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Contact information:

Emma Meyer, PR director for Reges Oceanfront Resort FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Email: Oct. 18, 2023
Phone: (313) 123-456

Reges Oceanfront Resort Prioritizes Guests Health Despite Governor’s Veto

As of Oct. 1, Reges Oceanfront Resort’s beaches are smoke-free.

WILDWOOD CREST, NJ- Reges Oceanfront Resort declares its beaches to be smoke-free as of Oct. 1,
2023. This is a voluntary ban in response of the Governor’s veto
President and General Manager Anthony Mollica of 34 years states, “We want families of all ages to feel
that Reges Oceanfront Resort is a place they can relax and not have to stress about the safety of their
family. We want to continue to be a place of trust for the families we have served for 40 years. Having our
beaches be safe for guest is the best way to serve your guests well.”
This reenforces the company’s mission of wanting to provide a safe and reduce waste on its beaches. As
well as to make the beaches be a place of choose when guests visit. Learning from other states and the
increased risks the company investigated the effects of smoking for their guests.
Reges Oceanfront Resort made this decision after researching and learning more about the safety of their
guests. Some research that went into this decision were:
 Sandford study that found, “Tens of thousands of Americans die each year from secondhand
tobacco smoke.” Additional information to learn more
 New York City law, “Studies suggest that sitting 3 feet away from a smoker outdoors can expose
you to the same level of secondhand smoke as if you were sitting indoors with a smoker.
Secondhand smoke can trigger asthma attacks, increase the risk of blood clots and hurt blood
vessels.” Additional information to learn more

 Additional resources of interest into this decision:


To learn more about Reges Oceanfront Resort’s policy visit.


About Reges Oceanfront Resort:

We at the Reges Oceanfront Resort in beautiful Wildwood Crest are proud of our oceanfront
accommodations and resort amenities. Widely recognized for our cleanliness and exemplary hospitality
service, the Reges is family owned and operated, celebrating over 40 years of service. Our resort island
offers diversity of recreational activities, restaurants, shopping, and family entertainment within immense
natural beauty that will satisfy any passion. The possibilities for a day of complete relaxation or non-stop
action are endless.

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