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V ol. 18 No.


Adaptive Antenna Utilizing Power Inversion and Linearly

Constrained Minimum Variance Algorithms

E. A. MOHAMED, T AN Zhan zhong

( School of Elect ronic and I nf ormation Engineer ing , Beij i ng Uni versi ty of A eronaut ics
and A st ronaut ics, Beij ing 100083 , Chi na)

Abstract: T his paper presents a new algor ithm based on the power inv ersion ( PI ) and the linearly
constrained minimum variance ( L CM V ) . T his alg orithm is capable of adjusting the weig hts of the an
tenna ar ray in real time to r espond to and improve the g lobal positioning system ( G PS) r eceived signals
coming from the desired directions and at the same time to hig hly suppress the jammers coming from the
other directions. T he simulation is performed for fixed and moving jammers. I t indicates that this struc
tur e can g ive deeper nulls, mo re t han 115 dB depths for fix ed jammers and more than 94 dB depths for
mov ing jammers.
Key words: adaptive antenna; po wer inversion algorithm; L CM V ; G PS; anti jamming
一种利用功率反演和线性约束最小方差算 法的自适 应天线. E. A . M OHAM ED, 谈展中. 中国 航
空学报( 英文版) , 2005, 18( 2) : 153- 160.
摘 要: 介绍了一种新的基于功率反演和线性约 束最小方 差的算法, 以高 度抑制 GPS 接 收机的 干
扰信号。这种结构 通过提调整天线阵列的权值, 实 时地接收 并改变 来自各 方向的 GPS 信 号, 同 时
对不同方向的干扰信号有高的抑制比。对固定和移动的干扰都做 了仿真, 仿真表明 这种结构 有很
深的零点, 对固定干扰信号的抑制比可达到 115 dB, 对移动干扰信号的抑制比可 达到 94 dB。
关键词: 自适应天线; 功率反演( P I) ; 线性约束最小方差( L CM V ) ; GPS; 抗干扰
文章编号: 1000 9361( 2005) 02 0153 08 中图分类号: T N 91 文献标识码: A

Now adays, t he global positioning system the signals. T his paper w ill introduce a new
( GPS) receiver is w idely used in m any civilian and met hod based on P I and L CMV algorit hms for
military applicat ions. Int erferences f rom the radar jammer suppression. P I serves as a preprocessor t o
syst ems and other devices af fect t he civilian use, det ect blindly t he direction of t he jamm er and then
and otherw ise t he int ent ionally used jam mers affect LCMV const rains t his direction to hig hly suppress
the milit ary use. So increasing t he protect ion a the jammer. In addit ion, it can control the null
g ainst int entional and unint ent ional int erf erences is dept h for t he jammer as well as cont rolling t he gain
required. GPS sig nal w hich reaches the receiver is for t he useful signal.
below t he t herm al noise pow er by about 30 dB. Al
1 Pow er Inversion Algorithm
t houg h the GPS uses DSSS t echnique, it is vulner
able t o hig h pow er jammers like CW, FM , pulse, PI algorit hm is first introduced by Refs. [ 3 5]
and noise. Adaptive ant enna is suit able to be used and discussed in detailed in Ref . [ 2] . PI algorit hm
to cancel t hese t ypes of jammers, and it ut ilizes t he is suitable when t he signal t o int erf erence rat io is
technique of cancellation based on determ ining t he very low . Exactly t he same sit uation w ill happen
jammer directions like M USIC algorit hm Ref . [ 1] when GPS receiver is interfered by jammer signals.
or PI Ref . [ 2] . T he main purpose of adapt ive an T his algorit hm is a modif ied version of t he LM S al
t enna is to reduce the jammer signals up to a level gorit hm. In LM S t he opt imum w eight is given as
so that t he spread spectrum mechanism can ext ract w0 = R- 1 r Xd ( 1)

R eceived dat e: 2004 09 16; R evision received dat e: 2004 01 05

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∀ 154 ∀ E. A. M OHA M ED, T AN Zhan Zhong CJA

R = E [ X( t ) X H ( t ) ] ( 2) tw o st eps:
rXd = E [ X( t ) d ( t ) ] ( 3)
y ( t ) = X( t ) w ( 4)
X( t ) = [ x 1 ( t ) x 2( t ) xM ( t) ] ( 5)
q L

X( t ) = uiu i ( t) + JkJ k ( t ) + N( t )
i= 1 k= 1

( 6)
2 / sin ui
ui = 1 exp - j
2 ( M - 1) / sin ui
exp - j ( 7)
2 / sin J k
= 1 exp - j
T Fig 1 Adapt ive antenna structure
2 ( M - 1) / sin Jk
exp - j ( 8)
N ( t ) = [ n 1( t ) n 2( t ) n 3( t ) nM ( t ) ] T
( 9)
w here q + L < M ; M t he number of t he ant enna
elements as show n in F ig 1; q the number of use
f ul signals; L t he number of jammer sig nals; u ( t )
the useful sig nal; ui t he steering vect or associat ed
to t he useful sig nal; Ji t he st eering vect or associ
ated t o t he jam mer signal; d ( t ) the reference sig
nal; X( t ) is M ! 1 vect or represent ing t he ant en
na array received signal; N ( t ) is M ! 1 vect or
consisting of an independent Gaussian noise includ
Fig . 2 F eedback loop of the pow er inv ersion with low
ing channel noise, receiver noise and ant enna ele

ment s noise; R is M ! M aut ocorrelat ion m at rix of pass filter transfer function
#s + 1
the ant enna array received signal; rXd is M ! 1
( 1) Replacing the ideal int egrator by a low
vect or represent ing t he cross correlat ion bet ween
pass f ilt er of t ransf er funct ion ∀/ ( #s+ 1) , w here #
the ant enna array received signal and t he reference
is the time const ant of the low pass f ilter.
signal; u t he useful signal direct ion; J t he jam
( 2) Adding an of fset weight af ter the low pass
mer signal direction; l the distance bet ween each
filt er and removing t he reference signal d ( t ) , so
tw o antenna element s.
e( t ) becomes equal t o y ( t ) .
T he feedback loop of t he adapt ive weig ht is
T he opt imum w eight is given according t o
not show n in Fig 1. It consists of an ideal int egra
Ref . [ 2] as follow s:
t or of transfer funct ion ∀/ s.
w = ws - v ( 10)
F rom Eq. ( 3) and Eq. ( 1) it can be seen t hat
the optimum w eight equals zero w hen t here is no T
v= [ v 1 v 2 vi v M ] represent s
reference signal.
the output of the low pass filters from all t he M
T o prevent the weig ht f rom reaching zero in
the absence of the reference signal, Fig 2 is modi T
ws= [ w s, 1 w s, 2 w s, i w s, M ]
f ied version of Fig 1 to meet t he pow er inversion
is the of fset w eight .
crit erion. T hese modif icat ions are accom plished in

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Adapt ive A nt enna U tilizing Pow er Inversion and Linearly
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dv uncorrelated noise exists, Eq. ( 16) can be w ritt en

U = ∀X * ( t ) X T ( t ) w = # + v=
dt as
( 11)
dw w q = C[ CH C] - 1 f
w- # dt - ws ( 17)

T hus where wq is t he quiescent weig ht ; R is given by

dw * T
Eq. ( 2) ; T he tot al input signal t o t he ant enna is
# dt + ws = w - ∀X ( t ) X ( t ) w ( 12) given by Eq. ( 6) ; C is M ! K matrix, and all of
At t # ∃ it s columns are linearly independent; M is t he
dw number of antenna element s; K is t he number of
d t = 0, so the optimum weight can be given as const raints; f is K ! 1 response vector.
w0 = I - ∀X * X T -1
ws ( 13) Normally K < M . If K = M , t his leads t o
F or noise alone, that t he weight vect or w can be determined only by
w0 = 1 ws ( 14) the constraints and no degrees of freedom are avail
( 1- ∀∃2n )
able t o data adapt at ion. If K > M , t his means that
X( t ) = [ x 1 ( t ) x2( t ) x 1( t )
there is no enough w eights sat isf ying the con
x M ( t ) ] T is M ! 1 vect or representing t he ant enna st raint s. If it is required t o const rain t he know n di
array received signal; U is M ! 1 vector represent rect ions of the useful and t he intent ionally jammer
ing the input volt ages to t he low pass filters of all signals t o be wit hin cert ain values, the L CM V
the M channels; v is M ! 1 output volt ages vect or minimize t he t otal output power subjected t o main
to t he low pass filters of all t he M channels; ws is t ain t he direct ions of t he useful and the int ent ional
M ! 1 vector of the of fset voltages; ∀ is t he loop ly jammer sig nals to be w it hin the required values.
g ain, * w hich appears in Fig 2 and is a conjugate So if any jammer signals come from the un
operat or; ∃2n is t he variance of t he t hermal noise; know n directions t he LCMV w ill assign new nulls
Eq. ( 14) indicates t hat t he optimum w eight equals to it Refs. [ 6, 7 8] .
to a scaled factor of ws in case of noise alone. T he const raint part of Eq. ( 15) can be w ritt en
In case of GPS receiver, it is required t o re as
ceive t he useful signal un at tenuated f rom all direc [ Cu
CJ ] w =
t ions. So if ws = [ 1 0 0 0] is chosen, t his [ f u1 f u2 f uq f f J2 f J( K - q) ] T
w ill give a quiescent patt ern similar to t hat generat
( 18)
ed by isotropic antenna.
where Cu = [ u( 1 ) u( 2 ) u ( q ) ] is M !
2 PI w ith L CMV Structure q mat rix represent ing t he useful signals vectors.
Consider a linear array of M uniformly spaced
u( i) = ui ( t ) u i, i = 1, 2, . . . , q ( 19)
elements w hose out put s are individually w eight ed
and t hen summed t o produce the beamf ormer out CJ= [ J( q+ 1 ) J( q + 2) J( K) ] is the M
put y ( t ) = X( t ) H w. ! ( K - q ) mat rix represent ing the jammer signals
T he main object ive of LCMV is t o m inim ize vect ors which is come f rom t he known intent ionally
the m ean squared output E ( | y ( t ) | 2 ) subject ed t o jammer direct ions.
a set of linear const raints on the weig ht vector w, T he jammer signals% vectors can be writ ten as
2 H
m in | y ( t ) | = minw Rw ( 15) J( k) = J k( t) J k, k = q + 1, q + 2, . . . , K
subject ed to ( 20)
C w= f If it is required t o w iden t he region around t he
T he solution to Eq. ( 15) is ang le, it is required to correspond t o the jammer
w0 = R- 1 C[ CH R- 1 C] - 1 f ( 16) coming from q+ i direct ion, i = 1, 2, . . . , K - q.
When t here is no useful or jammer signal and only T he const raint matrix and t he response vect or can

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∀ 156 ∀ E. A. M OHA M ED, T AN Zhan Zhong CJA

be writ ten as follows st rained Eq. ( 15) to unconstrained one, t hen,

CJ = [ J( q+ 1 ) J( q+ i - % ) J( q+ i ) Q = wH Rw+ !H ( CH w - f ) + ( wH C - f H ) !
J( q+ i + % ) J( K )] ( 21)
f = [f u1 f uq f J1 Minimizing t he out put pow er means t aking t he
T gradient of Eq. ( 21) w it h respect to wH and equat
f Ji f J( K - q ) ]
ing t he result by zero.
LCMV can not assig n deep nulls to the jammer di
rect ions if t hey are not know n in advance. Also t he = 2 Rw + 2C!= 0 ( 22)
& wH
shape of t he ant enna power pat tern w ill not g ive where !is K ! 1 vect or.
exact information about t he direct ions of t he jam U t ilizing the st eepest descent technique to it
mers. F rom the discussion in Section 2, P I has a erat ively updat e the weig ht vector,
quiescent patt ern as an isot ropic source, so it can &Q
w( k + 1) = w( k ) - ∋ ( 23)
g ive ex act jammer direct ions but the dept hs of t he & wH
nulls are very low . Using bot h Eq. ( 22) and f = CH w( k+ 1) w hich is
Dealing w ith GPS signals, t he sat ellit e and t he the constraint part of Eq. ( 15) in Eq. ( 23) , ! can
user directions are know n, t hen t he useful signal be obtained as
direct ions are exact ly know n, but t he jammer sig 1
!= [ [ CH C] - 1 CT ( I - ∋R) w( k ) -
nals direct ions are unknown. H ence t o deal w ith ∋
H -1
the above problem, t he proposed structure in Fig 3 [ C C] f] ( 24)
is used and based on three st eps: Using Eq. ( 24) in Eq. ( 23)
w( k + 1) = Aw( k ) - ∋ARw( k ) + wq =
A( I - ∋R) w( k ) + wq ( 25)
H - 1 H
A= [ I- C[ C C] C ] is t he pro jecting m at rix
which projects ( I- ∋R) w( k ) t o the ( M - K ) di
mensional subspace ( . T his subspace passes
through t he origin and parallel to t he ( M - K ) di
mensional w eight vector hyperplane ) . T he or
t hogonal mat rix A w ill cancel any component per
pendicular t o ( .
wq= C[ CH C] - 1 f is f ound in the K dimen
sional constraint subspace w hich is t he span of t he
const raint vect or and ort hogonal to ) . wq is t he
shortest vect or terminating to ) .
Fig 3 P I w ith LCM V ( P I L CM V ) structure as jam
Considering t he inst antaneous value of the au
mer suppression for G PS r eceiver anti jamming H
t ocorrelat ion matrix so t hat R = XX , Eq. ( 25)
( 1) Use P I as a preprocessor to detect t he can t ake the form
jammer sig nals direct ions. w( k + 1) = A( w( k ) - ∋X ( k) y ( k ) ) + wq
( 2) Const ruct the const raint matrix C w hich ( 26)
cont ains both t he useful and the jammer sig nals di y ( k) = w ( k ) X( k ) .
rect ions. It is clear t hat Eq. ( 26) represents t he LM S algo
( 3) Using LCMV to deal w it h t he useful sig rit hm if A and w q are eliminat ed. Eq. ( 26) can be
nals and t he jammers from know n direct ions. represent ed geomet rically Ref. [ 9] in F ig 4. wq is
F or adapt ively calculat ing the w eight vect or, represent ed by OB . It also can be given by GF
the Lagrang e multiplier is used to change the con which is parallel to OB . OP represents t he weig ht

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Adapt ive A nt enna U tilizing Pow er Inversion and Linearly
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vect or at iterat ion k . PD represents t he value [ u( 0&) u ( 15&) u( 30&) u ( 45&) u( 60&)
- ∋X ( k) y ( k ) . w( k ) - ∋ X ( k ) y ( k ) is repre u (- 36&) J ( 47&) J (- 38&) ] .
sented by OD, w hich is t he w eight vector at it era T he pow er patt ern levels for the desired and t he
t ion k + 1 in case of LM S algorithm. jammer signals f rom Fig 5 are summarized in
T able 1, in case of using PI algorithm alone. It is
clear t hat the maximum diff erence bet w een t he
highest level for the desired direct ions and the low
est level for t he jammer direct ions is 36 dB. In case
of P I L CMV, t he dif ference betw een all of t he
desired sig nal direct ions and jammer from direction

Fig 4 Operation of LCM V

According to F ig 5, w LMS ( k + 1) will not

term inat e to ) . T o make w( k + 1) all the t ime
sat isf ies the const raint condit ion, it must be pro
jected on ( and t he quiescent w eight must be ( a) pow er inversion algorit hm ( PIA )

added to t he projecting vector.

OG is represented by A ( w ( k ) - ∋X ( k ) ∀
y ( k ) ) ; OF = OG + GF ; OF= w( k + 1) is given
by Eq. ( 26) and t erm inat es t o ) .

3 Simulat ions
Computer simulations are performed using 13
elements uniform linear arrays arranged in t he y
ax is w ith element s spaced half w ave leng th apart.
T here are six useful GPS signals, each w it h power
( b) PIA w ith LCM V st ructure ( PI LCM V )
- 165dBW coming f rom direct ions [ 0& 15& 30&
Fig . 5 A ntenna array po wer patten
45& 60& - 36&] . T w o jam mers come from di
rect ions [ 47& - 38&] . T he jammer coming f rom Table 1 PI against PI LCMV in case of distortionless
47& has power - 120 dBW and t he ot her coming response and nulling the jammer direction
from - 38& has pow er - 100 dBW. Simulat ion is
A ngle in degrees Pow er patt ern
performed using 200 snap shot s. Five cases are / (&) level PI/ dB

simulated. 0 1. 06 0
15 0. 7 0
( 1) T he requirement is to achieve t he dist or
30 0. 5 0
t ionless response in t he directions of t he useful sig
45 - 5. 6 0
nals and null t he jammer coming form t he f ix ed di 60 1. 14 0
rect ions. Consequent ly the constraint response can - 36 - 4. 8 0
be given as f = [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0] T , and 47 - 14. 7 - 123. 2

the const raint matrix takes t he form - 38 - 34. 86 - 115. 6

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∀ 158 ∀ E. A. M OHA M ED, T AN Zhan Zhong CJA

47& is 123 2 dB and from direct ion - 38&, 115 6 and t he response vect or is given as
dB. f = [1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0] T
( 2) T he requirem ent is to achieve cont rolled In simulation the t wo jammers are carried by tw o
response for the useful and the jammer signals. It airplanes 600 km dist ance f rom the antenna. Both
is assumed t hat t he jammers come form fixed direc airplanes move w it h one Mach speed. One degree
t ions. T he response vector is movement by the airplane corresponds t o 30 7999
f = [ 10 10 10 10 10 10 s. T he simulat ion is done w ithin 23 s by 1 7 GH z

0 0001 0 0001] T Pentium IV comput er. T he const raint matrix is

const ructed t o achieve 2& null w idt h for both jam
T his response vect or assures t hat the antenna must
has 10 dB gain in the direct ions of t he all t he GPS mers to assure t hat t he jammers% direct ions lie in

useful signals. It g uarant ees t hat the null depth side t he null.
F ig 7 illustrates t he power pat tern levels for
corresponds to direct ions 47& and - 38& t o be - 80
each direct ion g iven by the const raint matrix.
dB. It is obvious from Fig 6 and T able 2 t hat t he
T able 3 summarizes t he power pat tern levels for
ant enna pow er pat tern achieves the const raint s ex
each direct ion given by t he const raint mat rix . It is
act ly.
obvious f rom T able 3 that t he dif ference bet ween
all t he usef ul sig nal direct ions and the jammer from
47& ranges bet w een [ 94 67: 94 74] dB.

Fig 6 A ntenna array pow er pattern P I L CM V struc

tur e in case of controlling the desired direction
g ains and the jammer directio n null
Fig . 7 A ntenna array pow er pattern in case of using PI_
Table 2 Summarizing the power patten levels of Fig 6 LCM V w ith tw o moving jammers
A ngle in degrees Pow er pat tern level Table 3 Summarizing the power pattern levels of Fig 7
/ (&) PI LCM V / dB
A ngle in degrees Pow er pat tern level
0 10
/ (&) PI LCM V / dB
15 10
0 0
30 10 15 0
45 10 30 0
60 10 45 0
- 36 10 60 0
47 - 80 - 36 0
46 - 94. 73
- 38 - 80
47 - 94. 67
( 3) T he requirement is t o achieve distort ion 48 - 94. 73
- 39 - 100. 6
less response in the direct ions of the useful signals - 38 - 101. 66
and null t he moving jammers% direct ions. So t he - 37 - 102. 8

const raint matrix is given as T he dif ference bet ween the desired signals and
[ u( 0&) u ( 15&) u( 30&) u ( 45&) u( 60&) the jam mer from - 38& ranges betw een [ 100 6:
u (- 36&) J ( 46&) J ( 47&) J ( 48&) 102 8] dB. It is clear that the proposed structure
J (- 39&) J (- 38&) J (- 37&) ] achieves t he constraints and highly suppresses t he

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Adapt ive A nt enna U tilizing Pow er Inversion and Linearly
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mov ing jammers. Also the suppression t akes int o mer of pow er - 110 dBW from direct ion - 18& is
consideration of any miss track given by t he P I. illuminated. Fig 9 illust rates t he behavior of t he
( 4) T he requirement is t o achieve 10 dB gains proposed st ruct ure. T able 5 indicates that a new
for t he usef ul signals and 2& null of dept h - 80 dB null of depth 57 dB is generated at - 18& to cancel
in the mov ing jam mers% direct ions. T he response the jammer.
vect or that achieves the above requirement s is
f = [ 10 10 10 10 10
10 0. 0001 0. 0001
0. 0001 0. 0001 0. 0001 0. 0001] T
and t he constraint mat rix is g iven as
[ u( 0&) u ( 15&) u( 30&) u ( 45&) u( 60&)
u (- 36&) J ( 46&) J ( 47&) J ( 48&)
J (- 39&) J (- 38&) J (- 37&) ]
It is clear from F ig 8 and T able 4 that t he
proposed st ruct ure achieves t he required const raint s Fig 9 Antenna array pow er pattern in case of using

exact ly . PI L CM V when a new jammer from direction

- 18& is illuminated after updating the constr ains
matrix by P IA

Table 5 Summarizing the power patten levels of Fig 9

A ngle in degrees Pow er pat tern level
/ (&) PI LCM V / dB
0 0
15 0
30 0
45 0
60 0
- 36 0
47 - 110
Fig 8 A ntenna array power pattern in case of using PI - 38 - 114
L CM V w ith two moving jammers and controlling - 18 - 57

t he desir ed and jammer directions

Table 4 Summarizing the power pattern levels of Fig 8

4 Conclusions
A ngle in degrees Pow er Patt ern Level
/ (&) PI LCM V / dB PI is one of t he best met hods using for GPS
0 10 anti jamming. But when t he input jammer to de
15 10
sired sig nal rat io is not very hig h, this leads to bad
30 10
45 10 output signal to noise rat io. LCMV w it h const raint
60 10 of t he jam mer direct ion gives a very good result for
- 36 10
jammer suppression, but in case of GPS t he jam
46 - 80
47 - 80
mer direction is unknown. So t he proposed struc
48 - 80 t ure ut ilizes t he power inversion as a pre processor
- 39 - 80
to updat e t he const raint matrix by t he jammer di
- 38 - 80
- 37 - 80
rect ion. LCMV minimizes the tot al out put power
subject ed t o const raining bot h the desired and t he
( 5) T his case is ex actly like Case ( 1) , but af jammer direct ions. T he simulat ion t akes all t he
t er const ruct ing t he const raints m at rix a new jam possible situations into considerat ion like tw o fixed

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∀ 160 ∀ E. A. M OHA M ED, T AN Zhan Zhong CJA

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© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

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