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ĐỀ 2

1. Semantically, “Your head is full of black ideas” is a_____

a. metaphor b. euphemism c. anomaly d. personification
2. The relationship between 'too & two' is ___
a. homography b. homonymy c. polysemy d. homophony
3. The relationship between “I ran to school yesterday” and “I went to school
yesterday” is a ____
a. paraphrase b. contradiction c. entailment d. synonymy
4. The relationship between "David did not steal a pound of beef."
"David did not take a pound of beef." is
a. A entails B b. B entails A c. A & B are paraphrases d. No relation
5. Which of the following semantic features does not belong to "hen"?
a. [+domestic] b. [+animal] c. [+hairy] d. [+having a tail]
6. The relationship between "toilet" and "room" is____
a. synonymy b. hyponymy c. polysemy d. homography
7. The underlined part in "Yesterday I bought a car in a showroom on Nguyen Trai
Street" has____
a. constant reference b. referring expressions
c. same reference d. variable reference
8. The figure of speech used in "The marble speaks" is____
a. personification b. metonymy c. synecdoche d. a & b
9. The type of ambiguity in "Paula is a girl hunter" is.____
a. functional b. grouping c. lexical d. syntactic
10. Semantically, the sentence "John Kit is a super spider" is___
a. anomalous b. metaphoric c. hyperbolic d. synthetic
11. The type of ambiguity in "I know clever people like you" is____
a. lexical b. grouping c. functional d. b&c
12. Semantically, the sentence "He found a book on HCM President" is
a. anomalous b. ambiguous c. analytic d. synthetic
13. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. The meaning of a sentence is context-free.
b. The pragmatic meaning is the linguistic meaning.
c. The meaning of an utterance is context-bound.
d. The semantic meaning is out of context.
14. _____ is the set of all objects which can potentially be referred to by an
a. Reference b. Sense c. Referent d. Referring expression
15. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. A lexical field is the organization of semantically related words into a system.
b. A semantic field is a family of words that share the same semantic feature.
c. There are different ways to organize semantically related words into lexical field.
d. A lexical field is a group of words sharing the same part of speech.
16. Which of the following statements is TRUE about sentence?
a. A sentence is a group of words containing a subject and a verb.
b. A sentence is a group of words consisting of one clause.
c. A sentence is a group of words grammatically linked to convey a complete meaning.
d. A sentence is a group of words containing a finite verb.
17. The best hypernym for the lexical field "apples, oranges, grapes, bananas,
mangoes" is_____
a. food b. fruits c. vegetables d. greens
18. Such pairs as “good/bad; hot/cold; fast/slow; expensive/cheap; etc” are
examples of ____ antonyms.
a. gradable b. complementary c. multiple incompatibility d. relation
19. Which of the following statements is TRUE about utterance?
a. The meaning of an utterance is the sum of meanings of the constituent words.
b. An utterance is context-free.
c. The meaning of an utterance depends on the situation in which it is uttered.
d. An utterance is always a grammatical sentence said out of the context.
20. Such pairs “parents/offspring; below/above; grandparent/grandchild;
husband/wife; etc” are examples of ____ antonyms.
a. relation b. non-gradable c. gradable d. multiple incompatibility
21. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. It makes sense to talk of the time and place of an utterance.
b. It makes sense to talk of the time and place of a sentence.
c. It doesn't make sense to talk of a loud sentence.
d. It makes sense to talk of a true sentence or utterance.
22. Such pairs of “false/true; pass/fail; legal/illegal; asleep/awake, etc” are
examples of _____ antonyms.
a. multiple incompatibility b. gradable c. relation d.
23. The figure of speech used in "A disease has cut his breath" is
a. euphemism b. simile c. synecdoche d. metaphor
24. Figuratively, the sentence "He is so hardheaded that he won't listen to anyone"
may mean _____
a. he is very intelligent b. he is very courageous
c. he is very obstinate d. he has a very hard head
25. Figuratively, the sentence "It is amazing what a great mind he is" may mean
a. he is open-minded b. I'm amazed by his intellectual power
c. he has a very big head d. he is not intelligent at all
26. A word having different but related meanings is____
a. homophone b. antonym c. homonym d. polysemy

27. The following pair: They loaded hay onto the truck
They loaded the truck with hay” consists of
a. 2 sentences; 2 propositions c. 2 utterances; I proposition
b. 2 utterances; 2 propositions d. 2 sentences; I proposition
28. Which of the followings is NOT a term used to describe connotative meaning?
a. descriptive meaning c. affective meaning
b. social meaning d. additional meaning
29. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. The denotative meaning of a word is the central meaning of that word found in a
b. The denotative meaning of a word is the meaning that the speaker wants to convey.
c. The denotative meaning of a word can be described in terms of a set of semantic
d. The denotative meaning of a word describes an object, an event, a state or an affair.
30. The type of ambiguity in "Are the chickens ready to eat" is ____
a. lexical b. grouping c. functional d. a & b
31. Which of the followings may be one meaning of "The doctor made them well"?
a. The doctor made the patients healthy b. The doctor is very talented
c. The doctor made a well for them d. The doctor is very good
32. The type of ambiguity in "He gave her dog meat" is
a. grouping b. functional c. lexical d. a & b
33. Two words having the same or almost the same denotative meanings are ____
a. synonyms b. antonyms c. hyponyms d. homophones
34. Which of the followings may be one meaning of "He passed the hammer and
saw through the window"?
a. He went past the window
b. He passed the hammer and the saw through the window
c. He climbed through the window
d. He saw a hammer through the window
35. Two words having opposite meanings are _____
a. synonyms b. hyponyms c. antonyms d. homonyms
36. A sentence that is always true is ____
a. anomalous b. ambiguous c. synthetic d. analytic
37. A sentence that is a violation of semantic rules to create nonsense is
a. analytic b. ambiguous c. synthetic d. anomalous
38. The relationship between the sentences “It is hard to lasso elephants”
“Elephants are hard to lasso” is
a. contradiction b. entailment c. paraphrase d. no relation
39. _____ meaning is context-free whereas _____ meaning is context- bound.
a. Semantic/literal b. Pragmatic/linguistic
c. Semantic/pragmatic d. Figurative/literal
40. Semantically, the sentence "My brother is a spinster" is _____
a. analytic b. synthetic c. contradictory d. ambiguous
ĐỀ 4
1. Semantically, the sentence “The mouse is the smallest animal” is ______
a. nomalous b. synthetic c. analytic d. ambiguous
2. Semantically, the sentence "My sick cat is well” is a/an ______
a. nomalous b. synthetic c. metaphor d. synthetic
3. The figure of speech used in “Like a lightening, he disappeared into the forest” is
a. simile b. hyperbole c. metaphor d. irony
4. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT about linguistics?
a. Linguistics is the study of language.
b. Linguistics studies the features of the language like sounds, meaning,…
c. Linguistics is the study of all dialects.
d. Linguistics focuses on every aspect of the language.
5. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. Pragmatics studies the relationship between language and the user.
b. Pragmatics studies the speakers’ meaning.
c. Pragmatics studies how and what for the speaker uses the language.
d. Pragmatics studies the relationship between language and objects
6. The following pair: “Paul opened the door”
“The door was opened by Paul” consists of:
a. 2 utterances; 1 proposition
b. 2 sentences; 1 proposition
c. 2 utterances; 2 propositions
d. 2 sentences; 2 propositions
7. The relationship between “you” and “ewe” is
a. polysemy b. hyponymy c. homophony d. homography
8. Semantically, “Your head is full of black ideas” is
a. anomaly b. irony c. euphemism d. metaphor
9. Which of the following semantic features does NOT belong to “kitty”?
a. [+young] b. [+cat] c. [+male] d. [+domestic]
10. Consider the following short conversation:
Tom: “Let’s try the new Chinese restaurant round the corner?”
Mary: “I’m a vegetarian”
Semantically, what does Mary mean in the above conservation?
a. I’m afraid that I have to refuse your invitation.
b. I’m trying to lose weight, so I can’t eat nutrious food.
c. I don’t like Chinese food.
d. The food in that restaurant is very expensive.
11. The relationship between “I walked to the party yesterday” & “I went t the
party on foot yesterday” is _____
a. paraphrase b. entailment c. contradiction d. analytic
12. The best hypernym for the lexical field “apples, oranges, grapes, bananas,
mangoes, durians, and jackfruits” is____
a. vegetables b. food c. fruits d. greens
13. The type of reference in which the same expression is used to refer to different
objects is____
a. variable reference c. constant reference
b. same reference d. no reference
14. ______ is the relationship between a particular object in the world and an
expression used in an utterance to pick that object out.
a. sense b. referring expression c. referent d. reference
15. The type of ambiguity in “An American history teacher is very approachable”
a. grouping b. function c. lexical d. a & c
16. The figure of speech used in "The river ate the bank away' is_____
a. metonymy b. euphemism c. synecdoche d. personification
17. Which of the followings is TRUE?
a. Reference is the set of all objects which can potentially be referred to by an
b. If two expressions have the same referent, they always have the same sense.
c. Sense is the relationship between expressions and other expressions which have the
same meaning.
d. All words in a language can be used to refer, but only some words have sense.
18. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. The connotative meaning of a word shows people's emotions and attitudes.
b. The connotative meaning of a word is the meaning that the speaker wants to convey.
c. The connotative meaning of a word is the implied meaning that word has beyond its
literal meaning.
d. The connotative meaning of a word can be described in terms of a set of semantic
19. Which of the followings may be one meaning of 'They are moving sidewalks'?
a. These sidewalks are moveable. c. The sidewalks are good.
b. They are walking on the sidewalks d. The streets are under repair
20. The relationship between 'own' & 'belong to' is _____ antonymy.
a. gradable b. complementary c. relation d. multiple incompatibility
21. Two words having the same or almost the same denotative meaning are _____
a. synonyms b. antonyms c. homophones d. polysemous
22. A sentence that is a violation of semantic rules to create nonsense is ____
a. ambiguous b. analytic c. anomalous d. synthetic
23. The figure of speech used in “When you take that course, plan to study 30
hours a day” is____
a. euphemism b. hyperbole c. synecdoche d.metaphor
24. Homography refers to words with the same ____ while homophony refers to
words with the same____
a. pronunciation/spelling c. reference/sense
b. sense/reference d. spelling/pronunciation
25. _____ meaning is context-free while _____ meaning is context – dependent.
a. Semantic/pragmatic c. Figurative/literal
b. Pragmatic/semantic d. Literal/figurative
26. "Ears" in "Walls have cars" has ____
a. denotative meaning c. literal meaning
b. connotative meaning d. linguistic meaning
27. Such pairs as “pass/fail; male/female; close/open...” are examples of ____
a. binary b. complementary c. non-gradable d. all of them
28. _____ is a relation in which a single word has two or more slightly different but
closely related meanings.
a. Homonymy b. Polysemy c. Synonymy d. Antonymy
29. A(n) ____ sentence is a sentence that is necessary true, as a result of the senses
of the words in it.
a. contradictory b. synthetic c. analytic d. anomalous
30. ____ is the set of all objects which can potentially be referred to by an
a. referent b. reference c. sense d. referring expression
31. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. A lexical field is the organization of semantically related words into a system.
b. A semantic field is a family of words that share the same semantic features.
c. There are different ways to organize semantically related words into lexical field.
d. A lexical field is a group of words sharing the same part of speech.
32. Which of the followings is NOT TRUE?
a. Semantic features are the smallest units of meaning in a word.
b. The semantic meaning of a word can be analyzed into semantic components.
c. The same semantic property can be found in the meaning of different words.
d. The pragmatic meaning can be defined by the sum of semantic features.
33. The type of ambiguity in “It takes a good ruler to make a straight line” is ____
a. grouping b. lexical c. function d. c&b
34. A is a group of words grammatically linked to convey a complete meaning.
a. proposition b. sentence c. sense d. utterance
35. The relationship between 'apple' and 'fruit' is
a. hyponymy b. antonymy c. polysemy d. synonymy
36. The relationship between the sentences in the following pairs is____
A. Mary is the only child.
B. Peter's Mary's brother.
a. contradiction b. paraphrase c. entailment d. synthetic
37. Which of the following statements is TRUE about UTTERANCE?
a. An utterance is context-free.
b. An utterance is a sentence said out of context.
c. The meaning of an utterance is the sum of meaning of the constitute words.
d. The meaning of an utterance depends on the situation in which it is used.
38. Consider the following short conversation:
Tom: "Shall we go out tonight, Mary?"
Mary: "I am having a cold."
Semantically, what does Mary mean?
a. I don't like to go out with you tonight.
b. I am having some health problem.
c. I am afraid of refusing your invitation.
d. The doctor came in and examined Mary.
39. Which of the followings is NOT a type of reference?
a. variable reference c. referring expression
b. constant reference d. same reference
40. Two words having opposite meanings are _____
a. synonyms b. hyponyms c. homonyms d. antonyms
ĐỀ 6
1. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Sentence?
a. A sentence is a group of words grammatically linked to convey a complete meaning.
b. A sentence is a group of words containing a subject and a verb.
c. A sentence is a group of words containing a finite verb.
d. A sentence is a group of words consisting of one clause.
2. Which of the followings is CORRECT about Semantics?
a. Semantics is the study of language. b. Semantics is the study of language use.
c. Semantics is an independent subject. d. Semantics is the study of language
3. The following pairs: “They loaded hay onto the truck”
“They loaded the truck with hay” consists of
a. 2 utterances; 1 proposition c.2 sentences; I proposition
b. 2 sentences; 2 propositions d. 2 utterances; 2 propositions
4. The relationship between the word "cock" and "fowl" is
a. synonymy b. antonymy c. hyponymy d. polysemy
5. The type of reference in which the same expression is used to refer to different
objects is____
a. constant reference b. same reference
c. variable reference d. no reference
6. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. All words in a language can be used to refer to objects in reality, but only some words
have sense.
b. Sense is a relationship between expressions and other expressions which have the
same meaning.
c. If two expressions have the same referent, they always have the same sense.
d. Reference is the set of all objects which can potentially be referred to by an
7. The underlined part in "Who taught Harry Potter how to play quick ditch is no
longer a mystery." has _____ reference.
a. constant b. same c. variable d. no
8. "Pham Xuan An" and "X6" have ____ reference.
a. variable b. same c. constant d. no
9. "King Quang Trung died young." is an example of a(n) ____ sentence.
a. analytic b. synthetic c. contradictory d. simple
10. Which of the followings does NOT contain a Hyperbole?
a. Bill Gates must have millions of dollars.
b. I have told you a thousand times not to touch my Ipad.
c. Without your help, I would have buried my life there forever.
d. Marry him? I would rather kill myself.
11. What does this sentence, taken out of the context, mean?
"The air conditioner must be at 16°C."
a. It is freezing in here. b. Why do not you heat up?
c. It consumes lots of energy. d. Are you from the North Pole?
12. "The ABC tribe is the only matriarchal community left in the world." entails
a. no tribes are matriarchal
b. all communities are patriarchal
c. all tribes are patriarchal
d. no other communities are matriarchal
13. Two words having the same or almost the same denotative meaning are ____
a. homonyms b. antonyms c. synonyms d. hyponyms
14. Two words having the same sound but different spellings and different
meanings are _____
a. homophones b. antonyms c. homonyms d. hyponyms
15. The relationship between "love" and "hate" is ____ antonymy
a. relational b. non-gradable c. gradable d. complementary
16. Denotatively, "Your car is a real bargain." means the car is
a. cheap b. of low quality c. negotiable d. second hand
17. The greedy oil companies invaded like barbarian hordes and destroyed the
native culture." is an example of_____
a. synecdoche b. hyperbole c. metonymy d. simile
18. "He had eight hungry mouths to feed." is an example of _____
a. synecdoche b. metaphor c. irony d. euphemism
19. A(n) ____ is that part of the meaning of the utterance of a declarative sentence
which describes some state of affairs.
a. proposition b. utterance c. sentence d. phrase
20. Which of the followings does NOT belong to the Denotative meaning of the
word "teacher"?
a. male b. human c. mature d. professional
21. The best hypernym of "school, teacher, text book, educate, study, instruct, etc”
is _____
a. teaching b. program c. studying d. educational
22. A(n) ______ sentence is a sentence that is necessary false, as a result of the
senses of the words in it.
a. analytic b. synthetic c. anomalous d. contradictory
23. Such pairs of words as "boy/girl; dog/cat; gas/solid; uncle/aunt, etc" are
examples of _____
a. converses b.relational c. incompatibility d. binary antonyms
24. Figuratively, the sentence "This exercise is a piece of cake for us." is a(n) ___
a. contradictory b. metaphoric c. analytic d. synthetic
25. The relationship between the following sentences is
A: "Denis did not get savaged by a sheep.”
B: "Denis did not get savaged by an animal."
a. A entails B b. B entails A c. paraphrase d. no relation
26. The relationship between the following sentences is
A: "Yesterday Peter gave me a lift to school.”
B: "Yesterday I went to school."
a. paraphrase b. entailment c. contradiction d. no relation
27. The basic of usual meanings of a word found in the dictionary are ____ called
a. secondary b. figurative c. pragmatic d. literal
28. ____ is a figure of speech in which involves the substitution of the name of one
thing for that of another to which it is related.
a. Metaphor b Metonymy c. Synecdoche d. Euphamism
29. ____ is a figure of speech in which a nicer, more pleasant expression is used in
place of a socially unacceptable expression.
a. Hyperbole b. Personification c. Euphemism d. Metonymy
30. The underlined parts in "I am Mr. Phong but not the Phong you are looking
for." differ from each other in that the former has reference while the latter has
____ reference.
a. constant/variable c. variable/constant
b. same/constant d. constant/same
31. The underlined part in "Is Bill Gates the founder of Microsoff?" is a/has
a. variable reference c. co-reference
b. constant reference d. no reference
32. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. The connotative meaning of a word can be described in terms of a set of semantic
b. The connotative meaning of a word shows people's emotions and attitudes.
c. The connotative meaning of a word is the meaning that the speaker wants to convey.
d. The connotative meaning of a word is the implied meaning that word has beyond its
literal meaning.
33. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. An anomalous sentence is grammatically correct but breaks the semantic rules.
b. An anomalous sentence is syntactically incorrect.
c. An anomalous sentence follows semantic rules.
d. An anomalous sentence is ungrammatical
34. Which of the followings may be one meaning of "They are moving sidewalks"?
a. They are walking on the sidewalks. b. The streets are under repair.
c. These sidewalks are moveable. d. The sidewalks are moving.
35. Which of the followings may be one meaning of "Dick finally decided on the
a. Finally, Dick had to decide on the boat. b. Dick decided on the boat finally.
c. Dick finally made a decision about the boat. d. Dick finally decided to buy the
36. A word having different but related meaning is_____
a. homophonous b. polysemous c. antonymous d. synonymous
37. The type of ambiguity in "Is he really that kind?" is
a. grouping b. lexical c. syntactic d. functional
38. The relationship between "lesser & lessee" is
a. complementary b. gradable c. relational d. non-gradable
39. Figuratively, the sentence "Furtively, the cold wind slipped into my room and
caught my throat." contains a_____
a. metonymy b. synecdoche c. metaphor d. personification
40. Semantically, the sentence "I found a book on Ha Noi station." is____
a. metaphoric b. analytic c. ambiguous d. contradictory
ĐỀ 8
1. The following pair: "Paul loaded hay onto the truck."
"Paul loaded the truck with hay." consists of
a. 2 sentences; 2 propositions b. 2 utterances; 2 propositions
c. 2 sentences; 1 proposition d. 2 utterances; I proposition
2. Which of the following semantic features does NOT belong to "cat"?
a. [+domestic] b. [+animal] c. [+male] d. [+having a tail].
3. The relationship between "cock" and "male" is_____
a. synonymy b. hyponymy c. polysemy d. antonymy
4. The underlined part in "cooking and boiling" is a
a. hypernym b. hyponym c. synonym d. antonym
5. The underlined part in "Without the parachute, I would have died from the
crash." is reference.
a. variable b. same c. constant d. referring
6. The underlined part in "My sweetheart is a teacher." is _____ reference.
a. constant b. variable c. same d. a & b
7. Which of the followings does NOT belong to the connotative meaning of
a. mature b. talkative c. devoted d. gentle
8. The type of ambiguity in the sentence sentence "Tristan left directions for Isolde
to follow." is_____
a. lexical b. grouping c. functional d. a & b
9. The figure of speech used in the sentence "The marble speaks." is ____
a. personification b. metonymy c. synecdoche d. a & b
10. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Denotative meaning?
a. The denotative meaning of a word is the meaning that the speaker wants to convey.
b. The denotative meaning of a word is the peripheral meaning of that word found in the
c. The denotative meaning of a word describes an object, an event, a state or an affair.
d. The denotative meaning of a word can be described in terms of situation.
11. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
a. An anomalous sentence is literally nonsensical but figuratively meaningful.
b. An anomalous sentence has more than one meaning.
c. An anomalous sentence may be figuratively meaningful but semantically nonsensical.
d. An anomalous sentence is literally and figuratively nonsensical.
12. Semantically, the sentence "Christopher is killing phonemes." is _____
a. ambiguous b. anomalous c. analytic d. synthetic
13. Which of the following statements is CORRECT description of "Reference"?
a. A relationship between expressions and other expressions which have the same
b. The set of all objects which can potentially be referred to by an expression.
c. The relationship between a particular object in the world and an expression used in an
utterance to pick that object out.
d. The series of meanings which can be used to express an expression.
14. Figuratively, the sentence "We stopped to drink in the beautiful scenery." may
a. we stopped drinking because of the beautiful scenery.
b. we stopped to drink and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
c. we looked at the beautiful scenery because we have nothing to drink.
d. we stopped to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
15. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Sentence?
a. A sentence is a group of words containing a subject and a verb.
b. A sentence is a group of words containing a finite verb.
c. A sentence is a group of words grammatically linked to convey a complete meaning.
d. A sentence is a group of words consisting of one clause.
16. The relationship between "to flog" and "to whip" is
a. homonymy b. synonymy c. antonymy d. polysemy
17. The relationship between the sentences:
A: He took all the silver in my safe.
B: He took everything in my safe.
a. A entails B b. paraphrase c. polysemy d. B entails A
18. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. A lexical field is the organization of semantically related words into a system.
b. A sematic field is a family of words that share the same semantic features.
c. There are different ways to organize semantically related words into lexical field.
d. A lexical field is a group of words sharing the same part of speech.
19. Which of the followings is NOT a term used to describe denotative meaning?
a. Descriptive meaning. b. Referential meaning.
c. Affective meaning d. Literal meaning.
20. The type of reference in which the same expression is used to refer to different
objects is______
a. same reference b. no reference c. constant reference d. variable reference
21. Literally, the sentence "Leaves turn yellow in the fall." is a(n) _____ sentence.
a. anomalous b. analytic c. synthetic d. contradictory
22. ______ is a relation in which a single word has two or more slightly different
but closely related meanings.
a. Polysemy b. Homonymy c. Synonymy d. Hyponymy
23. ______ is a relationship between expressions and other expressions which have
the same meaning.
a. Sense b. Reference c. Referent d. Referring
24. A(n) _____ sentence is a sentence that is necessary true, as a result of the senses
of the words in it.
a. contradictory b. synthetic c. anomalous d. analytic
25. The relationship between "a bear & to bear" is _____
a. homonymy b. homography c. homophony d. polysemy
26. Which of the followings may be one meaning of the sentence "The doctor made
them well."?
a. The doctor is very talented. b. The doctor made a well for them.
c. The doctor is very good. d. The doctor made the patients healthy.
27. Which of the followings may be one meaning of the sentence "He passed the
hammer and saw through the window."?
a. He passed the hammer and the saw through the window.
b. He went past the window.
c. He climbed through the window.
d. He saw a hammer through the window.
28. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about Semantics?
a. Semantics is the study of language use.
b. Semantics is the study of language.
c. Semantics is the study of language meaning.
d. Semantics is an independent subject.
29. Figuratively, the sentence "It is amazing what a great mind he is." may mean
a. he has a very big head c. he is open-minded
b. I'm amazed by his intellectual power d. he is not intelligent at all
30. The relationship between "love" and "hate" is _____ antonymy.
a. gradable b. non-gradable c. complementary d. relational
31. Figuratively, the sentence "The storm swallowed hundreds of ships last night."
may mean
a. last night, a hundred of ships travelled during the storm
b. some of the ships were lost during the storm last night.
c. the storm was rather strong last night.
d. the storm completely destroyed hundreds of ships last night.
32. Figuratively, the sentence "Spare the rod, spoil the child." may mean ____
a. you should not use the rod with children.
b. if you do not punish the child when he does something wrong, you'll spoil his
c. you should punish children severely.
d. you should not love children.
33. _____ is a figure of speech in which a nicer, more pleasant expression is used in
place of a socially unacceptable expression.
a. Euphemism b. Hyperbole c. Personification d. Metonymy
34. The underlined parts in "I am Mr. Phong but not the Phong you are looking
for." differ from each other in that the former has ______ reference while the latter
has _______ reference.
a. same/constant b. variable/constant c. constant/variable d. constant/same
35. The underlined part in "Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft." is a/has
a. co-reference b. constant reference c. variable reference d. no
36. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. The meaning of a sentence is context-free.
b. The meaning of an utterance is context-bound.
c. The pragmatic meaning is the linguistic meaning.
d. The semantic meaning is out of context.
37. The relationship between "too" and "two" is
a. polysemy b. homophony c. homography d. polysemy
38. Consider the following conversation:
Tom: "Let's try the new Chinese restaurant round the corner."
Anne: "I'm a vegetarian."
Semantically, what does Mary mean in the above conversation?
a. I don't like Chinese food.
b. I am trying to lose weight, so I can't eat nutritious food.
c. The food in that restaurant is very expensive.
d. I'm afraid that I have to refuse your invitation.
39. The relationship between the sentences in the following pairs is
A: I am a teacher of English.
B: I teach English to earn my living.
a. contradiction b. no relation c. paraphrase d. A entails B
40. Which of the following semantic features does NOT belong to "pig"?
a. [+dirty] b. [+hairy] c. [+wild] d. [+domestic]
ĐỀ 10
1. The following pair: “Dr. Findlay caused Janet to die”
“Dr. Findlay killed Janet” consists of
a. 2 sentences; 1 proposition c. 2 utterances; 1 proposition
b. 2 utterances; 2 propositions d. 2 sentences; 2 propositions
2. Which of the following semantic feature(s) does belong to the word "cat"?
a. [+human] b. [+having a tail] c. [+humorous] d. [+male]
3. The relationship between "to flog" and "to whip" is _____
a. homography b. synonymy c. polysemy d. homophony
4. Consider the following short conversation:
Tom: "Would you like to have a coffee?"
Mary: "I have a lot of homework to do."
Semantically, what does Mary mean?
a. "I'm afraid that I have to refuse your invitation."
b. "I don't like coffee."
c. "Could you help me do the homework?"
d. "The teacher gave me lots of assignments to do at home."
5. Which of the followings DOES NOT belong to the denotative meaning of the
word "woman"?
a. mature b. female c. human d. talkative
6. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. The meaning of a sentence is context-free.
b. The meaning of an utterance is context-bound.
c. The pragmatic meaning is the linguistic meaning.
d. The semantic meaning is out of context.
7. Which of the following statements is TRUE about SENTENCE?
a. A sentence is a group of words grammatically linked to convey a complete meaning.
b. A sentence is a group of words containing a finite verb.
c. A sentence is a group of words containing a subject and a verb.
d. A sentence is a group of words consisting of one clause.
8. The relationship between the sentences in the following pairs is
i. Paul walked to school yesterday.
ii. Paul went to school yesterday.
a. contradiction b. paraphrase c. anomaly d. entailment
9. A is a group of words grammatically linked to convey a complete meaning.
a. proposition b. sentence c. sense d. utterance
10. The relationship between "apple" and "fruit" is
a. hyponymy b. antonymy c. synonymy d. polysemy
11. The relationship between the sentences in the following pairs is _____
i. Mary is the only child.
ii. Peter's Mary's brother.
a. contradiction b. entailment c. synthetic d. paraphrase
12. The type of ambiguity in "My grandfather is a small farmer." is
a. lexical b. structural c. grouping d. functional
13. The sentence "My sister is the child in my family." is
a. ambiguous b. anomalous c. synthetic d. analytic
14. The type of ambiguity in "I bought an advanced learner's dictionary." is____
a. lexical b. structural c. grouping d. a&c
15. The figure of speech used in "Don't live in such a sea of doubt." Is
a. metonymy b. irony c. hyperbole d. metaphor
16. The underlined part in "the boy standing at the bus stop" has
a. same reference b. no reference c.constant reference d. variable reference
17. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about SEMANTICS?
a. Semantics is the study of language.
b. Semantics is an independent subject.
c. Semantics is the study of language use.
d. Semantics is the study of language meaning
18. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. The objective of linguistics is the meaning of language.
b. The objective of semantics is the literal meaning of language.
c. The objective of semantics is the speaker's meaning.
d. The objective of semantics is the non-literal meaning of language.
19. The type of reference in which the same expressions always refer to the same
object is
a. variable reference c. no reference
b. constant reference d. same reference
20. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. The connotative meaning of a word shows people's emotions and attitudes.
b. The connotative meaning of a word can be described in terms of a set of semantic
c. The connotative meaning of a word is the meaning that the speaker wants to convey.
d. The connotative meaning of a word is the implied meaning that word has beyond its
literal meaning.
21. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
a. An anomalous sentence is syntactically correct.
b. An anomalous sentence is grammatically correct but breaks the semantic rules.
c. An anomalous sentence is ungrammatical
d. An anomalous sentence follows semantic rules.
22. A sentence that has more than one meaning is
a. ambiguous b. analytic c. synthetic d. anomalous
23. Two words having the same spelling but different sounds and different
meanings are
a. homographs b. homophones c. hyponyms d. homonyms
24. If Y is a ____ of X, then the meaning of Y is a special case of X; if X is a ____ of
Y, then the meaning of X is more general instance of Y.
a. hyponym/co-hyponym c. hyponym/hypernym
b. antonym/synonym d. hypernym/hyponym
25. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the
study of meaning _____ is considered.
a. speech act b. practical usage c. context d. reference
26. _____ is a relationship between expressions and other expressions which have
the same meaning.
a. Referent b. Sense c. Utterance d. Reference
27. Semantically, the sentence "John Smith is so strong that he can lift two tons." is
a(n) _____ sentence.
a. analytic b. contradictory c. antonymous d. synthetic
28. The underlined part in "You cannot go hunting successfully with arcs and
arrows." has _____ reference.
a. same b. constant c. variable d. referring
29. The relationship between "Linguistics" and "Semantics" is a _____ one.
a. hyponym/hypernym b. hypernym/hyponym
c. hyponym/hyponym d. hypernym/hypernym
30. In which of the following pairs does statement X entails statement Y?
a. X: I gave her a meaningful flower.
Y: I gave her a red rose.
b. X: John cooked an egg for lunch.
Y: John boiled an egg for lunch.
c. X: Tom saw a big cat dead under his bed.
Y: Tom saw a big cat killed under his bed.
d. X: Anyone with 3 As can skip exercise No.1.
Y: Anyone with 5 As can skip exercise No.1.
31. Such lexeme pairs as "day/night"; "solid/fluid"; "incoming/outgoing"; etc are
______ antonyms
a. gradable b. relational c. complementary d. incompatible
32. "The global village" referring to the world is an example of ____ meaning.
a. denotative b. literal c. lexical d. connotative
33. The figure of speech used in "Language is a roadmap of a culture. It tells you
where its people come from and where they are going." is ______
a. synecdoche b. irony c. metaphor d. personification
34. "Kiss my you-know-what!" is used as a(n)_____ to avoid the more vulgar,
"Kiss my a___”
a. euphemism b. metonymy c. hyperbole d. metaphor
35. Which of the following words DOES NOT share the same semantic feature(s)
wil the other three?
a. team b. troop c. gang d. herd
36. The underlined part in "By the year 3000 our descendants will have conquered
the universe." has _____ but no _____.
a. sense/referent b. variable reference/co-reference
c. co-reference/constant reference d. referent/sense
37. The relationship between "stationery" and "pencil" is_____
a. antonymy b. synonymy c. hyponymy d. homonymy
38. The relationship between "love" and "hate" is _____ antonymy.
a. relational b. gradable c. complementary d. non-gradable
39. Semantically, the utterance "Thanks, your cake looks nice but I am on a diet."
may mean
a. I am trying to lose weight
b. I'm afraid that I have to refuse your invitation
c. Your cake is nice to eat
d. Your cake is not nice to eat
40. The sentence "Who killed President John F. Kennedy is still a mystery." has
a. reference c. neither sense nor reference
b. sense d. both sense and reference
ĐỀ 12
1. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT about Pragmatics?
a. Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics.
b. Pragmatics is the study of language use.
c. Pragmatics is the study of language meaning.
d. Pragmatic meaning is context-bound.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about proposition?
a. A proposition is a sentence. b. The criterion of proposition is truth value.
c. A proposition is tied to time. d. A proposition is tied to location.
3. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. It is meaningless to talk of the time and place of a proposition.
b. It is meaningful to talk of the loudness of a proposition.
c. A proposition is not tied to a particular language.
d. "Everest is the highest mountain in Vietnam" is a proposition.
4. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. A proposition can be expressed by different sentences.
b. A proposition can be expressed by differrent utterances.
c. A proposition may be true or false.
d. A proposition is tied to syntactic rules.
5. The relationship between "carnation" and "plant" is_____
a. hyponymy b. synonymy c. polysemy d. antonymy
6. The best hypernym for the lexical field “make hypotheses, collect data, analyze
data, get results, come to a conclusion” is _____.
a. essay writing b. doing homework c. doint research d. making survey
7. Figuratively, "The sorrow is chewing my bones." contains a(n)_____
a. synecdoche b. metonymy c. anomaly d. personification
8. The figure of speech used in "He is so hardheaded that he won't listen to
anyone." is a. metaphor b. metonymy c. synecdoche d.
9. The type of ambiguity used in the sentence "We saw the Eiffel tower flying to
Paris" is______
a. lexical b. function c. grammatical d. grouping
10. The relationship between "to desert" and "dessert" is_____
a. homography b. homonymy c. homophony d. polysemy
11. Which of the following is NOT a term used to describe denotative meaning?
a. descriptive meaning c. literal meaning
b. affective meaning d. linguistice meaning
12. A sentence that is a violation of semantic rules creating nonsense is ____
a. ambiguous b. anomalous c. analytic d. synthetic
13. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the connotative meaning of the
word "pig"?
a. greedy b. dirty c. stupid d. domestic
14. Figuratively, the sentence "The captain was in charge of 100 horses." may
a. the captain was in charge of 100 cavalries.
b. the captain has got 100 horses.
c. the captain is a horse keeper.
d. the captain has to take care of 100 horses.
15 . Semantically, the sentence "Infants can lift one tone." is
a. ambiguous b. anomalous c. analytic d. synthetic
16. Figuratively, the sentence "Hearing the news, the tears stream down her face."
may mean _____
a. hearing the news, she cries a lot b. she's just received good news
c. she's very happy at the news d. hearing the news, her father takes her
17. Semantically, the sentence "Sam's wife is married." is
a. synthetic b. anomalous c. ambiguous d. analytic
18. The figure of speech used in "George is skating on very thin ice... one more
mistake and the boss is going to fire him." is____
a. euphemism b. personification c. metaphor d. synecdoche
19. Figuratively, the sentence "We stopped to drink in the beautiful scenery." may
a. we stopped to have some drinks at the beautiful scenery.
b. we stopped drinking because of the beautiful scenery.
c. we stopped to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
d. we stopped at the beautiful scenery because we were very thirsty.
20. Two words having the same sound, the same spelling but different meanings
a. homonyms b. antonyms c. hyponyms d. homophones
21. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Sentence?
a. A sentence is a group of words containing a subject and a verb.
b. A sentence is a group of words out of context.
c. A sentence is a group of words in context.
d. A sentence is a group of words context-bound.
22. The type of reference in which different expressions are used to refer to the
same object is
a. variable reference b. referring expression
c. constant reference d. same reference
23. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about Semantics?
a. Semantics is an independent subject.
b. Semantics is the study of language.
c. Semantics is the study of language meaning.
d. Semantics is the study of language use.
24. Which of the followings may be one meaning of "The man gave the library
a. The man gave books to the library. c. The man is a bookworm.
b. The man borrowed books from the library. d. The man is a librarian.
25. A word having different but semantically related meanings is
a. polysemous b. homophonous c. homonymous d. antonymous
26. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
a. An anomalous sentence has more than one meaning.
b. An anomalous sentence is literally and figuratively meaningless.
c. An anomalous sentence is figuratively meaningful but semantically nonsensical.
d. An anomalous sentence is literally nonsensical but may be figuratively
27. The underlined part in "The bay standing at the bus stop" is/has
a. same reference b. variable reference
c. constant reference d. no reference
28. Denotation refers to a/an ___ meaning/set of meanings of a word/an expression,
connotation is the ____ meaning of a word/an expression in addition to its primary.
a. indirect/direct b. implicit/explicit
c. explicit/implicit d. direct/indirect
29. The ambiguity in "Anne wore a light skirt" is___
a. grouping b.lexical c. function d. anomalous
30. The relationship between "pine" and "tree" is
a. synonymy b. antonymy c. polysemy d. hyponymy
31. All of the followings are examples of semantic ambiguity EXCEPT ____
a. We took giant tumblers home from the circus.
b. Harry and Joe saw a lot of at Carpentry Fair
c. Fish kill up to thousands on Mekong River
d. The doctor sent me home with some infected skin medicine.
32. _____ antonyms are pairs of words that represent 2 opposite possibilities, when
no middle-ground exists, _____ antonyms are pairs of words that belong to a scale,
and ____ antonyms are pairs of opposing terms which must both exist and one
cannot exist without the other.
a. Gradable/relational/complementary
b. Relational/complementary/gradable
c. Complementary/gradable/relational
d. Complementary/relational/gradable
33. "Is he really that kind?" contains a ____
a. functional ambiguity b. grouping ambiguity
c. lexical ambiguity d. paraphrase
34. "The White House" in "The White House says that...." is an example of ____
a. metonymy b. litotes c. hyperbole d. metaphor
35. Which of the following pairs is an example of homonyms?
a. soda/pop b. pot/pan c. capitol/capital d. oak/cedar
36. The type of ambiguity used in the sentence "He is looking for a match" is
a. lexical b. function c. grouping d. structural
37. Which of the followings DOES NOT belong to the denotative meaning of the
word "aunt"?
a. [+human] b. [+devoted] c. [+mature] d. [+married)
38. Which of the followings DOES NOT belong to the denotative meaning of the
word "teenagers"?
a. [+human] b. [+immature] c. [+male] d. [+young]
39. A(n) sentence is a sentence that is necessary true, as a result of the senses of the
words in it.
a. contradictory b. synthetic c. antonymous d. analytic
40. ____ is a relation in which the referent of a word is totally included in the
referent of another word.
a. Polysemy b. Homonymy c. Homography d. Hyponymy

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