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Teacher: Carlota Cristina Pilco Andia

Group members:

Chaucca Zapana Lucia Cila

Cruz Alviri Sandra Paola
Follano Machaca Katherin Monica
Huahuasoncco Aguilar Anyela Yobana

Cluster: A

Date of delivery: 06/01/2024


As we delve into the dynamic field of sociology, we recognize the pivotal role that

precise and nuanced language plays in fostering scholarly dialogue. This glossary aims not

only to elucidate the definitions of key terms but also to contextualize them within the

broader academic discourse, facilitating a more profound comprehension of sociological

theories, methodologies, and debates.

It is composed of words from the alphabet related to sociology with their respective

sentences, which in turn serve as examples to better understand the meanings in sociological

contexts. These are alphabetically ordered, and for each letter, there are two words with their

respective meanings. For each word, there are two sentences. Likewise, the words, for the

most part, were gathered from sociology books and dictionaries.

We acknowledge that this condensed experience in this document will serve as a tool that

contributes to enriching students' knowledge; empowering users to engage with sociological

texts, research, and discussions with acuity, ensuring that language serves as a tool for

intellectual exploration and critical analysis.



A ACTIVISM I am passionate about animal rights, so

I engage in activism to raise
The defense of human rights. awareness.

Many people join activism movements

to fight for social justice.

ABUSE It is important to speak up against any

form of abuse, whether it's physical or
Action and effect of making emotional.
excessive, improper, unfair use of
something. Abuse is never acceptable in any form.

B BUREAUCRAT Peruvian government bureaucrats are

A full-time employee or senior Bureaucrats are responsible for
official of an office with a separate, carrying out administrative tasks.
identifiable budget (William

BOURGEOISIE The bourgeoisie class is known for

their wealth and ownership of the
Set of people means the production means of production.
and distribution of wealth.
The bourgeoisie often controls the
economy and holds a higher social

C CONFLICT There was a conflict between two

nations, leading to a war.
Conflict is a process in which there is The conflict arises from two different
opposition of (tangible) interests, opinions.
needs and/or unsatisfied values.

CORRUPTION The politician was accused of

corruption and was removed from
Corruption is the abuse of public office.
power to obtain private benefit.
Corruption can undermine the trust of
the citizens in the government.

D DELINQUENCY Delinquency is a serious issue that

affects communities worldwide.
It is an extremely complex social
phenomenon that affects both citizens The government is taking measures to
and public and private property. reduce delinquency rates in the city.

DEMOCRACY In a democracy, the citizens have the

power to elect their leaders.
Political system in which sovereignty
resides in the people, who exercise it Freedom of speech is an essential
directly or through representatives. aspect of democracy.

E ECONOMY The country's economy is thriving due

to increased investments.
Science that deals with the problems
that arise in relation to satisfaction of The pandemic had a negative impact
the material needs of individuals and on the global economy.

ETHNICITY Our university celebrates diversity and

multiculturalism, embracing students
Defined human community due to of different ethnicities.
racial, cultural affinities, linguistics,
etc. People should be treated equally
regardless of their ethnicity.

F FALLACY It is important to avoid logical fallacies

when making an argument.
Deceit, fraud, falsehood, deceit or lie
with which an attempt is made to The politician used a fallacy to
harm a person and the act or habit of manipulate the public's opinion.
using falsehoods in damage to third

FAMILY Family is a source of love, support, and

Basic nucleus of society, it constitutes
a lasting original and fundamental Family is an important support system
nucleus, but it is not a permanent during difficult times.
G GENOCIDE Genocide is a horrific crime that
involves the deliberate extermination
Destruction carried out intentionally of a specific group.
against national, religious, ethnic or
racial groups. The international community
condemned the genocide and called for

GLOBALIZATION Globalization has led to increased trade

between countries.
Deepening of the gap between rich
and poor, by favoring the The advancements in technology have
concentration of wealth in a few facilitated globalization.

H HEGEMONY Social hegemony manages to

universalize the interests of all
Supremacy that one State exercises individuals.
over others.
The Peruvian state has hegemony in
the sectors of the economy, politics and

HYPOTHESIS The researcher poses a hypothesis in

his research.
Supposition of something possible or
impossible to draw a consequence The student keeps his hypothesis open
from it. in his research.

I INTERRELATIONSHIP The integration of the entire society

generates unification for progress.
Mutual correspondence between
people, things or phenomena. Inequality affects the integration of
people in democracy.

IDEOLOGY Karl Marx has the ideology that

capitalism is a better economic system.
Set of fundamental ideas that
characterizes the thinking of a person, Gender ideology is a common
community or era, of a cultural, problem in society.
religious or political movement, etc

J JARGON Professionals use jargon to
communicate in their technical field.
Special language used by a particular
human group, generally professional Families use jargon that facilitates
or linked to a certain trade, to their communication in their daily
communicate with each other. lives.

JUSTICE Society imparts justice for the

common good.
Moral principle that determines that
everyone must live honestly. Social justice generates equality in
opportunities and Human Rights.

K KNOWLEDGE Sociologists have important

theoretical knowledge to understand
The ability to internalize the set of society.
knowledge that is acquired.
Practical knowledge is important for
the researcher in the study of society.

KAKISTOCRACY The citizens lived in a kakistocracy

with Alberto Fujimori.
It is a term used in political analysis
and criticism to designate a Citizens reject kakistocracy.
government formed by the most inept
of a certain social group.

L LEAGUE People communicate using the same

Grouping of individuals, entities,
states, among others. Language allows the understanding of
social facts.

LOGIC Researchers contribute knowledge and

logical thoughts to society.
Science that studies the correctness of
reasoning, both formal and Society uses logic in its daily life
non-formal. decisions.
M MORAL People act according to their morals in
the different situations they live in.
Pertaining to the actions of people,
from the point of view of their actions The researchers act according to their
in relation to good or evil. morals.

MISSION Sociologists have the mission of

developing a better society.
Power, the power given to someone to
perform some task. The researcher's mission in his
research lasted many years.

N NEGOTIATION Citizens and the president held a

negotiation to end the conflict of
Process in which two or more people violent protests.
try to reach a particular agreement.
The two countries held a negotiation to
end the war.

NEED Citizens need a free democracy.

It is the state of a being in which there People have the need to build cultural
is a lack of an element, and its and social networks.
achievement is essential to live in a
state of well-being.

O OPPRESSION Oppression can take many forms, from

systemic discrimination to individual
System of domination that deprives acts of injustice.
certain groups of their rights and
resources. People united to stand against
oppression and demand equal rights for

OBJETIVISM Objectivism in sociology emphasizes

the importance of studying social
Perspective that seeks to understand phenomena without subjective biases.
social reality objectively, without
subjective influences. Researchers strive for objectivism
when analyzing data to ensure an
impartial understanding of social
PARADIGM The scientific community underwent a
paradigm shift when new evidence
P Theoretical framework or perspective challenged existing theories.
that guides research and analysis in
sociology. The functionalist paradigm views
society as a system of interconnected
parts working together for stability.

PROLETARIAT The proletariat plays a central role in

discussions about class structure and
The social class that sells its labor economic inequality.
power and owns few productive
resources. The proletariat sells its labor power
and owns few productive resources.

QUALITATIVE A qualitative study gathers information

from people's perspectives.
Q Refers to sociological research
methods that focus on descriptive Qualitative research methods aim to
rather than numerical aspects. explore the depth of human

QUESTIONS In sociology, questions drive the

exploration of societal patterns and
The search for answers through dynamics.

Sociologists use questions to

understand and analyze human

R ROL Understanding social roles helps

sociologists analyze how individuals
The expected behavior of an contribute to the functioning of a
individual in a society, based on their community.
social position.
The role is a behavior associated with
an individual's position in society.
RATIONALIZATION The concept of rationalization is
crucial in understanding how societies
The process by which human streamline their structures and
activities become more organized, functions to meet specific goals.
efficient, and rationally controlled.
Rationalization in sociology refers to
the process of organizing and
optimizing social activities to make
them more efficient and controlled.

S SYSTEM Social systems play a crucial role in

shaping patterns of human interaction.
An interrelated set of elements
working together to form a whole. Understanding the education system is
vital in sociological analysis.

SOCIETY Social structures in society influence

opportunities and constraints for
A group of individuals who share a individuals.
culture and are interconnected
through social relationships. The study of society involves
exploring relationships and interactions
among people.

T THEORY Understanding societal structures is a

key goal of sociological theory.
A systematic set of concepts and
propositions that seek to explain and Sociological theories help guide
predict social phenomena. research and shed light on patterns
within human societies.

TREND Sociologists analyze societal trends to

understand shifts in behavior and
General direction in which a social attitudes.
phenomenon develops or changes
over time. Studying cultural trends is vital in
sociology to grasp the dynamics of
social change.
U ULTRA GENERALIZATION Ultra-generalization in the educational
field can lead to erroneous conclusions
According to SÈller, one of the and the application of ineffective
characteristics that presents everyday strategies to address the individual
life. That is to say, everyday thinking needs of students.
has excessive generalization.
Ultra-generalizing judgments They The ultra-generalization of cultural
are always provisional judgments stereotypes can lead to misperceptions
only validated by practice. and contribute to discrimination.

UTOPIA The idea of ​a perfect society, where

equality and justice reign for all, seems
Imaginative representation of a future to be an unattainable utopia in today's
society with characteristics that favor world.
human good.

The utopia of a world without war is a

goal worth pursuing.

V VANDALISM Vandalism of historical monuments is a

crime against culture.
Spirit of destruction that does not
respect anything. The authorities must take measures to
prevent and punish vandalism, to
protect the community and its property.

VETO The president's veto of the tax reform

caused great controversy.
Right that a person or corporation has
to prohibit or prevent something.u In Russia's veto of the UN resolution on
matters of constitutional right, is Syria was widely criticized.
usually used fundamentally to mean
the right attributed, according to the
constitutions to the head of the State
or the Congress, regarding the laws
voted by popular election.

Greco, O. (2008) Diccionario de Sociología. Valletta Editions (2nd ed.)

Giddens, A. (1998) Sociology (Albero, B, Olmeda, P. A., Requena, Trad., 2nd ed.) Alianza
Editorial S. A. C. (Original work published 1998).

(S/f-c). Real Academia Española. Retrieved on January 6, 2024, from

(S/f-d). Diccionario panhispánico del español jurídico. Retrieved on

January 6, 2024, from

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