) I … like to live by the sea.
a) would b) can c) will
3) … you open the door, please?
a) Shall b) Could c) Should
4) I’m sorry now. I … done what you said.
a) should have b) would have c) may have
5) I’ll be all right. You … worry about me.
a) couldn’t b) need to c) needn’t
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using MAY, MUST and CAN’T and the verb BE.

1) The sky is grey. There _____________________ a storm later. I’m not sure.
2) I’m sure she gave me her card. It _______________________ somewhere.
3) You don’t like living in this village. You __________________ very happy.
4) He has just drunk two glasses of water. He ___________________ thirsty.
5) She is a successful actress. She ___________________ very talented.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) Ben isn’t going out tonight. He can / has to study for his exam.
2) Help me! What may / should I do?
3) I could / can’t run very fast when I was younger.
4) You look tired. You should / mustn’t have some rest.
5) May / Will I go out, please?
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) You … help me. I can do it on my own.

a) must b) needn’t c) can’t
2) When I grow up, I … like to be a doctor.
a) would b) must c) will
3) … pass me the sugar, please?
a) Shall b) Could c) Should
4) You missed a great party last night. You … come with us.
a) should have b) would have c) may have
5) We … open that box. It is forbidden.
a) couldn’t b) need to c) mustn’t
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Match. Write numbers 1–5 to complete the sentences.

1) I can swim, but ____ I don’t have to wear a school uniform.

2) I should eat more fruit, but ____ I mustn’t cheat on tests.
3) I must learn, but ____ I can’t skate.
4) I have to go to school, but ____ I may not invite other people.
5) I may come to the party, but ____ I shouldn’t eat much chocolate.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) We are late! We must / mustn’t hurry up.

2) He can / could read when he was five.
3) You must / mustn’t talk in class.
4) Can / Will I have an apple, please?
5) I’m sorry. I can / can’t come to your party.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) You … brush your teeth every day.

a) must b) can
2) We … eat less sweets.
a) mustn’t b) should
3) I’m busy. I … talk to you now.
a) will b) can’t
4) … I call you later?
a) May b) Shouldn’t
5) You look tired. You … go to bed.
a) couldn’t b) should
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using MAY, MUST and CAN’T and the verb from the box.

come look travel move be

1) I’m afraid I ______________________ to your birthday party. I have to study for an

important exam.
2) You are going on holiday soon. You___________________________ forward to it.
3) We ______________________ into space in future. I’m not sure, but I hope.
4) She sleeps all day. She _________________________ very tired.
5) They ______________________ to a new house. They haven’t decided yet.
Points: ___/5

II Match. Write numbers 1–5 to complete the exchange.

1) We have plenty of time. _____ You should wear it more often.

2) There are strict rules in our school. _____ They might be having lunch.
3) You look exhausted. _____ We needn’t go now.
4) That jacket is great! _____ You should take some rest.
5) Don’t call them now. _____ We must obey them.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) What time will you be at home tonight? Well, I’m not sure. I … be late.
a) must b) don’t have to c) might
2) I can’t find my wallet. I … left it somewhere.
a) would have b) must have c) will have
3) I promised to call her today and I … forget!
a) mustn’t b) needn’t c) don’t have to
4) We had great time last night. We missed you. You … come with us.
a) should have b) would have c) may have
5) Do you think I should look for her? What … you do in my position?
a) would b) will c) should
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1) Don’t come near. The snake is _________________________ (DANGER).

2) May I make a _______________________________ (SUGGEST)?
3) We had an interesting _______________________ in class yesterday (DISCUSS).
4) I can’t stop laughing. He’s so ______________________ (FUN).
5) They haven’t made the final _____________________ (DECIDE) yet.
Points: ___/5

II Add the appropriate prefix and write the antonyms of the following words.

1) respect _______________________
2) legal _______________________
3) usual _______________________
4) active _______________________
5) regular _______________________
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) He is a famous … .
a) science b) scientist c) scientific
2) Novak Đoković is an … talented athlete.
a) exception b) except c) exceptionally
3) They measured the … of the kitchen.
a) length b) long c) longness
4) We can’t go out. It’s a … day.
a) raining b) rainy c) rain
5) Your … is amazing!
a) kindness b) kind c) kindless
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1) Look at her eyes. They are so _________________________ (BEAUTY).

2) Did you receive an _______________________________ (INVITE) for Peter’s party?
3) I saw a friend of mine on a _______________________ (FLY) to New York.
4) Let’s go outside. It’s a ______________________ (SUN) day.
5) We expected his _____________________ (ARRIVE) yesterday.
Points: ___/5

II Add the appropriate prefix and write the antonyms of the following words.

1) like _______________________
2) logical _______________________
3) happy _______________________
4) possible _______________________
5) rational _______________________
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) There are many … on the walls of his living room.

a) paints b) paintings c) painters
2) I found this … on the Internet.
a) information b) informative c) inform
3) They measured the … of the well.
a) depth b) deepth c) deep
4) We are … for your help.
a) thank b) thanking c) thankful
5) Where shall we go? Any … ?
a) suggest b) suggesting c) suggestions
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1) My aunt works at school. She is a _________________________ (TEACH).

2) He is a well-known film _______________________________ (DIRECT).
3) The weather is not very nice. It’s ______________________ (WIND).
4) Be ______________________ (CARE)! These stairs look dangerous.
5) His cousin is an _____________________ (EXPLORE).
Points: ___/5

II Match. Write numbers 1–5 to complete the names of professions.

1) police _____ player

2) bus _____ musician
3) street _____ driver
4) tennis _____ assistant
5) shop _____ officer
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) She is a famous … .
a) actor b) actress
2) This is a … paining.
a) beautiful b) beauty
3) She never says hello. She’s quite … .
a) unfriendly b) friendly
4) She won the lottery. Wow, she’s so … !
a) lucky b) unlucky
5) The verb do is … .
a) regular b) irregular
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1) Drive _________________________ (CARE)! The traffic is heavy.

2) I need your _______________________________ (SIGN) on this document.
3) I listened to them attentively and made some important _______________________
4) Everybody knows her. She’s become ______________________ (FAME).
5) Your _____________________ (KNOW) of grammar is impressive!
Points: ___/5

II Write the antonyms of the following words.

1) helpful _______________________
2) patient _______________________
3) advantage _______________________
4) fiction _______________________
5) useless _______________________
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) Actually, the news is … .

a) surprise b) surprised c) surprising
2) She doesn’t like cleaning, washing or ironing. In fact, she hates everything about the … .
a) housework b) homework c) housing
3) I have no worries. I’m absolutely … .
a) careless b) careful c) carefree
4) In my opinion, the most important … was electricity.
a) discovery b) discover c) discoverer
5) I keep my room … .
a) tidiness b) tidy c) tidyness
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using gerund or infinitive of the verbs in brackets.

1) Do you go _____________________ (SWIM) every day?

2) It is obvious that she doesn’t want _______________________ (HELP) you.
3) I decided __________________ (START) a new hobby.
4) He is too young ___________________ (DRIVE) a car.
5) My dad enjoys ___________________ (LISTEN) to loud music.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) Please, let me to go / go!

2) We waited to see / see her reaction.
3) Did you remember to post / post the letter?
4) Don’t make her to do / do that.
5) Where did you learn to speak / speak Italian?
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) We haven’t seen each other for a long time. That’s why she suggested … dinner together.
a) to have b) have c) having
2) Last summer, they used … video games for hours.
a) to play b) play c) playing
3) Please, go out. I need … alone.
a) be b) being c) to be
4) At last! He finished … his first novel.
a) writing b) write c) to write
5) He kept … and now he’s a real expert.
a) learning b) learn c) to learn
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using gerund or infinitive of the verbs in brackets.

1) You should avoid _____________________ (EAT) junk food.

2) She is old enough _______________________ (DRIVE) a car.
3) David decided __________________ (CUT) his hair.
4) My aunt enjoys ___________________ (PLAY) cards with me.
5) Do you always go ___________________ (JOG) in the morning?
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) You can to use / use my phone. Here you are!

2) Peter wanted to meet / meet his girlfriend’s parents.
3) Don’t forget to buy / buy some milk at the supermarket.
4) Don’t let him to come / come with us.
5) When did you learn to play / play the guitar?
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) They used … in that lake when they were children.

a) to swim b) swim c) swimming
2) I’m waiting … what will happen next.
a) to see b) see c) seeing
3) We must … these steps to get there.
a) to follow b) following c) follow
4) I cannot help … about him.
a) to think b) thinking c) think
5) Please, don’t make me … that.
a) to do b) doing c) do
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the table using gerund or infinitive of the verbs.

Infinitive Gerund
to run
to ask
to try
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) I like playing / play computer games.

2) She must go / going now.
3) They want to help / helping us.
4) I hate watching / watch horror films.
5) Can you coming / come, please?
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) He told her to … to the doctor.

a) go b) going
2) My friends and I enjoy … to hip hop music.
a) listening b) listen
3) He asked her … him.
a) to marry b) marry
4) Will you … call me later?
a) calling b) call
5) She keeps … all the time.
a) smiling b) smile
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using gerund or infinitive of the verbs in brackets.

1) He’s looking forward to _________________________ (SEE) his cousins.

2) We both agreed __________________________ (FORGET) about the whole thing.
3) The children finished ______________________ (MAKE) a snowman.
4) Did you think about ___________________ (LOOK) for a new job?
5) Martha is a new student in our school. She’d like ___________________ (MEET) all of you.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) He dreams of becoming / to become a famous musician.

2) I’m crazy about travelling / to travel around the world.
3) Lemon juice is useful for cleaning / to clean all sorts of dirt.
4) His uncle offered of helping / to help us.
5) Susan asked me for visiting / to visit her tonight.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) There’s no use … to win. It won’t help.

a) of trying b) trying c) to trying
2) Do you mind … that window?
a) to open b) open c) opening
3) That song made her … and no one knew what … her.
a) to cry / tell b) cry / to tell c) to cry / to tell
4) Let him … now. He’ll be back soon, I’m sure
a) to go b) going c) go
5) She didn’t want … the letter aloud.
a) to read b) reading c) read
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

CONDITIONALS – types 0, 1 and 2
TEST 6 CONDITIONALS – types 0, 1 and 2
Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Match. Write numbers 1–5 to complete the sentences.

1) She’d come ____ it turns into ice.

2) If they were at home last night, ____ if he asks me.
3) I’ll help him ____ if you invited her.
4) If you freeze water, ____ if he won the lottery.
5) My dad wouldn’t work any more ____ they wouldn’t miss that TV show.
Points: ___/5

II Complete the sentences. Use IF or UNLESS.

1) _________ she told me about her problem, I’d offer my help.

2) You won’t complete the project _________ you do some research.
3) ___________ you hurry up, you’ll miss the train.
4) We’ll go to the beach _________ the weather is nice.
5) _______ you heat the ice, it won’t melt.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) If I … you, I’d definitely do it differently.

a) am b) was c) were
2) We … be grateful if you helped us.
a) will b) would c) won’t
3) My parents would buy a new car if they … enough money.
a) had b) didn’t have c) would have
4) What would you … if you were me?
a) do b) done c) did
5) If you … a ticket, you won’t be able to get on a bus.
a) buy b) don’t buy c) didn’t buy
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

TEST 6 CONDITIONALS – types 0, 1 and 2
Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Match. Write numbers 1-5 to complete the sentences.

1) The party will be great ____ if they don’t get enough water.
2) If they were here, ____ you’ll meet interesting people.
3) Plants die ____ if he stopped eating fast food.
4) If you go to Brazil, ____ they would help us.
5) My uncle wouldn’t be overweight ____ if we plan it carefully.
Points: ___/5

II Complete the sentences. Use IF or UNLESS.

1) I’d be a better person __________ my friends supported me.

2) You won’t feel great __________ you get enough sleep.
3) __________ it is sunny tomorrow, we’ll go swimming.
4) We would live in a big house __________ my parents were rich.
5) You won’t pass your exams __________ you study hard.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) She … join the party if she feels better.

a) will b) would c) wouldn’t
2) They would be thankful if you … them.
a) help b) helped c) don’t help
3) If I … in your position, I’d do the same.
a) was b) were c) wasn’t
4) Which places would you … if you were in China?
a) visited b) visiting c) visit
5) If he … you, he wouldn’t tell you anything.
a) didn’t see b) sees c) doesn’t see
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

TEST 6 CONDITIONALS – types 0, 1 and 2
Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Match. Write numbers 1–5 to complete the sentences.

1) I will come to the party ____ if you heat it.

2) If they asked me, ____ if he had her phone number.
3) Water boils ____ if she invites me.
4) If you study hard, ____ you will pass the exam.
5) He would call her ____ I would answer.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) They will / are help you if you help them.

2) If it rain / rains, the grass gets wet.
3) If the weather is / be fine, we will go out.
4) You won’t / don’t be late if you hurry up.
5) If you take the bus, you will / are get home faster.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) She … come the party if she has time.

a) will b) is
2) They would feel better if you … to them.
a) talked b) talk
3) If I … a sandwich, I won’t be hungry.
a) ate b) eat
4) … you play with me if I ask you politely?
a) Would b) Will
5) If Peter … her, he will ask her out.
a) didn’t see b) sees
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

TEST 6 CONDITIONALS – types 0, 1 and 2
Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences. Use the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.

1) If robots ___________________ (DO) all the work, people would be bored.

2) What would you do if he _________________ (RING) you up?
3) If the weather ________________ (STAY) fine, we’ll spend the rest of the day outside.
4) I would talk to her if I _________________ (BE) in your position.
5) _________________ (YOU HELP) him if he asks you to?
Points: ___/5

II Transform the sentences, so that they mean the same. Use UNLESS.

1) She won’t be successful if she doesn’t try hard.

_____________________________________________________ .
2) If he doesn’t study, he won’t pass his exams.
_____________________________________________________ .
3) You can’t make calls if your smartphone battery isn’t full.
_____________________________________________________ .
4) She wouldn’t be happy if she didn’t speak to him.
_____________________________________________________ .
5) She won’t be able to do her homework if he doesn’t help her.
_____________________________________________________ .
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) If you freeze water, it … into ice.

a) turns b) will turn c) would turn
2) If he … everything carefully, we wouldn’t get into such trouble.
a) planned b) planed c) plans
3) He won’t be allowed in, unless he … eighteen.
a) was b) is c) isn’t
4) I’m sure he … you the way to the shopping mall even if you asked him.
a) would show b) won’t show c) wouldn’t show
5) I wish I … have to go to school tomorrow, but unfortunately I do.
a) don’t b) won’t c) didn’t
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.

1) Mice __________________________ (EAT) by cats.

2) The new shop ____________________________ (OPEN) next week.
3) The first telephone _________________________ (INVENT) by Alexander Graham Bell.
4) The best cars _______________________________ (PRODUCE) in Japan.
5) The novel Robinson Crusoe __________________________ (WRITE) by Daniel Defoe.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) This letter has been sent / has sent today.

2) Artificial intelligence is used / uses in many devices nowadays.
3) Every day new apps are appearing / are appeared.
4) All flights were cancelled / were cancelling because of fog.
5) Are you often bothered / bothering by your younger sister?
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) This is my new watch. It is … of steel.

a) made b) makes c) make
2) The package … delivered tomorrow.
a) will b) will be c) was
3) This film was directed … Federico Fellini.
a) from b) with c) by
4) She was … a nice present for her birthday.
a) give b) gave c) given
5) Many accidents … caused by careless drivers.
a) have b) have been c) been
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences using the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.

1) Many novels __________________________ (WRITE) by Mark Twain.

2) Rice ____________________________ (GROW) in China.
3) The first Olympic games _________________________ (HOLD) in Greece.
4) The best watches _______________________________ (PRODUCE) in Switzerland.
5) The new bridge __________________________ (BUILD) next year.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) The children won’t play / won’t be played with the same toys in future.
2) The first computer was made / is made in in the twentieth century.
3) The report hasn’t been finished / hasn’t finished yet.
4) They invited / were invited two hundred people to the ceremony.
5) Is he often bullied / bullying by his friends at school?
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) All the photos were successfully … by him.

a) download b) downloaded c) downloads
2) When … the television invented?
a) were b) did c) was
3) They … asked to slow down.
a) have been b) has been c) been
4) The decision … made until next month.
a) won’t be b) won’t c) will
5) A lot of buildings in Barcelona were designed … a famous architect Antoni Gaudi.
a) by b) with c) from
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Match. Write numbers 1–5 to match active to passive sentences.

1) People sell old cars. ____ The room will be tidied.

2) I bought a new dress. ____ A new school has been built.
3) She will tidy the room. ____ Old cars are sold.
4) Did he eat the cake? ____ A new dress was bought.
5) They have built a new school. ____ Was the cake eaten?
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) A man was / is hurt yesterday.

2) Milk is / are drunk by cats.
3) Hamlet was written / wrote by William Shakespeare.
4) The letter will / will be opened tomorrow.
5) She likes / is liked chocolate.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) Football … played all over the world.

a) is b) has
2) Fiat cars are … in Italy.
a) produced b) producing
3) These trees … planted 20 years ago.
a) are b) were
4) A new shop has … opened.
a) be b) been
5) The room was painted … my father.
a) by b) from
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Complete the sentences. Use the appropriate form of the verbs in the box.

perform hurt offer steal speak

1) I __________________________________ a new job recently.

2) There was a fight last night. Luckily, nobody _________________________________ .
3) Scientists believe that in future many jobs ______________________________ by robots.
4) I have no money. My wallet ___________________________________ yesterday.
5) Spanish and Portuguese _________________________________ in South America.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) A new computer software was just installed / has just been installed.
2) I was / am given the keys of her house, so I could enter it.
3) Everybody was / were amused by his stories.
4) The CD player hasn’t been repaired / isn’t repaired yet.
5) My aunt is said to be / is told to be the best cook.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) I expect … surprised at my birthday party.

a) to be b) to have been c) be
2) A bar of chocolate was given … Sally … Peter.
a) to / from b) – / by c) to / by
3)… anybody invited to join you?
a) Was b) Were c) Did
4) I don’t like … seen in my pyjamas.
a) be b) been c) being
5) I’m sorry this office is so dirty, but it … be cleaned until tomorrow morning.
a) shan’t b) can’t c) couldn’t
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Report the sentences.

1) ‘My new job is boring.’ She says that _____________________________________ .

2) ‘I live in Serbia.’ He says that ______________________________________ .
3) ‘Do you speak Spanish?’ My friend asks me if ________________________________ .
4) ‘Can you play the guitar?’ She asks him if ___________________________________ .
5) ‘Open the notebooks!’ The teacher tells us to _____________________________ .
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) He asks / tells me if I can come with him.

2) The woman in the street tells / says that she got lost.
3) He wants to know / asks where the supermarket is.
4) Tom asks Mary if / that she will marry him.
5) My parents ordered me to / to not tidy my room.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) Peter asks Jane … go out tomorrow evening.

a) if b) to c) that
2) I don’t know what … talking about.
a) are you b) you c) you are
3) Hellen … that she wants to move to Australia.
a) says b) asks c) tells
4) He wants to know where … .
a) I live b) do I live c) I am live
5) Samuel says … he cannot drive.
a) to b) how c) that
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Report the sentences.

1) ‘My new shoes are great.’ John says that ____________________________________ .

2) ‘I work in a bank.’ She says that _____________________________________ .
3) ‘Do you play games?’ A friend asks me if ________________________________ .
4) ‘Can you ski?’ She asks him if ___________________________________ .
5) ‘Close the books!’ The teacher tells us to______________________________ .
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) They ask / tell us if we can come with them.

2) I want to know / ask where the museum is.
3) The man in the street tells / says that he is looking for a bakery.
4) The police officer ordered him to / to not drive slowly.
5) Ben asks Susan if / that she will go out with him.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) Peter asks Jane … go out tomorrow evening.

a) if b) to c) that
2) I don’t know what … talking about.
a) are you b) you are c) you
3) Hellen … that she wants to move to Australia.
a) says b) asks c) tells
4) She wants to know … I do for living.
a) what b) that c) where
5) Peter says … he can run very fast.
a) to b) how c) that
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Match. Write numbers 1–5

1) ‘I live in London.’ ____ John tells me to open the window.

2) ‘I can play tennis.’ ____ She says that she lives in London.
3) ‘Do you watch TV?’ ____ My friend asks me if I can swim.
4) ‘Can you swim?’ ____ He says that he can play tennis.
5) ‘Open the window!’ ____ He asks me if I watch TV.
Points: ___/5

II Underline the correct option.

1) He asks / says us to play with him.

2) I say / ask that I am 15.
3) The man tells / says me to come in.
4) He ordered her not to / to not speak.
5) She asks him if / that he is hungry.
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) He says … he is good at sport.

a) if b) that
2) He wants to know what … wearing.
a) are you b) you are
3) She tells … not to worry.
a) me b) /
4) My mum … that she is happy.
a) asks b) says
5) Oliver wants to know … I live.
a) where b) that
Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

Name: Class:
______________________________________________________ ___________________

Time: 15 minutes

I Report the sentences.

1) ‘I want to open this box.’ She says ___________________________________ .

2) ‘Are you happy?’ He asks me _________________________________ .
3) ‘Where does Mr Smith live?’ My friend wants to know ______________________ .
4) ‘Can you skate?’ She asks him ________________________________ .
5) ‘Give me back my tablet!’ Tom tells Sally _______________________________ .
Points: ___/5

II Write the dialogue. Use direct speech.

1) Sue asks Ben where he lives. Sue: ___________________________

2) Ben says that he lives in Leeds. Ben: ___________________________
3) Sue asks Ben how far Leeds is from London. Sue: ___________________________
4) Ben answers that it is 170 miles away. Ben: ___________________________
5) Sue exclaims that London is her favourite city. Sue: ___________________________
Points: ___/5

III Choose the correct option. Circle the letter before it.

1) David asks me … I come from.

a) if b) does c) where
2) They want to know what … .
a) we do b) do we do c) are we doing
3) The policeman ordered us … drive fast.
a) to not b) not c) not to
4) She wants to know … .
a) how old am I b) how old I am c) how am I old
5) The doctor … that I should take rest.
a) tells b) says c) orders

Points: ___/5

TOTAL SCORE: ____/15

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