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Lecture 2 : Body Structures

• Large group of specialized cells that perform the same role
→ tissues (e.g. muscle, blood, and bone).
• Group of tissues → organs (e.g. brain, heart, and liver).
• Organs and tissues are integrated into → body systems (e.g.
central nervous system, and digestive system)
• Cells → tissue → organ → system → human

The cell consists of organelles

• Nucleus: the name derived from Latin word (nuculeus)
which means kernel (i.e. core or seed).
o Stores deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which carries
the genetic materials and is responsible for
cellular reproduction or division.
• Mitochondria: the cell's power plant
o Production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the
high energy molecule that fuels cellular activity
• Ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum:
o Synthesis of proteins and metabolism of fat within the cell
• The Golgi apparatus:
o Holds enzyme systems that assist in completing the cellular metabolic functions
• Lysosomes:
o Contain enzymes that allow cytoplasmic digestion

How cells replace old or injured ones??

By cell division
• Cells reproduce by splitting into two separate daughter cells by mitosis [root = mitos
(Greek) means thread + suffix = -osis means action or state]
• Before getting into mitosis the cellular mass double and chromatin begins to form.
• Mitosis is composed of Four phases, they are
1. Prophase (chromosomes coil and shorten, nuclear membrane dissolve,
chromatids and centromeres appear)
2. Metaphase (centromeres divide and align themselves in the middle of the
3. Anaphase (centromere separate and pull chromosomes toward opposite sides of
the cell, 46 chromosomes are present on each side of the cell)
4. Telophase (spindle fibers disappear, cytoplasm divides, an new membrane forms
around each set of 46 chromosomes).
Telo- (Greek) means ultimate end
• Meiosis only occurs in gametes (ova and spermatozoa).
▪ In this division, the number of chromosomes in the Four
daughter cells is reduced to half (i.e. 23 chromosomes).
Meiosis (Greek, meaning lessening) consists of two
divisions separated by a resting phase.

Body tissues
• are classified by structure and function into Four types:
1. Epithelial tissue:
2. Connective tissue
3. Muscle tissue
4. Nervous tissue

1- Epithelial tissue:
• is a continuous cellular sheet that covers the body's surface,
lines body organs, and forms certain glands.
➢ Endothelium = Single layer of squamous cells attached to a
basement membrane e.g. blood vessels
➢ Mesothelium = Lines the surface of serous membranes, such as
the pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum
 Epithelial tissue may be classified by shape
1. Squamous = flat surface cells
2. Columnar = tall, cylindrical, prism-shaped
surface cells
3. Cuboidal = cube-shaped surface cells

 Epithelial tissue may be recognized by

number of layers into:
1. Simple = one layer of cells
2. Stratified = three or more layers
3. Pseudostratified = one layer of cells but
appears to have more

2-Connective tissue:
• Includes bone, cartilage, and adipose (fatty) tissue.
• This tissue bonds together and support structure.
• Connective tissue is classified as loose or dense.
1. Loose connective tissue has large spaces
that separate the fibers and cells with much
intercellular fluid.
2. Dense connective tissue has greater fiber
concentration and provides structural
• Adipose tissue is a specialized type of loose
connective tissue.
o It cushions internal organs and acts as a reserve supply of energy.
4-nervious tissue
• It’s a reactive tissue.
• Its main function is communication.
• Nervous tissue cells may be Neurons or
Neuroglia(the support structure of nervous tissue as
They found only in the central nervous system. They
insulate and protect neurons ).
• Neurons consist of:
1. Cell body
2. Axons
3. Dendrites

4- body organs and systems :

• A body system is composed of varying numbers of organs and accessory structures
that have similar or related functions.
1. The hemopoietic and immune system.
➢ The suffix -poiesis = to make.
2. The nervous system and special senses
3. The genitourinary system
4. The gastrointestinal system
5. The cardiovascular system
6. The respiratory system
7. The endocrine system
8. The integumentary system (includes skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands.
➢ It protects the body and helps regulate body temperature).
Integumentum in Latin means to cover.
9. The musculoskeletal system

➢ Superior = above Inferior = below
➢ Anterior = in front of. Ventral is sometimes used instead of anterior
➢ Posterior = in back of. Dorsal is sometimes used instead of posterior
➢ Medial = toward the center Lateral = away from the midline (to the sides)
➢ Proximal = nearest to Distal = refers to a point farthest from point of
➢ Superficial = refers to a point nearest the body surface
Deep = away from the surface
➢ Inversion = turning inward or inside out
Eversion = turning outward
➢ Parietal = pertaining to the outer wall of the body cavity
Visceral = pertaining to the viscera, or internal organs, especially the
abdominal organs
Body planes and sections:
➢ Sagittal plane.
o It runs lengthwise from front to back and divides the body into right
and left sides, each containing an arm and a leg.
➢ Frontal plane.
o It runs lengthwise from side to side, dividing the body into ventral
and dorsal (front and back) sections.
➢ Transverse plane (horizontal plane).
o Cuts the body into upper and lower parts. These are known as the
cranial (head) and the caudal (tail) portions.
Body cavities :
Ventral cavity
1. Thoracic (chest) cavity. It includes the mediastinum
and pleural cavities
2. Abdominopelvic cavity.
Dorsal cavity
1. Cranial cavity
2. Spinal cavity

Region vs quadrant :
• The quadrants of the
abdomen are used primarily
to identify topographical
• The abdominopelvic
regions are used mainly to
identify the location of
underlying body structures
and visceral organs.
1. Right hypochondriac region (contains the liver, right kidney, and portion of the diaphragm)
2. Epigastric region (contains the pancreas and portion of the stomach, liver, inferior vena cava,
abdominal aorta, and duodenum)
3. Left hypochondriac region (contains a portion of the diaphragm, the spleen, the stomach, the
left kidney, and part of the pancreas)
4. Right lumber region (contains portions of the large intestines and the right kidney)
5. Umbilical region (contains sections of the small and large intestines and a portion of the left
6. Left lumber region (contains portions of the small and large intestines and a portion of the left
7. Right iliac (inguinal) region (includes portions of the small and large intestines)
8. Hypogastric region (includes a portion of the sigmoid colon, the urinary bladder and ureters, and
portions of the small intestine)
9. Left iliac (inguinal) region (contains portions of the small and large intestines)
The anatomical position
• is a body posture used to locate anatomical parts in relation to each other.
• In is position,
1. The body is erect and the eyes are looking forward.
2. The upper limbs hang to the sides, with the palms facing forward.
3. The lower limbs are parallel, with toes pointing straight ahead.
• No matter how the body is actually positioned— standing or lying down, facing
forward or backward—
or how the limbs are actually placed, the positions and relationships of a structure
are always described as if the body were in the anatomical position.

• Supine position – lying flat on the back

• Prone position – lying face down
• Fowler's position – head of bed raised, knees slightly flexed
• Trendelenburg's position – lying flat with the head lower than the body or
• Reverse Trendelenburg's position – lying flat with the head higher than
the body or legs
• Lithotomy position – lying on the back with the hips and knees flexed and
the thighs abducted and externally rotated

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