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Paniqui, Tarlac


In partial fulfillment in the course BSED IV

(Portfolio in Field Study II) this first
Semester 2023-2024



[Grab your reader’s attention with
CHAPTER a great quote from PAGE
the document
or use this space to emphasize a


II. 1 Statement of Purpose 5

II. 2 Theoretical Learnings in Field Study 2 5

II. 3 Vision 6


III. 1 My Autobiography 8

III. 2 My Crossroad Journey in Field Study 1 and 2 9

III. 3 Field Study 1 and 2 Classroom Activities and 10

Performances/ Panel Discussions/ Seminar

III. 4 Written Output/ Test Papers 10

III. 5 Video and Pictorial 11


IV. 1 STV Observation Notes 13

IV. 2 Narrative Report 14

IV. 3 Detailed Lesson Plan 15



[Grab your reader’s attention with

a great quote from the document
or use this space to emphasize a
2 box
key point. To place this text
anywhere on the page, just drag

Welcome to my professional portfolio, a comprehensive reflection of my

educational journey and field study experiences. As I navigate through the pages of this
portfolio, you will gain insights into my academic growth, personal development, and
hands-on learning experiences that have shaped my understanding of the educational
landscape. The journey begins with a glimpse into my autobiography, where I share
pivotal moments and influences that have molded my passion for education. Through the
lens of my personal narrative, you will discover the motivations and aspirations that drive
my commitment to continuous learning and improvement.

The portfolio unfolds further as it delves into my field study journey within
cooperating schools. Here, I meticulously document my immersive experiences,
providing a detailed account of my observations and interactions with both students and
educators. This section serves as a testament to my ability to apply theoretical knowledge
in real-world settings and highlights my adaptability in diverse educational environments.
Field Study 1 and 2 represent significant chapters within the portfolio, each dedicated to
the exploration of school premises. In these sections, I showcase my ability to synthesize
classroom theory with practical application. You will find detailed analyses of teaching
methodologies, curriculum implementation, and the overall dynamics of the educational

The portfolio is not merely a collection of academic achievements but a narrative

of growth and transformation. Each page is a testament to my dedication to becoming an
effective and empathetic educator. The table of contents serves as a roadmap, guiding
you through the diverse facets of my educational journey. Join me on this expedition
through academia, where theory meets practice, and the pursuit of knowledge converges
with the realities of the classroom. As you navigate through these pages, I invite you to
witness the evolution of a dedicated learner, ready to contribute meaningfully to the field
of education.

As you traverse the pages of this portfolio, you will encounter not just a
documentation of my academic achievements but also a vivid portrayal of my
extracurricular engagements. Beyond the classroom, I have actively participated in
community projects, workshops, and collaborative initiatives that reflect my commitment
to holistic education. These experiences, seamlessly woven into the fabric of my
narrative, demonstrate my versatility and capacity to engage with various stakeholders in
the educational sphere.

Furthermore, the portfolio encapsulates my reflections on challenges faced and
lessons learned, providing a transparent account of my growth. Through self-assessment
and critical analysis, I highlight my adaptability, resilience, and the continuous pursuit of
excellence in the dynamic realm of education. This journey is not just about academic
pursuits; it is a testament to my ethos as an aspiring educator – an individual dedicated to
nurturing not only intellect but also character and community. Welcome to the tapestry of
my educational odyssey, where passion meets purpose, and each experience contributes
to the mosaic of my evolving identity.

In conclusion, this portfolio serves as a testament to my educational odyssey, a

tapestry woven with the threads of academic accomplishments, practical experiences, and
a deep commitment to holistic education. As I navigate through the pages, it becomes
evident that my journey extends beyond the confines of traditional learning. It is a
dynamic narrative of growth, adaptability, and an unwavering dedication to shaping the
future of education. Through reflections on personal and academic milestones, engaging
field studies, and active involvement in community initiatives, this portfolio encapsulates
the multifaceted dimensions of my identity as an aspiring educator. It is not merely a
documentation of achievements, but a living testament to my philosophy that education is
not confined to the classroom alone; it is a collaborative and community-driven endeavor.

As I step into the next chapter of my professional journey, this portfolio stands as
a compass, guiding me towards a future where I can continue to bridge theory and
practice, contribute to educational innovation, and foster a learning environment that goes
beyond textbooks – one that nurtures intellect, character, and community, creating a
lasting impact on the world of education.



Welcome to the exploration of my immersive observation experiences at Eduardo

Cojuangco National Vocational High School, where the pages of this portfolio unfold to
reveal keen insights into the dynamics of both teaching and learning environments. In the
course of my observation, I had the privilege of delving into the intricacies of this
esteemed institution, documenting a comprehensive glimpse into the daily lives of both
educators and students.

As I entered the classrooms, the vibrant energy of dedicated teachers and the
palpable enthusiasm of students became immediately apparent. Through keen
observation, I sought to unravel the nuanced techniques employed by educators in
engaging and inspiring their students. This section of the portfolio provides a detailed
examination of teaching methodologies, instructional strategies, and the overall dynamics
of the teacher-student relationship within the academic setting.

Beyond the confines of the classrooms, my observations extended to the broader

school environment. I meticulously documented the collaborative culture, extracurricular
activities, and the overall ethos that contributes to the unique identity of Eduardo
Cojuangco National Vocational High School. This holistic perspective aims to capture
not only the academic prowess but also the vibrant community spirit that permeates the
educational landscape.

Join me in this exploration, as I share the moments of insight gleaned from my

observations at Eduardo Cojuangco National Vocational High School, where the
dedicated efforts of teachers and the eagerness of students converge to create a dynamic
and enriching learning environment.


Field Study 2 is a pivotal resource in understanding and applying educational
theories to real-world teaching scenarios. Three prominent theories explored in this book
are Behaviorism, Constructivism, and Socio-Cultural Theory, each contributing
significantly to the pedagogical landscape.

Behaviorism, as outlined in Field Study 2, emphasizes observable behaviors and

stimuli-response patterns. Teachers employing behaviorist principles focus on creating a
structured learning environment with clear expectations and positive reinforcement. By

understanding the influence of external factors on student behavior, educators can
effectively design interventions to shape and modify learning outcomes.

Contrastingly, Constructivism, another theory explored in the book, posits that

learners actively construct their knowledge through experiences and reflection. Field
Study 2 illustrates how educators can facilitate this process by creating interactive,
inquiry-based activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Students are encouraged to build upon their existing knowledge, fostering a deeper and
more meaningful understanding of the subject matter.

The Socio-Cultural Theory, as presented in Field Study 2, emphasizes the role of

social interactions and cultural context in the learning process. Educators are encouraged
to recognize the importance of collaborative learning, where students engage in
meaningful discourse and shared activities. The theory underscores the significance of
cultural sensitivity, acknowledging that learners bring diverse perspectives to the
educational setting.

In conclusion, Field Study 2 provides a rich exploration of educational theories

such as Behaviorism, Constructivism, and Socio-Cultural Theory. These theories serve as
invaluable tools for educators seeking to create dynamic, student-centered learning
environments that cater to diverse learning styles and foster a holistic approach to
education. Through the application of these theories, educators can navigate the
complexities of the classroom, ensuring a more effective and engaging learning
experience for students.

As I embark on the journey toward becoming an educator, my vision is anchored
in three fundamental principles that I believe are integral to shaping a meaningful and
impactful educational experience.

First and foremost, I aspire to be a catalyst for inspiring lifelong learners.

Education is not just a process confined to the walls of a classroom; it is a lifelong
journey of exploration and discovery. My vision involves instilling in each student a
passion for learning that extends far beyond the curriculum. I aim to create an
environment where curiosity is nurtured, questions are encouraged, and the joy of
continuous discovery becomes a cornerstone of their educational experience. By fostering
a mindset of lifelong learning, I hope to equip students with the tools they need to
navigate an ever-evolving world.

In addition to inspiring lifelong learners, my vision revolves around nurturing

inclusive excellence. I believe in the power of diversity and the richness it brings to the

learning experience. As a future educator, I am committed to creating an inclusive
environment where every student feels valued, seen, and heard. I want to celebrate the
unique strengths and perspectives that each individual brings to the classroom. In doing
so, I hope to cultivate a culture of excellence that goes beyond academic achievements,
embracing the diverse talents and abilities of every student.

Lastly, my vision extends beyond the academic realm to focus on fostering

positive social impact. Education is not just about equipping students with knowledge; it
is about empowering them to be responsible and compassionate global citizens. I aim to
instill a sense of social responsibility in my students, encouraging them to use their
education as a tool for positive change. By nurturing a commitment to social impact, I
aspire to see my students become active contributors to their communities and the world
at large, creating a ripple effect of positive transformation.

In essence, my vision as a future educator is to inspire a love for learning, nurture

inclusive excellence, and foster a sense of social responsibility. Through these guiding
principles, I hope to contribute to the development of individuals who not only excel
academically but also actively engage in shaping a better, more inclusive, and
compassionate world.


I was born on March 4, 2002, in the picturesque town of
Candaba in Pampanga, Philippines. As the third child in a family of
four, I grew up in a household filled with warmth, laughter, and the
bustling energy of three siblings. My parents, Esperanza and Leonito,
provided a loving foundation that shaped my formative years.

Childhood in Candaba was marked by the simplicity of rural life, where the vast
rice fields served as my playground. I earned a reputation as the family's "silly child,"
often engaging in mischievous antics that brought joy and laughter to our home. My
boisterous laughter echoed through the neighborhood, earning me the endearing
nickname "Little Kevin."

As the years unfolded, so did my transformation from a playful child into a well-
behaved young man. The catalyst for this change was the unwavering guidance and
support of my parents. Their values of discipline, respect, and hard work became the
compass guiding my journey. Education played a pivotal role in this transformation. As I
entered school, the structured environment instilled in me a sense of responsibility and
accountability. The lessons learned in the classroom complemented the invaluable
wisdom passed down by my parents, paving the way for a balanced upbringing.

My parents, especially my mother, Esperanza, played a crucial role in shaping my

character. Her gentle yet firm demeanor became a source of inspiration. She imparted the
importance of empathy, humility, and kindness, instilling in me the values that would
anchor my moral compass.

The support of my siblings also played a vital role in my growth. Together, we

faced the challenges of adolescence, learning from each other's experiences and providing
a support system that strengthened our familial bond.

As I progressed through my teenage years, the guidance of my parents and the

values instilled in me led to a noticeable transformation. The once-silly child matured
into a well-behaved young man, mindful of his actions and respectful of others. The
playful laughter remained, but it became infused with a newfound sense of responsibility
and consideration for those around me.

Today, as I navigate the threshold of adulthood, I carry with me the lessons of my
upbringing. I am grateful for the foundation laid by my parents, the bond shared with my
siblings, and the nurturing environment of Candaba. My journey from a playful child to a
well-behaved man is a testament to the influence of family, the power of education, and
the enduring impact of values passed down through generations.

Enrolling in the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies

program marked a significant turning point in my life, shaping not only my academic
pursuits but also my perspective on the world. The curriculum exposed me to a diverse
array of subjects, delving into history, sociology, political science, and economics. Each
course became a window into the complexities of human society, sparking a deep
curiosity about the forces that shape our collective destinies.

Studying social studies was a transformative experience that went beyond

textbooks and classrooms. It involved critical analysis of societal structures, historical
events, and cultural phenomena. As I delved into the narratives of different societies, I
developed a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of human experiences and
the impact of historical events on contemporary issues.

This academic journey cultivated a sense of responsibility and eagerness for

social change within me. The realization that education could be a powerful catalyst for
societal transformation became ingrained in my consciousness. I recognized the potential
of social studies not just as a subject matter but as a tool to inspire critical thinking,
empathy, and an active engagement with the world.

Eager to contribute to social change, I immersed myself in community service

initiatives, outreach programs, and projects that aimed to address societal challenges. The
knowledge gained from my major served as a compass, guiding me towards endeavors
that could make a positive impact on the lives of others. The Bachelor of Secondary
Education Major in Social Studies not only equipped me with pedagogical skills but also
instilled a passion for instigating positive societal shifts. It taught me to appreciate
diversity, analyze global issues, and inspired a commitment to fostering understanding
and empathy among future generations.

Now, as I stand on the cusp of the professional world, I carry with me the belief
that education, especially in social studies, can be a powerful agent of change. My
eagerness for social change has evolved from a mere academic pursuit to a deeply
ingrained commitment. I am poised to channel this enthusiasm into my role as an
educator, aspiring to empower students with the knowledge and skills necessary for them
to become informed, compassionate, and active contributors to a better society.





A learning environment refers to the physical, psychological, and social
conditions in which learning occurs. It encompasses both formal settings, such as
classrooms and educational institutions, and informal settings, such as workplaces,
homes, and community spaces. The learning environment plays a crucial role in
influencing the overall educational experience and outcomes for individuals. An effective
learning environment considers the interplay of these factors to create a space where
learners feel motivated, engaged, and supported in their educational journey. It
recognizes the importance of catering to the diverse needs and abilities of individuals,
fostering a positive and dynamic atmosphere conducive to meaningful learning


The learning environment is critically important because it significantly

influences the educational experiences, attitudes, and outcomes of learners. Here are
several key reasons why the learning environment holds such significance:

1. Impact on Learning Outcomes: A well-designed learning environment can positively

impact academic achievement and cognitive development. Factors such as classroom
organization, availability of resources, and the use of effective teaching methods
contribute to enhanced learning outcomes.

2. Motivation and Engagement: The learning environment plays a pivotal role in
fostering student motivation and engagement. A stimulating and supportive atmosphere
encourages active participation, curiosity, and a positive attitude toward learning.

3. Emotional Well-being: A nurturing learning environment contributes to the emotional

well-being of learners. A safe and inclusive space, coupled with positive teacher-student
and peer relationships, helps reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a conducive
atmosphere for learning.

4. Development of Social Skills: Learning environments provide opportunities for social

interactions and the development of crucial social skills. Collaboration, communication,
teamwork, and conflict resolution are nurtured in environments that emphasize positive
social dynamics.



My Field Study 2 journey at Eduardo Cojuangco National Vocational High
School was a transformative experience, providing me with a unique opportunity to
observe and interact with 10th-grade students in a dynamic and diverse learning
environment. As I entered the school premises, I was met with a palpable sense of
enthusiasm and energy that set the tone for my observations.

One of the key aspects of my observation involved understanding the 10th-grade

students' engagement with the curriculum. The classrooms buzzed with the vibrant
exchange of ideas, and the students demonstrated an impressive level of attentiveness and
participation. Through meticulous note-taking and careful documentation, I aimed to
capture the varied learning styles and preferences exhibited by the students, recognizing
the importance of tailoring teaching approaches to accommodate diverse needs.

Beyond the confines of the classrooms, I delved into the social dynamics among
the 10th-grade students. Observing their interactions during breaks, group activities, and
extracurricular events provided valuable insights into the formation of peer relationships,
communication patterns, and the overall social atmosphere within the school. This
holistic perspective allowed me to appreciate the significance of a supportive and
inclusive community in fostering effective learning environments.

Furthermore, my Field Study 2 journey involved exploring the unique teaching

methodologies employed by educators in engaging 10th-grade students. Through
classroom observations, I gained a firsthand understanding of instructional strategies,
multimedia integration, and the use of technology to enhance the learning experience.
These observations deepened my appreciation for the innovative approaches adopted by
teachers in adapting to the evolving needs of contemporary education.

One of the highlights of my journey was the opportunity to conduct interviews

and informal conversations with 10th-grade students. These interactions provided
invaluable qualitative data, allowing me to grasp their perspectives on the curriculum,
teaching methods, and their aspirations. Through these conversations, I gained a deeper
understanding of the individualized needs and aspirations of the students, which is
essential for tailoring educational approaches to foster meaningful learning experiences.

In conclusion, my Field Study 2 journey at Eduardo Cojuangco National

Vocational High School was an enriching exploration of 10th-grade students' academic
and social dynamics. The experience not only deepened my understanding of effective

teaching practices but also highlighted the importance of creating inclusive and
supportive learning environments. As I reflect on this journey, I am eager to apply these
insights to my future role as an educator, recognizing the profound impact that a well-
rounded and student-centered approach can have on the educational journey of 10th-
grade students.



Setting the Stage

The commencement of my Field Study journey was marked by a sense of
excitement and anticipation, akin to standing on the precipice of a grand adventure. The
exploration was set in motion under the watchful guidance of Ma'am Susan T. Vicente,
my esteemed FS 2 professor. As the architect of our pedagogical voyage, her sagacious
insights and meticulous planning laid the foundation for a transformative experience.
This initial stage set the tone for a journey that transcended the boundaries of traditional
learning, embarking on an odyssey that promised not only academic enrichment but also
profound personal and professional growth.

Traversing the Terrain

The heart of the journey unfolded in the vibrant classrooms and bustling corridors
of Eduardo Cojuangco National Vocational High School. The Grade 10 students, my
enthusiastic companions in this educational exploration, became the focal point of my
observations. The dynamic interactions, both with them and my cooperating teacher, Sir
Geronimo Cunanan, presented an invaluable opportunity to traverse the educational
terrain. Through meticulous observation and active participation, I delved into the
multifaceted dynamics of teaching and learning, gaining insights that transcended the
theoretical realms of textbooks. The collaborative spirit within the educational ecosystem
became a crucible for forging connections, not just with the subjects at hand, but with the
individuals who breathed life into the learning environment.

Voyaging into Reflection

As the journey reached its culmination, the reflection stage emerged as the
compass guiding my understanding and assimilation of the entire experience. Ma'am

Susan T. Vicente's encouragement to contemplate not only the 'what' but also the 'why'
and 'how' of my observations elevated this voyage beyond a mere checklist of tasks. The
narrative woven through this reflective process unveiled the nuances of effective
teaching, the importance of flexibility in pedagogy, and the immeasurable impact of a
supportive community within the school. The voyage, steered by the wisdom shared by
my professors, the camaraderie of friends, and the resilience of the Grade 10 students,
concluded not just as an academic exercise but as a transformative narrative,
encapsulating the essence of my Field Study journey.



Paaralan Grad
: e9
JOHN KEVIN Asignatura
Guro: AP
Petsa: Markahan: UNA
1O, 2022

Araw/Antas/Oras: SocStud Major 2:00-5:00pm
A. Pamantayang Naipamamalas ng mga mag-aaral ang pag-unawa sa iba’t-ibang uri ng
Pangnilalaman organisasyon ng negosyo.
B. Pamantayan sa Pagganap Ang mga mag-aaral ay naisasabuhay ang pag-unawa sa iba’t-ibang uri
ng organisasyon ng negosyo at kung paano nila ito magagamit sa
kanilang pang araw-araw.
C. Mga kasanayan sa (AP9MKE-lh-16) – Nasusuri ang mga pagkaka iba ng mga
Pagkatuto/MELCS organisasyon ng negosyo.
D. Mga Tiyak na Layunin  Matutuhan at maisabuhay ng mga mag-aaral ang mga pagkaka
iba ng mga organisasyon ng negosyo.
 Nabibigyan ng importansya ang bawat salik ng organisasyon
ng negosyo.
 Naisasagawa ang mga bagay na maaring maka tulong sa bawat
negosyo na s’yang tatayo bilang mekanismo ng ekonomiya.
II. NILALAMAN Modyul 7: Mga Organisasyon ng Negosyo
Aralin 7: Mga Organisasyon ng Negosyo
A. Sanggunian
1.Mga pahina sa Gabay
ng Guro
2.Mga pahina sa pp. 84-90
kagamitang Pang-Magaaral
Kagamitan mula sa portal ng
B.Iba pang Kagamitang Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation, Instructional Materials, Cartolina,
Panturo Projector, Tarpapel
A. Balik-Aral sa nakaraang Ano-Ano ang ating huling tinalakay sa ating asignatura noong
aralin at/o pagsisimula ng nakaraang araw?
bagong aralin.
B.Paghahabi sa layunin ng Unang Gawain: Paglapat ng tamang letra sa mga larawan na nasa
aralin. pisara patungkol sa mga organisasyon ng negosyo.
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga Gamit ang mga salitang nilapat sa pisara ay tutukuyin kung anong uri
halimbawa sa bagong aralin. ng organisasyon ng negosyo ang mga nasa pisara.
D. Pagtalakay ng bagong Gamit ang Powerpoint Presentation tatalakayin ng guro ang patungkol
konsepto at paglalahad ng sa paksang tatalakayin ngayong araw na pinamagatang Organisasyon
bagong kasanayan #1 ng Negosyo at kung paano ito makaka tulong sap ag unlad ng sarili at

E. Pagtalakay ng bagong Ibabatay ng guro ang kanyang mga tanong tungkol sa mga iba’t-ibang
konsepto at paglalahad ng uri ng organisasyon ng negosyo.
bagong kasanayan #2
F. Paglinang sa Kabihasnan Pangalawang Gawain: Mind your own business!

Susuriin ang mga depenisyon na ibibigay kung ito ba ay Sole

Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation at Cooperative at ilalapat ang
mga ito sa kung saan sila nabibilang na pangkat.
G.Paglalapat aralin sa pang Batay sa natapos na gawain, ano ang nais mong itayong negosyo at
araw-araw na buhay bakit?
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Bilang isang studyante na nasa ika siyam na baitang. Bakit sa tingin
ninyo importanteng malaman at matutuhan ang mga organisasyon ng
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Pangatlong Gawain: Maysa, Duwwa at Addo.

Panuto: Basahin ang mga sumussunod na negosyo kung ito ba ay

Maysa (pang isahan), Duwwa (pang dalawahan) at Addo (pang
maramihan) at isulat ang inyong sagot sa (½) na papel.

_______ 1. Sari-Sari Store

_______ 2. Lending
_______ 3. Coca-Cola Company
_______ 4. Teachers Cooperative
_______ 5. Barber Shop
_______ 6. Review Center
_______ 7. Toyota Motor Corporation
_______ 8. Multi-Purpose Cooperative
_______ 9. Fishball Kikiam Sa Kanto
_______ 10. Ihaw-ihaw
J. Karagdagag Gawain para Pangapat na Gawain: Talambuhay o Biyograpiya
sa takdang-aralin at
remediation Umisip o mag saliksik ng tao, kooperatiba, o korporasyon na sa tingin
mo ay tanyag sa business world. Isulat ang kanilang galing at husay sa
larangan ng pagnenegosyo at kung paano nila nakamtan ang tanyag na
husay sa pag nenegosyo.

Pamantayan Punto Nakuhang

s Puntos
Kawastuhan ng ideya batay sa gawain. 30
Maayos na pag-buo ng pangungusap 20
(Panimula, Katawan, at Wakas)
Kabuuang Puntos 50


A.Bilang ng magaaral na
nakakuha ng 80% sa
B. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba pang
Gawain para sa remediation
C. Nakatulong ba ang
remedial? Bilang ng mag-
aaral na nakaunawa sa aralin

D.Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa
E. Alin sa mga estratehiya ng
pagtuturo ang nakatulong ng
lubos? Paano ito nakatulong?
F. Anong suliranin ang aking
naranasan na
masosolusyunan sa tulong ng
aking punongguro at
G.Anong kagamitang
panturo ang aking nadibuho
nan ais kong ibahagi sa mga
kapwa ko guro?


I extend my deepest gratitude and heartfelt thanks to the Almighty God, the
source of wisdom and strength, for guiding me through this academic journey and
providing me with the perseverance to overcome challenges.

To my parents, who have been unwavering pillars of support, I express my

sincere appreciation. Your encouragement, love, and sacrifices have been my driving
force, and I am profoundly grateful for the values and principles you instilled in me.

I would like to extend my appreciation to Ma'am Ligaya Labutong, my FS 1

professor, for her guidance and mentorship. Her dedication to education has been a
constant source of inspiration, shaping my understanding of the teaching profession.

A special thanks to Ma'am Susan T. Vicente, my FS 2 professor, for her

invaluable insights and constructive feedback throughout this journey. Her expertise and
commitment to excellence have enriched my learning experience.

To my friends, who have provided camaraderie and support, thank you for being
constant companions in both academic and personal endeavors. Your encouragement and
shared experiences have added immeasurable value to my educational journey.

I extend my sincere gratitude to the Grade 10 students of Eduardo Cojuangco

National Vocational High School. Your enthusiasm, curiosity, and dedication to learning
have left an indelible mark on my experience. It has been an honor to witness your
growth and passion for education.

A special acknowledgment to my cooperating teacher, Sir Geronimo Cunanan, for

welcoming me into the teaching environment with open arms. His mentorship, guidance,
and commitment to fostering a positive learning atmosphere have significantly
contributed to my professional development.

In conclusion, I am profoundly grateful to each individual who has played a role

in my academic journey. Your support, encouragement, and mentorship have been
instrumental, and I am excited to carry the lessons learned into my future endeavors as an


Dear Ma'am Susan T. Vicente,

I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation for

your exceptional guidance and mentorship during our Field
Study 2 course. Your dedication to our learning experience has
made a profound impact on my educational journey.

Your commitment to bridging theory with practical application has been

instrumental in our understanding of the teaching profession. The hands-on experiences
you provided have not only enhanced our knowledge but also equipped us with valuable
skills for our future careers. Your emphasis on real-world challenges has been a
cornerstone of our learning, and I am grateful for the practical insights you have shared.

I appreciate the personal attention you have given to each student. Your
approachability and willingness to offer individualized guidance have created a
supportive learning environment. Your feedback has been invaluable, fostering an
atmosphere where we feel comfortable seeking clarification and sharing our thoughts.

The sense of community you cultivated in the class through collaborative projects
and group activities has been enriching. These experiences have not only strengthened
our teamwork skills but also allowed us to build meaningful connections with our peers.
Your efforts to create a positive and engaging learning environment have not gone
unnoticed. Your extensive knowledge and expertise in the field have inspired a genuine
enthusiasm for education in me. Your insightful lectures and thought-provoking
discussions have provided a holistic understanding of the intricacies of the teaching

In closing, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your tireless efforts and the
positive influence you have had on my personal and professional development. The
lessons learned under your mentorship will undoubtedly guide me in my future

Thank you, Ma'am Susan T. Vicente, for being an exemplary educator and mentor.

Warm regards,

John Kevin Pantas


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