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★ Nắm vững từng loại cấu trúc đảo ngữ
★ Phát hiện được các cấu trúc đảo ngữ trong bài
★ Sử dụng thành thạo các cấu trúc đảo ngữ, áp dụng được trong cuộc sống, bài


- Đảo ngữ là việc đảo ngược vị trí các động từ,... lên trước chủ ngữ nhằm mục
đích nhấn mạnh. Các dạng đảo ngữ thường gặp thường dưới dạng Đảo ngữ có
auxiliary verb.
- Đảo ngữ có auxiliary verb (hay Subject-Auxiliary Inversion) là sự thay đổi vị trí
của auxiliary verb (trợ động từ) trong câu lên trước chủ ngữ của mệnh đề chính,
thường nhằm mục đích nhấn mạnh.
- Ex: Maria never said that..
➔ At no time did Maria say that.
If he had told me that, I would not have lost the game.
➔ Had he told me that, I would not have lost the game.

a. Negative and emphatic expressions

★ Negative expressions
- Khi sử dụng các trạng từ mang nghĩa tiêu cực (e.g. never, seldom, rarely,
scarcely, hardly, barely…) để nhấn mạnh, ta đổi vị trí chủ ngữ và các trạng từ đó
trong câu và giữ nguyên các thành phần câu còn lại. Công thức:

- Ex: We have never seen such cruel behavior from one child to another.
➔ Never have we seen such cruel behavior from one child to another.

One seldom hears a politician say ‘sorry’.

➔ Seldom does one hear a politician say ‘sorry’.

★ Emphatic expressions
- Cấu trúc phổ biến nhất thường thấy đó là câu bắt đầu bằng Not.
- Ex: Not for a moment did I think I would be offered the position.
Not until I got home did I realize I forgot my key at the restaurant.
- Với dạng câu này, ta sẽ thực hiện 2 bước sau:
1. Đảo vị trí chủ ngữ và động từ đứng sau not trong câu gốc.
2. Ở vị trí đầu câu đã đảo, ta sử dụng các cụm giới từ hoặc vế câu để nhấn
- Thường với trường hợp này, câu gốc sẽ là câu phủ định (có cụm any + noun), ta
sẽ đổi thành Not a single + noun + clause.
- Một trường hợp thường thấy khác là cụm Not only - but also, ta sẽ đảo vị trí chủ
ngữ với verb sau not only, phần còn lại giữ nguyên.

- Ex: He wasn't given any praises for his excellent work.

➔ Not a single praise was given to him for his excellent work.

He not only loves chocolate but he also loves me.

➔ Not only does he love chocolate but he also loves me.

b. Clauses and results (Such, so...)

- Subject-Auxiliary Inversion còn được dùng trong nhiều trường hợp với các từ
“such”, “so”.
- Các công thức thường gặp:

Công thức Ví dụ

Such + A lot (Noun) + Đảo Auxiliary There were a lot of tickets that we
Verb + (That) + Clause couldn’t sell them all.
➔ Such a lot of tickets were there
that we couldn’t sell them all.

So + Adj / Adv + trợ động từ + S + V + He played the tune so badly that

(That) + Clause nobody recognized it.
➔ So badly did he play the tune
that nobody recognized it.

Such + Auxiliary Verb + The wind was so strong that we

Uncountable/Plural Noun + (That) + couldn’t open the window.
Clause ➔ The wind was such that we
couldn’t open the window.
➔ Such was the wind that we
couldn’t open the window.

Such + A / An + Adj + Singular Noun + Mia was such an energetic girl that he
Auxiliary Verb + (That) + Clause soon fell head over heels for her.
➔ Such an energetic girl was Mia
that he soon fell head over heels
for her.

Harry was such an industrious

student that he always got an A+.
➔ Such an industrious student
was Harry that he always got an

So + Adj / Adv + Auxiliary Verb + S + (V) The girl was so beautiful that nobody
+ (That) + Clause could talk of anything else.
➔ So beautiful was the girl that
nobody could talk of anything

The food was so delicious that we ate

every last bite.
➔ So delicious was the food that
we ate every last bite.

c. Main clause inversion (Usually with "only", "not until/since")

- Main clause inversion, hay còn gọi là đảo mệnh đề chính của câu, thường được
bắt đầu với các cụm “not until / since”, “only when”, “only after”, “only by”... Trong
các trường hợp này, phần đảo ngữ sẽ nằm ở mệnh đề thứ hai trong câu.
- Công thức thường gặp cần nhớ:

- Cụm từ và câu ví dụ tương ứng:

Cụm từ Ví dụ

Not until + Clause I didn’t believe John was safe until I

saw him with my own eyes.
➔ Not until I saw John with my own
eyes did I believe he was safe.

Not since + Clause Lucy hadn’t had such a wonderful

time since she left college.
➔ Not since Lucy left college had
she had such a wonderful time.

Only after + Clause I didn’t understand why she wanted to

live there until I had seen her current
➔ Only after I had seen her current
flat did I understand why she
wanted to live there.
Only when + Clause I didn’t feel calm until we had all
arrived home.
➔ Only when we had all arrived
home did I feel calm.

Only by + V-ing The only way we could afford to eat

was working extremely hard.
➔ Only by working extremely hard
could we afford to eat.

- Với các câu chỉ có một mệnh đề: thường sử dụng các cụm “Only later”, “Only in
this way”, “In no way”, “By no means”,, “On no account”, “Little”...

- Ex: The only way John could earn enough money to survive is this.
➔ Only in this way could John earn enough money to survive.

I can't help but disagree with what you’re saying. (ACCOUNT)

➔ On no account do I agree with what you’re saying.

You should never do anything without asking me first. (WAY)

➔ In no way should you do anything without asking me first.

- Một cấu trúc đảo ngữ rất phổ biến đó là dạng No sooner… than và Hardly /
Scarcely / Barely… when. Hai cấu trúc này thường được sử dụng với nghĩa
“không sớm hơn” / “ngay khi”.
- Ex: Immediately after he left school, it started to rain. (NO SOONER)
➔ No sooner had he left school than it started to rain.

- Công thức đảo ngữ:

- Ex: Somebody knocked the door when I had just closed it.
➔ No sooner had I closed the door than somebody knocked.

She had hardly closed her eyes when the phone rang.
➔ Hardly had she closed her eyes when the phone rang.
a. Conditionals
- Có 3 cấu trúc đảo ngữ khác nhau tương ứng với 3 dạng Câu điều kiện thường
gặp, gồm:
1. Đảo ngữ Câu điều kiện loại 1
2. Đảo ngữ Câu điều kiện loại 2
3. Đảo ngữ Câu điều kiện loại 3

- Với Đảo ngữ Câu điều kiện loại 1:

- Ex: If you have any complaints about this product, phone this number.
➔ Should you have any complaints about this product, phone this number.

- Với Đảo ngữ Câu điều kiện loại 2:

Công thức Ví dụ

TH1: V_be (không có to): - Ex: If I were you, I would break up

If + S + were (not) + O… + clause with him because of his rude
=> Were + S + (not) + O… + clause behavior.
➔ Were I you, I would break up
with him because of his rude

TH2: V thường (có to): - Ex: If it rained, our plans would be

If + S + V2 + O… + clause put off.
=> Were + S + (not) to + V + O… + clause ➔ Were it to rain, our plans
would be put off

- Với Đảo ngữ Câu điều kiện loại 3:

- Ex: If I had been there, this problem wouldn’t have happened.

➔ Had I been there, this problem wouldn’t have happened.

If we had arrived sooner, we could have prevented the accident.

➔ Had we arrived sooner, we could have prevented the accident.
b. Adverbial expressions
- Ngoài những cấu trúc trên, ta còn có thể dùng đảo ngữ với các trạng từ để
nhấn mạnh trạng từ đó. Cấu trúc này thường khá trang trọng và được sử dụng
khá nhiều trong văn viết.
- Với các adverbial expression như Here, There, Round…:

- Ex: The knights came round the corner.

➔ Round the corner came the knights.

This is the worst service I have had in this town. (NOWHERE ELSE)
➔ Nowhere else in this town have I ever had such bad service.

- Trường hợp khác công thức:

- Ex: All the tickets we have bought since last year are on the table.
➔ On the table are all the tickets we have bought since last year.

★ Đảo ngữ là việc đảo các động từ,... lên trước chủ ngữ để nhấn mạnh hành


NEGATIVE INVERSION Adv + Aux V (have, did…) + S + V + O

EMPHATIC INVERSION *Nhiều trường hợp

Dạng thường gặp gồm dạng Not…

- Not only + V + S + O, but also + S + V + O
- Not a single + noun + clause.

CLAUSES & RESULTS Such + A lot (Noun) + (That) + Clause

So + Adj / Adv + trợ động từ + S + V + (That) + Clause
Such + Auxiliary Verb + Uncountable/Plural Noun +
(That) + Clause
Such + A / An + Adj + Singular Noun + (That) +
So + Adj / Adv + Auxiliary Verb + S + (V) + (That) +
Such + (A / An) + Adj + Noun + Auxiliary Verb + S + (V)
+ (That) + Clause
MAIN CLAUSE INVERSION Not only/Not since/Only after/Only when + 2nd
clause + Aux V (did, had…) + S + V + O

Only by noun / V-ing + Aux V + S + V + O

ADVERBIAL EXPRESSIONS Adverbial expressions + V + S

Adverbial expressions + to be + O + S + V
Conditionals Type I Should + S +inf + O, main clause

Type II Were + S + (to + Non-auxiliary V) + (not) + O, main clause

Type III Had + S + (not) + V3

I. Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences using inversion without changing
their original meaning:
1. Lucy had never been to such a fantastic restaurant.
➔ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. I in no way want to be associated with that team.

➔ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. They had no sooner gone home than the ceiling crashed onto the floor.
➔ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. I had scarcely finished answering the last question when the examiner
announced the end of the exam.
➔ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. She seldom leaves her house so early.

➔ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. People rarely appreciate this artist’s outstanding talent.

➔ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. We would understand what had happened that day only later.

➔ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. They had met such rude students nowhere before.

➔ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9. We understood little about the situation.

➔ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. The children should on no account go out at night alone.

➔ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

II. Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer:

1. Rarely _________ anyone using Nokia nowadays.
A. You see
B. Will you see
C. You will see
D. You have seen

2. _________ received law degrees as today.

A. Never so many women have.
B. Never have so many women.
C. The women aren’t ever
D. Women who have never
3. _________ but also she gave me a second chance.
A. She forgives me
B. Not only she forgives me
C. She who forgives me
D. Not only does she forgive me

4. _________ receive so many presents on my birthday.

A. Seldom I do
B. Seldom do I
C. Rarely I
D. Hardly I

5. Hardly _________ entered the room when his wife called him.
A. He had
B. He was
C. Had he
D. Did he

6. _________ did Mary realize she was in danger.

A. Upon entering the mall
B. When she entered the mall
C. After she has entered the mall
D. Only after entering the mall

7. Only after the pencil has been sharpened _________.

A. That it should be used for writing.
B. Should be used for writing.
C. Should it be used for writing.
D. It should be used for writing.

8. _________ resigned, I would have been forced to sack him anyway.

A. Had he not
B. He had
C. Had he
D. If he has not

9. Times have changed and so _________.

A. We have
B. We are
C. Have we
D. Are we

10. He didn’t know how to solve that and _________.

A. Neither can’t I
B. So can’t I
C. Neither can I
D. So can I
I. Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences using inversion without changing
their original meaning:
1. Never had Lucy been to such a fantastic restaurant.
2. In no way do I want to be associated with that team.
3. No sooner had they gone home than the ceiling crashed onto the floor.
4. Scarcely had I finished answering the last question when the examiner
announced the end of the exam.
5. Seldom does she leave her house so early.
6. Rarely do people appreciate this artist’s outstanding talent.
7. Only later would we understand what had happened that day.
8. Nowhere before had they met such rude students.
9. Little did we understand about the situation.
10. On no account should the children go out at night alone.

II. Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer:

1 B

2 B

3 D

4 B

5 C

6 D

7 C

8 A

9 C

10 B
1. Session 1 - Masterclass, Grammar Reference, BBC English (BBC Learning English
- Course: Towards Advanced / Unit 25 / Grammar Reference).
2. Inversion, Perfect English Grammar (Inversion (


1. Đọc kỹ, nắm vững từng cấu trúc, nội dung trong file. Có thể kết hợp tra các từ /
cụm từ chưa biết để nắm rõ bài học.
2. Tham khảo thêm các sách khác, như DESTINATION C1 & C2
3. Thường xuyên tham khảo, luyện các đề thi chuyên Anh, HSG các tỉnh
4. Tìm thêm và luyện các bài tập trên mạng

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