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Basic Productivity Presentation Tool

Lesson Idea

Lesson Idea Name: Misty the Circle Nightlight

Grade Level/Content Area: 4th Grade Science
Content Standard Addressed: S4E2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to
model the effects of the position and motion of the Earth and the moon in relation to the
sun as observed from the Earth.
b. Develop a model based on observations to describe the repeating pattern of the phases
of the moon (new, crescent, quarter, gibbous, and full).

ISTE Technology Standard What would you like students to know and
Addressed: (Use the link to guide you to be able to do by the end of this lesson:
suggested student standards which come (Use the standards to define this statement.)
from the ISTE Student Standards Website) Describing the repeating patterns of the
Creative Communicator: Elements: 1.6.a moon phases
Students choose the appropriate platforms
and tools for meeting the desired objectives
of their creation or communication.
What is the student learning goal for this lesson idea?
Add 1 to 2 sentences stating the learning outcome you would expect students to achieve
using the technology tool selected. (This goal will be shared with students so make it clear,
concise, and kid-friendly.)
1. Students should be able to understand moon phases and their relationship with the
earth and sun.
2. Students should be able to describe the similarities and differences of the moon phases

Selected Basic Productivity Tool: PowerPoint

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):!

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Level(s): (Which level(s) will this lesson meet using this technology

☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☐ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Basic Productivity Presentation Tool
Lesson Idea

How will this lesson be implemented? Check all that apply. (Sometimes only one option will

☐ Teacher-directed: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by the
teacher's direction and expectations.

☐ Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic for
presentation and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. Products of
learning will be uniquely designed. Teacher simply facilitates the learning in a lesson like this.

☐ Project-based and/or Publishable: Students are completing projects to demonstrate their learning
and the projects can be shared outside of the classroom. This objective could be reached by
displaying the project on the school’s morning newscast, posting the project to the classroom
blog, presenting it to another class, or publishing it via an outside source.

Lesson idea implementation: Write a paragraph describing how the lesson will be
implemented using the prompts as your guide:
I would start the lesson by asking students what they already know and wonder about the
Sun, Earth, and Moon. I want to start that conversation because we are talking about the
moon. Then I will explain the moon in a little bit more detail to further explain how the
moon appears to change shape over time. I can use the e-book that I created to help show
the different types and how they look in visual cues. While doing this I would stop and
explain how each phase is different. After the e-book, then I will see If the students were
still having questions, thoughts, or concerns about the moon and/or the phases. After that,
I will explain the e-book project to the students. In this project, they will do this individually
to see what works. I will explain the main goal of creating an eBook involving moon phases.
They will complete this project in class so that if they need some guidance in making
eBooks. Knowing that this is a new thing for them I will help them record their eBooks after
they made their books officially end the lesson, we will discuss the main takeaways of the
moon and have time for questions, thoughts, and concerns.
Managing the technology/engagement: Describe a way to use this technology in a way that
gets students actively involved in authentic tasks and contexts? How will you manage the
classroom behaviors on the technology: I think e-books are a great way to create
interactive e-books that allow students to manipulate and explore different lunar phases.
The strategies that I will use to manage technology and engagement:
 Co-engagement with co-use of technology: The project is mainly focused on using
their creativity through technology to create something out of the box.
 Time Limits: Again, getting time off technology helps so maybe 12-minute breaks.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

Basic Productivity Presentation Tool
Lesson Idea

This is my first time making an e-book so of course, I am going to have some struggle trying
to make one in one week. Especially since this will be the students’ making e-books, it will
be a new thing to them. E-books offer an interactive and engaging learning experience for
students through multimedia elements such as videos, images, and animations. E-books are
more accessible for students with disabilities or learning differences, as they can be
customized to suit individual needs and preferences to make reading comfortable for them.
The UDL Guideline that I would use to support is Representation. I say this because I am
creating moon phases through illustrations. I’m showing my lesson through voice and visual
multimedia. Text can be helpful but now that technology can be advanced to where they
provide alternatives to help further explain the content we teach and create.
Reflecting on enhanced learning:
I did something out of the box that I never knew that I could do. This was an experience
that has taught me how many different software can be used for various content. I don’t
think there is anything that I wouldn’t change now. I feel like there was not much I could do
now because I’m still new to this. I’m very proud of this lesson, to be honest, but I wouldn’t
mind changing it if I’m given the chance.

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