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Bismillahirrahmannirrahim, Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu Alhamdulillahirobbil alamin

wabihi nasta inu waalla ummuriddunya waddin, asholatu wassallamu'ala asrofil anbiya i wal mursalin,
wa alaa allihi washohbihi azmain, amma ba'du.

The honorable judges

The honorable the board of teacher, The honorable all of the audiences. First of all, let us give praise and
gratitude to Allah SWT, who has been giving us mercy and blessing, so we can attend in this place in a
good condition. I also would like to thanks to the events committee for giving me the opportunity to
participate in this English speech competition. Then, allow me introduce myself, my name is Dina
Rosdiana, I am is a representative of SMK Putra Panjalu In this occassion. I would like to deliver my
speech entitled "good Islamic young generation"

ladies and gentleman as we know that Adolescence is the most difficult time, the most difficult period
when we prefer to gather with friends. It's hard to listen to what parents say, it's hard to listen to advice.
but however Let's fill our youth with full of achievements by continuing to work and continue to be
enthusiastic towards achieving God's direction,

i ever read the article about 10 characteristic of a good muslim youth, there are the first salimul aqidah
or straight beliefs, its means that we have to belief to Alloh SWT, never associate with Alloh because
nowdays there so many thing that weakness our faith, we must keep our faith strong,

the second is shahihul ibadah or true worship, we are Islam so we have to do all the islamic
rules, for example like praying 5 times that we have to do every day. we have to do it seriously,
don't rush. must be in accordance with the pillars of prayer

the third is matimul khuluq or noble morals, We must emulate the noble character of
Rasulullah SAW. Among his noble character are Humility (tawadhu), Patience, Saying kindly and
respecting neighbors, Cheerful and Cheerful, Courageous, Honest, Gentle, Trustworthy, Shy,
Zuhud, Forgiving, Affectionate, Get along well, Keep promises , Peace Love. try to think how
many traits of raslulloh. that we have done in our life?

the forth is qadirun al kasbi or having income / being independent, as youth, we must be very
productive and earn, for what? of course for our future and our old age. therefore when we are
young we must be independent in income. of course we also want to make our parents happy
right? and also because our old age depends on how hard we work when we are young

the fifth is mutsaqaful fikri or broad insight. as a quotes "seek knowledge as far as china" never try to
learn my friend this is our provision for life.

the sixth is characters are quriyyul jismi or physically strong and healthy, the seventh is mujahidun
linafsih or spirit who is always enthusiastic, the eighth is muunadzam fi syunih or doesn't mess around,
the ninth harishum ala waqt or keeping time and the last nafiun lighairih or useful for others.
The ten characters can be formed through education in madrasas, as long as you are serious about
carrying out the education,

remember my friends we are the hope for a glorious future for the Islamic religion. Therefore, continue
to study so that you can have the character of a good Muslim youth

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