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Roll No:

Civil Engineering Department

National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra
Name of Exarnination: B. Tech. (civil) v Semester End-Sem Exam
Subject: CEPC - 35
Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering

Time Allowed: 3hours

Max. Marks: S0
Note: Attempt any 10 questions. Ail questions carry equar marks.

Q.l(a) What are salient features of .,Hyd.

the "Resident time" is maximum. Give proper
Q.t(b) Discuss the influence. of hjgh -
catchment on magnitude and time base of runoff hydroqraph.
lajn hoy hydrology ir meful in
A drainage basin has tne iottowing Oata
Basin area:3000 Sqkm: length of main streanr: 125 knr
Perimeter of basin : 370 km
Determine form factor, circularity ratio and e tion ratio.
Q.4(a) The average rainfall of 5 rain
cm' If the error in the estimation of rainfall should not exceed l5olo, how
additional gauges may be required?
Y::*:1e{oas measure;
of rainlall hyetosraph.
ro, prepro.ation

1 Io* during a dry *eathei

25,30,5,1 5,35,35,25,15
l5/0, 35, 30,
and 5 mm/h at half an hour intervals. Find the runoff volume
from a basin of area of 500 sqkm if o-index for the basin is l0
Discuss various methods of reduci
W ledlrcing evaporatiol trirm qry4q_qgC
Enumerate the different methods of meurrre*.nt of di*h.rg.
i" . ii"el., Expiai;
the estimation of flood dischqrgg by slope area method in
The ordinates of a ,unor nyo-giip-['i.iriiirg f rom complei
storm lafier base flow,
separation) in m3/s are given below. The storm is estimated
to consist of three
successive 6h periods of rainfall as 15. 30 and 22.5 mm
respectively. The rea of
basin is 146 Sqkm. Determine 6-h unit hydrograph tbr rhe


Determine tt',es-@ograph obtained in ffi

hydrograph ordinates
Q.e What do you understand by flood? Explain the Gumbel's theoretical method of 5
extreme value to determine the magnitude of a flood.
Q.l0 Distinguish between: )
i. Aquifer and aquitard
ii. Unconfined aquifer and conflned aquif'er
iii. Water table and piezometric surface
iv. Specific capacity of a well and specific yield of an aquifer
Q.l I Explain Darcy's law for flow through porous media. Derive an expression for steady 5
state discharge of well fully penetrating into a confined aquifer.
Q.12 What is the concept of system's engineering? What do you understand by time 5
invariant, lumped and linear systems?
Q.13 Solve the following linear programming problem using simplex method: 3
Subject to 2.xr*xz S 800
Xr*xz < 500


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