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Grade 6 Reading Materials

The Creative Transformation: A Week of Artistic Discovery in Classroom

Once upon a time in Barangay Anastacia, a small and lively community
1. What was the creative activity the grade 6 pupils engaged in on Monday?
tucked between rolling hills and lush greenery, a group of grade 6 students at
Anastacia Elementary School were about to set out on a creative journey that would A. Science experiments B. Skit performances
not only spark their imaginations but also unite the entire class. C. Art extravaganza D. Creative writing workshop
Mrs. Vito Cruz, a creative and passionate educator, made the decision to 2. How did the students showcase their creativity on Tuesday?
change up the traditional curriculum of lectures and textbooks in classroom. She A. Painting B. Writing stories
made the decision to spend a whole week engaging in a variety of creative activities
C. Performing skits D. Conducting science experiments
because she thought that creativity may motivate her learners.
Monday kicked off with an art extravaganza. Each student received a 3.What was the focus of the creative writing day on Wednesday?
canvas, paintbrushes, and a colorful palette of paints. The room was filled with A. Painting landscapes B. Writing stories
excitement as the young artists let their imaginations run wild, turning blank canvases C. Performing skits D. Conducting science experiments
into vibrant works of art. Some of the creations included fantastic interpretations of
dreams, abstract landscapes, and quirky portraits. 4. What transformed the classroom into a mini laboratory on Thursday?
Tuesday's lesson turned into a theater workshop. Mrs. Vito Cruz separated A. Art supplies B. Safety goggles C. Lab coats D. Writing utensils
the students into smaller groups and gave them the assignment of writing brief plays
5. What collaborative project did the students undertake on Friday?
with themes ranging from kindness and environmental conservation to friendship and
teamwork. As each group performed, the classroom erupted in laughter and applause. A. Skit performances B. Writing stories
Wednesday was devoted to writing creatively. The pupils were given the C. Creating a mural D. Conducting science experiments
opportunity to write fantasy, mystery, and adventure stories. With every stroke of the 6. How did the classroom atmosphere change throughout the week?
pen on the page, stories began to take shape and come to life. The sound of rustling
A. It became quieter. B. It remained the same.
papers and the quiet buzz of creative minds at work permeated the classroom.
Thursday was a day for science experiments with a creative twist. The C. It became more lively. D. It became chaotic.
classroom is transformed into a makeshift laboratory as the children put on their lab 7. What did the mural created on Friday represent?
coats and safety goggles. There were lots of oohs and ahhs of discovery going on in A. Abstract landscapes B. Unity and diversity of the class
the room, from artificial volcanoes to basic chemical processes. C. Characters from stories D. Scientific principles
Finally, the students took on the task of working together to create a
collaborative mural on Friday, which symbolized the experiences they had had over 8. How did Mrs. Vito Cruz aim to inspire her students?
the week. When the mural came together, each student's piece of the puzzle A. Through traditional lectures B. Through textbooks only
represented the diversity and cohesion of their class. C. Through creative activities D. Through strict discipline
As the bell rang to signal the end of the week, Mrs. Vito Cruz gathered her
students for a reflection. The students related tales of newly discovered hobbies, 9. What impact did the creative week have on the students' relationships?
friendships, and a greater appreciation of one another's gifts. The class, which had A. No impact B. Strained relationships
earlier been shy, had become a group of self-assured and motivated people. C. Improved relationships D. Unchanged relationships
The grade 6 students at Anastacia Elementary School treasured their

Grade 6
10. In the context of the story, what does the creative week emphasize?
creative week in classroom. In addition to developing their artistic abilities, that week
helped them develop a spirit of creativity and camaraderie that would last the rest of A. The importance of strict discipline B. The significance of fostering
their lives. creativity
C. The value of traditional teaching methods D. The need for standardized

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