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- inicial

- WorkFlowy is an infinite document. Every bullet in WorkFlowy is also a document

(it's fractal!).
- To view any bullet as its own document, just click it.
- This model is simple, but extremely #powerful.
- It lets you easily organize thousands of notes, ideas and projects, and focus
in on one at a time
- Things to try
- Click any bullet to zoom i
- Click the arrow to the left of a bullet to expand or collapse
- Try collapsing that ☝
- Click any text and just type
- Hit <enter> to create a new bullet
- Hit <tab> to indent
- Hit <shift+tab> to outdent
- Click the #today tag
- Drag a bullet somewhere else
- Click the "…" to the left of a bullet and explore the menu
- Install the mobile and desktop apps #today
- Share a sub-list with someone
- @you can share any bullet with different people, no matter where it is.
This is an incredibly #powerful sharing model.
- Learn the keyboard shortcuts (they make everything super fast)
- Scroll down and explore the demo setup
- How is it different from Google Docs, Word, etc?
- The truth is, if you use WorkFlowy for a week you'll realize that it is
profoundly different. No other document has an infinitely deep structure that lets
you choose the exact focus level you want. No other document lets you build
flexible, personalized systems in the way WorkFlowy does. No other document frees
your mind to do its best work like WorkFlowy.
- However, this new way of thinking and working takes a little bit of getting
used to, so don't be surprised if it takes a while to click. Try it for a week, and
you'll wonder how you survived without it.
- Example account setup
- There are a million ways to set up your WorkFlowy account, the following is
just to give you a sense of how you might do it
- Notepad
- This is the place to just jot stuff down quickly for organizing (or not!)
later. It's particularly useful on your phone, for quick notes on the go.
- Work
- Goals
- Do you like to set goals? If so, write them here. If not, delete the
- Projects
- Each project typically has a lot of its own context, research, goals,
tasks, etc., and this is a place for all that to live. Create a bullet for each
project, and all the content for that project should go under the bullet.
- To do
- There are lots of ways to organize to-dos in WorkFlowy, but one of the
simplest is using a hierarchical calendar. We've created years and months for you,
you just create the days as needed, and it all works out pretty nicely!
- 2022
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- 2023
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- 2024
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- Meetings
- Meeting notes are one of the best things about WorkFlowy. You can share
just the meetings or sections relevent to people.
- Examples
- Product Team Weekly Meeting (Recurring Meeting Example)
- Wed July 21, 2022
- Agenda
- Discuss plan
- Assign responsibilities
- Follow ups
- @jesse Draw up a schematic
- @Alicia Code the contact feature
- Notes
- ...
- Wed July 28, 2022
- Agenda
- Discuss results of last week
- Assign responsibilities
- Follow ups
- @Alicia Code the export feature
- @jesse Call the lawyers
- @Daryl Write blog post
- @you Learn how to use WorkFlowy #urgent #today
- Notes
- ...
- Jane Johnson from ACME Corp (One-off meeting example)
- Purpose
- Qualifying her as a lead, try to get a sense of budget and needs
- Questions
- Can you tell me what problems you're facing that led you to reach
out to us?
- Do you have a rough sense of the budget for this project?
- Follow ups
- Send solutions whitepaper
- Notes
- ...
- Ideas
- Depending on what kind of work you do, you might need a dumping ground
for ideas, brainstorms, etc.. Stuff you don't want to forget, but isn't immediately
actionable. Put those all here!
- Templates
- Depending on the type of work you do, you may have lots of detailed,
repetitive processes you have to follow. This is a good place to create and keep
those for later use.
- Life
- If you have a spouse or partner, you probably want to share this list
with them and use it together to keep in sync on, well, everything.
- To do
- There are lots of ways to organize to-dos in WorkFlowy, but one of the
simplest is using a hierarchical calendar. We've created years and months for you,
you just create the days as needed, and it all works out pretty nicely!
- 2022
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- 2023
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- 2024
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- Projects
- Any bigger things you're working on go here
- Shopping List
- Just jot anything down here when you realize you need it. You, and
anyone else who has access to this list can check it off as you shop, or you can
add new stuff, and changes will sync as it happens.
- ...
- Trips
- Trip Template (duplicate this for each trip)
- Planning Checklist
- Location researched
- Tickets purchased
- Hotel booked
- Friends contacted
- Itinerary planned
- Packing list made
- ...
- Packing List
- Clothes
- ...
- Electronics
- ...
- Gear
- ...
- Food
- ...
- Toiletries
- ...
- Sleep
- ...
- Kids stuff
- ...
- Recipes
- Your favorite recipes!
- Health
- Doctors Visits
- ...
- Food log
- ...
- Books to read
- ...
- Stuff to watch
- ...
- Journal
- 2022
- January
- 31, Thurs
- Personal
- Felt pretty good, played some basketball
- Work
- Great day! Finished the template for new users
- Fixed a bunch of bugs
- Kids
- They were chill. It's their birthday tomorrow and they're really
excited. They cried a bunch this morning because we wouldn't let them open the
presents that arrived in the mail. They kept trying to persuade us that it was fine
to open their birthday presents a day before their birthday, but we stood strong!
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- 2023
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- 2024
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- Links
- This is a place to put any links to sites or apps you find useful ...
- Things real people have done with WorkFlowy
- Millions of people have used WorkFlowy for an endless variety of things.
Here's a small sample of things they've accomplished ...
- Built a billion dollar business
- Written bestselling books
- Passed laws
- Managed construction projects costing over $80 million
- Managed life as CEO of a public company
- Written screenplays for major films
- Researched and written stories for prestigious newspapers such as the New
York Times and Washington Post
- Researched and written Phd theses
- Created award winning art
- Taught classes
- ... and so forth. People do everything with WorkFlowy
- What to do next
- Try using Workflowy for a week
- Email if you have any questions
- Tell all your friends about WorkFlowy! You get free space when they sign
up, and so do they:
- Notas de colegio
- Tarea
- Notas
- Notas de evaluación
- Notas de aprendizaje
- Resumenes
- Videos de YT
- Adria Sola Pastor
- Cómo gestiono mi tiempo? 10 consejos para aprovechar tu vida
- Manipula tus superpoderes
"Cuando comenzamos con nuestra mañana, tenemos motivacion suficiente para
tareas dificiles y esta motivacion va disminuyendo a lo largo del dia. Utiliza esta
informacion estrategicamente para organizar tus tareas para una maxima eficiencia."
- Gestionar tareas por lotes
- Nuestra mente tiene una energia que dura desde que nos despertamos hasta
que nos acostamos, esta energia disminuye a lo largo del dia por hacer trabajos
esporadicamente, asi que una vez hagas una tarea, intenta que la tarea no quede
separada por bloques de tiempo diferentes.
- Jugar con la urgencia
- Ponte un tiempo limite para terminar tus trabajos, si no logras hacer tu
trabajo deja de hacer inmediatamente la tarea y enfocate en otra cosa. Si no lo
alcanzas a terminar, el siguiente dia te despertaras con una motivacion
inexplicable para lograr dicha tarea
- Protege tu tiempo
- Genera un bloque de tiempo destinado para toda actividad, ya sea
productiva o una divertida
- Priorizar tus objetivos
- Nuestra mente pasa por muchas ideas, de una a otra sin parar. Para poder
tener un enfoque eficaz, lo que debes de hacer es un vaciamiento de cerebro, lo que
es pasar todas las ideas, por minimas que sean del plano mental al externo.
- Di si al multitasking
- El multitasking no es algo que pueda ser muy eficaz en algunas
actividades, pero en otras si. Estas tareas son las que necesitan de algun
movimiento fisico otra en la que se requiera un sentido no tan importante.
- rituales cotidianos
- Manten una rutina matutina para despertarte con la mayor motivacion
posible y organiza una rutina nocturna para poder tener un sueño reconfortante y
recuperador para el siguiente dia.
- Sistema tecnologico de gestion de tiempo
- Crear un sistema centralizado para todas las tareas dependiendo de la
- Constancia y el foco
- Es mejor hacer pequeñas sesiones de 20 minutos cada dia de manera
constante cada dia en vez de hacer sesiones de 3 horas esporadicamente sin control
alguno. "Con solo 20 minutos diarios, al final del año se puede ser mejor que el
95% de personas".
- Ducha fria
- Como evita la hyper-sexualizacion de tu cerebro
- 1# paso: eliminar tiktok de tu vida
- Tiktok es obviamente la mayor causa de la hypersexualizacion en nuestras
vidas, ya que nos puede aparecer inesperadamente cualquier tiktok de una mujer
bailando y eso es un gran detonante para la sexualizacion. A menos de que seas un
creador de contenido que depende de estos ingresos. Elimina la aplicacion de tu
vida, por que malgasta mucho tiempo que podrias estar utilizando en una cosa mucho
mas productiva que ver tiktok.
- 2# paso: generar barreras para la tentación
- 3# paso: generar espacios de tiempo libres de toda tecnologia
- 4# paso: Retornar tu mente a su estado natural.
- Hábitos que Aumentan la Seguridad en ti Mismo
- 1. La confianza no es un don, se puede mejorar
- Muchos de nosotros vivimos con una creencia de que la seguridad no se
puede mejorar, que solo es un aspecto con el que vinieron de nacimiento. Pero la
verdad es que se puede mejorar con variedad de habitos que te hagan sentir mucho
mas seguro de ti mismo y que las personas que son seguras de si mismas, tienen la
mayoria de los habitos que estaras viendo a continuacion.
- 2. La prueba es el unico camino util
- El unico camino que podemos tomar es el de intentar por que este hara que
te vayas acostumbrando a tomar esta desicion. Lo que se convierte en un habito.
- 3. El lenguaje corporal influye en la percepcion.
- Cuando vemos a una persona con alta autoestima, generalmente tendran unos
rasgos que muestren la confianza y seguridad que tienen en si mismos. Dentro del
lenguaje corporal de las personas seguras estan muy comunmente los siguientes 3
habitos: 1. Una postura erguida y hombros atras 2. contacto visual 3. Estar comodo
en el silencio
- 4. Fija grandes objetivos y centrate en los pequeños pasos
- La mayoria de veces cuando queremos hacer algo y nos ponemos una meta,
nos fijamos en la mayor meta, lo que en un inicio esta bien, pero visualizarnos
logrando nuestros objetivos mientras no hacemos nada para acercarnos a ellos esta
mal, es mejor avanzar en pequeños pasos que nos llevaran a nuestra meta.
- 5. Tus prioridades son lo primero
- No dejes que las personas a tu alrededor influyan en tu progreso para tus
metas, lo que dira que estas vulnerable a que las condiciones sociales te lleven
por un mal camino. No dejes que nadie influya en tu progreso, ellos tampoco deben
de saber que estas haciendo algo para mejorar, por que ellos pueden considerar que
son un estorbo para tus metas.
- 6. Aprende a tomar desiciones
- Cuando tomas la iniciativa sobre algo aprendes a tomar liderazgo, los
demas sabran que tu podras poner tus ideas sobre algun tema.
- 7. Cuida tu aspecto, si te ves bien, te veran bien.
- Si tu aspecto es de una persona que trabaja en si mismo, los otros
notaran ese valor que tu tienes y que es muy dificil o imposible de replicar.
- Oso Trava
- Mi mejor Yo
- Estilo de hombre
- Camino estoico
- Cordura artificial
- multitasking
- envidia ajena
- sedentarismo
- sobrepensar
- comparacion con los otros
- dependencia a redes
- juegos adictivos
- no aprender a descansar
- nunca fijarse en tus propias opiniones
- Aliezen
- Hamza

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