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When is a material useful? Direction: Fill out the table below.

Enumerate some useful and harmful

materials that you can find at home or in school.
- When it serves a purpose. These materials may have
properties such as durability, resistance to water, heat USEFUL MATERIALS HARMFUL MATERIALS
1. 1.
or acid, flexibility, elasticity, and hardness. 2. 2.
- 3. 3.
When is a material harmful? 4. 4.
5. 5.
- When a material already served its primary use and
can be discarded, it is considered a waste.

Direction: Write B if the example is biodegradable, NB if non-biodegradable.

Biodegradable materials can be decomposed by

bacteria or other living things.

Nonbiodegradable materials do not rot easily.

___________ ____________ ____________ _____________
Examples are plastic, Styrofoam, cans, glasses, and
the like.

When is a material considered waste? Direction: Write W if the given example is waste, NW if non-waste.

- When a material already served its _____1. Garbage

_____2. Tissue
primary use and can be discarded, it is _____3. Clothes
_____4. Bottle
considered a waste. _____5. Appliances
REDUCE- This can be done by using fewer materials that are Direction: Write the correct category in each example provided, write your
answer at the end of the example.
readily disposable either biodegradable or non-biodegradable.
1. Buy rechargeable batteries instead of disposable batteries for our gadgets. This
REUSE- To reuse means to use again or find other ways to use a way, we can minimize waste and save money at the same time.
2. Buy products in bigger packs than those packed in small sachets. Small sachets
material. prevent excessive use of a product, but such practices can increase the production of
nonbiodegradable waste because more plastic sachets will be discarded.
RECYCLE- To create a new product using a material that has 3. Use eco-bags when shopping or going to the grocery store.
4. Use reusable containers when packing, storing food or drinks, and even when
already served its purpose. buying drinks.
5. Glass bottles can be reused as containers of other liquids or materials.

Direction: Circle the best way to help the environment for each picture.
REDUCE- This can be done by using fewer materials that are
readily disposable either biodegradable or non-biodegradable.

REUSE- To reuse means to use again or find other ways to use a


RECYCLE- To create a new product using a material that has

already served its purpose.

RECOVER- There are various ways of recovering energy from a certain Direction: Write 3 examples of RECOVER and REPAIR.
material. Plastics-to-oil technology is one way of generating energy from
plastic waste. This method involves heating plastic wastes in the
presence of water and processing them to produce crude oil. Then, the 1. 1.
oil can be used as a source of energy later. 2. 2.
3. 3.
REPAIR- repair means to fix slightly broken things to make them useful
again. Repairable materials include furniture, appliances, and clothes.
Instead of discarding broken or busted materials, they can be checked
for repairability.
The waste that we generate per day is more than what landfills Direction: Write true if the statement is correct and false if not.
can accommodate. This is why some waste are left uncollected _____1. We can generate money by selling recyclable materials to junk shops.
in different places. Uncollected waste causes land, water, _____2. We can’t generate money by selling handcrafted products made of recyclable
and air pollution, and any form of pollution is harmful to materials.
_____3. It provides an opportunity for people to earn money by putting up their own
all organisms. Therefore, we should practice the 5Rs to junk shop where they buy recyclable materials and then later sell them to bigger
manage waste and lessen environmental problems. companies who are capable of recycling waste materials.
Practicing the 5Rs also helps make our surroundings clean and _____4. Managing waste is everyone’s responsibility.
_____5. It is not our duty to protect, preserve, and conserve our environment.

Uncollected waste causes land, water, and air What are the 5Rs of waste management? Kindly write in
the number provided.
pollution, and any form of pollution is harmful to all
organisms. Therefore, we should practice the 5Rs to 1.
manage waste and lessen environmental problems. 2.
Practicing the 5Rs also helps make our surroundings 3.
clean and 4.
beautiful. 5.

Therefore, we should practice the 5Rs to Give 5 practices that help make our surroundings clean
and beautiful.
manage waste and lessen
environmental problems. Practicing the 1.
5Rs also helps make our surroundings 3.
clean and beautiful. 5.
Matter refers to all the objects and
Direction: Look at the surroundings and draw 3 examples of matter in your
science notebook. Look at the example below.

materials around us. In studying its

different kinds, we usually observe
and compare it to one material to

The properties of matter can be classified as physical Direction: Identify the type of properties presented by each of the following
properties or chemical properties.

Physical Properties- The characteristic of a matter that can be

readily observed without changing its composition is known as
physical property.

Chemical properties- is most evident when a certain material

chemically reacts with another material.

Direction: Identify the state of matter presented by each of the

SOLID- state of matter that retains its shape following pictures.
and density when not confined.
LIQUID- can flow and does not have a
specific shape like a solid.
GAS- is a substance that has no fixed size or
COMBUSTION- is a chemical process in which a Direction: : Identify the chemical property of matter presented by
each of the following pictures.
substance reacts rapidly with oxygen and gives off heat.

RUSTING- is caused by the reaction of iron with oxygen

present in the air. This kind of reaction is slower than
the rate of combustion. The amount of rust formed in an
iron depends on the moisture and humidity of the
Direction: Identify whether the following is a Chemical or Physical change.
Heat can bring about physical changes in matter. Some
solid materials melt when enough heat is applied to
CHEMICAL CHANGE- occurs when a substance
combines with another to form a new substance.
PHYSICAL CHANGE- the appearance or form of the
matter changes but the kind of matter in the substance
does not.

Matter refers to all the objects and Direction: Kindly fill-in-the-blank the missing word in each
number. Choose in the box provided the right answer.
materials around us. In studying its Atom, Melting, Matter, Created

different kinds, we usually observe 1. Everything you can see is _______. This is the special name that
scientists use to describe the stuff that everything is made of.
and compare it to one material to 2. All matter is made up of tiny, individual particles called _____.
3. Matter can never be ___________ or disappear.
another. 4. Solids can become liquids through
the process of ________.
What’s the matter
with matter?

Fill any available

space and create it
Direction: Look at the surroundings and draw 3 examples of solid.
What logo is shown here?

Direction: Encircle the best example of reduced waste

REDUCE- This can be done by using fewer
materials that are readily disposable
either biodegradable or non-

REUSE- To reuse means to

Direction: Encircle the best example of reuse waste management.

use again or find other ways

to use a material.
Direction: Label the parts of the Male Reproductive system.

Sperm is the male reproductive cell. A man can release millions of sperm cells but
only one is needed for fertilization.

Direction: Match the column A with column B.

Penis- is the external male organ with a tip called glans. It is covered with foreskin
that may be removed through circumcision.
Scrotum- is a pair of pouchlike sacs that contains the testes. 1. Testes a. is a pair of pouchlike sacs that contains the testes.
It also controls the testes' temperature because they must be slightly cooler than the
body to produce sperm cells. 2. Epididymis b. external male organ with a tip called glans.

Testes (singular, testis)- are the glands that produce the sperm cells and the male 3. Penis c. is a narrow, coiled tube that stores sperm cells.
sex hormone called testosterone.
4. Scrotum d. glands that produce the sperm cells
Epididymis- is a narrow, coiled tube that stores sperm cells.

Urethra- in males is the passageway of both urine from the urinary bladder and Direction: Find these 4 parts of male reproductive system and label it.
semen from the glands.
Seminal vesicles- are saclike pouches attached to the vas deferens. It contributes
to semen production, a sugar-rich fluid that provides energy for the sperm cells'
Vas deferens- is a long, muscular tube that serves as the passageway of the sperm
cells released from the testes. It also connects the testes to the seminal vesicle and
the urethra.
Prostate gland- is a gland located between the bladder and the penis. It produces
fluid that nourishes and protects the sperm.
What is being shown in
the picture?

Direction: Label the parts of the female Reproductive system.

The egg cell is the female reproductive cell.

Ovary- produces egg cells as well as the female sex hormones estrogen and Direction: Match the column A with column B.
progesterone. COLUMN A COLUMN B.
Fallopian tubes- lead the egg from the ovary to the uterus. This is also the usual site
of fertilization of the egg cell and sperm cell. 1. Ovary a. It has a soft, smooth inner lining.
Uterus- Also called the womb, the uterus is a hollow muscular organ located at the
lower abdomen. It has a soft, smooth inner lining called the uterine lining or 2. Fallopian tubes b. - located at the part of the uterus.
Vagina- also called the birth canal. the vagina is a hollow, muscular tube that extends 3. Uterus c. also called the birth canal
from the cervix to the vaginal opening called vulva. It expands to let the baby pass
during normal delivery. 4. Vagina d. produces egg cells
Cervix- located at the part of the uterus. It is a narrow opening between the uterus
and the vagina. 5. Cervix e. lead the egg from the ovary to the uterus.
What is being shown in
the picture?

Most animals can only produce a new individual when two parents are Direction: Identify the science concept being described in the following
present. This is called sexual reproduction. Frogs, chickens, cows, and many other statements.
animals reproduce by sexual reproduction.
Sexual reproduction takes place when sex cells from two-parent animals 1. Takes place when sex cells of two-parent animals unite to form a new organism
(one male and one female unite to form a new animal. 2. Another term for sex cells
Animals have sex organs that produce sex cells or gametes. These gametes 3. The sex cell of a male animal
contain information about the new organism. There are two types of sex cells or 4. The sex cell of a female animal
gametes. The egg cell is for females and the sperm cell is for males. 5. Another term for the fertilized egg.
Fertilization takes place when a sperm cell unites with the egg cell.
The fertilized egg is called a zygote which develops into an embryo.
The embryo undergoes continuous development until it eventually grows into a
newborn animal. Fertilization in animals may be internal or external.

Internal fertilization happens when the male animal releases sperm cells Direction: Using the table, list down some animals that you know. Identify if they
into the body of the female animal to fertilize the egg cell. The embryo can either reproduce through internal or external fertilization by checking the correct column.
develop inside the female body until it is born alive or develop inside an egg laid by
the female. Insects, birds, cats, and cows undergo internal fertilization. Name of Animal Internal Fertilization External Fertilization

External fertilization occurs outside the bodies of the parents. The female 1.
releases eggs into the water or attaches them to a plant or rock. The male then 2.
releases sperm cells over the eggs to fertilize them. Most frogs and fishes undergo 3.
external fertilization. 4.
Asexual reproduction does not Direction: Look for other animals that
reproduce through asexual reproduction. Draw
need one male and one female it in your science notebook.
parent to produce an offspring. A
single-parent organism simply
makes identical copies of itself.
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Explain your
Binary fission occurs when a parent animal divides itself into two. choice briefly.
Each half grows into a new individual. Binary fission is also called splitting. Some very small animals
and certain marine animals reproduce through this method. This allows them to quickly grow
clusters of closely living groups or colonies. The sea anemone can reproduce by binary fission. It splits Reproduction animals are best described as:
its polyp or body into halves, then it grows into two new sea anemones. a. process of producing its own kind
Budding happens when an outgrowth of the parent animal develops into a new animal.
b. changes that happen to an animal as it grows
Plants also develop a new plant through the process of budding. A bulge appears on the parent's body, c. process of incubating eggs to help them hatch.
grows into a bud, and eventually becomes a miniature copy of the parent. The young continue to grow d. process of breaking down food into smaller units
while still attached to the parent and eventually detach when it is mature enough to survive by itself.
Hydra and jellyfish are some examples of animals that can reproduce through budding.

Animals are born in different ways. The Philippine eagle is hatched from an egg. The tarsier, a small Direction: Identify whether the following statements refer to animals that are
primate found in Bohol, is born alive. Animals have different modes of reproduction. Some born alive or hatched from eggs. Underline the statement that refers to born
animals are egg-laying while some are born alive. Some animals lay their eggs in the environment.
These animals are called egg-laying animals. The laid eggs by the female animal are developed outside
alive and encircle the ones that refer to hatched eggs.
her body. The time between the laying of the egg and the hatching of the young is called the
incubation period. Examples of animals that lay eggs are birds, snakes, frogs, turtles, lizards, and 1. Insects develop outside their mother's body.
insects. 2. Elephants are born alive, looking like their mother.
Some animals retain and nourish the fertilized egg inside the body of the female parent. The 3. It is a mode of reproduction where animals develop inside their mother's body.
fertilized egg develops into an embryo that grows while receiving nourishment from the mother
through the placenta. The time between fertilization and birth of the live young is called gestation.
4. It is a mode of reproduction where animals are hatched from eggs.
Animals that undergo this process are born alive animals. Cats, cows, dogs, and whales are animals 5. Unborn monkeys get nourishment from their mother while they are still
that are born alive. An advantage of an animal that is born alive is that the mother can developing.
concentrate on taking care of only a few young. Even in the womb, one or two young will be able to
receive proper nourishment from the mother.
Animals are born in different ways. The Philippine eagle is hatched from an egg. The tarsier, a Direction: Fill out the table below. Find the name of the young of each animal in
small primate found in Bohol, is born alive. Animals have different modes of reproduction. Some the word box at the left and identify if they are hatched from an egg or born
animals are egg-laying while some are born alive. Some animals lay their eggs in the environment.
These animals are called egg-laying animals. The laid eggs by the female animal are developed outside
her body. The time between the laying of the egg and the hatching of the young is called the Hatchling Puppy Fawn Gosling Calf Duckling Pup Cub Foal
incubation period. Examples of animals that lay eggs are birds, snakes, frogs, turtles, lizards, and
Some animals retain and nourish the fertilized egg inside the body of the female parent. The
fertilized egg develops into an embryo that grows while receiving nourishment from the mother
through the placenta. The time between fertilization and birth of the live young is called gestation. 1. Deer
Animals that undergo this process are born alive animals. Cats, cows, dogs, and whales are animals 2. Duck
that are born alive. An advantage of an animal that is born alive is that the mother can 3. Dog
concentrate on taking care of only a few young. Even in the womb, one or two young will be able to 4. Horse
receive proper nourishment from the mother. 5. Pig

Direction: Label the parts of the Flower.

The receptacle is the enlarged upper end of a flower stalk which bears the Direction: Identify the concept being described in each item.
flower or group of flowers.
Sepals are modified leaves that enclose and protect the other parts of a flower _________1. form the most obvious part of a flower. Most petals are brightly
when it is still a bud. colored to attract insects for pollination.
Petals form the most obvious part of a flower. Most petals are brightly colored _________2. is the enlarged upper end of a flower stalk which bears the flower or
to attract insects for pollination. group of flowers.
Stamen is the male part of a flower. _________3. is the male part of a flower.
The filament holds the anther in a position tall enough to release the pollen. _________4. are modified leaves that enclose and protect the other parts of a
The anther consists of two lobes that contain pollen sacs. Pollen sacs have flower when it is still a bud.
pollen grains that are released by the anther when they mature. _________5. consists of two lobes that contain pollen sacs. Pollen sacs have
pollen grains that are released by the anther when they mature.




Herbivores are animals that can eat only Direction: Choose the correct category where the animals belong.

plants or plant products.

Carnivores are animals that eat other
Omnivores are animals that can have both
plant-based or animal-based diets.

Direction: Encircle the living things among the pictures presented below.

LIVING THINGS- any organism or a life form that

possesses or shows the characteristics of life or
being alive.

RECYCLE- To create a new product Direction: Encircle the best example of recycle waste management.

using a material that has already

served its purpose.
VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION- a form of Direction: In your own idea, kindly give 3 examples
of vegetative propagation.
asexual reproduction where new plants
are produced from one part of a parent

Direction: In your own idea, kindly give 3 examples
BULB- a rounded stem with fleshy of bulb vegetative propagation.
leaves, example: onion

RHIZOME- a horizontally growing stem, example Direction: In your own idea, kindly give 3 examples
ginger. of rhizome vegetative propagation.
TUBER- a fleshy underground stem Direction: In your own idea, kindly give 3 examples
of tuber vegetative propagation.
or root, example: potato-stem

CORM- a short, vertical stem, example: Direction: In your own idea, kindly give 3 examples
of corm vegetative propagation.

ESTUARIES- because of its very unique What is the other term for Estuaries?
characteristic, some organisms choose to
reproduce in these areas.
SALINITY- refers to the amount of salt Direction: Identify the picture, kindly put S if it is salinity and M if it
is mangroves.
in water.
MANGROVES- special plants which are
able to adapt to saline environment.

Direction: Identify where is the cold and hot temperature. Encircle

the cold temperature and underline the hot temperature.

TEMPERATURE- hotness or
coldness of water.

WAVES- movement of the surface of Direction: Draw a wave and plant

water. that is receiving sunlight.
SUNLIGHT- Algae, seaweeds, see
grasses, and other marine plants
depend on it.
SALINITY- refers to the What causes the changing salinity of water in
amount of salt in water. a. The amount of sunlight
b. The hotness and coldness of water
c. The continuous flow of fresh and saltwater
d. The kinds of rocks found in the estuary

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