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Friday, 1st December2023

"Wonderland Excursion: A Journey to Health and Fun!"

Dear Parents,

A field trip to the Wonder World has been planned for Early years on Wednesday, 6th December, 2023.
This trip will help the students understand the importance of exercise and a healthy lifestyle. The outing
is designed to be a source of relaxation, offering students a chance to release pent-up energy in a secure

Departure time from school: 8:30 a.m.

Arrival at school: 12:30 p.m.
Chaperones: Section Head, Homeroom Teachers, P.E. Teachers, Ayas and Guards.

Please complete the acknowledgement slip and return it with the requisite amount to the homeroom
teacher, latest by Tuesday, 5th December. Refreshments will be served at the venue. We feel certain this
will be a very enjoyable, educational trip.

Best Regards,
Asma Rizwan


Student Name Class:

Parent/Guardian Name:____________________________Telephone Number: ______________________

Emergency Contact Name: __________________________ Telephone Number: ______________________

Does the student have any special health concerns or disabling conditions that will require special attention or
supervision on this field trip? □ Yes □ No
If yes, then please state the concern and any special considerations that should be made.
I have read the above description and I hereby grant my son/daughter permission to participate and understand
that the cost of the trip is Rs. 2300 to be submitted to the Homeroom Teacher.
Should it be necessary for my child to have medical care while participating in this trip, I hereby give Froebel’s
International School personnel permission to use their judgement in obtaining medical care for the child, and I give
permission to the physician selected by the School personnel to render medical care deemed necessary and
appropriate by the physician.
I understand that participation in this field trip is voluntary. Although I understand that the Froebel’s International
School will make reasonable efforts to provide a safe environment, I am fully aware of the special dangers and risks
inherent in participating in field trip activities away from school. With this knowledge, I expressly release and hold
harmless Froebel’s International School, its employees, agents, and volunteers from any liability associated with this
field trip. Being fully aware of the risks, I hereby give consent for my child to participate in the field trip activity
described above.

_______________________________ ______________________
Parent signature Date

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