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^lrt <. Ihr questohfs <-5, kostef th l tlkc l`hut Ghhgke jhaplfy lfd dejode wbetber
tbese stlteaefts lre True (T), Ilkse (I) hr Fht Govef (FG). Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe
jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
<. Oapedoaeft th alrcet pefetrltohf, proje proje dhaoflfje,
dhaoflfje, ufmust `efeiot
`efeiotss lfd ioerje
jhapetotohf jblrljteroze l ahfhphky alrcet.
0. Of tbe
tbe elr ky <?tb jeftury, Ztlfdlrd Hok‟s prhdujt ohf jhfstotuted lpprhxoalteky ?>% hi
tbe thtlk hutput of tbe U.Z.
:. Ghhgke wls lljjused
jjused hi glofofg
glofofg ufilor ldvlftlges hver
hver jhapetothrs `y requorofg
salrtpbhfe alcers th khld Ghhgke lpps hfth tbe pbhfe `eihre l justhaer `uys ot.
4. _ekp bls ioked l jhapkloft lglofst Ghhgke of tbe EU, stltofg tb lt Ghhgke‟s selrjb
efgofe bls `olsed ihr ots hwf resukts.
5. EU dhes fht tlce ljtohf lglofst
lglofst ahfhphkoes ufkess
ufkess tbey exert perfojohus eiiejts hf
_hur lfswers
<. 0. :. 4. 5.

^lrt 0. Ihr questohfs 9-<>, kostef th l tlkc l`hut tbe bosthry hi bla`urgers lfd lfswer
tbe questohfs. Wrote FH AHPE TBLF IHUP WHPDZ tlcef irha tbe rejhrdofg ihr
eljb lfswer of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
9. Wblt cofd hi aelt wls aeftohfed ls hfe hi tbe ofgredoefts hi tbe Phalf‟s versohf hi
7. Wblt do
dodd tbe bla`urger
bla`urger versohf
versohf of <7>> `ejhae
`ejhae plrt hi8
2. Wbojb ofvef
tohf bld efl`ked
efl`ked liihrdl`ke lfd dekojohus aelks th `e elsoky alde irha
?. Wblt do
dodd tbe Wbote Jlstke
Jlstke jkl
oa l`hut tbeor
tbeor bla`urger
<>. @esodes `eofg l jhfvefoeft
jhfvefoeft tlcehut, wblt wls lfhtber
lfhtber purphse tblt `ur
gers were
reputed ihr8
_hur lfswers
9. 7. 2. ?. <>.

^lrt :. Ihr questohfs <<-<5, kostef th lf oftervoew wotb Fhral ^hwekk, wbh os l
ioflfjolk ldvoshr, lfd jbhhse tbe lfswer (L, @, J hr D) wbojb iots `est ljjhrdofg th
wblt yhu belr. Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.

<< _hufg pehpke lre teapted th kove `eyhfd tbeor aelfs `ejluse
L tbey jhfsoder tbey blve l rogbt th use jredot jlrds lfd sthre jlrds.
@ tbey aly `e uflwlre hi tbe exteft hi tbe de`ts tbey ofjur.
J tbey aly `e ufl`ke th ply jlsb ihr jhfsuaer ghhds.
D tbey blve `ejhae ahre alterolkostoj ls l resukt
res ukt hi usofg jredot jlrds.

<0 Fhral `ekoeves tbe alof relshf yhufg pehpke get ofth de`t os due th
L tbe klrge fua`ers hi jredot jlrds lvlokl`ke th tbea.
@ tbe hverdrlits tbey jrelte lt ufoversoty.
J tbe iljt tblt tbey jlf't iofd l mh`.
D tbe kljc hi ioflfjolk ldvoje irha plrefts.

<: Zbe tbofcs tblt oi plrefts blve l resphfso`ke lttotude th ahfey,

L tbeor jbokdref wokk `e ahre koceky th ihkkhw tbeor ldvoje.
@ tbey wokk `e l`ke th deahfstrlte tbe dlfgers hi gettofg ofth de`t.
J tbeor jbokdref wokk ihkkhw tbeor ldvoje `ut fht
fh t tbeor exlapke.
D tbey wokk `e l`ke th `uokd up shae slvofgs ihr tbeor jbokdref.

<4 L ioxed lahuft hi phjcet ahfey

L ihrjes l jbokd th slve ahfey.
@ teljbes l jbokd th `udget.
J alces l jbokd ieek ofdepefdeft.
D goves l jbokd l slvofg strltegy.

<5 Teeflgers shaetoaes iofd ot doiiojukt th slve `ejluse

L tbey wlft th `uy jkhtbes lkk tbe toae.
@ tbey dhf't wlft th kostef th tbeor plrefts.
J tbey lre ofikuefjed `y iroefds lfd ldvertosofg.
D tbey blve khst sogbt hi wblt os oaphrtlft of koie.
_hur lfswers
<<. <0. <:. <4. <5.

^lrt 4. Ihr questohfs <9-05, kostef th l tlkc l`hut l whrc hi koterlture lfd suppky tbe
`klfcs wotb tbe aossofg ofihraltohf. Wrote FH AHPE TBLF TBPEE WHPD WHPDZ Z tlcef
irha tbe rejhrdofg ihr eljb lfswer of tbe splje prhvoded.


<9. Plschkfochv koves of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, lfd irha tbe `egoffofg hi tbe sthry
be os ufl`ke th ldvlfje bos edujltohf.
<7. Zekkofg bos klst
klst whrtby poejes th lf XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, be ooss sh desperlte
tblt be devoses l rh``ery lfd aurderofg pklf.
<2. Dhsthyevscy‟s selrofg prhse `rofgs th koie tbe koaotltohf hi <?tb jeftury Zloft
^eters`urg, wotb exlapkes irha dlrc pu`s th ruf-dhwf `uokdofgs lfd
<?. Tbe lutbhr sbhws sthroe
sthroess l`hut jblrljte
rs sujb ls Alraekldhv, l a
oserl`ke ihraer
hiiojolk wbh bls pusbed bos ilaoky th tbe `rofc hi jhkklpse, lfd Zvodroglokhv, lf
0>. Kelvofg `ebofd `rogbt jl
reer prhspejts of tbe aokotlry, Iyhdhr
Iyhdhr bld `eef jlptovlted `y
0<. Alfy jharldes hi Dhsthyevscy
Dhsthyevscy were cokked, hfky th `e su`mejted th ahjc exejutohf
00. Of tbe <294 fhvekkl "Fhtes irha Ufdergrhufd,"
Ufdergrhufd," tbe `ek`ekoei
oei tblt ttbe
be jhftrldo
desore ihr bualf shuk whukd fever `e iukky sltosioed `y XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wls
lsserted jkelrky.
0:. Dhjtrofes hi XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX greltky efdhrsed `y alfy hi Dhsthyevscy‟s
jurreft sjbhklrs blve `eef eauklted.
04. Plschkfochv oshkltes boaseki irha alfcofd due th bos ierveft
ierveft `ekoei of bos ljua
ef th
05. Dhsthyevscy‟s rovetofg flrrltove hi tbe shjolk lfd psyjbhkhgojlk turahok depojts l
relkostoj pojture hi bos pufosbaeft lfd tbe XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.


^lrt <

<. Ilkse
>.4< Tbere lre l iew jhaahf tbofgs tblt blppef wbef tbere‟s l ahfhphky, `lrroers th
efter l alrcet, l kljc hi jhapetotohf, ufilor ldvlftlges, jhftrhk hver projes lfd, hitef,
0. Fht Govef
>.55 Lrhufd <22>, tbe jhaplfy jhftrhkked rhugbky ?>% hi U.Z. hok prhdujtohf.
:. True
<.0? EU reguklthrs slod Ghhgke ihrjed tbese devoje alcers th pre-ofstlkk Ghhgke lpps
koce Zelrjb lfd Jbrhae, alcofg ot ahre doiiojukt ihr jhapetofg lpps th glof trljtohf.
4. True
0.0: _ekp, ihr exlapke, bls jhapklofed th tbe EU tblt Ghhgke ufilorky prhahtes ots hwf
selrjb resukts, alcofg ot kess koceky users wokk jkojc hf htber kostofgs lfd revoews.
5. True
0.:7 Hfe tbofg th fhte os tblt ot‟s fht okkeglk must th `e l ahfhphky bere of tbe EU. Ot‟s
wbef ahfhphkoes l`use tbeor phwer lt tbe expefse hi jhfsuaers tblt tbey jlf stlrt th get
of trhu`ke.
^lrt 0

9. aofj
ed phrc >.<2
7. (tbe) @rotosb jukoflry
jukoflry reperthore
reperthore <.>>
2. (tbe
(tbe)) aofjofg
aofjofg aljbofe
aljbofe <.44
?. pure lfd bygo
kky prhdujed
prhdujed 0.<?
<>. (l) `lr
`ejue ihdder
ihdder 0.47
^lrt :

<<. @
<0. D
<:. L

<4. @
<5. J
^resefter= Of rejeft yelrs, surveys jhfdujted ofth tbe prh`kea hi de`t blve prhdujed
shae stlrtkofg resukts. Hi lkk dejklred `lfcrupts klst yelr, lkahst ioiteef perjeft were
ufder tborty yelrs hkd, represeftofg l sblrp rose sofje prevohus yelrs. Ylrohus relshfs
blve `eef joted ls th wby tbos os blppefofg, `ut tbe questohf realofs= wblt lre we th dh
l`hut tbe grhwofg prh`kea hi de`t lahfg tbe yhufg8 Wotb ae hf tbe prhgrlaae thdly
os Fhral ^hwekk, wbh, bhpeiukky, jlf sbed shae kogbt hf tbos whrryofg altter. Fhral,
wblt jlf we dh8
Fhral= Wekk, O tbofc ot's ilor th sly tblt tbe jluses hi tbe prh`kea lre alfy. Ihr hfe
tbofg, yhufg pehpke lre efjhurlged th get ofth de`t `y tbe sbeer l`ufdlfje hi jredot
jlrds lfd sthre jlrds hf hiier th tbea. Ot's terro`ky elsy ihr jhkkege studefts th ruf up
lf hverdrlit ufjbejced. fht relkosofg tblt tbey wokk tbef spefd tbe iorst tef yelrs hi
tbeor whrcofg koves plyofg tbe ahfey `ljc - tblt's lssuaofg tbey iofd l mh`. @ut
pershflkky, O tbofc tbe rhht hi tbe prh`kea koes deeper. Of tbos jhfsuaer shjoety hi hurs,
wbere tbe ljquosotohf hi alterolk ghhds goves yhu stltus, plrefts hitef ilok th gove
tbeor jbokdref guodlfje of bhw th blfdke tbeor ahfey. Tbey lre fegkogeft of tbeor
resphfso`okoty th wlrf tbea l`hut tbe boddef dlfgers ofvhkved of ruffofg up jredot jlrd
`okks, ihr ofstlfje.
^resefter= Dhf't yhu tbofc ot's l kottke blrsb th kly lkk tbe `klae lt tbe plrefts' dhhr8
Fhral= Wekk, perblps sjbhhks sbhukd sblre shae hi tbe `urdef. Fevertbekess, wbef ot
jhaes th ioflfje. jbokdref geferlkky kelrf irha wblt tbeor plrefts dh.
^resefter= Zh wblt whukd yhu blve us plrefts dh8
Fhral= Geferlkky spelcofg. yhu jhukd tlkc th
th yhur jbokdref l`hut tbe vlkue hi slvofg lfd
bhw oaphrtlft ot os th `e resphfso`ke l`hut ahfey. Hi jhurse, settofg l ghhd exlapke
tbrhugb yhur hwf spefdofg bl`ots os jrujolk, oi yhu wlft yhur jbokdref th kostef th
yhu! Ghfe lre tbe dlys hi 'Dhf't dh ls O dh. dh ls O sly' ! Lfhtber useiuk kelrfofg thhk
os tbe weecky phjcet ahfey. Ot feed hfky `e l ahdest lahuft, `ut ls khfg ls ot's ioxed
lfd plod hf l plrtojuklr dly hi tbe weec, yhu jlf use tbos th teljb yhur jbokdref bhw th
gluge tbe ahfey tbey blve th spefd of hfe weec, lfd bhw aujb ahfey tbey feed th
slve oi tbey wlft th `uy, sly, l few JD hr l glae
g lae ihr tbe ^klyZtltohf.
^resefter= Wby sbhukd tbe lahuft hi phjcet ahfey `e ioxed8
Fhral= Wekk. tbos teljbes jbokdref th kelrf th kove wotbof tbeor aelfs. Tbey aust
pklf l slvofg strltegy oi tbey wlft th `uy shaetbofg `og. Tbey feed th prhmejt bhw
khfg ot wokk tlce tbea th slve up l jertlof lahuft. Tbese lre oaphrtlft kesshfs of koie.
^resefter= Ghhd phoft. @ut wblt jlf we dh th efjhurlge tbe rekujtlft jbokd th slve8 Ay
teeflge dlugbter fh shhfer gets ahfey of ber blfd tblf ot's ghfe, usulkky hf l few plor
hi sbhes hr jkhtbes.
Fhral= Of tbos jlse, gove tbea lf ofjeftove th slve. @ro`e tbea oi fejesslry! Tekk tbea
tblt oi tbey slve l jertlof lahuft, yhu wokk ldd sh aujb th ot ls l `hfus. Oi yhu hpef l
`lfc ljjhuft ihr tbea,
tbea, hkder jbokdre
jbokdreff wokk lksh `efeiot irha blvofg tbeor hwf `lfc `hhc.
^resefter= _hu aelf, ot'kk alce tbea ieek grhwf up lfd ofdepefdeft.
Fhral= Ahre tblf tblt. Tbere's l relk sefse hi ljboeveaeft lttljbed th dephsotofg ahfey
of tbe `lfc lfd wltjbofg yhur slvofgs grhw. Peaea`er bhw yhu iekt wbef yhu hpefed
yhur iorst ljjhuft8 Tbofgs blvef't jblfged tblt aujb. We've soapky khst sogbt hi hur
prohrotoes. Tbe prh`kea, hi jhurse, wotb ahst teeflgers os peer pressure lfd tbe
phwer hi `rlfd flaes. Tbos fhw liiejts `hys ls aujb ls gorks. _hu jlf't jhfvofje tbea
th `uy jbelp trlofers wbef lkk tbeor iroefds lre welrofg l phpuklr, ahre expefsove `rlfd.
@ut lt kelst yhu jlf alce tbea lwlre hi tbe jhst ofvhkved of stlyofg of ilsbohf.
^resefter= Wekk, Fhral! _hu've govef hur kostefers khts th tbofc l`hut. Tblfc yhu very
aujb ihr jhaofg hf tbe prhgrlaae, lfd O ihr hfe wokk `e oapkeaeftofg shae hi tbe
aelsures yhu aeftohfed. Fhw, tbe fext otea hf thdly's lgefdl ...
^lrt 4.

<9. l`me
jt phverty
phverty >.4<
<7. ekde
rky plwf`rhcer
plwf`rhcer <.>>
<2. jklustrhpbh`oj phkoje stltohfs <.05
<?. ufbo
fged lfd kejberhus
kejberhus <.44

0>. shjo
lkosa llfd
fd reihra 0.<0
0<. klst
te plrdhf
plrdhf 0.:<
00. uthp
olf Westerf
Westerf pbokhshpb
oes 0.55
0:. egho
sa lfd utokot
osa :.::
04. trlf
sjefd ahrlk
ahrlk tl`hhs
tl`hhs :.40
05. phsso
`okotyy hi redeapto
hf 4.00


^lrt <. Ihr questohfs

ques tohfs <-5, kostef th l tlkc l`hut tbe Lft O^H dekly lfd dejode wbetber
tbese stlteaefts lre True (T), Ilkse (I) hr Fht Govef (FG). Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe
jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
<. Zblfg
blo lutbhr
lutbhrotoes dosrupted Lft‟s O^H lt sbhrt fhtoje hf tbe grhufds hi ots irlgoke
otoes dosrupted
`usofess pklfs.
0. Lft Grhup‟s O^H whukd blve `eef ufprejedefted of tbe ioftejb ofdustry.
:. Ofterierefje ir
ha Jbofl os tbe alof relshf ljjhuftofg
ljjhuftofg ihr tbe questohfl`ke stltus hi
Bhfg Chfg ls l almhr ioflfjolk jeftre.
4. Wofsthf Al ihrihrejlsts
ejlsts tblt tbe ioftejb ofdustry wokk fht jelse th efmhy
efmhy l perohd hi
pbefhaeflk grhwtb of tbe wokderfess.
5. Pejeft reguk
ltohfs irha tbe Jbofese ghverfaeft wokk sboit tb
tbee rhke hi Lft Grhup ls l
ioftejb jhaplfy.
_hur lfswers
<. 0. :. 4. 5.

^lrt 0. Ihr questohfs 9-<>, kostef th l tlkc l`hut Feptufe lfd lfswer tbe questohfs.
Wrote FH AHPE TBLF IHUP WHPDZ tlcef irha tbe rejhrdofg ihr eljb lfswer of
tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
9. Wblt ooss tbe dostl
fje `etweef
`etweef Feptufe
Feptufe lfd
lfd tbe Zuf8
7. Wblt os Feptufe‟s jhre alde up hi `esodes wlter oje8
2. Wblt gove
govess Feptufe
Feptufe `kue
`kue jjhkhr8
?. Wblt jjlf
lf strhfg
strhfg wofds rejhrded
rejhrded hf
hf Feptufe
Feptufe dh8
<>. Wblt os tbe flae hi tbe spljejrlit
spljejrlit tblt bls vosoted Feptufe8
_hur lfswers
9. 7. 2. ?. <>.

^lrt :. Ihr questohfs <<-<5, kostef th plrt hi lf oftervoew wotb lf lrtost l`hut tbe
su`mejt hi lrt lfd jbhhse tbe lfswer (L, @, J hr D) wbojb iots `est ljjhrdofg th wblt
yhu belr. Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.

<< Bhw dhes @refdlf ieek l`hut bos whrc8

L Be preiers fegltove jrotojosa th fh reljtohf lt lkk.

@ Bos ofteftohf os th prhvhce jrotojs wotb bos lrt.
J Be `ekoeves bos lrt jlf hfky `e voewed su`mejtoveky.
D Bos deiofotohf hi lrt os lt hdds wotb geferlk hpofohf.

<0 Ljjhrdofg th @refdlf, stlfdofg hf l jblor

L os lf exlapke hi wblt lrt sbhukd `e.
@ whukd `e lrt oi ot wls oftefded th `e.
J os lf exlapke hi aedohjre lrt.
D whukd fht `e jhfsodered lrt `y ahst pehpke.

<: @refdlf slys tblt shae sujjessiuk lrtosts

L lre fht very ghhd lt drlwofg.
@ blve fht `eef l`ke th jrelte hrogoflk lrt.
J kljc tbe l`okoty th express odels.
D use exjessoveky hkd-ilsbohfed tejbfoques.

<4 @refdlf dhesf't tbofc tblt

L tbrhwofg ploft lt l jlfvls whukd jhfstotute lrt.
@ ot os doiiojukt th jhae up wotb hrogoflk odels.
J jrotojs lre hpef-aofded efhugb.
D ahderf lrt bls fhwbere keit th gh.

<5 Tbe ofveftohf hi tbe jlaerl

L lkkhwed ahre pehpke th ofdukge tbeor plssohf ihr tlcofg phrtrlots.
@ efl`ked pbhthgrlpbers th oaotlte koie ahre jkhseky.
J aelft tblt lrtosts were fh khfger restrojted th jhpyofg irha koie.
D jblfged tbe wly shjoety voewed tbe rhke hi tbe lrtost.

_hur lfswers
<<. <0. <:. <4. <5.

^lrt 4. Ihr questohfs <9-05, kostef th l tlkc l`hut skeep lfd suppky tbe `klfcs wotb tbe
aossofg ofihraltohf. Wrote FH AHPE TBLF TBPEE WHPDZ tlcef irha tbe
rejhrdofg ihr eljb lfswer of tbe splje prhvoded.


<9. Tbe jukprot

rekltohfsbop th skee
skeepp hrogoflte
irha hur lfjoeft ufderstlfdofg hi tbe su`mejt.
<7. ^lre
fts hi salkk jbokdref
jbokdref blve l dosphsotohf
dosphsotohf th `e XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
XX of
rhutofe feghtoltohfs.
<2. Every reverslk `e
jhaes l drlal,
drlal, every doslpphoftaeft
doslpphoftaeft turfs ofth l jltlstrhpbe lfd
every exjoteaeft sboits ofth XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
<?. Lf offhvltoveky XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX lp lpprhljb
prhljb th `edtoaes wbef grhwofg up
jlf `e jhfsodered lf expressohf hi ofdepefdefje lfd ofdovodulkoty.
0>. Tber
Tberee lre vlrohus
vlrohus wlys hi expressofg
expressofg hur perj
fs l`hut kove
s, rlfgof
rlfgofgg irha
phsotove flrrltoves th lpplkkofg tlkes hi jhapkete ogfhrlfje lfd
0<. Wbef exblustohf sets of, we tefd th tbofc of l XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wly.

00. Wbef
Wbef we koekoe of ``ed,
ihr we
we tbofc
, l fc
tblthr l we `elr
`elr l res
squorrek. resea`
je th l

0:. Govef tbe bl

rsb grhwf-up koie, we feed
feed th `e iree th XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX tbos.
04. Ot os ofierred irha jurked
jurked squorrek phsotohf tblt
tblt aeftlk prh`keas
prh`keas jlffht `e ufoverslkky
05. Ot os fht uftok
uftok we blve trelted
trelted hursekves wotb l XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX hr l khfg
fogbt‟s skeep tblt we ufderstlfd tbe relshfs th kove.


^lrt <

<. Fht Govef

>.47 Must twh dlys `eihre tbe pklffed kostofg, reguklthrs of Zblfgblo pukked tbe pkug, lt
kelst teaphrlroky. Tbe Zblfgblo exjblfge thkd Lft of l fhtoje tblt jblfges of ioflfjolk
tejbfhkhgy reguklthry requoreaefts lfd htber "almhr ossues" aelft tbe jhaplfy dodf't
aeet tbe requoreaefts feeded th kost hf ots exjblfge.
0. True
<.02 Lft‟s rejhrd-`relcofg O^H whukd blve ked tbe wly ihr iuture Lsolf ioftejb pu`koj
kostofgs, lfd whukd blve `eef l buge ljboeveaeft ihr Jbofl‟s tejbfhkhgy sejthr.
:. Fht Govef
<.52 Ot aly lksh blve spokkhver eiiejts hf Bhfg Chfg, wbhse stltus ls l preaoer ioflfjolk
bu` bls lkreldy jhae ufder questohf laod ofjrelsed aeddkofg irha @eomofg.
4. Ilkse

0.40 Be `ekoeves tblt tbe lge hi exphfeftolk grhwtb of tbe wokderfess ihr ofterfet ioflfje
os hver — lfd tblt‟s tbe relkoty tbe ioftejb ofvesthrs blve th ea`rlje.
5. True
:.<< Jbofl‟s few regukltohfs wokk ihrje tbe jhaplfy th ljt ahre koce l trldotohflk kefder
lfd kess koce lf lsset-kogbt prhvoder hi tejbfhkhgy servojes th tbe ioflfjolk ofdustry.
^lrt 0

9. :> lstr
jlk ufots
ufots >.07
7. Zokoj
lte rhjc <<.>0
2. Trlj
es hi ae
tblfe <<.<7
?. @rel
@relcc tbe shufd `l
rroer <.49
<>. Yhylge
Yhylgerr 0 0.02
^lrt :

<< L
<0 @

<: L
<4 D
<5 J
Oftervoewer= Wekjhae `ljc. Ihr tbhse hi yhu wbh blve hfky must swotjbed hf yhur rldoh,
we're tlkcofg thdly th lrtost @refdlf Phtbsjbokd, wbhse rejeft exbo`otohf hi sjukpture bls
rejeoved aoxed revoews. @refdlf, tbe questohf ahst irequeftky rlosed bls `eef l`hut
wbetber yhur whrc jlf evef `e jklssoioed ls lrt. Bhw dhes tblt alce yhu ieek8
@refdlf= Wekk th tekk tbe trutb, O try fht th ket ot get th ae. Ay lrt os aelft th `e
prhvhjltove, lfd oi shae pehpke lre prhvhced. tbef lt kelst ot's blvofg tbe desored
eiiejt. Liter lkk, tbe perjeptohf hi lrt os of tbe eye hi tbe `ebhkder, lfd tbere wokk lkwlys
`e shaehfe wbhse deiofotohf hi
hi lrt wokk doiier irha aofe.
Oftervoewer= Lfd wblt os yhur deiofotohf hi lrt, oi yhu dhf't aofd ay lscofg8
@refdlf= Zure, wby fht8 O `ekoeve tblt lrt os lfytbofg jrelted of tbe flae hi lrt. Ihr
exlapke, oi O stlfd hf tbos jblor lfd jlkk ot lrt, tbef ot os, `ejluse O alde ot th `e lrt.
Fhw wbetber ot os ghhd, `ld. aedohjre hr lfy htber ldmejtove yhu jlre th lttljb th ot. os
pureky su`mejtove, lfd everyhfe's
everyhfe's wekjhae th tbeor hpofohf.
Oftervoewer= @ut sureky, lfy`hdy jhukd stlfd hf l jblor lfd jlkk ot lrt8
@refdlf= _es, `ut tbey dhf't, dh tbey8 Tblt's tbe phoft. Aujb hi tbe toae, wblt relkky
sujjeeds ls lrt os shaetbofg tblt blsf't `eef dhfe `eihre. Tejbfojlk scokk rlreky jhaes
ofth ot. Lkk tbe scokk of tbe whrkd dhesf't fejesslroky alce yhu lf lrtost. Jhfverseky,
tbere lre l ghhd fua`er hi lrtosts hut tbere tblt blve alde l kovofg - evef `ejhae
ilahus ‚ despote blvofg kottke hr fh tejbfojlk l`okoty. Tbey must bld lf hrogoflk wly hi
expressofg lf hkd odel, hr l trldotohflk wly hi expressofg lf hrogoflk hfe.
Oftervoewer= Zh oi O pojced up l `ujcet hi ploft lfd tbrew ot lt l jlfvls, tblt whukd `e
deeaed lrt8
@refdlf= Jertlofky ot whukd, oi tblt bld `eef yhur ofteftohf. Ot whukdf't `e very
sujjessiuk, tbhugb, ls ot's lkreldy `eef dhfe. Of iljt, tbofcofg hi shaetbofg fhvek lfd
tbef expressofg ot sujjessiukky os blrder tblf ahst pehpke tbofc. Zhae sly tblt ahderf
lrt bls reljbed lf oaplsse, `ut O tbofc tblt's flrrhw tbofcofg. Twefty-iorst jeftury
lrt os must selrjbofg ihr lfhtber iklsb hi ofsporltohf.

Oftervoewer= Dh yhu `ekoeve tblt l`strljt lrt os l reikejtohf hi hur toaes8

@refdlf= Zhae hi ot, tbhugb ot feed fht `e l`strljt th `e ahderf. Tbrhugbhut bosthry, lrt
bls jhftofued th evhkve. Tbhse wotb tbe ahst vosohf, lfd shaetoaes - `ut fht lkwlys -
tbhse wotb tbe ahst scokk, blve ihufd l wly th ahve lrt ihrwlrd. Must khhc `ljc hver tbe
plst hfe bufdred yelrs. Thwlrds tbe efd hi tbe fofeteeftb jeftury, lrtosts koce Ylf Ghgb
bld pusbed lglofst tbe `hufdlroes hi wblt wls jhfsodered ljjeptl`ke lrt. ^hhr hkd
Yofjeft fever shkd l ploftofg of bos koietoae. ^ehpke weref't reldy ihr bos vosohf, `ut
thdly bos ploftofgs sekk ihr aokkohfs. Htber lrtosts koce Gluguof, ^ojlssh, Dujblap lfd
Altosse hpefed lvefues ihr few odels, few vosohfs, jblkkefgofg tbe fhtohf hi wblt lrt
wls supphsed th `e, lfd ahveaefts sujb ls Ju`osa, Dldlosa, Zurrelkosa, Iluvosa,
L`strljt Expressohfosa were lkk `hrf ls tbe resukt hi shae`hdy dhofg shaetbofg tblt bld
fever `eef dhfe `eihre.
Oftervoewer= Dh yhu tbofc htber iljthrs ofikuefjed tbe wly lrt wls devekhpofg8
@refdlf= Jertlofky, tbe ofveftohf hi tbe jlaerl bld lf oapljt hf tbe rhke hi lrt. Fh
khfger wls ot fejesslry ihr lrtosts th oaotlte koie, lfd tbe rojb khst tbeor exjuse th
jhaaossohf refhwfed lrtosts th sbhw hii tbeor welktb wotb phrtrlots hi tbhrhugb`red
bhrses lfd greybhufds. Tejbfhkhgy wls suddefky jlpl`ke hi dhofg tblt lfd
pbhthgrlpby wls shhf lvlokl`ke th everyhfe. Tbos glve lrtosts tbe ireedha th
experoaeft wotb alterolks, wotb jhkhur, wotb perspejtove, th jblkkefge tbe wly we
see tbofgs lfd evef hur fhtohfs hi wblt jhfstotutes relkoty.

Oftervoewer= Wbojb `rofgs us `ljc th wblt yhu were tekkofg us `eihre tbe `relc l`hut
yhur hwf whrc. Zh wbere dh yhu see yhur whrc ghofg of tbe iuture8

@refdlf= Ihrwlrd, O bhpe.

^lrt 4.

<9. tlfg
ked lfd uf
bekpiukk >.>7
<7. efto
reky oapk
ljl`kee >.:5
<2. alfol
alfol >.5?
<?. deio
lft lfd jlvlkoe
jlvlkoerr <.05
0>. ufihr
ke errhrs
errhrs 0.>?
0<. vofd
ojtovee lfd skhppy
skhppy :.>4
00. salk
ker, iurry
iurry alaalk :.:<
0:. cfhw llfd
fd kl
aeft ::.55
04. ljto
ve relshfof
relshfofgg 4.:9
05. weepy
weepy flp 5.


^lrt <. Ihr questohfs <-5, kostef th l tlkc l`hut hiioje koie lfd dejode wbetber tbese
stlteaefts lre True (T), Ilkse (I) hr Fht Govef (FG). Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe
jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
<. Lfthfy Zkua`ers `ekoeved tblt eapkhyee prhdujtovoty
prhdujtovoty wls tbe relshf ihr tbe
estl`kosbaeft hi tbe hiioje.
0. Hpef-pklf hiioj
es were jbl
rljterozed `y
`y jhfstlft dostrljtohf
dostrljtohf lfd whrc ofeiiojoef
:. Ufexpejted a aeetofgs
eetofgs blve yet th `e prhvef th ihster ihster suddef ofsporltohf hr
4. Kljc hi ahfothrofg irha `hsses os lssuaed
lssuaed th h`strujt
h`strujt strlogbtihrwlrd exjblfge.
5. Zhae reselrj
reselrjbb bls phofted hut tblt ioras hptofg hut hi rogodoty tefd th drlw tbe `est
_hur lfswers
<. 0. :. 4. 5.

^lrt 0. Ihr questohfs 9-<>, kostef th l rephrt hf @kljc Iufgus of OOfdol

fdol lfd lfswer tbe
questohfs. Wrote FH AHPE TBLF IHUP WHPDZ tlcef irha tbe rejhrdofg ihr eljb
lfswer of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
9. Wbojb ihra dh tbe ahkes
ahkes jlusofg `kljc iufglk ofiejtohf tlce8
7. Lahfg Jhvod <? pltoefts, wbh lre ahstahst vukferl`ke th `kljc iufglk ofiejto
2. Wbojb prh`kea wotb tbe fhse aly l pltoeft experoefje
experoefje wbef be hr sbe suiiers irha
`kljc iufglk ofiejtohf8
?. Ljjhrdofg th th
thpp Ofdolf dhjthrs, wblt
wblt os tbe jukpro
jukprott `ebofd tbe rose hi ofiejtohfs8
<>. Wbojb treltae
treltaeftft dh pltoefts rejeove wbef tbe ofiejtohf os odeftoioed hhff toae8
_hur lfswers
9. 7. 2. ?. <>.

^lrt :. Ihr questohfs <<-<5, kostef th plrt hi l rldoh oftervoew wotb l aea`er hi l
klfgulge revovlk ljtohf grhup lfd jbhhse tbe lfswer (L, @, J hr D) wbojb iots `est
ljjhrdofg th wblt yhu belr . Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes

<<. Tbe `okk tb

lt wls rejeftky plssed `y tbe Zjhttosb
Zjhttosb ^lrkolaeft
L stltes tblt Glekoj os tbe hiiojolk klfgulge hi Zjhtklfd.
@ efl`kes Glekoj th `e tlugbt of Zjhttosb sjbhhks.
J bls `efeioted teljbofg of Zjhttosb sjbhhks.
D represefts l vojthry ihr ^bokop AjFlor's ljtohf grhup.

<0. Hfe hi tbe lljtohf

jtohf grhup's
grhup's loas
loas os th

L efjhurlge
@ prhvode ilaokywotb
teljbers aea`ers th spelclfd
tbe ofjeftove Glekoj lt bhae.
tbe aelfs th teljb of Glekoj.
J rejruot lfd trlof ahre klfgulge teljbers of sejhfdlry sjbhhks.
D prhvode Zjhttosb sjbhhks wotb equopaeft
e quopaeft ihr klfgulge kelrfofg.

<:. AjFlor lttro`ute

lttro`utess tbe revovlk hi ofterest of Glekoj
Glekoj th
L tbe sujjess hi l soaoklr klfgulge revovlk jlaplogf of Wlkes.
@ ielrs tblt Zjhttosb Glekoj whukd suiier tbe slae ilte ls Alfx.
J tbe iljt tblt tbe Oske hi Alf fhw bls severlk bufdred Glekoj spelcers.
D tbe iljt tblt Glekoj bld `eef hiiojolkky dejklred l deld klfgulge.

<4. Ljjhrdofg th AjFlor, lf oa oaphrtlft

phrtlft iljthr of ljboevo
fg tbe grhup's ghlk os
L tbe voew tblt Glekoj os plrt hi Zjhtklfd's jukturlk berotlge.
@ tbe phkotojlk luthfhay tblt Zjhtklfd bls ioflkky whf ihr otseki.
J tbe fejesslry `ljcofg th put odels
od els ofth prljtoje.
D tbe prode pehpke tlce of blvofg l strhfg jukturlk odeftoty.

<5. Bhw dhes be reglrd tbe kltest devekhpaefts8

L hptoaostojlkky
@ sthojlkky
J oaplssoveky
D ilfltojlkky

_hur lfswers
<<. <0. <:. <4. <5.

^lrt 4. Ihr questohfs <9-05, kostef th l tlkc l`hut Lsolf ufojhrf stlrt-ups lfd suppky
tbe `klfcs wotb tbe aossofg ofihraltohf. Wrote FH AHPE TBLF TBPEE WHPDZ
tlcef irha tbe rejhrdofg ihr eljb lfswer of tbe splje
splje prhvoded.


<9. @lof & Jhaplfy

Jhaplfy rephrt blsbls lttro`uted tbe `hha hi
hi ufojhrfs of tbe regohf th tbe
ofjrelse of provlte equoty ofvestaeft lfd XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
<7. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX os tbe tera used th desjro`e l stlrtup jhaplf
jhaplfyy vlkued lt
hver $<>> `okkohf.
<2. Lugust 0>0> alrcs tb
tbee aokesthfe hi Grl` of oftrhdujofg
oftrhdujofg ioflfjolk servojes, sujb ls
khlfs, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, belktb ofsurlfje, lfd l ply-klter prhgrla.
<?. @esodes `eofg l servoje prhvoder ihr ah`oke plyaefts,
plyaefts, khgostojs, lfd
lfd ihhd dekove
0>. Bylk Phute hwfs tbe klrgest ofdepefdeft
fetwhrc pkltihra of Aylfalr lfd Jla`hdol
0<. Trlvekhcl
Trlvekhcl ooss lf hfkofe-`ls
ed jhaplfy,
jhaplfy, alofky
alofky delkofg
delkofg wo
tb ikog
bt toj

00. Of tbe
aea`ers lre ejhsyste
l`ke a hi HYH,
th jhfdujt XXXXXXXXX
dogotlk plyaeft lfdXXXXXXXXXX
XXX, servojes.
ioflfjolk `uso
fess plr
tfers lfd

0:. Zthre oalges blve `eef jhfverto`ke ofth sbeki ofsogbts tblfcs
tblfcs th tbe jjha`ofltohf
ha`ofltohf hi
lrtoiojolk oftekkogefje, aljbofe kelrfofg efgofes lfd detloked XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
irha Trlx.
04. Pevhkutohf ^rejrlited lkkhws justhaers th kove
kove of lestbetoj
lkky ldhrfed prhperto
es `y
jreltofg l wode rlfge hi justhaozed, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX spljes.
05. Zofglphre lfd Ofdhfesol
Ofdhfesol wokk fh khfger `e tbe exjkusove XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
ihr ufojhrfs.


^lrt <

<. True
>.:5 Tbe whrcpklje prhperty expert Lfthfy Zkua`ers slod fh iora ever wlfted lf hiioje,
tbey wlfted prhdujtove eapkhyees lfd tbe hiioje wls must hfe wly th jrelte tblt.
0. True
>.59 Of iljt, hpef-pklf hiiojes tefded th alce us ieek koce we were jhfstlftky ofterrupted
lfd ufl`ke th get lfytbofg dhfe.
:. Ilkse
<.>? Zh ot's jblfje efjhufters, `uapofg ofth jhkkelgues lfd sblrofg tbhugbts must
jlsulkky, tblt we're iofdofg sh doiiojukt th repklje. Lfd tbere seeas th `e shae pretty
ghhd evodefje tblt hur `est 'lbl' ahaefts blppef of tbese jblfje efjhufters.
4. Ilkse
<.04 ^rhiesshr Zlfdy ^eftklfd irha tbe Alssljbusetts Ofstotute hi Tejbfhkhgy slys tbe
relshf wby tbese jhfversltohfs lre sh eiiejtove os tblt tbese lre tbe ahaefts tblt we
dhf't iofd hursekves supervosed `y hur `hsses, we ieek iree th blve bhfest dosjussohfs.
5. Fht Govef
0.04 Jhaplfoes wbh tbos sly ot lkkhws whrcers tbe ikexo`okoty th tlce tbeor cods th sjbhhk
hr evef dh keosure ljtovotoes lfd tbos os wblt tbe lsyfjbrhfhus whrcofg ioras `ekoeve wokk
lttrljt tbe `est whrcers th jhae th whrc ihr tbea.
^lrt 0

9. `klj
cosb ahkes
ahkes >.45
7. oaau
sed pltoefts
pltoefts >.59
2. stuii
stuiiyy lfd `keed
ofg (fhse) <.<>
?. sterh
od hveruse
hveruse <.45
<>. lfto-iufglk oftrlvefhus ofmejtohf 0.09
^lrt :

<<. D <0. @ <:. @ <4. J <5. L

^resefter= Ghhd evefofg. Tbos weec hf Pogbt th Zpelc, we'kk `e khhcofg lt tbe revovlk hi
shae hi tbe @rotosb Oskes' dyofg klfgulges, lfd ot goves ae grelt pkelsure th wekjhae tbe
iorst hi thfogbt's spelcers. ^bokop AjFlor os l teljber hi Glekoj lfd l aea`er hi lf ljtohf
grhup efdelvhurofg th revove Glekojaedoua teljbofg of Zjhttosb sjbhhks. ^bokop, l kht's
`eef blppefofg rejeftky of Zjhtklfd wotb reglrd th tbe revovlk hi tbe Glekoj klfgulge.
Jlf yhu tekk hur kostefers l kottke `ot l`hut ot8
^bokop= Jertlofky, ^laekl. Wekk, tbe Zjhttosb ^lrkolaeft rejeftky plssed l `okk
jukaofltohf Glekoj
hi l khfglsstruggke
lf hiiojolk klfgulge
hf tbe plrt hi hi Zjhtklfd,
alfy pehpke, lfd tbosofjkuded,
ayseki jhfstotutes tbe
th glof
hiiojolk supphrt of prhahtofg tbe teljbofg hi Glekoj of sjbhhks.

^resefter= @ut yhu've tlcef ot l step iurtber tblf tblt, blvef't yhu8
^bokop= We blve ofdeed. Ihkkhwofg tbe sujjess hi tbe Weksb ofotoltove of usofg tbeor
fltove klfgulge ls tbe teljbofg aedoua of sjbhhks, we dejoded th try th dh tbe slae ihr
^resefter= Lfd whukd yhu sly tbe ofterest os tbere, lahfg yhufg pehpke, ls wekk ls hkd8
^bokop= Hb, lye, deiofoteky. Tbere's lkreldy l ilor fua`er hi pupoks wbh blve `eef
Glekoj tbrhugbhut
of tbe slaeproalry sjbhhk
veof. Tbe lfd oswbh
prh`kea whukdlrekoce
iljokotoes th jhftofue
ls yet, suiiojoefttbeor
tbea th dh sh.
^resefter= Wby os tblt8
^bokop= Wekk, ot lkk `hoks dhwf th l altter hi stlii. Tbere's l kljc hi trlofed sejhfdlry
sjbhhk teljbers wbh lre l`ke hr evef wokkofg th use Glekoj ls tbeor teljbofg aedoua.
Ljjhrdofg th iogures, of 0>>: tbere were <50 proalry sjbhhk teljbers teljbofg tbrhugb
tbe aedoua hi Glekoj, wboke of sejhfdlry edujltohf, tbey fua`ered hfky 09. Zh hur
ljtohf grhup loas th efjhurlge lfd rejruot ahre teljbers lt tbos kevek. Tbere lre
oftefsove klfgulge jhurses lvlokl`ke ihr lkreldy qulkoioed teljbers, wbojb ot os bhped

wokk ahtovlte tbea th `uokd tbeor cfhwkedge hi tbe klfgulge up th tbe kevek requored
ihr sejhfdlry teljbofg. We've lksh set up severlk plrt-toae teljber trlofofg jhurses.
lfd tbere lre jurreftky twh dostlfje-kelrfofg jhurses ruf `y L`erdeef Ufoversoty
lfd Kews Jlstke Jhkkege hf Zthrfhwly. Of iljt, tbe iorst grhup hi trlofees irha
L`erdeef grldulted wotb ikyofg jhkhurs of Mufe tbos yelr, prhvodofg Glekoj-aedoua
sjbhhks wotb twefty few proalry teljbers lfd iove sejhfdlry sjbhhk teljbers. Lfd
fua`ers lre grhwofg.
^bokop= Ihr tbe ahaeft, yes, `ut O tbofc tbe tode's turfofg. We've sejured ihur aokkohf
phufds irha tbe ghverfaeft th spefd hf trlofofg reshurjes, lfd lre dedojltofg l klrge
phrtohf hi tblt th sejhfdlry teljber trlofofg lfd th tbe prhvosohf hi jklssrhha reshurjes
ihr Glekoj aedoua teljbofg. Tbe oaphrtlft tbofg os, O tbofc, th efjhurlge pehpke ls l
wbhke th wlft th revove tbe klfgulge, lt bhae ls wekk ls lt sjbhhk, fht hfky th preveft ot
irha dyofg hut, `ut of hrder th devekhp ot ls plrt hi tbeor jukturlk odeftoty hfje ahre.
Kofguostojlkky, Zjhttosb Glekoj os l aea`er hi tbe Ghodekoj `rlfjb hi Jektoj klfgulges.
lkhfg wotb Orosb lfd Alfx. Of tbe jlse hi tbe kltter, tbe klst fltove spelcer doed hf tbe Oske
hi Alf of <?74, lfd Alfx wls tbef hiiojolkky dejklred l deld klfgulge. Tbos seft
sbhjcwlves tbrhugb alfy Jektoj jhaaufotoes. lfd splrced l refewed ofterest of
revovofg Jektoj klfgulges. Ot's whrtb fhtofg tblt thdly tbere lre severlk bufdred Alfx
spelcers, lfd O tbofc tbos os prhhi tblt pehpke jlre l`hut tbeor jukturlk odeftoty lfd wlft th
bhkd hfth ot. Glekoj represefts lf oaphrtlft plrt hi hur jukturlk berotlge ls Jekts, wbetber
we lre Zjhttosb, Orosb, Alfx hr Weksb, lfd we blve l duty th prhtejt lfd upbhkd ot. We
lre kujcy of Zjhtklfd `ejluse tbe ihraofg hi tbe Zjhttosb ^lrkolaeft efl`ked tbe
Glekoj revovlk ahveaeft th glof phkotojlk jkhut lfd ls l resukt, prhvoded us wotb tbe
ioflfjolk aelfs th ljboeve hur loas. We fhw blve tbe fejesslry iufds th alce hur
odels whrc. Tbos of turf bls efjhurlged lf ofjrelse of ofterest lahfg tbe geferlk pu`koj
`ejluse tbey fh khfger
khfger see tbe klfgulge
klfgulge ls l khst jluse.
^resefter= ^bokop AjFlor, tblfc yhu. Lfd hf tblt fhte, ket ae oftrhduje hur fext guest ihr
tbos evefofg, irha tbe Oske hi Alf.
^lrt 4.

<9. veft
ure jlpo
sts >.:0
<7. bejt
hjhrf >.5>
<2. aojr
efts <.::
<?. rode
ofg pklti
hra <.49

0>. just
lk 0.02
0<. bhte
bhtekk `hh
cofgs :.>7
00. liio
ed aerjbl
fts :.0<
0:. oalg
oalgee rejhgf
otohf :.40
04. prei
lted lfd kovl`ke
kovl`ke 4.<0
05. fest
ofg gr
hufd 4.::


^lrt <. Ihr questohfs <-5, kostef th l tlkc l`hut tbe phwer hi quoet keldersbop lfd
dejode wbetber tbese stlteaefts lre True (T), Ilkse (I) hr Fht Govef (FG). Wrote yhur
lfswers of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded
<. Tbe Extrhver
Extrhvertt Odelk jblrljterozes
jblrljterozes grelt kelders wotb tbe
tbe qulkotoes hi eextrhvertfess,
resphfsovefess, jhfiodefje lfd oaprhaptu spelcofg.
0. Ljjhrdofg th hfe study, tbe bogber sefohr kelders sjhred hf tbe extrhvert sjlke, tbe kess
tbeor stlii `ejlae sltosioed wotb tbea.
:. Oftrofsoj aht
ovltohf plves tbe wly ihr tbe pursuot
pursuot ihr alterolkosa.
4. Tbe wly kkeldersbop
eldersbop jhurses lre desogfed aly
aly ufderaofe tbetbe jhfiodefje hhii oftrhverted
5. Ofoaojlk lttotude jlf stlfd hut of l whrkd iukk hi shufd`otes, ihrjeiukfess
ihrjeiukfess lfd extreae
_hur lfswers
<. 0. :. 4. 5.

^lrt 0. Ihr questohfs 9-<>, kostef th l tlkc l`hut tbe bosthry hi iosb lfd jbops lfd
lfswer tbe questohfs. Wrote FH AHPE TBLF IHUP WHPDZ tlcef irha tbe
rejhrdofg ihr eljb lfswer of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
9. Wblt wl
wlss tbe stltus hi phtlthes
phtlthes `eihre
`eihre tbe <2tb jeftury
7. Wblt wl
wlss tbe proalry
proalry tlrget hi `reld-jru
a`ed iokets8
2. Lplrt irha tbtbee devekhpaeft hi rlokrhld systea, wblt stoauklted tbe sboppofg hi iosb th
ofklfd regohfs8
?. Wblt lre tbe ahst jhaahf suppkeaeftlry ofgredoefts
ofgredoefts hi iosb lfd jbops of tbe UC8
<>. @esodes `eofg jk jkelf
elf irha profters,
profters, bhw wls tbe fewsplpers
fewsplpers used ihr wrlppofg8
_hur lfswers
9. 7. 2. ?. <>.

^lrt :. Ihr questohfs <<-<5, kostef th lf oftervoew wotb twh lutbhrs jlkked Zoahf Jborc
lfd Flhao Gkeff, wbh lre tlkcofg l`hut gettofg stlrted ls l fhvekost lfd jbhhse tbe
lfswer (L, @, J hr D) wbojb iots `est ljjhrdofg th wblt yhu belr . Wrote yhur lfswers
of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
<<. Zoahf tbofcs tblt yhufg whukd-`e lutbhrs sbhukd
L. ltteapt th get cfhwf ofof lfhtber ioekd iorst.
@. sejure tbe supp
hrt hi l pu`kosber irha tbe hutset.
J. devhte tbeasek
ves th tbe ahre kujrltove types hi wrotofg.
D. blve suiiojoeft oftrofsoj ahtovltohf
ahtovltohf th aeet tbe
tbe jblkkefge.

L. Flhaothsuggests
jha`ofetblt ufpu`kosbed
wrotofg wroters
wotb lfhtber feed
feed th lvhod
@. exblustofg tbea
sekves wotb l gruekkofg rhutofe.
J. ltteaptofg th whrc wotb hutdlted equopaeft.
D. `ejhaofg dostrljted
dostrljted irha tbe tlsc of blfd.

<:. Flhao lgrees wotb Zoahf's phoft tblt tblt l iorst fhvek sbhukd
L. expkhre lf lspejt hi l gklahrhus koiestyke.
@. reikejt tbe wrote
r's hwf pershflk
pershflk exper
J. seec th repkojlte ekeaefts
ekeaefts hi rejeft
rejeft `estsekkers.
D. ielture lppelkofg
lppelkofg jblrljte
rs of lf everydly settofg.

<4. Flhao lfd Zoah

Zoahff doslgree l`hut tbe exteft th wbojb
wbojb yhufg fhvekosts sbhukd
L. dh reselrjb ofth
ofth ufilaokolr su`mejt
su`mejt lrels hr pero
@. loa ihr estl`kosbed gefres wotb klrge reldersbops.
J. lkkhw prhspejt
ove pu`kosbers th suggest l tbeae.
D. jhfjeftrlte hf prhdujofg l strhfg flrrltove.

<5. Wblt phoft dhes Flhao alce l`hut teeflge iiojtohf8

L. Ieed`ljc irha relders jlf `e very stoaukltofg.
@. Fhveks feed th delk wotb
wotb shpbostojlted ossues.
J. Tbe khkhfg-tera
fg-tera rewlrds jlf `e whrtbwboke.
D. Ot's elsy th
th devekhp l khylk ihkkhwofg.

_hur lfswers
<<. <0. <:. <4. <5.

^lrt 4. Ihr questohfs <9-05, kostef th l tlkc l`hut bljcofg lfd suppky tbe `klfcs wotb
tbe aossofg ofihraltohf. Wrote FH AHPE TBLF IHUP WHPDZ tlcef irha tbe

rejhrdofg ihr eljb lfswer of tbe splje prhvoded.


<9. Of `rhld teras,

teras, bljcofg jlf `e jhfjeoved
jhfjeoved ls ofgefohus
sofje tbos ljtovoty loas th expkhot tbe prhpertoes hi tbofgs of lf uflftojoplted alffer.
<7. Tbe wly tblt Glk
okeh used jrhhced gkl
l bljcofg ljtovoty.
<2. FLZL efgofeers used l bljc th slve Lphkkh
Lphkkh <:, wotb l `hhc, l pklstoj ``lg
lg lfd l
<?. Of hrder th eestl`kosb
stl`kosb l jlkk, pbhfe prhvoders utokozed
0>. Alfy bljcers lre prhpekked
prhpekked `y tbe desore th ufderstlfd tbe hperltohf hi l systea, th
0<. Zteve Whzfolc ihufd shurje
shurje hi ofsporltohf irha bos el
rky expkhrltohfs th ea`lrc
ea`lrc hf
00. Tbere os lf lflkhgy `etweef
`etweef shae types
types hi bljcers
bljcers lfd sejuroty ihrj
es whrcofg th
0:. Greed,
Greed, iilae
lae,, fhfjhf
aotyy lfd tbetbe yelrf
ofgss th bu
rt ht
berss ihr
prhpek bljcers.
04. Lfhtber type hhii bljcers os XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wbh loa th dejeove pehpk
05. Wboke bljcers tbeasekves
tbeasekves vlkue tb
eor ljtohfs, htber ppehpke
ehpke deea wblt tbey dh ls


^lrt <

<. True
>.<9 Grelt kelders lre hitef seef ls jklssoj jhfiodeft, extrhverts wbh jlf spelc wotbhut
tbofcofg, reljt rlpodky lfd jblfge tljc pretty irequeftky. Ot‟s wblt `est -sekkofg lutbhr
Zuslf Jlof jlkks ‛Tbe Extrhvert Odelk‑
0. Fht Govef
>.47 Hfe study ihufd lf ofjredo`ke ?2% hi thp exejutoves sjhrofg ‛very bogb‑ hr ‛l`hve
lverlge‑ hf tbe extrhvert sjlke. @ut pehpke lref‟t hf tbe wbhke sltosioed wotb tbeor
kelders. Jhukd tbere `e l jhffejtohf `etweef tbe twh8
:. Ilkse
<.:< Lfd `ejluse tbeor ahtovltohf geferlkky jhaes irha wotbof, tbey‟re kess koceky th
jhaprhaose tbeasekves jblsofg rewlrds koce ahfey hr phwer.
4. True
0.>? Alfy keldersbop jhurses jlf tefd th ihjus hf extrhverted tela ljtovotoes, sujb ls
fetwhrcofg lfd preseftltohfs, kelvofg quoeter pehpke perblps aostlcefky `ekoevofg tbey
must dhf‟t blve tbe qulkotoes hi l ‛ghhd‑ kelder.
5. Ilkse
0.:0 Keldersbop os jhapkex, `ut of l whrkd hi shufd`otes, skedgeblaaer tljtojs lfd
`kljc-lfd-wbote tbofcofg, perblps stlfdofg `ljc lfd kostefofg jlf `e eaphwerofg th
kelders lfd tbeor ihkkhwers.
^lrt 0

9. Cfh``
ky jurohsot
jurohsotyy >.:9
7. Upal
rcet aelks
aelks <.<:
2. Trlw
Trlwkk io
sbofg <.5<
?. Zlkt lfd vofegl
vofeglrr 0.02
<>. Ufsukkoed `y relders‟ blfds 0.4<
^lrt :.

<<. D <0. D <:. @ <4. L <5. J

kft= Wotb ae O blve twh wroters, Zoahf Jborc, lutbhr hi ioiteef `est-sekkofg fhveks, lfd
Flhao Gkeff wbh wrotes iojtohf ihr teeflgers. Zoahf, tbe oalge we get hi lutbhrs tbese
dlys os hi aedol-slvvy yhufgsters alcofg l quojc ihrtufe. Os ot relkky tblt elsy8
Z= Wekk, we've lkk ght sthroes of us, wbetber ot's ilaoky sejrets, grlfd plssohfs hr quorcy
jhaedoes. @ut ot's quote lfhtber altter cfhwofg bhw th tlp ofth tbea. Th ay aofd, tbe
desore th alce phts hi ahfey os sjlrjeky tbe `est stlrtofg phoft. _hu've ght th `e up ihr
tbe jblkkefge hi jreltofg l iojtohflk whrkd3 hfe tblt whukdf't exost oi yhu dodf't put yhur

plrtojuklr efergy
Htberwose yhu're lfd tlkeftthofth
ufkoceky blveot tbe
- lfd tblt's ght
resokoefje, th `e tbere
pltoefje of fhwokkphwer
lfd sbeer salkk aelsure.
th get
ot iofosbed, ket lkhfe get ot pu`kosbed of shae ihra. Ufkess, hi jhurse, yhu're lkreldy of
tbe pu`koj eye ihr shae htber relshf, of wbojb jlse yhu'kk blve tbe jhaaerjolk pu`kosbers
ilkkofg hver tbeasekves th sogf yhu up.
kft= Whukd yhu gh lkhfg wotb tblt, Flhao8
F= O reaea`er ay iorst fhvek, gettofg up lt sox every ahrfofg th wrote `eihre puttofg of l
iukk dly lt tbe hiioje. Ot wls grueshae `ut tblt's stokk tbe fhra ihr l kht hi yhufg
ufpu`kosbed wroters. Ot's l relk eiihrt, yhu get drlofed hi efergy, `ut O khhc `ljc hf ot wotb
l jertlof prode. @ejluse oi O ght stujc, wbojb everyhfe dhes lt shae phoft, O'd fh jbhoje
`ut th ceep lt ot - tbltlttrljtove
jlf `e plofiuk. Zuddefky tbe odel hi todyofg up yhur `edrhha
`ejhaes ofjredo`ky `ut yhu've ght th resost tbe urge - wroters lre plst
alsters lt dospkljeaeft ljtovotoes! Tbe htber tbofg O'd sly os lvhod `eofg `eguoked ofth
spefdofg l ihrtufe hf bogb-tejb cot - yhu must feed l `lsoj shitwlre pljclge th `lsb tbe
stuii hut ‚ gettofg th grops wotb lfytbofg ekse must wlstes toae.
kft= Zh wblt's tbe odelk su`mejt
s u`mejt altter th stlrt hii wotb8
Z= Wekk, tbere's l kht th `e slod ihr tbe hkd ldlge= wrote l`hut wblt yhu cfhw. @ut oi wblt
yhu cfhw 's l ilorky ufofsporofg mh`, ot'kk blrdky `e tbe rogbt jhftext ihr alssalrcet
relders. Tbey'kk `e bhpofg ihr shaetbofg ahre lsporltohflk, koce tbe whrkd hi ilsbohf hr
bhrserljofg hr wbltever. O aelf yhur jblrljters jlf dh tbhse buadrua mh`s `ut tblt
sbhukdf't `e tbe `ljcgrhufd lglofst wbojb tbe wbhke sthry os set .
F= Lfd lfhtber tbofg th lvhod os muapofg hf tbe `lfdwlghf. Must `ejluse klst yelr's
fua`er hfe `khjc`uster wls l tbrokker set of tbe whrkd hi bogb ioflfje, dhesf't aelf tblt
tbe alrcet wlfts l wbhke rlit hi ofierohr oaotltohfs. Ot's lf elsy trlp th ilkk ofth. Zh yes,
ot's `est fht th strly irha ilaokolr grhufd.
Z= @ut wbltever gefre yhu gh ihr, yhu've ght th `e govofg tbe relder shae shrt hi ldded
vlkue, shae cofd hi ofsogbt ofth lfhtber whrkd, ls wekk ls must l jrljcofg ghhd sthry. O
aelf, tbe htber tbofg th aeftohf os tblt oi yhu dhf't blve lf ofsporltohflk odel `uroed
shaewbere ofsode yhu, tbef reselrjb jlf tlce yhu tbere. Oi yhu expkhre lfhtber
whrkd of deptb, tbef ofsporltohf jlf stea irha tblt lfd yhu jlf sblre yhur few
ihufd eftbusolsa wotb yhur relders.

F= Wekk, tbere's shaetbofg of tblt `ut lglof O'a rltber ofjkofed th tbofc tblt tblt
jhaes klter, wbef yhu've pklyed hut yhur hwf odels lfd yhu feed th gh shaewbere
ekse - sh yhu dhf't must ceep repeltofg tbe slae hkd stuii. _hu're `egoffofg th jhftrldojt
yhurseki ljtulkky, Zoahf.
Z= La O8 Hb wekk - ot wls ever sh!
Oft= @ut yhu wrote ihr teeflgers Flhao, wbojb aust blve ots hwf jblkkefges.
F= Wekk ot's l wbhke doiiereft `lkkglae. O aelf iufdlaeftlkky tbere's cods' koterlture hf
tbe hfe blfd lfd tbef tbere's alofstrela ldukt stuii hf tbe htber - lfd `ejluse hi tblt
flrrhw wofdhw, tbere's fht ljtulkky l vlst lahuft hf tbe alrcet tblt's spejoiojlkky loaed
lt teeflgers `ejluse tbey quojcky ahve hf. @ut wbokst ofotolk vhkuae hi slkes jlf `e l
kht khwer tblf wotb tbe `og ldukt gefres, tbe sbeki koie hi yhur whrc jlf extefd hver
tbe geferltohfs, aelfofg ofjhae stljcs up. @ut, ot's lksh doiiojukt th bot tbe rogbt fhte.
Teeflgers lre quojc th ket yhu cfhw oi lfytbofg yhu've wrottef ieeks pltrhfosofg hr
dua`ed dhwf - yet tbey lref't quote reldy ihr tbe jhapkexotoes hi ldukt iojtohf - sh yhu're
wlkcofg l `ot hi l togbtrhpe. O shaetoaes tbofc tbere aust `e elsoer wlys hi elrfofg l
^lrt 4.

<9. prh`k
ea shkvofg
shkvofg >.:9
<7. algf
oiy tbe stlrs >.4:
<2. rhkk hi dujt
dujt tlpe >.5>

<?. thfe
thfess lfd ``eeps
eeps <.>5
0>. dosj
hver ot
otss quorcs
quorcs <.07
0<. tofc
erofg lfd
lfd ofvefto
fg <.4<
00. ihrtr
esses hi ofihraltohf
ofihraltohf <.49
0:. jbel
jbelpp tbr
okks 0.><
04. jroa
oflk syf
es 0.<5
05. dosbh
fhrl`kee lfd wrhfg 0.

^lrt <. Ihr questohfs <-5, kostef th l tlkc l`hut l jblfje th retbofc tbe whrkd lfd
dejode wbetber tbese stlteaefts lre True (T), Ilkse (I) hr Fht Govef (FG). Wrote yhur
lfswers of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
<. Zkogbtky ahre tblf blki hi
hi Efgkosb phpukltohf
phpukltohf survoved tbe @kljc Deltb liter tbe iiorst

0. Tbehijhkklpse
tbe plfdeaoj.
hi tbe expkhotltove
expkhotltove ieudlk systea jhukd `e lttro`uted
lttro`uted th tbe sbhrt
lge hi
lgrojukturlk klfd ls lglofst ofjrelsed kl`hur ihrje.
:. Trhhp jhaa
utofg lfd jhfsuaer
jhfsuaer ghhds iljthroes prhvoded l festofg gr grhufd
hufd ihr tb
spreld hi Zplfosb iku.
4. Of <?42, jlkks iihr
hr l ufoioed aedojlk
aedojlk servoje phured hut wbojb ked th tbe
tbe estl`kosbaeft
hi tbe @rotlof‟s Fltohflk Belktb Zervoje.
5. Hfkofe
Hfkofe kelrfofg
kelrfofg wokk repklje
repklje trldotoh
flk sjbhhkofg
sjbhhkofg of tbe wlce
wlce hi tbe Jhvod-
_hur lfswers
<. 0. :. 4. 5.

^lrt 0. Ihr questohfs 9-<>, kostef th l tlkc l`hut iove greef prhmejts of Jbofl. Wblt
dhes tbe spelcer sly l`hut eljb hi tbe ossues8 Jbhhse iove lfswers irha tbe `h`hxx lfd
wrote tbe jhrrejt ketter, L-M, of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.

L.Tbe prhmejt jlpotlkozes hf tbe alrcet ihrjes th shkve efvorhfaeftlk phkkutohf.

@. Tbos lrjbotejturl
lrjbotejturlkk ielt os jrelted `lsed hf prevohu
prevohuss experoefje hi soaoklr jh
J. Pejeftky, tbo
tboss prhmejt bls `eef eftoreky
eftoreky ljjhapkosbed,
ljjhapkosbed, lddofg <GW hi tbe estoalted
5.5 GW th tbe khjlk ekejtrojoty grod.
D. Tbe purphse hi tbe prhmejt os os th ofjrelse tbe lrl`okoty
lrl`okoty hi klfd of tbe Gh`o desert.
E. Khjlted of l jrhwded jjhlstlk
hlstlk joty, tbos jhfstrujt
ohf bls lttrljted ah
re tblf 9: aokkohf
thurosts, alofky irha Chrel lfd Mlplf.
I. Of tbos prhmej
prhmejt,t, lf eaotter
eaotter os `hufd th prhduje l ioxed ioxed lahuft hi jlr`hf ofth ttbe be
G. Tbere blve `eef grlve a aosgovofgs
osgovofgs irha tbe sjoeftoioj
sjoeftoioj jhaaufoty l`hut tbe ielso`okoty
hi tbe prhmejt.
B. L jha`ofltohf hi hi twh `uokdofgs lldhrfed
dhrfed wotb pklfts bekps th shkve lorlor phkkutohf ooff l


O. Tbe jhfstrujtohf os l alrcetofg tljtoj spreldofg tbe oalge hi l fltohflk ojhf.

M. Tbe jhfstrujtohf ljts ls lf edujltohflk jefter efblfjofg vosothrs‟ efvorhfaeftlk

Iove greef prhmejts

9. Tbe Greef Thwers of Flfmofg
7. Tbe Jbofl Edef ^rhmejt
2. Tbe Dlthfg Zhklr ^hwer Thp Puffer @lse
?. Tbe jlr`hf trldofg alrcet
<>. Tbe Grelt Greef Wlkk
_hur lfswers
9. 7. 2. ?. <>.

^lrt :. Ihr questohfs <<-<5, kostef th l rldoh oftervoew of wbojb twh ljldeaojs jlkked
Mhbf Ilrrefdlke lfd Khos Grlfger, tlcofg plrt of l dosjussohf hf tbe su`mejt hi
lttotudes th whrc lfd jbhhse tbe lfswer (L, @, J hr D) wbojb iots `est ljjhrdofg th
wblt yhu belr. Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.

<<. Khos lgrees wotb Mhbf's phoft tblt

L ahst pehpke dreld tbe prhspejt hi ufeapkhyaeft.
@ tbe psyjbhkhgojlk eiiejts hi ufeapkhyaeft jlf `e hverstlted.
J shae pehpke lre `etter equopped th delk wotb ufeapkhyaeft tblf htbers.
D prh`keas lrose wbef ufeapkhyaeft jhofjodes wotb htber trlualtoj evefts.

<0. Khos lgrees wotb tbe kostefer wbh suggested tblt

L whrc os hfky hfe lspejt hi l iukiokkofg koie.
@ vhkuftlry whrc aly `e ahre rewlrdofg tblf plod whrc.
J fht every`hdy jlf expejt l bogb kevek hi mh` sltosiljtohf.
D pehpke sbhukd preplre ihr redufdlfjy ls tbey whukd ihr retoreaeft.

<:. Wblt os Mhbf's lttotude thwlrds pehpke wbh see whrc ls l 'aelfs th lf efd'8
L Be dhu`ts tbeor kevek hi jhaaotaeft th tbe mh`.
@ Be ljjepts tblt tbey blve alde l vlkod jbhoje.
J Be ielrs ot wokk keld th doiiojuktoes ihr tbea klter.
D Be ieeks tbey aly `e aossofg hut hf shaetbofg oaphrtlft.

<4. Wbef lsced l`hut sh-jlkked 'skljcers' lt whrc, Mhbf phofts hut tblt
L tbey ljjept tbe fhtohf tblt whrc os l fejesslry evok.
@ pehpke hitef muap th ufilor jhfjkusohfs l`hut tbea.
J tbeor voews lre ufljjeptl`ke of l iree kl`hur alrcet.

D sujb lf lttotude bls `ejhae ofjrelsofgky ufljjeptl`ke.

<5. Khos quhtes tbe psyjbhkhgost Ireud of hrder th
L sbhw bhw oftekkejtulk odels blve sboited hver toae.
@ prhvode l jhftrlst th tbe odels hi @ertrlfd Pussekk.
J questohf tbe odel tblt l desore th whrc os l flturlk tbofg.
D kefd weogbt th Mhbf's odels l`hut ofjrelsed shjolk ah`okoty

_hur lfswers
<<. <0. <:. <4. <5.

^lrt 4. Ihr questohfs <9-05, kostef th l tlkc l`hut tbe bosthry hi jbhjhklte lfd suppky
tbe `klfcs wotb tbe aossofg ofihraltohf. Wrote FH AHPE TBLF TBPEE WHPDZ
tlcef irha tbe rejhrdofg ihr eljb lfswer of tbe splje
splje prhvoded.


<9. Jeftrlk lfd Zhutb Laerojl lre tbe pkljes wbere jbhjhklte wls iorst

<7. Koquod jbhjhklte wls trldotohflkky ldded wotb wlter, jboko hr XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
<2. Jbhjhklte wls used of l wode rlfge hi evefts, irha XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX th
<?. Jbhjhklte wls lkreldy l tlsty lfd grltoiyofgky `ozlrre XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
`eihre tbe @rotosb relkozed
relkozed ots vlkue.
0>. Jbhjhklte os reputed th aloftlof `hdy wlratb, jrelte tbe pure `khhd jyjke, preserve
tbe XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX lfd remuveflte jlrdohvlsjuklr hrglf.
0<. Jbhjhklte wls kl`ekked ls lf XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX hwofg th ots revotlkozofg
eiiejt hf iealke jhfsuaers.


00. Tbe phhr wls l`ke th glof ljjess th sh- jlkked ‛tbe ihhd hi tbe ghds‑ `ejluse hi tbe
trlfsihraltohf irha XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX jbhjhklte th jhjhl phwder.
0:. Tbe pkuaaet of tbe proje hi suglr, jhupked wotb oftefse rovlkry lahfg
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX jhrphrltohfs ked th tbe rose
rose of phpuklroty hi aokc jbhjhklte.
04. Tbere wls l buge vlroety hi jbhjhklte `lrs, `hxes lfd sblpes ihr
05. Ot os sjoeftoiojlkky prhvef tblt dlrc jbhjhklte wbojb jhfsosts hi jliieofe, tbeh`rhaofe
lfd XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX jhukd trogger blppofess, grelt belktb lfd redujtohfs of



^lrt <

<. True
>.0: @y tbe suaaer hi <:4? tbe @kljc Deltb bld cokked felrky 5> % hi tbe phpukltohf hi
0. Ilkse
>.4: Tbere wls lksh l prhihufd kl`hur sbhrtlge ‚ `ejluse sh alfy pehpke bld doed ‚
wbojb put tbhse wbh survoved of l strhfger phsotohf. Eveftulkky, tbe expkhotltove ieudlk
systea - ufder wbojb pelslfts swhre lkkegolfje th khrds of exjblfge ihr l pltjb hi klfd
lfd shae prhtejtohf - jhkklpsed.
:. Ilkse
>.57 Ilst ihrwlrd th <?<2, lfd lfhtber devlstltofg wlve hi doselse wls sweepofg tbe
whrkd. Tbe sh-jlkked Zplfosb iku ‚ lktbhugb ot dodf‟t ljtulkky jhae irha Zplof - spreld
tbrhugb jrhwded trhhp trlfsphrts lfd aufotohfs iljthroes thwlrds tbe efd hi tbe Iorst
Whrkd Wlr.
4. Ilkse
<.:> Jlkks ihr l ufoioed aedojlk servoje of tbe UC dlted `ljc elrkoer `ut ot wlsf‟t uftok
liter tbe Zejhfd Whrkd Wlr, of <?42, tblt @rotlof‟s Fltohflk Belktb Zervoje wls
5. Fht Govef
0.:5 Wokk odels sujb ls l ufoverslk `lsoj ofjhae, vortulk edujltohf hr evef belktbjlre
dekovered `y rh`hts `ejhae khgojlk fext steps of l prhihufdky lktered whrkd8 Liter lkk=
fht lkk tbe odels kyofg lrhufd wokk prhve th `e tbe rogbt hfes.
^lrt 0.

>=:>= Ot‟s l strocofg oalge= <,<>> trees lfd 0,5>> salkker pklfts `urstofg hut hi twh
`uokdofgs laod ur`lf Flfmofg. Ot‟s lf exlapke hi l ihrwlrd-tbofcofg shkutohf th Jbofl‟s
ur`lf sahg tblt dhesf‟t tlce up l klrge lrel koce l pu`koj plrc.
7. M


<=42= Aokkohfs hi Jbofese lfd ihreogfers wokk vosot tbos jefter eljb yelr lkkhwofg tbea th
kelrf ahre l`hut tbeor efvorhfaeftlk oapljt lfd teljbofg tbea bhw th reduje tbeor
jlr`hf ihhtproft.
2. O
0=>?= Tbe eiihrt os fht hfky l ^T jlaplogf, ot os lksh hfe hi tbe klrgest shklr ilras of tbe
?. L
:=<5=Must koce tbe Jlkoihrfol jlp-lfd-trlde systea, wbojb stlrted skhw lfd explfded hver
toae, Jbofl‟s fltohflk jlr`hf alrcet os expejted th jhver eogbt bogb -efergy oftefsove
sejthrs ljrhss tbe Jbofese ejhfhay.
<>. G
4.><= Lfd wboke alfy sjoeftosts lre sceptojlk tblt pklftofg trees wokk alce l doiierefje,
tbere dhf‟t lppelr lfy pklfs th jblfge tbe prhgrla.

^lrt :
<<. L <0. L <:. @ <4. D <5. J
kft= Of tbe studoh thfogbt, O blve tbe shjohkhgost Mhbf Ilrrefdlke lfd pbokhshpber, Khos
Grlfger lfd we're ghofg th `e dosjussofg lttotudes thwlrds whrc. Thfogbt's dosjussohf
wls prhapted `y lf ealok irha l kostefer wbh, lahfgst htber tbofgs, lscs wby pehpke
tefd th `ejhae depressed oi alde redufdlft - ls oi whrc were tbe `e lkk lfd efd lkk -
rltber tblf seeofg tblt sotultohf ls lf hpphrtufoty
hpp hrtufoty th dh shaetbofg ekse. Mhbf8
M= Wekk, ot jlf't `e defoed. O'a lirlod, tblt ufeapkhyaeft os hfe hi tbhse aosihrtufes, koce
shured rekltohfsbops lfd jbrhfoj plof, tblt ahst liiejt khfg-tera blppofess. Whrc os ghhd
`ejluse ot goves pehpke aelfofg, seki-respejt lfd tbe jblfje th alce l jhftro`utohf3
ufeapkhyaeft jhfverseky rh`s tbea hi lkk tblt, wbojb jlf jhae ls l `khw. Zh wboke O
dhf't dhu`t, ls hur kostefer suggests, tblt tbere lre pehpke hut tbere wbh aogbt jhpe
wekk wotb redufdlfjy - see ot ls l jblfje th jblfge dorejtohf hr wbltever - ihr tbe
almhroty tbe hpphsote os tbe jlse. O aelf, tblt's tbe relkoty , osf't ot, Khos8
K= Wekk, hfe rlreky aeets lfyhfe ea`rljofg redufdlfjy, Mhbf. @ut O guess wblt hur
kostefer os gettofg lt os tbe iljt tblt plod eapkhyaeft osf't tbe shke prhvoder hi
purphse, seki-whrtb lfd efglgeaeft lfd O'd gh lkhfg wotb tblt th lf exteft. Ofdeed,
l mh` jlf whrc lglofst us oi tbe experoefje os tedohus lfd ot ieeks orrekevlft. Whrc os votlk
th yhur blppofess oi whrc os wblt yhu wlft lfd oi ot's iukiokkofg. @ut we austf't ihrget tblt
tyofg thh jkhse l cfht `etweef aelfofgiuk ljtovoty lfd plod eapkhyaeft jlf `e perokhus,
ls we cfhw irha pehpke wbh khse lkk sefse hi aelfofg wbef tbey retore. Lfd tbos jlf
liiejt tbhse wbh khve tbeor mh`s must ls aujb ls tbhse wbh see tbea ls l aelfs th lf efd.
M= Lfd ofdeed, tbere lre pehpke koce tblt - wbh voew whrc soapky ls tblt, l wly hi
iufdofg htber tbofgs tbey wlft, ls hpphsed th shaetbofg tblt bhkds oftrofsoj vlkue. Dhofg

l wekk-plod mh` tblt kljcs exjoteaeft `ut hfe wbojb lkkhws yhu th dh exjotofg tbofgs
of yhur splre toae, aogbt whrc periejtky wekk ihr shae - lfd O'd sly ghhd kujc th
tbea ls khfg ls tbey get hf wotb tbe mh` wbokst tbey're tbere. Wbere's tbe blra of ot8
@ut O'd sly ot's preierl`ke th elrf kess dhofg shaetbofg yhu khve, `ejluse whrc ljtulkky
tlces up lf lwiuk kht hi yhur wlcofg koie. @ut oi yhu wlft tbe ghhd tbofgs of koie lfd
blvef't ihufd tbe cofd hi aelfofgiuk whrc tblt jlf prhvode tbea dorejtky, tbef yhu blve
shae tbofcofg th dh= tbe trlde-hiis lre treljberhus, lfd shae hi wblt yhu vlkue aly
blve th `e sljroiojed lkhfg tbe wly.
Oft= _hu aeftohf lttotudes th whrc Mhbf, we dh tefd th jhae dhwf belvoky hf skljcers -
pehpke wbh dhf't pukk tbeor weogbt
weogbt - dhf't we8
M= We dh. Lfd lahfgst tbe alfy jlreer hptohfs we blve th jbhhse irha, hfe os lkahst
tl`hh. Ls tbe kostefer wbh suggested tbos weec's thpoj put ot, shaehfe teapted th whrc ls
kottke ls phsso`ke os koceky th `e 'lirlod hi `eofg mudged ls l usekess skljcer'. Tbos tl`hh
seeas th blve grhwf ls hur whrc hptohfs blve auktopkoed. Fhw whrc os fh khfger
destofy, deteraofed lt `ortb `y tbe shjolk stlfdofg hi yhur plrefts3 bhw we elrf l
kovofg reikejts ahre hi hur ofdovodulk qulkotoes lfd jbhojes, lfd we're mudged
ljjhrdofgky. @ut perblps tbese mudgaefts lre dosthrted `y jhfiusofg shufd relshfs
ihr tbofcofg whrc os oaphrtlft wotb tbe ilkse `ekoei tblt bhfest kl`hur os ofbereftky
K= Tblt's rogbt. O aelf tbofc hi Ireud, tbe ilahus psyjbhlflkyst, wbh's wodeky lttro`uted
wotb tbe quhte= 'Khve lfd whrc lre tbe jhrfersthfes hi hur bualffess.' - lktbhugb ot's
ljtulkky l plrlpbrlse `y Erocshf. Wblt Ireud ljtulkky slod os tblt 'tbe jhapuksohf th
whrc' wls 'jrelted `y exterflk fejessoty'. Of htber whrds, tbe oaperltove th whrc
sprofgs irha prljtojlk dealfds. fht oaautl`ke psyjboj feeds . Tbere's fhtbofg
vlkul`ke of whrc per se. Ofdeed, tbe pbokhshpber @ertrlfd Pussekk weft sh ilr ls th jkloa
tblt oaaefse blra os jlused `y tbe `ekoei tblt whrc~ os vortuhus - tblt oi we whrc ahre
tblf we feed th, we deprove hursekves hi tbe toae lfd hpphrtufoty ihr kelrfofg, seki-
devekhpaeft, rekltohfsbops lfd alfy htber tbofgs tblt alce ihr l `etter whrkd. Oi we
aust whrc, hr jbhhse th dh sh, wblt altters os tblt ot serves tbe ghlk hi kovofg wekk, rltber
tblf detrljts irha ot.
kft= Lt tblt phoft, O'd koce th `rofg of …

^lrt 4.

<9. dhaestojlted >.0> <7. tbojcefed wotb aloze >.:0

<2. `lptosa >.:9 <?. (rojb, tbojc) jhfjhjtohf <.<>
0>. flturlk iljuktoes <.02 0<. lpbrhdosolj <.:>
00. deiltted <.52 0:. jhfiejtohfery 0.<9
04. jbhjhbhkojs 0.07 05. lfto-hxodlfts 0.42



^lrt <. Ihr questohfs <-5, kostef th l tlkc wotb tbe lutbhr hi l `hhc jlkked Tbe Dhkpbof
Wly lfd dejode wbetber tbese stlteaefts lre True (T), Ilkse (I), hr Fht Govef (FG).
Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
<. Ljjhrdofg th tbe lutbhr, Gef ] lre very ilaokolr wotb dogotlk tejbfhkhgy lfd
jhaputers `ejluse tbey blve grhwf up wotb tbea.
0. Blvofg l belktby doet wokk teljb jbokdref bhw th iofd useiuk ofihraltohf lfd get rod hi
mufc stuii hf tbe Ofterfet.
:. Mekkyiosb lfd toger plreftofg lre hpphsote th eljb htber lfd tbere jlffht `e lfy
jhaprhaose `etweef tbea.
4. Ahst Gef ] feed l strhfg sefse hi purphse of wblt tbey dh ls tbey lre bogbky pu`koj-
5. Tbe few erl requores every Gef ] th hptoalkky alce use hi Ghhgke `y lscofg tbe rogbt
_hur lfswers
<. 0. :. 4. 5.

^lrt 0. Ihr questohfs 9-<>, kostef th l tlkc l`hut teetb. Wblt os slod l`hut tbea8
Jbhhse IOYE ketters irha L-M. Wrote tbe jhrrejt ketter of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered
`hxes prhvoded. _hur lfswers jlf `e wrottef of lfy hrder.
L. Tbe ljjesshroes alde irha teetb tblt tbe Yocofgs put hf were reglrded ls kujcy
@. @lr`ers lfd `kljcsaotbs bld l cfljc ihr deftostry.
J. Hfky liter tbe jhapkete ihraltohf hi tbe jbokd set hi teetb jlf tbe presefje hi wosdha
teetb `e iekt.
D. Lf lverlge pershf bls ahre ldukt teetb tblf aokc teetb.
E. Grokks lfd vortulk iokters jlf fhw serve th `elutoiy teetb.
I. Tbe almhroty hi @rotosb alture pehpke rephrted blvofg deftlk iokkofg lt kelst sevef
toaes durofg tbeor koie.
G. Tbe su`stotutohf
su`stotutohf hi thhtbplste ihr flturlk plrts bls resukted of l kujrltove ofdustry.
B. Zblrcs blve tbe l`okoty th repkefosb tbeor teetb hfje tbey lre khst.
O. L 7-yelr-hkd `hy wls ihufd th blve 5:9 teetb ofsode bos ahutb.
M. Of tbe Aoddke Elst, jbokdref used th `e ofstrujted th `urf tbeor `l`y teetb of hrder th
lvhod blrdsbop of tbe literkoie.


_hur lfswers
9. 7. 2. ?. <>.

^lrt :. Ihr questohfs <<-<9, kostef th plrt hi lf oftervoew wotb twh studefts jlkked Mhkoe
lfd Lklf l`hut l TY seroes tbey wltjb jlkked ‒Tbe Zefsofg @rlof‟ lfd jbhhse tbe
lfswer (L, @, J hr D) wbojb iots `est ljjhrdofg th wblt yhu belr . Wrote yhur lfswers
of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.

<<. Wblt phoft os alde l`hut l ghhd sefse hi saekk8

L Ot os l flturlk l`okoty tblt os blrd th oaprhve.
@ Zhae pehpke blve l ilr `etter hfe tblf htbers.
J Ot jlf `e devekhped of l soaoklr wly th htber l`okotoes.
D Zhae pehpke exlggerlte bhw phhr tbeors os.

<0. Wblt dhes Mhkoe sly l`hut

l`hut desjro`ofg periuaes8
L Experts use l vhjl`uklry tblt os blrd ihr pehpke th ufderstlfd.
@ Zhae periuaes lre thh jhapkex th `e desjro`ed.
J Hrdoflry pehpke shaetoaes ilok th use whrds lpprhprolteky.
D Zhae periuaes requore l plrtojuklrky spejolkost vhjl`uklry.

<:. Wblt dhes Lklf sly l`hut

l`hut syftbetoj saekks8
L Tbey lre l`ke th aoskeld pehpke ofth `ekoevofg tbey lre flturlk.
@ Tbey blve l grelter eiiejt hf pehpke tblf flturlk hfes.
J Tbey lre seef ls ahre ufpkelslft tblf flturlk hfes.
D Tbey vlry of tbeor phpuklroty wotb tbe pu`koj.
<4. Wbef tlkcofg l`hut saekk lfd
lfd tbe `rlof, Lklf revelks
L bos `ekoei tblt bualfs blve superohr saekkofg l`okotoes th shae lfoalks.
@ bos dhu`ts l`hut wbetber bualfs lfd lfoalks sbhukd `e jhaplred.
J bos suspojohf hi tbhse wbh rephrt hf experoaefts of tbe aedol.
D bos lwlrefess hi tbe prh`keas hi jhfdujtofg ljjurlte studoes.

<5. Lklf lfd Mhkoe lgree tblt kostefofg

kostefofg th ausoj wboke
wboke studyofg
L os `efeiojolk oi tbe ausoj jbhsef os fht thh eeahtohflk.

@ bls lf ufdesorl`ke eiiejt hf tbeor phwers hi jhfjeftrltohf.


J bekps tbe aofd th ihjus hf tbofgs tblt lre oaphrtlft.

D bls doiiereft eiiejts depefdofg hf tbe alterolk `eofg studoed.

<9. Wbef tlkcofg l`hut tbe fext eposhde hi tbe prhgrlaae, Mhkoe sbhws tblt sbe
L os whrroed l`hut tbe lahuft hi ofihraltohf tbere os hf tbe ofterfet.
@ bls dhu`ts
J `ekoeves tbel`hut bhwalces
ofterfet ghhd ber
tbe hwf
koie osahre
ihr pehpke.
D trusts of ber `rlof‟s jlpljoty th evlkulte ofihraltohf hf tbe ofterfet

_hur lfswers
<<. <0. <:. <4. <5. <9.

^lrt 4. Ihr questohfs <7-05, kostef th lf oftervoew wotb ^iozer JEH Lk`ert @hurkl hf
Jhvod-<? vljjofe alfuiljturofg hutkhhc lfd suppky tbe `klfcs wotb tbe aossofg
ofihraltohf. Wrote FH AHPE TBLF TBPEE WHPDZ HP FUA@EPZ tlcef irha
tbe rejhrdofg ihr eljb lfswer of tbe splje prhvoded.

@htb ^iozer lfd Ahderfl aly fht suiier irha oftefsoioed pressure of vljjofe
alfuiljturofg despote l shlrofg of tbe fua`er hi ofdovodulks wbh jhukd `ejhae ekogo`ke
th get tbe vljjofe. Ofsteld, l rlap-up of lkterltohfs th ldaofoster ahre vljjofes os
jhfsodered tbe <7XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX lt tbe ahaeft. ^iozer JEH Lk`ert @hurkl
sblred bos jhfiodefje of tbe jhaplfy‟s l`okoty th dekover tbe vljjofes hf toae tblfcs th
tbe <2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wotb tbe UZ ghverfaeft. Tbos os voewed ls l(f)
<?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX jhftrlst th tbe botberth phpuklr jhfjeptohf tblt vljjofe
suppky jlf `e ofsuiiojoeft. Ihr tbe toae `eofg, lrhufd 0>XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX blve
`eef rekelsed. @ejluse hi l 0<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX hi lf extrl dhse of tbe volk lfd
rosofg prhdujtovoty of alfuiljturofg, ot os lksh phsso`ke th expejt lf ofjrelsed plje hi
vljjofe hutput hf l 00XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX lkk yelr rhufd. Tbe sox dhses blve
`eef su`aotted th lkk 0:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX lfd lkreldy `eef lpprhved `y tbe
IDL, WBH, EU, Zwotzerklfd lutbhrotoes, 04XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX lutbhrotoes etj.
^iozer‟s alfuiljturofg tela os fhw 05XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX of vortulkky oaphsso`ke



^lrt <

<. T
>=:7= Tbe `og hfe tbey were wored irha tbe jro` sh tejbfhkhgy os koce lor th tbea os
dogotlk fltoves.
0. FG
<=><= Must koce doet O sly. _hu cfhw ls l plreft bls th ahfothr l jbokd‟s doet alce sure
tbey‟re gettofg belktby ihhd, tbey lksh blve th ahfothr tejbfhkhgy alce sure tblt tbey‟re
gettofg belktby ofihraltohf lfd lppkojltohf hi tejbfhkhgy lfd kelve tbe mufc ihhd hr
kelve tbe `ld stuii lfd relkky guode tbeor jbokdref th tblt `lklfje pklje.
:. I
0=>>= @ut yhu wlft th `e tbere th `e tblt aoddke pklje, iora yet ikexo`ke guodofg tbe jbokd.
4. T
0=<:= 7>% hi gef z cods tbey wlft l mh` wotb tbe shjolk jluse, tbey lre shjolkky lwlre lfd
tbos os oaphrtlft th tbea.
0=:>= Oi tbey‟re govofg l kesshf of altb, yhu blve th expklof tbe aelfofg `ebofd tb e
altb, bhw os tbos ghffl alce tbe whrkd l `etter pklje.
5. FG
:=00= Cfhwofg tbe rogbt lfswer keit us wbef Ghhgke eftered hur koves. We dhf‟t feed th
cfhw tbe rogbt lfswer we feed th cfhw bhw th lsc tbe rogbt questohf.
^lrt 0

9-<> (Of lfy hrder)= L ‚ D ‚ E ‚ G - B

L= Yocofgs ghofg ofth `lttke whukd welr fejcklje alde up hi jbokdref's teetb. Fht
`ejluse ot presual`ky khhced utterky terroiyofg, `ut `ejluse tbey were jhfsodered kujcy.
D= @ut ket's stojc th tbe ahre jhaahf fua`er. 0> aokc teetb, :0 ldukt, l thtlk hi 50. >.:<
E= Jhfteaphrlry teetb jlf `e ldhrfed wotb mewekked grokkes hr ioktered th periejtohf hf
Ofstlgrla. 0.57
G= ^ehpke ltteapt th pkelse tbeor deftosts `y `rusbofg tbeor teetb, l prljtoje tblt bls
evhkved irha twogs lfd kelves, ofth l gkh`lk thhtbplste ofdustry whrtb `okkohfs. 0.:>

B= Ufkoce us, sblrcs jlf liihrd th khse l iew teetb ls tbey're l`ke th regeferlte lfd
repklje tbea lkahst jhftofuhusky. :.04
^lrt :

<<. J

<0. J
<:. L
<4. D
<5. @
<9. D
Whalf= Zh, Lklf, dod yhu see tbe kltest eposhde hi ‒Tbe Zefsofg @rlof‟8
Alf= _es, Mhkoe, ot wls ofterestofg.
Whalf= Zh, O gltber irha tbe revoews. O aossed ot, sh yhu jlf tekk ae l`hut ot ... tbhugb
O‟kk prh`l`ky wltjb ot hfkofe.
Alf= Tbere wls tbos whalf wbh‟s lf expert hf periuae alcofg lfd rufs whrcsbhps hf
tbe su`mejt. Ot seeas bualfs jlf oaprhve tbeor sefse hi saekk ilorky rlpodky wotb prljtoje.
Evef tbhse wbh lre jhfvofjed tbey‟ve ght l terro`ke hfe jlf prhve pretty ldept oi tbey
lppky tbeasekves.
Whalf= O whfder oi ot‟s koce ausoj. Oi yhu blvef‟t studoed hr kostefed th l kht, yhu‟re
blrdpusbed th spht tbe doiierefje `etweef l jklrofet lfd lf h`he, `ut hfje yhu‟ve
put of shae toae yhu jlf dostofguosb tbea eiihrtkessky.

Alf= Lpplreftky sh ‚ evef oi yhu blvef‟t dhfe spejolkost trlofofg. O kelrft l `ot l`hut
periuaes ljtulkky. Tbere‟s lf lalzofg rlfge hi teras th jklssoiy tbea.
Whalf= O guess ahst hi us blve l restrojted vhjl`uklry lfd struggke th desjro`e
sjefts. Wberels experts blve `eef trlofed th rejhgfose lfd flae su`tke fulfjes tblt
plss tbe lverlge pershf `y. O reaea`er tryofg th desjro`e tbos wbote ausc periuae O
koced th l whalf of l periuae sbhp lfd O wls slyofg O wlfted shaetbofg dlrc, deep lfd
belvy, `ut sbe ljtulkky slw tbe periuae O wls liter ls kogbt, sw eet lfd ffuiiy. O‟d
oalgofed tbe whrd ausc desjro`ed tbe exljt hpphsote.
Alf= Ljjhrdofg th tbe prhgrlaae, hfe tbofg pehpke tefd th ieek pretty jertlof l`hut os
tbeor l`okoty th spht tbe doiierefje `etweef l flturlk lfd syftbetoj
s yftbetoj lrhal.

Whalf= _elb, syftbetoj saekks lre sh ilce.


Alf= Wekk, tbey‟ve dhfe tests, lfd tlce ihr exlapke, koae esseftolk hok wbojb os sblrpky
oftefse. Tbe vlst almhroty hi su`mejts of tbe kl` ljtulkky odeftoiy ot ls saekkofg
jbeaojlk, wboke tbe lrtoiojolk hdhur koae hxode os seef ls sahhtb lfd flturlk . Lfd
tbere‟s tbos jbeaojlk tblt bls lf lkahfdkoce saekk, lfd ot‟s ufoverslkky seef ls
flturlk, lplrt irha `y jbeaosts lfd jbeis.

Whalf= Bhw ofterestofg. Zh, wls tbe prhgrlaae

pr hgrlaae lkk l`hut saekk tbef8
Alf= Ot wls l `og ihjus. Ot lksh delkt wotb bualf lfd lfoalk `rlofs. Wly `ljc, tbere wls
tbos sjoeftost wbh ihufd tblt tbe `rlof regohf of bualfs tblt prhjesses hdhur detejtohf os
salkker, rekltove th thtlk `rlof vhkuae, tblf of dhgs hr rlts. Few iofdofgs sbhw tbe
fua`er hi feurhfs, yhu cfhw ferve jekks of tbe `rlof, reklted th saekk os realrcl`ky
jhfsosteft ljrhss alaalks. Hi jhurse, yhu blve th `e jlreiuk hi wblt yhu reld ofth
aelsureaefts lfd bhw tbey‟re used. Aoje blve ahre gefes ihr saekkofg tblf
bualfs, sh tblt‟s seef ls l sogf hi tbeor superohroty, `ut ot aly `e tblt tbere osf‟t l
togbt rekltohfsbop `etweef gefes lfd l`okoty.

Whalf= Tbere lre koceky th `e few studoes of tbe iuture tblt tekk us ahre. Tbe revoew O
reld slod tbere wls shae stuii l`hut ausoj lfd tbe `rlof.
Alf= _elb, l`hut hur l`okoty th ply ltteftohf th whrcofg hr studyofg wboke kostefofg th
ausoj. ^ershflkky, oi O‟a tryofg th study, ausoj eotber tlces ae hver eahtohflkky hr O stlrt
th lflkyse ot.
Whalf= True. O koce ausoj thh aujb fht th ply ltteftohf th ot, wbltever ots qulkoty lfd
wbltever O‟a dhofg, ufihrtuflteky! @ut tbere lre tbhse wbh ifd ot oaphsso`ke th whrc
wotbhut pklyofg ausoj.
Alf= Doiiereft strhces ihr doiiereft ihkcs. O cfhw l jklssojlkky-trlofed ausojolf wbh must
jlf‟t whrc wotbhut beldpbhfes hf.
Whalf= Ausoj‟s l klfgulge, lfd ot‟s vortulkky oa phsso`ke th jhfjeftrlte hf twh lt
tbe slae toae wotbhut khsofg detloks hi hfe hr `htb . Oi we lkk weft `ljc th plyofg
ltteftohf th hfe tbofg lt l toae, hur lwlrefess whukd `e aujb deeper, ausoj ofjkuded.
Alf= Zhae pehpke jkloa tbe o fterfet‟s jblfgofg bhw hur `rlofs whrc.
Whalf= Tblt‟s wblt tbe fext eposhde‟s l`hut! Wotb l ihjus hf tbe bualf `rlof of
resphfse th few tejbfhkhgy. Ot‟s esseftolk th `e jhfsjohus hi tbe iljt tblt we‟re used th
delkofg wotb l jhfstlft strela hi ofihraltohf. Liter lkk, tblt‟s wblt t be relk whrkd os, ls
ilr ls hur sefses lre jhfjerfed, eotber stlrofg lt l teffos vodeh glae hr ljtulkky hf tbe
jhurt pklyofg, tbe `rlof dhes tbe slae lahuft hi whrc. @htb ljtovotoes lre prhvodofg
detloked sefshry ofihraltohf. Ihrtuflteky, tbe `rlof dhesf‟t `htber th prhjess
l`shkuteky everytbofg tblt jhaes of, ot iokters
io kters tbofgs hut, lfd uses l shrt hi ‒`est

guess‟ hi wblt‟s oaphrtlft. Ot‟s lkreldy wekk ldlpted th preveft ofihraltohf

hverkhld, sh ot‟s ufkoceky tbe ofterfet whukd jluse sujb l tbofg.

Alf= O dh ieek plfojced `y tbe lahuft hi ofihraltohf hut tbere shaetoaes. Lkwlys
ruffofg must th stlfd stokk.
Whalf= Wekk, tbere‟s l kht ahre th kelrf hut tbere …
^lrt 4.

<7. Alof `httkefejc

`httkefejc >.4>
<2. Jhftlj
ts <.<4
<?. Aofd
ofg <.07
0>. :: ao
kkohf dhses 00.<0
0<. Ihrtu
othus iofdofg
iofdofg 0.::
00. Ztel
dy dru
a`elt 0.42
0:. Pegu
klthryy lutbhrot
oes :.>2
04. Osrlek
Osrlekoo :.<9
05. Zjlk
ofg up :.42



^lrt <. Ihr questohfs <-5, kostef th l tlkc l`hut tbe struggkes ihr ofdepefdefje of alfy
jhuftroes lfd dejode wbetber tbese stlteaefts lre True (T), Ilkse (I), hr Fht Govef
(FG). Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
pr hvoded.
<. Zeverlk Jltl
klf phkotojolfs keldofg tbe ofdepefdefje ahveaeft
ahveaeft were lrre
sted ihr
0. Ahst tbe okkeglk reierefdua.
sejessohfs ljrhss tbe gkh`e jhae
jhae irha etbfhjukturlk
etbfhjukturlk grhups wbh de dealfd
ofdepefdefje ihr tbeor bhaeklfds.
:. Hfe hi tbe pre
requosotes ihr l rego
hf th `ejhae l stlte
stlte os tblt otot os rejhgfozed `y htber
stltes, ljjhrdofg th tbe <?:: Ahftevodeh Jhfveftohf.
4. Fh jhuftry jlf soauktlfehusky ihra dopkhaltoj
dopkhaltoj rekltohfs
rekltohfs wotb `htb Jbofl lfd Tlowlf.
5. Tbe estl`kosbaef
estl`kosbaeftt hi `htb Zhalkoklfd
Zhalkoklfd lfd Erotrel bls ked
ked th jovok wlrs of tbese fewky-
ihraed jhuftroes.
_hur lfswers
<. 0. :. 4. 5.

^lrt 0. Ihr questohfs 9-<>, kostef th l tlkc l`hut mhurflkosa. Wblt os slod l`hut ot8
Jbhhse IOYE ketters irha L-M. Wrote tbe jhrrejt ketter of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered
`hxes prhvoded. _hur lfswers jlf `e wrottef of lfy hrder.
L. Fht hfky oftefse jhapetot
ohf lahfg tbe aedol `ut lksh eaergo
fg `usofess ahdeks
hrogoflte irha tbe Ofterfet.
@. Mhurflkosa os grhufde
grhufdedd hf tbe fhtohf
fhtohf hi ireedha hi expressohf.
J. ^ehpke lre jlptovlt
ed `y tbe jhfikojt lfd `ols ieltured
ieltured of hfkofe shurjes.
D. Tejbfhkhgy prhvoded `y te tejb
jb golfts ufwottofgky resukts of ufsekejtove
ufsekejtove lfd ufjbejced
E. Fewsp
lper bls lkw
lys `eef l ihra hi tlx rejhrd.
I. Mhurflkosts eapkhy tbe tera ‛ilce fews‑ th ljjus e phpukost kelders lfd ofterest grhups
hi dejeovofg tbe geferlk pu`koj.
G. Mhurflkosts sbhukd try th dosjhuft bua
bualflf ofput of tbeor lrtoj
B. Berhoj mhurflkosts exphse jjbokd-reklted
bokd-reklted l`use perpetrl
perpetrltedted `y pledhpbokes.
O. Tbe bosthry hi mhurflkosa os
os of alfy wlys deiofed `y tejbfh
khgojlk jblfge.
M. Pldoh rephrts `y @@J `rhugbt tbe lltrhjotoes
trhjotoes hi l jovok wlr th tbe whrkd.
_hur lfswers
9. 7. 2. ?. <>.


^lrt :. Ihr questohfs <<-<5, kostef th plrt hi l dosjussohf prhgrlaae, of wbojb l

teljber jlkked Zoahf lfd l `usofess mhurflkost jlkked Trofl lre tl
kcofg l`hut tbe oss
hi jblfge, lfd jbhhse tbe lfswer (L, @, J hr D) wbojb iots `est ljjhrdofg th wblt yhu
belr. Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
pr hvoded.

<<. Wblt dhes Zoahf sly l`hut jblfge wbef dosjussofg kofguostoj expressohfs8
L Ot os lf ofevotl`ke plrt hi koie.
@ Ot os geferlkky perjeoved ls ufwekjhae.
J Ots sogfoiojlfje bls lktered hver toae.
D Ot `rofgs oaprhveaefts wbef tbey're kelst expejted.

<0. Wblt dh tbey lgree l`hut jblfge of tbe `usofess jhaaufoty8

L Ot os reglrded ls syfhfyahus wotb prhgress.
@ Ot os seef ls ufihrtuflte `ut fejesslry.

D.OtOtfever seeas
jlf keld th `e questohfed.
th ufdesorl`ke resukts.

<:. Wblt dhes Trofl doskoce l`hut ieed`ljc ihras8

L tbe sjlke hi tbe reljtohf tbey jlf prhvhce
@ tbe dosblrahfy tbey jlf jrelte wotbof hrglfosltohfs
J tbe exteft hi tbeor use of tbe whrkd hi edujltohf
D tbe mustoiojltohf tbey gove th alflgers wbh wlft th oftrhduje jblfges

<4. Wbef dosjussofg dly-th-dly rhutofes, Zoahf lfd Trofl lgree tblt pehpke
L alce thh aujb iuss l`hut salkk-sjlke jblfges.
@ iofd tblt jblfges of tbe whrcpklje aorrhr tbhse of dloky koie.
J hfky koce jblfge tblt jkelrky `efeiots tbea pershflkky.
D experoefje lf hfghofg jyjke hi resostofg lfd ljjeptofg jblfge,

<5. Of Zoahf's voew, pehpke wokk relkky efmhy lf ljtovoty oi

L tbey dh ot hf l reguklr `lsos.
@ tbey ceep hf jblfgofg ot skogbtky.
J ot represefts l jblfge ihr tbea.
D ot jhofjodes wotb tbeor expejtltohfs..

_hur lfswers

<<. <0. <:. <4. <5.

^lrt 4. Ihr questohfs <9-05, kostef th l dosjussohf hf gefder ply glp lfd suppky tbe
`klfcs wotb tbe aossofg ofihraltohf. Wrote FH AHPE TBLF TBPEE WHPDZ tlcef
irha tbe rejhrdofg ihr eljb lfswer of tbe splje prhvoded.
Of resphfse th tbe ^A‟s prhphslk hf gefder ply glp, severlk sceptojs bhkd tbe jhfvojtohf
tblt ber phoft os aostlcef sofje tbe <9XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX rejhrded aereky
ofdojltes lf upsurge of alterfoty kelve. ^syjbhkhgost Mhrdlf ^etershf, wbef lsced wblt
bos <7XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wls th tbe ^A‟s ahtohf, reierred th tbe eglkotlrolf
<2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX `etweef alkes lfd iealkes. Ljjhrdofg th boa, l aofhroty
hi aef wbh blve reauferltove mh`s jlf su`stlftolkky <?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,
wbojb os tbe rltohflke `ebofd sujb l aoslpprebefsohf l`hut gefder ply glp. Hfe `lrroer
koaotofg whaef‟s ljjess th thp hjjupltohfs os tbe ioxed 0>XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
ofvhkved. Hfe h`vohus exlapke os tbe predhaoflfje hi alkes of l

00XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX hi ahre wbojbtblf requores
<> bhurs pereapkhyees th
dly. Tbe jhaprebefsove whrc
expklfltohf os whaef‟s grelter resp hfso`okoty of jbokdjlre, yet ot os stokk oaphsso`ke th
0:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX sujb `urdef. Ar. Mhrdlf `ekoeved tbos jhukd blrdky `e
jhfsodered gefder sterehtypes, ls redujofg 04XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, ofjkudofg
05XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, th shkeky hfe vlrol`ke jlf `e bogbky prh`kealtoj.
pr h`kealtoj.



^lrt <

>=<?= Jltlkhfol‟s ^lrkolaeft dejklred ofdepefdefje irha Zplof of Hjth`er 0><7
ihkkhwofg l reierefdua deeaed okkeglk `y tbe jeftrlk lutbhrotoes of Aldrod… Jltlklf
phkotojolfs keldofg tbe ofdepefdefje ahveaeft jhukd `e mloked ihr dejldes oi ihufd
guokty hi re`ekkohf lfd sedotohf.
<=>9= Tbere lre estoalted th `e ahre tblf 2,>>> etbfhjukturlk grhups of tbe whrkd, wotb
alfy ofdepefdefje ahveaefts dealfdofg tbeor bhaeklfds `e rejhgfozed ls jhuftroes.
<=:?=…l peralfeft phpukltohf, l deiofed terrothry, l ghverfaeft, lfd tbe jlpljoty th
efter ofth rekltohfs wotb htber stltes.
0=:7= Ot ofsosts tblt fh jhuftry jlf blve dopkhaltoj toes wotb `htb otseki lfd Tlowlf. Hfky
<? jhuftroes, pkus tbe Yltojlf, hiiojolkky rejhgfoze ot.
5. FG
:=<>= Th rejhgfoze Zhalkoklfd whukd efjhurlge htber seplrltosts of tbe regohf, ot whukd
ufderaofe tbe lkreldy welc iederlk ghverfaeft hi Zhalkol, lfd ot whukd prh`l`ky keld
th wlr.
:=45= Erotrel dejklred ofdepefdefje irha Etbohpol of <??. Thdly Erotrel bls l desphtoj
ghverfaeft lfd ots pehpke lre aored of l`mejt phverty.
^lrt 0

9 ‚ <> (Of lfy hrder)= L ‚ @ ‚ D ‚ B - O

L= Tbe ofterfet prhvodes alssove jhapetotohf ihr tbe alofstrela aedol `ut ot lksh hiiers
pltbwlys th few `usofess ahdeks sujb ls aea`ersbop, su`sjroptohf lfd jhkkl`hrltohf.
@= Of ko`erlk deahjrljoes, ot's `lsed hf tbe odelks tblt cfhwkedge os oaphrtlft, tblt
expressohf sbhukd `e iree lfd tblt rekol`ke ofihraltohf os ghhd ihr shjoety. >.>2


D= Lkghrotbas jrelted `y buge tejbfhkhgy jhaplfoes sblpe tbe ikhw hi fews ls pehpke
koce hr retweet tbe iljts lfd hpofohfs tbey wlft th sblre. Tblt's aelft lf expkhsohf hi
jhfteft, l todlk wlve hi ofihraltohf, aujb hi ot
o t ilkse, iurohus lfd irljtohus. <.4<
B= Ot's prhdujed berhes wbh blve revelked sjlfdlks sujb ls systealtoj jbokd l`use `y
pledhpboke proests. <.0<
O= Ot‟s `eef drovef `y tbe ofveftohf hi few tejbhfhkhgoes sujb ls plper, proftofg,
ekejtrojoty, pbhthgrlpby, lfd fhw hi jhurse, dogotlk, shjolk aedol, tbe Ofterfet. Ot's
jblfged rldojlkky hver toae - irha aedoevlk sjro`es rejhrdofg wlr lfd tlxes th plod
plapbketeers of jhiiee sbhps wlgofg phkotojlk `lttkes, th alss alrcet fewsplpers tblt
use few tejb, koce trlofs lfd tekepbhfes, th gltber lfd spreld tbe fews, th tekevosohf lfd
rldoh tblt lkkhwed us th see, belr lfd jhffejt wotb tbe rest hi tbe whrkd. >.<7
^lrt :

<<. @
<0. J
<:. L
<4. D
<5. J
Trofl= Oi O jhukd must jhae of bere, Zoahf. O aelf, tbere lre khlds hi expressohfs of ahst
klfgulges th tbe eiiejt tblt jblfge os l ghhd tbofg. Of Efgkosb, ihr exlapke, shaehfe wbh
dhesf't ea`rlje jblfge os slod th `e 'stujc of bos wlys'. Oi we're tored hi `eofg ofdhhrs hr
wltjbofg TY, we sly we feed l 'jblfge hi sjefery', tbef tbere's l prhver` wbojb ghes 'l
jblfge os ls ghhd ls l rest'. Zh, lkk tbese lre phsotove voews hi jblfge, prhahtofg jblfge
ls shaetbofg wbojb suggests l wbhke bhst hi whrtby experoefjes th dh wotb fewfess,
doiierefje, tbe exjoteaeft hi tbe ufcfhwf, tbe ldvefture hi tbe ufpredojtl`ke.
u fpredojtl`ke.
Zoahf= True Trofl, `ut tbere's lksh l slyofg, 'Dhf't iox ot oi ot lof't `rhce'. Lfd tbere's
lfhtber wbojb os 'jblfge ihr jblfge's slce'. Zh tbos os tbe htber sode hi tbe jhof, lfd
tbese lre expressohfs wbojb represeft jblfge ls shaetbofg tbreltefofg, `ejluse
tbey dostur` tbe exostofg equoko`roua. Lfd O jhukd quote elsoky ieek `htb hi tbese
jhftrlstofg seftoaefts lt doiiereft toaes.
Trofl= Wblt l`hut jblfge of tbe `usofess whrkd8 O tbofc lfyhfe wbh iloks th ahve wotb
tbe toaes, updlte lfd ldmust os dhhaed, `ejluse htberwose tbe prhdujt hr servoje of
questohf wokk fh khfger `e rekevlft ls toae ahves hf. Ot's evef l requoreaeft hi bogb-
kevek mh`s, spejoioed of alflgeaeft jhftrljts. Ot's tlcef ls reld tblt yhu blve th ea`rlje
jblfge lfd yhu're l ihhk oi yhu dhf't. Ot's fht evef hf tbe dosjussohf tl`ke. Tbe resukt, of

prljtoje, jlf `e quote `ewokderofg, wotb jhfstlftky sboitofg ghlks lfd phkojoes lfd lf
h`sessohf wotb re`rlfdofg lfd jblfgofg flaes ihr everytbofg.
Zoahf= @ut of alfy jhaplfoes ot's tlftlahuft th bogb trelshf th express l
dosseftofg vhoje hi jhfservltosa, hr th `e seef th `e puttofg l splffer of tbe whrcs.
Jblfge os l govef.

Trofl= Ljtulkky, tblt puts ae of aofd hi shaetbofg tblt's evodeft of lkk wlkcs hi koie ,
evef edujltohf, lfd tblt's ieed`ljc ihras. Tbere's l `ot hi lf h`sessohf wotb `eofg
justhaer-ked lfd jhfstlftky lscofg ihr justhaer ieed`ljc of tbe ihra hi questohfflores.
Zoahf= _es, yhu iofd ot of ko`rlroes, auseuas lfd sjbhhks.
Trofl= Lfd ot kelds th l sotultohf wbere tbe tlok wlgs tbe dhg. Hfe pershf's sbeet
slys, 'O dodf't koce x' lfd lrgues tbe jlse wekk, lfd tbos voew os seozed uphf of l cfee-
merc resphfse, reglrdkess hi wbetber ot's ljtulkky l represeftltove jhaaeft hi tbe
klrger slapke, lfd l wbhke systea gets jblfged uffejesslroky.

Zoahf= Wekk, O guess oi yhu ofvote pehpke th alce jhaaefts l`hut phteftolk jblfges,
tbey'kk tbofc hi lfytbofg tblt jhaes ofth tbeor belds lfd wrote ot, wbetber hr fht tbey lre
blppy wotb tbe systea tblt's ljtulkky of pklje.
Trofl= Must th jblfge tbe su`mejt skogbtky, O wls tbofcofg tblt ... era ... hitef hf l dly-th-
dly kevek jblfge jlf `e orrotltofg= tbofgs koce ufexpejted rhld whrcs hf yhur mhurfey
bhae irha whrc. Hr oi yhu fhralkky gh swoaaofg hf l Wedfesdly evefofg lt sox, lfd
tbef tbe phhk toaes jblfge lfd tbere's l jklss hf ofsteld lt tblt toae, tbef yhur rhutofe
gets `rhcef ... yhu bld l foje kottke systea ihr l wboke lfd ot's relkky lffhyofg uftok
yhu iofd l wly rhufd ot.

Zoahf= Lfd tblt's typojlk hi jblfge . Of tbe whrc efvorhfaeft ot's ofotolkky l plof ihr
everyhfe lfd fh hfe koces ot `ejluse tbey've must ght jhfiodeft of tbeor few rhutofe
lglof ihkkhwofg tbe klst jblfges. @ut usulkky pehpke jhae rhufd th seeofg tbe phoft
hi tbe jblfge, lfd of due jhurse tblt jblfge `ejhaes tbe few ljjepted stltus quh,
wbojb yhu dhf't wlft th jblfge.

Trofl= _es ... sh dhes jblfge uktoalteky keld th blppofess8

Zoahf= Wekk tbe rekltohfsbop `etweef jblfge lfd perjeoved blppofess os lksh ofterestofg.
Tbere's fhtbofg tblt alces ae blppoer tblf ghofg hut hf ay `oce ofth tbe jhuftrysode `y
ayseki ihr lf bhur of tbe suf. @ut O cfhw tblt oi O dod tblt dly of dly hut, O'd shhf tore hi
ot. Zh, O guess wblt O'a slyofg os, lf ljtovoty koce tblt os ahstky efmhyl`ke `ejluse
ahst hi tbe toae yhu're stujc of lf hiioje, lfd sh tbos efl`kes yhu th esjlpe irha
yhur stressiuk whrcofg koie. Oi ot's fh khfger l jblfge, tbef ot jelses th `e shaetbofg

Trofl= Zh, oi yhu khhc lt everytbofg we've slod ... SpluseQ

^lrt 4.

<9. Lggreglte ply >.02

<7. Jhufter-lrguaeft >.45
<2. Aedolf slklry <.47
<?. Zcew tbe dltl <.5>
0>. Zet hi scokks 0.:0
0<. Thp exejutove phsotohf 0.:9
00. Of tbe feogb`hrbhhd 0.:?
0:. Ahfetoze :.00
04. Jhapkex Auktoiljthrolk ^befhaefl 4.57

05. Wlge Doiiereftolk 5.><



Ihr questohfs <-5, kostef th l tlkc l`hut provlte edujltohf lfd dejode wbetber tbese
stlteaefts lre True (T), Ilkse (I), hr Fht Govef (FG). Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe
jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
<. Efrhkkaeft of provlte proalry sjbhhks bls regostered grelter ofjrelse jhaplred wotb
tblt of provlte sejhfdlry sjbhhks hver tbe klst <5 yelrs.
0. Tbe dealfd ihr provlte sjbhhks steas
s teas irha prhihufd shjoh-ejhfhaoj jblfges.
:. ^rovlte edujltohf pklys lf oaphrtlft rhke of shkvofg okkoterljy of severlk alssove stltes
of ^lcostlf.
4. Ofjkusovoty os hfe fhtojel`ke iljthr tblt alfy provlte sjbhhks kljc.
5. Bogb keveks hi tuotohf iee of tbe provlte sejthr lre ufderstlfdl`ke jhfsoderofg tbe bogb
qulkoty hi edujltohf tblt provlte sjbhhks hiier.
_hur lfswers
<. 0. :. 4. 5.

^lrt 0. Ihr questohfs 9-<>, kostef th l tlkc l`hut kufg jlfjer. Wblt os slod l`hut ot8
Jbhhse IOYE ketters irha L-M. Wrote tbe jhrrejt ketter of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered
`hxes prhvoded. _hur lfswers jlf `e wrottef of lfy hrder.
L. Kufg jlfjer
jlfjer os `y ilr tbe keldofg jluse hi deltb lahfg jlfjer pltoefts.
@. Belvy sahcers lfd ihraer hfes lre tbe alof tlrgets hi tbe UZ fltohflk kufg-sjreefofg
J. Kufg jlfjer realofs l deltb peflkty uftok iurtber ldvlfjes of sjreefofg jlf `e
D. Ahst fltohfs reky hf Fekshf‟s rephrt th oapkeaeft jhapkete sjreefofg systeas .
E. Whaef relp ahre `efeiots irha sjreefofg tblf tbeor alke jhufterplrts of teras hi
redujed ahrtlkoty rltes.
I. Blki l aokkohf UZ jotozefs ufderweft kufg-sjreefofg trolk eve
ry yelr ihr tbree yelrs.
G. Tbe ofvoso`okoty
ofvoso`okoty hi ofotolk syapthas exljer`ltes tbe severoty hi tbe doselse.
B. @ohpsoes lre bogbky rejhaaefded ihr pltoefts `eihre `eofg dolgfhsed phsotove wotb
O. Treltofg tbe salkkest fhdukes ls phsotove jhukd reduje tbe rlte hi ilkse phsotoves.
M. JT sjlfs lre l jhapketeky rekol`ke aetbhd of dolgfhsofg kufg jlfjer.
_hur lfswers
9. 7. 2. ?. <>.


^lrt :. Ihr questohfs <<-<5, kostef th plrt hi l prhgrlaae of wbojb Lalfdl lfd ^eter,
twh ihufders hi l iruot muoje jhaplfy jlkked Thpiruot, tlkc l`hut tbeor `usofess lfd
jbhhse tbe lfswer (L, @, J hr D) wbojb iots `est ljjhrdofg th wblt yhu belr . Wrote
yhur lfswers of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
<<. Wblt hpofohf os expressed l`hut tbe wly Thpiruot wls set up8
L Ot os surprosofg tblt ot whrced hut sh sahhtbky.
@ Whrcofg wotb iroefds jertlofky slved toae lfd efergy.
J Blvofg l sofgke ihufder whukd blve alde tbe klufjb soapker.
D Zofje tbe ihufders bld sujb soaoklr voews ot wls blrd th lkkhjlte rhkes.

<0. Wblt os tbe phsotove jukture hi tbe jhaplfy alofky lttro`uted th8
L gulrlfteed slklry ofjrelses
@ tbe flture hi tbe prhdujt tblt os `eofg shkd
J strojt ldberefje th stlii ahfothrofg prhjedures
D jertlof jroterol of tbe rejruotaeft prhjess

<:. Bhw dh `htb ihufders ieek l`hut ruffofg tbeor jhaplfy fhw8
L Tbey lre ied up wotb delkofg wotb dloky prh`keas.
@ Tbey ieek lfxohus l`hut wbetber ots sujjess wokk jhftofue.
J Tbey efmhy tbe jblkkefges tbey ilje of tbeor whrc.
D Tbey ieek pkelsed tblt tbey blve ljquored l ghhd grlsp hi `usofess.

<4. Wbef desjro`ofg plst aostlces of stliiofg, Lalfdl revelks

L ber `ekoei tblt ghhd qulkoiojltohfs lre tbe cey iljthr.
@ ber ljjeptlfje tblt ot os votlk th ldaot ilokures elrky hf.
J ber trust tblt oaprhveaefts jlf `e alde th tbe prhjess.
D ber ielr tblt sefohr lpphoftaefts lre oaphsso`ke th get rogbt.

<5. Wblt goves Thpiruot lf ldvlftlge hver ots klrger jhapetothrs8

L Tbe eapblsos hf ofgredoefts wbojb iot alrcet trefds.
@ Tbe prhdujt reselrjb `lsed hf sjoeftoioj
s joeftoioj ahdeks.
J Tbe jklroty hi tbe kl`ekkofg.
D Tbe extreaeky shpbostojlted ldvertosofg.
_hur lfswers
<<. <0. <:. <4. <5.


^lrt 4. Ihr questohfs <9-05, kostef th l tlkc l`hut gefder equlkoty lfd suppky tbe
`klfcs wotb tbe aossofg ofihraltohf. Wrote FH AHPE TBLF IHUP WHPDZ tlcef
irha tbe rejhrdofg ihr eljb lfswer of tbe splje prhvoded.
Lf ofsporltohflk shfg totked <9XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX os jhaphsed `y sofger lfd
bosthry, Jbros Wokkolashf ls lf efjhurlgeaeft
ofjkudofg iealkes th lfd
^luk gh wotb
Kujytbeor gut.bhwever,
@urfs, @ljc of
were ofteft hf pusbofg tbe gefder equlkoty jlaplogfs ihrwlrd. Lahfg tbese jlaplogfs
wls lf efhrahus plrlde bekd of <?<: Alrjb of Wlsbofgthf D.J, wotb tbe plrtojopltohf
hi alrjbers, ikhlts, `lfds, jblrohts, <2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, etj. Tbere were lksh l
perihralfje hi <?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX lt tbe Trelsury `uokdofg lfd l klrge pu`koj
aeetofg ielturofg eaofeft rbethrojolfs. Despote tbe presefje hi
0>XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, alfy alke dossodefts `kltlftky expressed tbeor h`mejtohfs
th tbe jlaplogf `y spottofg, ikofgofg h`mejts lfd 0<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX lt iealke
alrjbers. Ufdeterred `y tbese h`stljkes, tbe Fltohflk Whaef‟s plrty wls ihufded,
perseverofg of 00XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, wotb lf estoalted 0>>> whaef tlcofg plrt
of tbe 0:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX `etweef Mlfulry ?tb <?<7 lfd Mufe 4tb <?<?. Tbe
prephsterhus blrlssaeft lfd oaproshfaeft hi :: iealkes `y phkoje of <?<7 wls klter
reglrded `y l 04XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ls lglofst tbe klw. Tbe rogbts were ioflkky of
tbe blfds hi whaef tblfcs th tbe ufrekeftofg eiihrts hi ahre tblf ioity
05XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX jlaplogfs lfd bufdreds hi htber jlaplogf



^lrt <

<. I
>=<<= Tbe fua`er hi pehpke ghofg th provlte proalry sjbhhks bls ghfe up irha <> th <7%
hver tbe klst <5 yelrs. Tbe sejhfdlry bls ghfe up irha fofe th 07%.
0. T
>=57= Zh of ilaokoes lkk hver tbe whrkd, tbere os ahre ahfey th spefd hf eljb jbokd.
<=<>= _hu‟ve bld tbe wbhke whrkd ejhfhay jblfgofg sh tblt tbere lre iewer ufscokked
mh`s everywbere.
:. FG
0=>>= _hu cfhw of ^ufml` wbojb os l alssove stlte, struggkofg wotb ilst-grhwofg jotoes
bls plrtfered up wotb tbe provlte sejthr th efd phhr cods wbh whukd htberwose fht `e

cods. sjbhhkofg lt lkk ofth provlte sjbhhks. Lf d tbey‟re dhofg tblt wotb hver twh aokkohf
4. T
0=0:= Ghverfaefts feed th jhfjerf tbeasekves l`hut equlkoty lfd l`hut shjolk ah`okoty,
tbofgs tblt tbe provlte sejthr dosjhurlges rltber tblf efjhurlges. Tbe prh`kea wotb
provlte sjbhhks os tblt tbey dh tefd th ofjrelse ofequlkoty. Wbef plrefts lre lkkhwed th
spefd ahfey hf tbeor jbokdref, tbey wokk spefd ls aujb ls tbey jlf sh h`vohusky rojb
cods gh th `etter sjbhhks.
5. FG

kevektbere os l jhst, @ut
hi ofequlkoty. oi yhu lkkhwtblt
O tbofc tbetblt
os l sejthr th hperlte
proje whrtb plyofgyhu
tbeghffl getihr
ko`erty, l
tbe reshurjes, ihr tbe `etter `rlofs, ihr tbe offhvltohf, ihr tbe qulkoty hi edujltohf lfd tbe
`reldtb hi edujltohf oi yhu lkkhw tbe provlte sejthr th hperlte.
^lrt 0

9 ‚ <> (Of lfy hrder)= L ‚ @ ‚ D ‚ E - G

L= Kufg jlfjer cokks ahre pehpke tblf lfy htber ihra hi tuahur. L`hut fofe hut hi tef
pehpke doe wotbof iove yelrs
yelrs hi `eofg dolgfhsed wotb tbe doselse
doselse (>>=>4)


@= Tbe fltohflk kufg-sjreefofg trolk of Laerojl su`mejted 5:,>>> jurreft lfd ihraer
belvy sahcers th eotber R-rly hr jhaputed-thahgrlpby sjlfs every yelr ihr tbree yelrs
D= Alfy jhuftroes lre wlotofg ihr tbe iukk rephrt hi lfhtber trolk jlkked Fekshf `eihre
dejodofg wbetber th set up iukky-ikedged sjreefofg prhgrlaaes (>0=>2)
E= ^rekoaoflry dltl irha tbe Fekshf trolk suggest tblt sjreefofg redujes tbe deltb rlte
irha kufg jlfjer lahfg bogb-rosc aef `y 09% lfd 9<% of whaef (>0=<2)
G= Oi tbe jlfjer os jlugbt very elrky ahst pltoefts jhukd `e jured. @ut dhjthrs struggke th
dolgfhse elrky `ejluse tbere lre fh syapthas uftok tbe jlfjer os of ots klte stlges (>>=<2)
^lrt :

<<. @ <0. D <:. @ <4. J <5. L

^resefter= O'a dekogbted th wekjhae th tbe prhgrlaae tbos evefofg Lalfdl Iry lfd
^eter Dlvy, twh hi tbe ihufders hi tbe jhaplfy Thpiruot, tblt alces dekojohus `kefds hi

iruot muoje. Wblt's ot koce settofg up l jhaplfy wotb iroefds8

Lalfdl= Wekk, we've lkk seef iroefds ilkkofg hut, tlce shae hi tbe ilahus rhjc `lfds, ihr
ofstlfje. O aust sly tbhugb tblt ihr us ot wls quote tbe reverse. O `ekoeve trust os tbe ahst
eiiojoeft tbofg of `usofess teras. Ot aelfs yhu dhf't feed th ceep jbejcofg up hf
pehpke. _hu see, tbe ihur hi us blve `eef altes sofje ufoversoty dlys lfd tbere's
lalzofg lkogfaeft of hur vlkues lfd la`otohfs.
^eter= _et hur scokks lre jhapkeaeftlry. Ls l resukt tbere wls fh squl``kofg wbef ot
jlae th dejodofg wbh sbhukd ihjus hf doiiereft lrels, sujb ls retlokers, hperltohfs
hr jhfsuaers, `ejluse ot wls seki-evodeft. Ljtulkky, O'a of lwe hi pehpke wbh set up l
jhaplfy hf tbeor hwf. Bhw tbey efjhaplss lkk tbhse lspejts os l aystery th ae.
Lalfdl= @ut, jhaofg `ljc th hur jhaplfy, ot jertlofky os l grelt pklje th whrc. We
prode hursekves hf blvofg lf hpef lfd jh-hperltove jukture. Wbetber we jlf tlce lfy
jredot ihr tblt, O'a fht sure. O tbofc ot's lkk dhwf th tbe stlii. Wblt we alde l phoft hi
lt tbe `egoffofg, wls hfky th sekejt pehpke we koced lfd wbhse vlkues jboaed wotb
tbhse hi tbe `usofess. Liter tblt, yhu jhukd perblps sly ot's l `ekoei of tbe oaphrtlfje hi
alcofg l belktby prhdujt th efblfje justhaers' wekk-`eofg. O whukdf't wlft yhu th tbofc
tblt ot's lkk iuf lfd glaes, tbhugb. Of kofe wotb jurreft tbofcofg, tbere's l thugb
perihralfje alflgeaeft systea — everyhfe's lssessed reguklrky lglofst l fua`er hi
h`mejtoves lfd tbe resukts lre kofced th ply ofjrelses.
^eter= ^ershflkky, ot thhc ae lges th `e l`ke th lrrove lt whrc hf l Ahfdly wotbhut
oalgofofg lkk shrts hi doslsters, yhu cfhw, koce jrhwds hi lfgry justhaers hr l

`lfcruptjy fhtoje. Ls ihr bhw O ieek l`hut ruffofg tbe jhaplfy fhw= ot's stokk l very
dealfdofg `usofess lfd ot's koce `eofg hf l rhkker-jhlster wotb ots ups lfd dhwfs.
Tblt's wbere tbe `uzz jhaes irha, tbhugb.

Lalfdl= Ztrlfgeky, O rejchf ot whukd `e `hrofg oi everytbofg were hf lf evef ceek.

_hu'd sthp tryofg. ^eter= Lfd we lkk alce aostlces, dhf't we8

Lalfdl= L`shkuteky. Ls tbe jhaplfy's grhwf, we've alde shae `ld jbhojes wbef
rejruotofg sefohr pehpke. We oftervoewed shaehfe wotb l ilftlstoj JY, lf A@L lfd
khlds hi rekevlft experoefje, lfd lssuaed be'd `e grelt, `ut fegkejted th jbejc wbetber
be'd iot of wotb tbe etbhs hi tbe jhaplfy lfd tbe exostofg tela, lfd be dodf't. Lfhtber hfe
wls periejt of tblt respejt, `ut bld fever bekd l thp phst. O troed th cod ayseki tblt wotb
ghhd aefthrofg be'd get tbere, lfd sh, O cept boa hf thh khfg. O sbhukd've relkosed irha
tbe hutset tblt be wls wrhfg ihr tbe mh`. Hfe tbofg wls jkelr, tbhugb3 ot wls hur ilukt,
fht tbeors.
^eter= @ut we blve alflged th bhkd hur hwf lglofst tbe jhrphrlte golfts wbh lre hur
almhr jhapetothrs. Tbere lre l fua`er hi relshfs wby . Iorst, tbe jhfjerf we express
l`hut wbhkeshae ihhd lfd gettofg hur iruot irha rekol`ke shurjes stroces l jbhrd
wotb alfy jhfsuaers lt tbe ahaeft, sh hur muojes tojc tbhse `hxes.

Lalfdl= Tbef hur alrcetofg's strlogbtihrwlrd lfd trlfsplreft, evef dhwf th usofg very
`lsoj jkelr `httkes
`httkes sh tbe muoje jlf `e seef eelsoky
lsoky hf tbe sbeki.
^eter= Lfd ot dhesf't jhae wotb tbe usulk bype lfd phkosb, sofje we dh ot lkk of-bhuse,
wotbhut eapkhyofg tbe servojes hi lf ld lgefjy th desogf l trefdy oalge.
Lalfdl= Justhaer reselrjb os dhfe of l soaoklr wly, thh. We tlce slapkes hi few
`kefds rhufd evefts koce ausoj iestovlks lfd ihhd ilors, lfd get ieed`ljc tblt wly, sh
pehpke ieek dorejtky
dorejtky jhfjerfed.
^eter= We're hitef lsced ... SpluseQ
^lrt 4.

<9. Zhfg hi tbe Zhuk >.00 <7. Few geferltohf hi suiirlgosts <.>0
<2. Ahufted `rogldes <.02 <?. ^lgelft <.:9
0>. ^hkoje esjhrts <.45 0<. Ikojcofg kot joglrettes <.59
00. ^ojcetofg lfd alrjbes 0.<7 0:. sokeft seftofek 0.:?
04. D.J jhurt hi lppelks :.>< 05. Ztlte reierefdua :.07



^lrt <. Ihr questohfs <-5, kostef th l tlkc l`hut Ghofg ]erh Wlste lfd dejode wbetber
tbese stlteaefts lre True (T), Ilkse (I) hr Fht Govef (FG)
(FG).. Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe
jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
<. Ghofg zerh wlste dhesf‟t fejesslroky aelf jhapketeky erldojltofg trlsb.
0. Wboke severlk iljthrs preveft Laerojlf jotoes irha jhfdujtofg zerh wlste ofotoltoves
eiiejtoveky, ahst Laerojlf jhrphrltohfs ljtulkky efsure <>>% hi wlste doverted lwly
irha klfdiokk.
:. Hfky Ufokever, ^rhjter & Gla`ke lfd Aojrhshit sujjessiukky lppky offhvltove
strltegoes th reduje wlste hr phwer jhfsuaptohf.
4. UY\ jlrroes hut ots zerh wlste ofotoltove `y jblfgofg tbe ihra hi altter hi trlsb wotb l
jbeaojlk jhfverter.
5. Hfe eiihrtkess wly th reduje trlsb koes of hur hwf koiestykes, fht of lfy offhvltohf hr
_hur lfswers

<. 0. :. 4. 5.

^lrt 0. Ihr questohfs 9-<>, kostef th l tlkc l`hut dopkhaltoj oaaufoty. Wblt os slod
l`hut ot8 Jbhhse IOYE ketters irha L-M. Wrote tbe jhrrejt ketter of tbe jhrresphfdofg
fua`ered `hxes prhvoded. _hur lfswers jlf `e wrottef
wrottef of lfy hrder..
L. Ahst vohkltohfs jhaaotted `y dopkhalts jlf `e hverkhhced.
@. L Geralf alf wls th `klae ihr bos deltb of tbe ljjodeft hi Mufe 0><7.
J. Bhst jhuftry os hjjlsohflkky dekeglted prhsejutohf irha tbe jhfvojt‟s bhae jhuftry.
D. Dopkhalts lre lkkhwed th jlrry hut tbeor dutoes wotb kottke reglrd ihr bhst jhuftroes‟
keglk systeas.
E. Tbe prljtoje hi dopkhaltoj oaaufoty hrogoflted irha lfjoeft Ofdolf phetry.
I. Hver <9 aokkohf dhkklrs of iofes th dopkhalts bls fht `eef settked yet.
G. Ufsettked
Ufsettked jroaoflk jlse os hfe sode eiiejt hi dopkhaltoj oaaufoty.
B. Tblfcs th dopkhaltoj oaaufoty, dopkhalts wokk fht `e su`mejt th oaproshfaeft lfd
exejutohf ihr tbe rest hi tbeor koie.
O. Tbe Ahfghk Eapore plod tbe proje ihr vohkltofg lgreeaefts fht th exejute aessefgers.
M. Tbe Yoeffl Jhfveftohf stopukltes tblt dopkhalts lre fht requored th jhapky wotb tbeor
bhst jhuftry‟s klws.


_hur lfswers
9. 7. 2. ?. <>.

^lrt :. Ihr questohfs <<-<5, kostef th lf oftervoew wotb l jhupke wbh whrc ls
pbhthgrlpbers of Lirojl lfd jbhhse tbe lfswer (L, @, J hr D) wbojb iots `est
ljjhrdofg th wblt yhu belr . Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes

<<. Wby dh @h` lfd Boklry iofd ot blrd th hrglfose tbeor pbhthgrlpboj trops8
L Jereahfoes tlce pklje lt orreguklr oftervlks.
@ Tbe ofihraltohf tbey rejeove os ufrekol`ke.
J Tbe prejose toaofg hi evefts os ufpredojtl`ke.
D Oaphrtlft aesslges aly fht reljb tbea of toae.

<0. Boklry ieeks tblt sbe lfd @h` lre ljjepted `y tbe jhaaufotoes tbey vosot `ejluse
L tbey dhf't rusb ofth tbofgs.
@ tbey alce ofikueftolk iroefds.
J tbey lvhod gettofg ofvhkved wotb tbea
D tbey lre l`ke th expklof tbeor loas th tbea

<:. Wbef kovofg wotb l grhup hi pehpke of l reahte lrel, @h` lfd Boklry
L lvhod ldhptofg khjlk eltofg bl`ots.
@ alce l phoft hi dressofg of khjlk jkhtbes.
J depefd hf tbe bhspotlkoty hi tbeor bhsts.
D tlce l suppky hi `lsoj prhvosohfs wotb tbea.
<4. Boklry expklofs tblt tbey glof ljjess th very provlte jereahfoes tblfcs th
L tbeor persosteft requests.
@ jblfgofg lttotudes of Lirojl.
J tbeor khfg-tera rekltohfsbops wotb pehpke.
D lf ljjeptlfje hi tbeor rhke of tbe jereahfoes.

<5. @h` lfd Boklry ieek tblt tbe sogfoiojlfje hi tbeor whrc os tblt
L ot wokk preveft jertlof trldotohfs irha dyofg hut.
@ ot phrtrlys trldotohflk jereahfoes of l phsotove wly.

J ot efjhurlges yhufg Lirojlfs th lpprejolte tbeor berotlge.

D ot lkkhws jhaplroshfs wotb soaoklr trldotohfs eksewbere.

_hur lfswers
<<. <0. <:. <4. <5.

^lrt 4. Ihr questohfs <9-05, kostef th l tlkc l`hut bhw ilra lfoalks lre kofced th
jkoalte jblfge lfd suppky tbe `klfcs wotb tbe aossofg ofihraltohf. Wrote FH AHPE
TBLF IHUP WHPDZ tlcef irha tbe rejhrdofg ihr eljb lfswer of tbe splje
Yebojkes lfd <9XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX irha belvy ofdustry lre ufoverslkky voewed
ls tbe twh proalry shurjes hi greefbhuse gls eaossohfs, wbojb ljjekerlte jkoalte
jblfge. Of Lustrlkol, aetblfe irha kovesthjc, rltber tblf jlrs hr
<7XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, ljjhufts ihr tbe tbord klrgest sblre hi greefbhuse glses.
Oftervoewed lt l jlttke slke of @rlodwhhd, Gehrge Zberoii slod tbe klrge lahuft hi
aetblfe eaotted `y kovesthjc tbrhugb <2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX hr `httha `ords
jhukd `e lf efhrahus `urdef hf ilraers of jlse l jlr`hf tlx os oaphsed. Tbe Pudd
Ghverfaeft, fevertbekess, bls rejeftky speft klvosbky hf l reselrjb prhmejt loaofg th
aotoglte tbe ofikuefje hi <?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Of iljt, tbe vlst almhroty hi
aetblfe os geferlted irha tbe irhft efd hi tbe 0>XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ofsteld hi
irha tbe relr efd ls wodeky perjeoved. Tbe irequefjy tblt pehpke ikltuklte aogbt ofjrelse
sbhukd tbey jhfsuae exjessove 0<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Zoaoklrky, tbe prhdujtohf
hi aetblfe of kovesthjc jlf speed up oi tbey lre put ofth l 00 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
wotb ufreguklted doet. Ofdeed, `esodes tbe sequesterofg hi glses `y dufg `eetkes, Alrtof‟s
jlttke lksh ihkkhw l seki-regukltofg doet wotb slkts, aoferlks, lfd
0:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Bos h`mejtohfs th tbe ghverfaeft‟s reselrjb prhmejt wls
sblred `y 04XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX of tbe Zeflte- @lrfl`y Mhyjer, wbh dosaossed
tbe prhgrla ls l shrt hi 05XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.



^lrt <

<. T
>=:2= Of Zwedef, kess tblf <% hi trlsb efds up of klfdiokk. Tbey‟re stokk alcofg ot
bhwever. Tbey‟re must ofjoferltofg ahst hi ot, wbojb jhaes wotb ots hwf set hi
efvorhfaeftlk dosldvlftlges.
0. I
<=0>= Of ahst jlses, ot‟s tbe jhsts lfd ofirlstrujture tblt lre bhkdofg tbese jotoes `ljc.
@hsthf wls iukk stela lbeld hf ots zerh wlste ghlk uftok ot bld th stlrt spefdofg tbree
aokkohfs dhkklrs ahre per yelr hf rejyjkofg. Lfd of Few _hrc, jhsts lre prhbo`otofg tbe
explfsohf hi tbe joty‟s Jovoj jhaphstofg ofotoltove. Jhrphrltohfs aly blve lf elsoer toae
reljbofg zerh wlste ghlk koceky `ejluse tbey blve tbe iufds lfd reshurjes lfd ^P
ofjeftove th dedojlte th offhvltofg few shkutohfs rltber tblf retrhiottofg hkd hfes...hfky l
blfdiuk hi Laerojlf jhrphrltohfs blve ljtulkky ljboeved l bufdred perjeft zerh wlste th
:. FG
<=49= Ufokever, ihr exlapke, pltefted lf eftore prhjess jlkked jrela slkt th alce sofgke-
use pklstoj pljclges rejyjkl`ke. Lt ^rhjter & Gla`ke of Ofdol, alfuiljturofg strlps lre
preil`rojlted ofth `uokdofg alterolk lfd lt Aojrhshit lf OT tela wls tlsced wotb
alflgofg phwer ahre eiiojoeftky tbrhugb prhgrlaaofg.
4. T
0=04= Of Osrlek, l stlrtup jlkked UY\ os `uokdofg l jbeaojlk jhfverter tblt turfs trlsb, fht
rejyjkl`kes `ut ljtulk trlsb ofth l phwder tblt jlf `e su`stotuted ihr petrhjbeaojlks lfd
os alcofg l pklstoj hr trlsb top.
5. I
:=09= Ot whf‟t `e elsy lfd ot aly fht `e iuf `ut tbe kess everyhfe uses, tbe kess we wokk
blve th doslppelr `ejluse hur iuture wokk `e `rogbter oi we dhf‟t blve th delk wotb
yesterdly‟s hr yesteryelrs‟ trlsb.
^lrt 0

9 ‚ <> (Of lfy hrder)= L ‚ J ‚ D ‚ I - G

L= lf hverwbekaofg almhroty hi vohkltohfs lre aofhr 0.<7


J= tbeor bhae jhuftry bls tbe hptohf hi wlovofg tbos oaaufoty lkkhwofg tbe bhst
jhuftry th prhsejute <.47
D= Dopkhaltoj oaaufoty aelfs tblt dopkhalts wbh lre represeftltoves hi stlte
ghverfaefts lre geferlkky fht `hufd th tbe klws hi bhst jhuftroes wbere tbey
peri hra tbeor
tbeo r jovok
jo vok dutoes
dut oes >.0?
> .0?
I= Of iljt ls hi 0><4 ahre tblf <9 aokkohf dhkklrs of iofes th dopkhalts realofs
ufplod 0.0?
G= uktoalteky dopkhalts ljt ls represeftltoves hi tbeor stlte wboke dopkhaltoj
oaaufoty jlf jrelte ufreshkved jroaoflk sotultohfs 0.45
^lrt :

<<. J
<0. L
<:. D
<4. J
<5. @
^resefter= Ay quests thdly lre @h` lfd Boklry @rlffhf. eaofeft pbhthgrlpbers wbh've
whrced Of Lirojl, rejhrdofg doslppelrofg trldotohfs lfd koiestykes, ihr hver twefty yelrs
Tbeor kltest jhkkejtohf hi pbhthgrlpbs pu`kosbed tbos weec, represefts lf oaphrtlft rejhrd
hi trldotohflk Lirojlf jereahfoes. @h`, l kht hi tbe jereahfoes yhu've pbhthgrlpbed tlce
pklje lffulkky, tbey're of very reahte lrels3 bhw dod yhu lrrlfge lkwlys th `e of tbe
rogbt pklje lt tbe rogbt toae8
@h`= Ot's extreaeky jblkkefgofg `ejluse lktbhugb tbese evefts tlce pklje hf l reguklr
`lsos, wbetber ot‟s lffulkky3 every tef yelrs hr wbltever, tbey're fht relkky sjbeduked of
tbe westerf sefse. Tbey blppef wbef tbe toae os rogbt, wbef tbe pehpke ieek reldy,
wbef vlrohus iljthrs jhae thgetber. Zh hitef, ot's l altter hi ceepofg yhur elrs th tbe
grhufd. We've `uokt up l fetwhrc hi jhftljts hver tbe yelrs lfd aesslges geferlkky
alflge th reljb us hfe wly hr lfhtber. Hjjlsohflkky, ls wotb tbe Aedl iestovlk, bekd
hfje every twekve yelrs, we ght tbere sox weecs elrky must of jlse lfd, hi jhurse, we
wloted very pltoeftky lfd iokked tbe toae very jreltoveky. Ot wls `etter tblf fht alcofg ot
of toae!
^resefter. @ut Boklry, bhw dh yhu lpprhljb l jhaaufoty ls jhapkete hutsoders th get
peraossohf th pbhthgrlpb tbese jereahfoes8


Boklry= Ot‟s true tblt ot‟s hdd ihr tbea blvofg hutsoders jhaofg of lfd tbey hitef lsc us
wbere hur ilaokoes lre, yhu cfhw, wbh's khhcofg liter hur jbokdref. Th expklof tblt we
lre dhofg l prhmejt, tblt tbos whrc os hur koie - very lkoef jhfjepts usulkky - tlces pltoefje,
lfd hitef we're fever iukky ufdersthhd @ut tbe lpprhljb tblt @h` lfd O tlce os th ldhpt
tbe plje hi Lirojl. Zh ofsteld hi efterofg l jhaaufoty lfd tryofg th tlce
pbhthgrlpbs strlogbt
pehpke lfd hfky lwly,
grldulkky dh we ofvest
we stlrt toae ofwotb
whrcofg alcofg
tbea.iroefdsbops wotb hrdoflry

^resefter= @ut wblt l`hut tbofgs koce klfgulge, ihhd lfd jkhtbofg8
@h`= Of severlk jlses, wbere we've speft ahftbs wotb pehpke, we've ljtulkky troed th
kelrf tbeor klfgulge, wbojb alces l buge doiierefje of jreltofg trust. @ut tblt's fht
lkwlys phsso`ke lfd we depefd hf trlfsklthrs. We hitef trlvek th reahte lrels wotb
fhtbofg `ut wblt jlf `e jlrroed hf aukes, lfd sh we tefd th blve very soapke jkhtbofg.
Hjjlsohflkky tbe khjlk pehpke sly th us, yhu cfhw, '^kelse dress koce us oi yhu kove wotb us
lfd lttefd hur jereahfoes, we wlft yhu th khhc whfderiuk,' wbojb os khveky. Lfd hi
jhurse, we jlrry rudoaeftlry suppkoes `ejluse we dhf't expejt th `e ied `y hur bhsts,

lktbhugb we fever reiuse bhspotlkoty wbere ot‟s hiiered.

^resefter= Fhw, O cfhw yhu've pbhthgrlpbed l fua`er hi jereahfoes th wbojb hutsoders
whukdf't fhralkky `e ldaotted. Bhw dod yhu persulde pehpke th ket yhu of8
Boklry= wekk, hver twefty yelrs, we've `eef vosotofg jertlof grhups hi pehpke very
reguklrky lfd eveftulkky we iekt l`ke th lsc oi we jhukd lttefd l jkhsed jereahfy. Zhae
reiused, htbers slod, '_es, we'kk bhfhur tblt iroefdsbop lfd request.' Koce everytbofg of
Lirojl, tbese tbofgs tlce pltoefje lfd deteraofltohf th ljboeve. We've `ejhae sh very
jkhse th shae grhups tblt we're relkky lkahst ofvoso`ke of tbe jereahfoes tbeasekves,
lfd we dh try th `e ufh`trusove, hi jhurse Lirojl os jblfgofg, but O dhf't ieek tblt's wby
we've `eef lkkhwed th see jertlof tbofgs. Lfd lktbhugb we lre grelt sphcespehpke ihr
Lirojl of tbe hutsode whrkd, O dhf't tbofc tblt's bhw we're perjeoved `y hur iroefds tbere
^resefter= Dh yhu ever whrry tblt, wbokst yhu gh ofth tbos, O cfhw, wotb tbe very `est hi
ofteftohfs, tblt yhu're ljtulkky alcofg tbe pehpke ofth jurohsotoes, lkahst ofth auseua
@h`= We dhf't see hur whrc of tblt kogbt. We dhf't gh of tbofcofg 'Fhw, wblt wokk tbey
alce hi tbos `ljc bhae8' hr 'Bhw dhes tbos toe of wotb wblt‟s `eef seef eksewbere8 Hur
prhmejt os lkk l`hut expklofofg, of l very syapltbetoj lfd jhaprebefsove wly,
extreaeky oaphrtlft trldotohfs tblt blve relk aelfofg ihr tbe pehpke ofvhkved . Lfd
`ejluse we cfhw tblt 0>% hi wblt's of hur `hhc fh khfger exosts, we're lksh lwlre tblt,
lt tbe slae toae, we're alcofg l rejhrd ihr iuture geferltohfs hi yhufg Lirojlfs
Lktbhugb O sbhukd stress tblt we've fh wosb th ofikuefje tbeor voew hi tbese evefts. @ut

tbe iljt realofs tblt tbe twefty-iorst jeftury os efjrhljbofg wotb sujb speed lfd
lggressovefess tblt alfy pehpke ieek tbese trldotohfs aly fht exost of lfhtber ioity yelrs,
sh ot's oaphrtlft tblt tbey dhf't gh ufrejhrded.
^resefter= Wekk, ket's bhpe tblt‟s fht tbe jlse @h` lfd Boklry, tblfc yhu.

^lrt 4.
<9. Zahc
khwofg sahc
sahcee stljcs >.<>
<7. Jhlk
-ioredd phwer stltoh
fs >.:4
<2. @ekjbo
fg >.5<
<?. Iklt
ukeft ilra
ilra lfoal
ks <.00
0>. Doge
stove trljt
trljt 0.
0<. @lce
@lcedd `elfs lfd
lfd `eer 0.04
00. Ieedkh
Ieedkhtt 0.09
0:. Wltt
ke `lrc
`lrc :.>4
04. Alve
rojc fltohflks
fltohflks kelder
kelder :.:0
05. Alfo
lj st
uii :.59



Ihr questohfs <-5, kostef th l tlkc l`hut `khjcjblof tejbfhkhgy lfd dejode wbetber
tbese stlteaefts lre True (T), Ilkse (I), hr Fht Govef (FG). Wrote yhur lfswers of tbe
jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
<. Dejeftrlkozltohf os ofbereft th l `khjcjblof systea tblt bls bogber sejuroty tblf l
trldotohflk `lfc.
0. @khjcjblof ieltures oaautl`okoty wbojb efsures tbe sliety hi tbe trlfsljtohf dltl.
:. Ofsteld hi rekyofg hf tbe tbord plrty, tbe vlkodltohf hi `otjhof trlfsljtohfs os jhfiofed
th plrtojoplfts irha jertlof pkljes.
4. Hfky `y ldhptofg `khjcjblof tejbfhkhgy jlf `lfcs lfd jhaplfoes ceep up wotb tbe
grhwtb rlte hi ioftejb stlrtups.
5. @khjcjblof tejbfhkhgy wokk preveft tbe ghverfaeft irha l`usofg tbeor phwer th
dosldvlftlge tbeor jotozefs.
_hur lfswers
<. 0. :. 4. 5.

^lrt 0. Ihr questohfs 9-<>, kostef th l tlkc l`hut iove trefds of tbe iuture hi E-
jhaaerje of 0>0<. Wblt dhes tbe spelcer sly l`hut eljb hi tbe ossues8 Jbhhse iove
lfswers irha tbe `hx lfd wrote tbe jhrrejt ketter, L-M, of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered
`hxes prhvoded.
L. Tbe lpprhljb bekps th reshkve l thugb prh`kea reklted th tbe prhjess hi tlcofg hrders
lfd sefdofg prhdujts th justhaers.
@. Jhaplfoes ofvest of tbe bualf thujb ls l fhvek wly th efblfje tbeor `rlfd oalge.
J. Tbos shkutohf os jrelted of resphfse th l jblfge of we` trljcofg lfd tlrgetofg aetbhd.
D. UR `lsekofe os fht requored wbef ahre jhfsuaers lre sboitofg th sbhppofg hfkofe.
E. L sujjessiuk `rlfd os hfe tblt lppelrs hf tbe justhaers‟ selrjb, fht tbe hfe tblt phps
up liter lf uf`rlfded selrjb.
I. Lugaefted relkoty bekps users oalgofe bhw prhdujts khhc koce hf tbeor `hdoes `eihre
dejodofg wbetber th `uy hr fht.
G. Justhaer reteftohf ofvhkves repelted jhaaufojltohf tbrhugb geferlk ldvertoseaefts
hf shjolk aedol.
B. L prhdujt-`lsed strltegy alces sure tblt justhaers wokk `e sltosioed wotb tbe prhdujts
tbey‟ve `hugbt lfd wokk jhae `ljc.
O. Of tbe E-jhaaerje whrkd, tbe woffers lre tbe hfes wbh jlf prhvode l soapke lfd dltl-


drovef hperltofg ahdek.

M. Tbos os l jreltove thhk ihr l `usofess th delk wotb returfed prhdujts tblt jlf jluse grlve
Iove trefds

0. Tbe
Tbe hafojblffek
hi LP
:. Zthres `ejhaofg iukiokkaeft jefters
4. L few wly ihr `rlfd `uokdofg
5. @rlfd khylkty efblfjeaeft
_hur lfswers
9. 7. 2. ?. <>.

^lrt :. Ihr questohfs <<-<5, kostef th plrt hi l dosjussohf of wbojb l devekhper, Ilye
Alffol, lfd lf efvorhfaeftlkost, ^eter Greef, tlkc l`hu
l`hutt l few ghverfaeft-ruf trolk
lfd jbhhse tbe lfswer (L, @, J hr D) wbojb iots
i ots `est ljjhrdofg th wblt yhu belr . Wrote
yhur lfswers of tbe jhrresphfdofg fua`ered `hxes prhvoded.
<< Lt tbe `egoffofg hi tbe dosjussohf, ot jlf `e ofierred tblt Ilye `ekoeves tbe kostefers
L lre jhfiodeft tbeor ghverfaeft lkwlys ljts woseky.
@ lre ufilaokolr wotb jurreft prhperty vlkues.
J aly `e `olsed lglofst ber phoft hi voew.
D blve fh cfhwkedge hi tbe trolks wbltshever.

<0 ^eter slys tblt tbe few ghverfaeft pklf

L wokkfht
@ bls keld`eef
th lsupphrted
redujtohf `y
of tbe doversoty
l sofgke hi wokdkoie.
J sbhukd `e deklyed `y lt kelst tef yelrs.
D aly jluse prhperty projes th rose thh quojcky.

<: Ilye aeftohfs tbe orhf hre aofe of @rlzok

L th phoft hut tblt devekhpaeft os hjjurrofg hf l gkh`lk sjlke.
@ th sbhw tbe oaphrtlfje hi ofjrelsofg eapkhyaeft hpphrtufotoes.
J th bogbkogbt tbe dlfgers hi lkkhwofg phverty th spreld.
D th okkustrlte tbe feed th resphfd th jblfgofg prohrotoes.

<4 ^eter ielrs tblt tbhse ofvhkved of tbe few pklf


L wokk `relc tbe klw lfd gh ufpufosbed.

@ jlffht `e trusted th ply ihr tbe bl`otlts tbey destrhy.
J wokk use ot th tbeor ldvlftlge.
D lre ufkoceky th alce lfy jhaprhaoses durofg feghtoltohfs.

<5 Ilye ljjuses efvorhfaeftlkosts hi

L usofg tbe aedol th lttljc devekhpers.
@ blvofg l kljc hi ihresogbt.
J fht lpprejoltofg bosthroj `uokdofgs.
D ogfhrofg tbe wosbes hi tbe geferlk pu`koj
_hur lfswers
<<. <0. <:. <4. <5.

^lrt 4. Ihr questohfs <9-05, kostef th l tlkc l`hut jkoalte jblfge ldlptltohf lfd
suppky tbe `klfcs wotb tbe aossofg ofihraltohf. Wrote FH AHPE TBLF TBPEE
WHPDZ tlcef irha tbe rejhrdofg ihr eljb lfswer of tbe splje
s plje prhvoded.
Tbe Ofterfltohflk Ahfetlry Iufd (OAI) os hiteftoaes aosperjeoved ls tbe whrkd‟s iosjlk
sphfshr, tbe hafosjoeft lfd prljtojlkky oaaelsurl`ke <9XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ihr
lfy suiierofg fltohfs. Ofdeed, tbe drove `ebofd tbos hrglfozltohf‟s lssostlfje os kocefed th
l <7XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX‟s, wbojb os fhtbofg `ut pressurozofg tbe blrd-bot
jhuftroes th iukiokk ots requoreaefts. Zujb l plrldhx jlf `e seef of tbe jlse hi Alklwo of
<??>s-0>>>s. @esodes tbe BOY/LODZ epodeaoj tblt wls doaofosbofg hverlkk koie
expejtlfjy lfd <2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, tbe Zhutb Elst Lsolf jhuftry wls lksh
blrsbky deterohrlted `y l ihhd sbhrtlge due th extreae weltber. Ufder tbe OAI‟s phkojy

jhfdotohfs th tbe elrky <??>s <?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,

0>XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Alklwo bldotsth lgrojukturlk
th provlte jhaplfoes wboke l`lfdhfofg sekk hii ots
su`sody prhgrla. Tbe OAI‟s suspefsohf hi ejhfhaoj lod ls l pufosbaeft lglofst tbe
Alklwo ghverfaeft ihr vohkltofg sujb jhaaotaefts wls belvoky jrotojozed, wotb Ljtohf
Lod‟s 0<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX hi tbe ihhd jrosos `eofg tbe ljjusltohf. Of iljt, tbe
eaergefjy sotultohfs were jhapketeky hverkhhced `y tbe hrglfozltohf‟s rogod lpprhljb th
00XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Ot os `y fhw jrystlk jkelr tblt OAI‟s lssostlfje wls
oftrofsojlkky l khlf lt lf 0:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, lf exjblfge ihr flturlk reshurjes
lfd l vojohus jorjke hi jhrruptohf lfd ofikltohf. Tbereihre, l blfdiuk hi fltohfs lre
04XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX tbos ioflfjolk trlp. Iree alrcet profjopkes jlf `e l jure ihr
everytbofg oi hfky 05XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX tbe urgefjy th jlre ihr tbe `est ofterests
hi jotozefs.


^lrt <

<. T
>=:2= Ufkoce trldotohflk dltl`lses, wbojb lre hwfed `y jeftrlk iogures koce `lfcs lfd
ghverfaefts, l `khjcjblof dhesf‟t `ekhfg th lfyhfe. Lfd wotb eftore fetwhrc khhcofg
liter ot, jbeltofg tbe systea `y ilcofg dhjuaefts, trlfsljtohfs lfd htber ofihraltohf
`ejhae felr oaphsso`ke.
0. T
<=:9= Ot‟s koce l golft Ghhgke dhj wotb hfe cey doiierefje. _hu jlf voew ot lfd ldd th ot
`ut yhu jlf‟t jblfge tbe ofihraltohf tblt‟s lkreldy tbere.
:. I
0=<?= Ofsteld, pehpke lkk hver tbe whrkd ahve tbe dogotlk ahfey `y vlkodltofg htber
pehpke‟s `otjhof trlfsljtohfs, elrfofg l salkk iee of tbe prhjess.
4. FG
:=00= @khjcjblof khwers tbe `lrroer ihr eftry ofth tbe `lfcofg ofdustry, lfd tblt aelfs
ioftejb stlrtups lre phppofg up of pretty aujb every alrcet tbey hperlte of. Oi `lfcs lfd
jhaplfoes jlf‟t ceep up, tbey‟re puttofg tbeor hwf survovlk lt rosc.
5. FG
4=>0= Hr perblps be dhes blve l dogotlk jhpy hf l ghverfaeft dltl`lse `ut ot os erlsed,
lktered, hr evef destrhyed of l phkotojlk jhup.
^lrt 0

9. O
>=4:= Th sujjeed, `rlfds aust tlce lf hafojblffek lpprhljb usofg prhdujt lfd
justhaer dltl th oaprhve tbe user experoefje.
>=50= Tbe `rlfds wbh dh l `etter mh` hi alcofg ot elsy ihr pehpke th `uy tbeor iorst
prhd ujt wokk prh`l`k
prh `l`kyy `e tbe hfes tblt wof hut hver tbe hfes tblt blve very oftr
`elut oiuk sth
res `ut fh hfe cfhws
c fhws bhw th sbhp
s bhp hf ttbea.
7. I
<=:5= LP os l grelt thhk th bekp justhaers try tbeor prhdujts hf lt bhae, hr lt kelst
aoaoj tryofg tbea hf.


2. L
<=54= 94% hi jhfsuaers wlft tbeor hrders sbopped ihr iree wboke 75% sly tbey whukd
ply ahre ihr efvo
ky iroef
i roefdky
dky prh
* Iukiokaeft 1 tbe prhjess hi tlcofg lf hrder lfd sefdofg l prhdujt th l justhaer=
?. @
0=5>= @usofesses lre ofmejtofg koie ofth tbeor alrcetpklje prhdujt plges lfd `uokdofg
rekltohfsbops ljrhss htber jblffeks tbrhugb justhaer servoje, pershflkozltohf, lfd
<>. J
:=<5= Ls `rlfds preplre ihr l whrkd wotbhut tbord-plrty jhhcoes, tbe jhst th ljquore
few justhaers wokk surge. Ls justhaer ljquosotohf ghes up, hur aerjblfts lre ghofg
th `e very ihjused hf justhaer khylkty.
^lrt :

<< J
<0 L
<: D
<4 J
<5 @
Oftervoewer= Ls tbe gkh`lk phpukltohf grhws, l grelter strlof os `eofg put hf tbe pklfet th
prhvode ihr bualfcofd. Yery hitef, tbe struggke th oaprhve stlfdlrds hi kovofg resukts of
blvofg th dejode wbetber th expkhot lf lrel hi flturlk `eluty ihr ots reshurjes hr kelve
flture lkhfe. Bere th dosjuss tbe ossue hi ahfey versus tbe efvorhfaeft lre devekhper,
Ilye Alffol, lfd efvorhfaeftlkost, ^eter Greef. Ilye, jhukd yhu tekk us bhw yhu jlf put
l proje hf tbe efvorhfaeft8
Ilye= Iorst hi lkk, O'd koce th estl`kosb l kevek pklyofg ioekd ihr tbos dosjussohf `y
dospekkofg tbe fhtohf tblt devekhpers lre tbe rutbkess, ofsefsotove ofdovodulks
phrtrlyed of tbe aedol. O tbofc tblt tbe fewky-lffhufjed ghverfaeft pklfs th put l
proje hf wokdkoie jkelrky sbhws tblt devekhpers lre fhw jhfsodered resphfso`ke lfd tbe
odel tblt devekhpers must wlft th use flture ihr tbeor hwf efds os deiofoteky l tbofg hi tbe
plst. Tbe ofotolk trolk wokk ofvhkve sox khjlk lutbhrotoes puttofg l proje hi, sly, ihrty
jhfservltohf jredots hf every tef bhaes devekhped. Eljb jredot jhukd `e whrtb £0,5>>,
alcofg l thtlk hi £<>>,>>> th l `rhcer wbh jhaaossohfs lfhtber klfdhwfer th jhfvert

ioekds hr sjru`klfd ofth aeldhws hr whhdklfds th hiiset tbe devekhped klfd. Tbe
realofofg ahfey os tbef plod th tbos klfdhwfer th aloftlof wokdkoie ihr twh th tbree
^eter= O'a lirlod O'a l kht kess eftbusolstoj l`hut tbe ghverfaeft pklf tblf yhu lre. Tbe
pklf bls `eef drlwf up wotbhut suiiojoeft reselrjb ofth tbe type hi lrtoiojolk
efvorhfaeft tblt whukd su`stotute ihr tbe sote thrf up `y devekhpers . Bhw, ihr
exlapke, jlf yhu tbofc ot's ljjeptl`ke th telr dhwf exostofg whhdklfd8 Hfe whukd blve
th wlot lt kelst l dejlde ihr few whhds th grhw th `e jhfsodered l repkljeaeft. Of iljt,
ot os bogbky ufkoceky tblt lfy lrtoiojolk efvorhfaeft wokk `e l`ke th supphrt ls alfy
doiiereft spejoes ls hfe tblt bls devekhped flturlkky . O relkky ieek tblt tbe wbhke odel
hi jreltofg l few jurrefjy of tbe ihra hi tbe 'jhfservltohf jredot' os soapky l wly ihr
devekhpers th evlde pklffofg rukes lfd th glof ljjess th proae greefioekd sotes sh tblt
tbey jlf alce buge prhiots.
Ilye= O tbofc yhu're aossofg tbe phoft hi tbe prhphslk trolks. We sbhukdf't feed th jbhhse
`etweef eotber oaprhvofg tbe efvorhfaeft
efvorhfaeft hr grhwofg tbe ejhfhay. We sbhukd loa loa th dh
`htb lfd tbese
sltosiyofg tbe trolks
wlftssbhukd keld th wlys
hi devekhpers ls hi
yhuljboevofg tbos. Lfd —
blve suggested
ot os fht soapky l jlse hi
ot os ahre l jlse hi
aeetofg feeds. Tbere os l plrlkkek of @rlzok, wbere felr tbe thwf hi Jlrmlss of tbe aoddke
hi tbe Lalzhf mufgke koes l vlst orhf hre aofe. Irha tbe prhiots rlosed, tbe qulkoty hi koie
ihr tbe resodefts hi Poh's ilvekkls hr skua lrels bls `eef oaprhved. Twefty yelrs lgh,
tbese skuas were fegkejted `ejluse tbey weref't jhfsodered oaphrtlft. Fhw, perblps
`ejluse hi gkh`lk ltteftohf `eofg drlwf th Poh de Mlfeorh tbrhugb sphrtofg evefts,
oaprhvofg tbe reputltohf hi tbe joty os thp hi tbe lgefdl. Ot's l jlse hi ahvofg wotb tbe
^eter= @ut tbos jhaes lt l jhst. Hfje l spejoioj efvorhfaeft bls `eef devekhped, tbere os
fh ghofg `ljc. Zpejoes doslppelr. Efgklfd os khsofg ots wokdkoie lt lf lklraofg rlte. Every
tlxl hi `ords, `utterikoes lfd `ees bls dejkofed `y lrhufd 4>% lfd tbe jhuftry bls khst
5>> spejoes of tbe klst 0>> yelrs. Wotb tbese trolks, khsses whukd ljjekerlte su`stlftolkky.
O'a lirlod tblt tbos systea hi usofg 'jhfservltohf jredots' th destrhy ofvlkul`ke
bl`otlts os must l wly hi turfofg wokdkoie ofth l trldl`ke jhaahdoty wotb jhapkex
alrcets tblt jhukd `e expkhoted `y devekhpers lfd `lfcers lkoce . Ot whukd ofevotl`ky
keld th l kljc hi trlfsplrefjy, lfd oapkeaeftofg tbe trolks whukd alrc tbe stlrt hi l
skoppery skhpe ofth tbe feghtoltohf hi fuaerhus aurcy delks.
Ilye= O jlf lssure yhu tblt everytbofg wokk `e l`hve `hlrd. Detloks wokk `e alde lvlokl`ke
th tbe pu`koj ls tbey blve `eef of tbe rejeft wekk-pu`kojosed delk, of wbojb devekhpers
wokk prhvode tbe £5 aokkohf sh desperlteky feeded th gove l ihrtress used of tbe
Flphkehfoj Wlrs l alcehver of returf ihr peraots th `uokd l iove-stlr bhtek lfd 5>>

bhuses. Tbe ihrtress os plrt hi hur fltohflk berotlge, wbojb we devekhpers wokk bekp retlof
ihr iuture geferltohfs. We're ldhptofg l khfg-tera voew, wbojb efvorhfaeftlkosts
seea ofjlpl`ke hi dhofg. Tlce wblt we dod of tbe <?2>s, wbef we trlfsphrted tbe elrtb
dug irha tbe Jblffek tuffek th lf lrel felr tbe Wbote Jkoiis hi Dhver. Efvorhfaeftlkosts
jrotojosed tbe odel lt tbe toae of exljtky tbe slae wly ls tbey lre lttljcofg tbese trolks.
Fhw, tbree
<>>,>>> dejldes
vosothrs everyklter,
yelr.tbe lrel cfhwf ls Zlppbore Bhe flture reserve lttrljts hver
^lrt 4.

<9. ^ot hhii ahfe

ahfeyy >.>?
<7. Zuglr dlddy >.::
<2. Dejo
altofgg tbe whrcihrje
whrcihrje <.<4
<?. @lok
hut khlfs
khlfs <.49
0>. Grlo
Grloff reserves
reserves <.57
0<. Of-de
ptb lu
thpsy 0.59
00. Ejhf
haoj slkvlto
hf :.0>
0:. Exth
lte rlte
rlte 4.>:
04. Peek
ofg iirha
rha 4.07
05. Ufsbl
jcked `y 4.


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