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NĂM HỌC 2022 – 2023
Đề thi tham khảo
Ngày thi: …/…/……
(gồm 03 trang)


1. Giám khảo chấm đúng theo hướng dẫn của Bộ GD&ĐT.
2. Trong quá trình chấm bài thi, nếu có cách trả lời khác so với Đáp án nhưng đúng thì giám khảo
vẫn cho điểm tối đa ý của câu đó.
3. Điểm của bài thi là tổng điểm của các câu trong bài thi chia cho 10. Giám khảo không làm tròn
điểm của từng câu và từng bài theo tổng điểm 18/20.


STT Phần thi Số câu hỏi Điểm
1. Listening 25 50
2. Lexico grammar 20 20
3. Reading 50 50
4. Writing 03 60
5. Speaking 01 20
Điểm toàn bài 200/10 = 20


I. LISTENING (50 points; 2 pts for each corrrect answers)
Part 1.
1. T 2. T 3. NG 4. F 5. NG
Part 2.
6 & 7 (In any oder): B & E
8. climate change & mismanagement
9. leakages
10. possible humanitarian crisis
11. desalination of seawater
12. insulate and (future) proof
Part 3.
13. B 14. D 15. C 16. B 17. A
Part 4.
18. immense pressure
19. disintegrate
20. interconnected clones
21. inaccessible crevices
22. dead zone
23. detached
24. sponges and microorganisms
25. marine photosynthesizers

II. LEXICO GRAMMAR (20 points; 1 pt for each corrrect answers)

Part 1.
26. D 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. C
34. D 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. B 40. D
Part 2.
41. quintessential 42. rejuvenating 43. illogical 44. happenstance 45. objectionable
III. READING (50 points; 1 pt for each corrrect answers)
Part 1.
49. equipped/
46. from 47. accused 48. victim 50. recapture
51. which/ that 52. according 53. have 54. against 55. sexual
Part 2.
56. F 57. T 58. T 59. T 60. NG 61. F 62. NG

63. standards of literacy 64. teaching techniques 65. formative reading experiences
67. beautiful / eye-catching (IN
66. undergraduates 68. academic journals
Part 3.
69. F 70. B 71. G 72. C 73. A 74. D 75. H
Part 4.
76. C 77. B 78. C 79. D 80. A 81. C 82. C 83. B 84. D 85. A
Part 5.
86. C 87. B 88. B 89. A 90. D 91. B 92. A 93. C 94. D 95. B

IV. WRITING (60 points)

Part 1. (15 points)
Contents (10 points)
- The summary MUST cover the following points.
 How we acquire our vocabulary.
 Avoiding error and confusion

- The summary MUST NOT contain personal opinions.

Language use (5 points)

The summary.
 should show attempts to convey the main ideas of the original text by means of paraphrasing
(structural and lexical use).
 should demonstrate correct use of grammatical structures, vocabulary, and mechanics (spelling,
punctuations, …).
 should maintain coherence, cohesion, and unity throughout (by means of linkers and transitional
 A penalty of 1 point to 2 points will be given to personal opinions found in the summary.
 A penalty of 1 point to 2 points will be given to any summary with more than 20% of the words copied
from the original.
 A penalty of 1 point will be given to any summary longer than 130 words or shorter than 90 words.

Part 2. (15 points)

Contents (10 points)
- The report MUST have cover the following points.
 Introduce the chart (2 points) and state the overall trends & striking features (2 points).
 Describe main features with relevant data from the chart and make relevant comparisions (6 points).
- The report MUST NOT contain personal opinions. (A penalty of 1 point to 2 points will be given to personal
opinions found in the answer).

Language use (5 points)

The report:
 should demonstrate a wide-variety of lexical and grammatical structures.
 should have correct use of words (verb tenses, word forms, voice, …); and mechanics (spelling,
punctuations, …).

Part 3. (30 points)

The mark given to part 3 is based on the following criteria:
1. Task achievement: (10 points)
a. ALL requirements of the task are sufficiently addressed.
b. Ideas are adequately supported and elaborated with relevant and reliable explainations,
examples, evidence, personal experience, etc.
2. Organization: (10 points)
a. Ideas are well organized and presented with coherence, cohesion, and unity.
b. The essay is well-structured:
 Introduction is presented with clear thesis statement.
 Body paragraphs are written with unity, coherence, and cohesion. Each body paragraph
must have a topic sentence and supporting details and examples when necessary.
 Conclusion summarises the main points and offers personal opinions (prediction,
recommendation, consideration, …) on the issue.
3. Language use: (5 points)
a. Demonstration of a veriety of topic-related vocabulary.
b. Excellent use and control of grammatical structures.
4. Punctuation, spelling, and handwriting (5 points)
a. Correct punctuation and no spelling mistakes.
b. Legible handwriting.

Markers should discuss and suggested answers and the marking scales thoroughly before marking
the papers.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Singapore is a young and diverse country (46) _____ has expanded from only about a thousand
residents in the early 1800s to more than 5 mollion today. Around 40 percent of the populace is foreign-born
and there are four (47) _____ languages: English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil. Religions are even more
numerous. Indeed, racial and religious harmony is (48) _____ by the government to be essential, and a part
of the national identity.
Singaporeans tend to (49) _____ their nation an outpost of progress in an untidy world – a 19th century
English colonial outlook (50) _____ into a ‘modern’ Asia (51) _____ on hard work and intelligence. That’s
understandable, for Singapore is an object lesson in how to set national priorities – and follow through on
them year upon year. Healthcare and Education are consistently good when compared (52) _____, and its
economy has been called one of the freest, most innovative, most competitive and most business-friendly.
From an inhospitable swampland has (53) _____ a modern affluent city-state – part financial services
centre, part hi-tech manufacturer, part trading hub to its less developed neighbours. (54) _____ doubt that,
by the end of the decade, living standards in Singapore will be on a (55) _____ with any country in the world.

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