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In today’s world, reading news from the platforms on the world wide webs is becoming more popular,

therefore, some individuals believe that newspapers are not so needed. In my opinion, I completely
agree with the viewpoint and give some reasons why papers have less usage than the network.

To begin with, one of the most important things in the current trend of using the internet to read the
news is that many bamboo trees will get saved from cutting down because bamboo is one of the main
sources of paper preparation. Cutting down tress in the forests will cause many harmful effects on the
earth such as deforestation or changing in the climatic conditions that we are facing in the current
generation. For example, a recent study has shown that almost ten million trees are chopped every
year for producing of papers for the audiences. Therefore, online resources are definitely protecting
the environment by allowing trees to be there in the forests.

Morever, getting data through electronic devices is really easy and comfortable rather than using the
newspaper as we can know what is happening all around the world within seconds. The information
that is available through the internet is huge. For instance, when there was a pandemic recently the
story was spread within seconds from China, which made people aware of the situation or take
prevention and protection from this pandemic. Futhermore, nowadays the internet is cheaper than

In conclusion, it is an evident fact that newspapers are not popular as in the past and are altered by
the news on the internet because of its convenience and economy. However, I suppose that the most
important reason is that smart gadgets are saving trees and protecting the environmental lives of

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