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School Grade Level 11/12


Department of Education Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 7 Quarter QUARTER 2
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:

The learners demonstrate the different functional areas of management.
A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to select one’s area of interest for future career path.
Explain the nature and role in the firm of the following functional areas of management:
a. Human Resource Management
b. Marketing Management
c. Operations Management
d. Financial Management
C. Learning
e. Material and Procurement Management
f. Office Management
g. Information & Communication Technology Management

 Differentiate the role in the firm of the different functional areas of management.
 Appreciate the importance of the different functional areas of management in the firm.


A. References
1. TG’s Pages

2. LM’s Pages

3. Textbook’s Pages

B. Other Resources

1. Reviewing previous lesson or  Ask the students about their current knowledge on management functional areas  Greet the students and check  Greet the students and do a quick
presenting the new lesson and briefly review the previous lesson, if necessary. attendance. attendance check.
 Introduce the new lesson about the nature and role of each functional area of  Review the previous lesson on  Ask the students if they are familiar
management. functional areas of management with the different functional areas of
briefly. management.
 Present the new lesson on  Recap the previous lesson by asking
differentiating the role in the firm of the students to share their insights.
the different functional areas of
Explain the purpose of the lesson which Explain to the students that the purpose
2. Establishing the purpose of the Explain the importance of understanding the different functional areas of management is to differentiate the role in the firm of of this lesson is to discuss the importance
lesson in order to run a successful organization. the different functional areas of of the different functional areas of
management. management in the firm.
 Provide examples of the role of each
functional area in the firm, such as:
A. Human Resource Management:
Hiring and managing employees,
providing training and development
opportunities, ensuring legal
compliance, and managing employee
B. Marketing Management: Promoting
products and services, conducting
market research, identifying
customer needs and preferences, and
developing marketing strategies.
C. Operations Management: Ensuring
efficient production processes,
managing resources, controlling
inventory, and optimizing
 Use a PowerPoint presentation to
present the different functional areas
D. Financial Management: Managing
3. Presenting examples/instances of Provide examples of different companies and their functional areas of management, of management.
the firm's finances, creating financial
the new lesson emphasizing the role of each area in the success of the company.  Discuss the role and function of each
reports, developing budgets, and
management area and provide
managing cash flow.
E. Material and Procurement
Management: Managing the
procurement process, sourcing
materials, managing suppliers, and
managing inventory.
F. Office Management: Ensuring
smooth office operations, managing
office resources, managing office
supplies and equipment, and
maintaining office facilities.
G. Information & Communication
Technology Management:
Developing and implementing
technology strategies, managing
computer systems, and managing
data security.
 Divide the students into small
 Provide each group with a handout
 Present each functional area of management, starting with Human Resource
on one of the functional areas of
Management, Marketing Management, Operations Management, Financial
management.  Facilitate a class discussion to clarify
Management, Material and Procurement Management, Office Management, and
Information & Communication Technology Management.  Instruct each group to read the any questions that the students may
4. Discussing new concepts and
handout and prepare a short have.
practicing new skills #1  Discuss the nature and role of each area, highlighting their main responsibilities,
presentation on the role of the  Ask the students to give examples of
functions, and contributions to the organization's success.
functional area in the firm. each functional area of management.
 Allow the students to ask questions and clarify their understanding of each
 After each group has presented,
functional area.
discuss any similarities and
differences in the roles of the
functional areas.
 Ask each student to choose a
functional area of management that
they are interested in.
 Instruct the students to conduct
 Divide the students into groups and assign each group a functional area of research online about the functional
management. area and prepare a short report on the
5. Discussing new concepts and  Have each group present a real-life example of a company that demonstrates the latest trends and developments in the
practicing new skills #2 importance of their assigned functional area in the success of the company. field.
 Encourage each group to discuss and provide examples of the specific tasks and  After each student has presented
responsibilities of their assigned functional area. their report, facilitate a class
discussion on the importance of
staying up-to-date with trends and
developments in the functional areas
of management.
 Use an interactive activity to develop
mastery on the importance of the
different functional areas of
 Conduct a game that tests the students' knowledge and mastery of the different
functional areas of management.
 Divide the class into groups and ask
 Divide the students into teams and provide them with different scenarios that
6. Developing Mastery them to come up with a scenario
require them to identify the functional area of management responsible for
where they will apply the concepts
addressing the issue.
they learned in this lesson.
 The team with the most correct answers wins.
 Each group will present their
scenario to the class, and the class
will evaluate and provide feedback.
 Ask the students to think of an
 Ask the students to share how they
 Discuss the importance of understanding the different functional areas of example of how they have
can apply the concepts they learned
management in daily life, such as managing personal finances, working in teams, encountered any of the functional
7. Finding practical applications of in this lesson in their daily lives.
and handling projects. areas of management in their daily
concepts and skills in daily living  Facilitate a discussion on how they
 Encourage the students to apply the concepts and skills they learned in this lesson lives.
can use the concepts in their future
in their daily lives.  Encourage them to share their
experiences with the class.
 Summarize the different functional
areas of management and their roles  Summarize the main points of the
 Summarize the key points and main takeaways of the lesson.
in a firm. lesson.
8. Generalizing and abstractions  Ask the students to share their insights and observations about the different
 Ask the students to reflect on the  Ask the students to share their
about the lesson functional areas of management and how they contribute to the success of an
importance of understanding the insights and how the lesson can help
roles of each functional area in a them in their future careers.
 Conduct a quiz to assess the students' understanding of the different functional  Conduct a quiz to evaluate the
areas of management. students' learning.
9. Evaluating Learning
 Provide feedback to the students and discuss the areas where they need  Review the quiz and discuss the
improvement. correct answers.
 For application, ask the students to
identify a local firm and analyze its
 Assign homework or additional activities that reinforce the concepts and skills
functional areas of management.
10. Additional Activities for learned in this lesson.
 For remediation, review and discuss
Application or Remediation  Offer remedial activities or additional resources for students who need extra help
the different functional areas of
or support.
management and their roles in a


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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