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 My contribution-

I was given the role of ‘editor’ in this EUMIND

project. I framed the questions and helped set up
the studio along with my team members. I also
wrote the report on “Recording the T.V show”. I
loved being a part of this EUMIND project.

 Most memorable learning experience-

The most memorable moment for me in this

project was the shoot of the video. I enjoyed and
learned a lot throughout the research and shoot of
our T.V show. This project taught me some
important competencies like time management,
communication skills and co-operation. This
experience also taught me how to work and have
fun at the same time.

 What went well? What would’ve you done

The shoot of our T.V show, setting up the studio
and communication within our group went very
However, it would’ve been better if we had more
interactions with our partner school peers.
However, they provided us the required inputs on
the Whatsapp group chat.

 Comparison between the schools-

Our peers from the partner school tried their best

to understand and answer our questions. However,
we would’ve appreciated it more if they could’ve
given more precise and quicker response to the
questions we asked. But in spite of the language
barriers, both the teams worked hard with sheer
determination which made this project a success.

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