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Midterm exam
NAME : _____________________________ Date: _____________________________


Physical, chemical or biological hazard.

1. bio-active substances. 11. Food Preservatives

2. body stressing. 12. Fragments Of Jewelry
3. Broken Glass 13. fungi.
4. cleaning chemicals. 14. gas cylinders
5. confined spaces. 15. Hairs
6. cosmetics. 16. heat.
7. Cracked Manicures 17. noise.
8. degreasers. 18. pathogenic micro-organisms.
9. detergents. 19. Pesticides
10. electricity. 20. spores.

TEST II. Give the meaning.

1. PSP

2. DSP

3. DAP

4. NSP


1-5 food allergen

1-5 Symptoms for mycotoxins


1: Which of the following is an example of a physical hazard in the workplace?

a) Bacteria
b) Noise
c) Bleach
d) Carbon monoxide
2: What type of hazard does uneven flooring represent?
a) Chemical hazard
b) Biological hazard
c) Physical hazard
d) Ergonomic hazard

3: Which of the following can protect against physical hazards in a laboratory setting?
a) Safety goggles
b) Gloves
c) Earplugs
d) Respirators

4.: Which of the following is a biological hazard?

a) Fire
b) Mold
c) Asbestos
d) Influenza virus

5: How can you prevent the spread of biological hazards in a healthcare setting?

a) Proper hand hygiene

b) Wearing safety goggles
c) Using ear protection
d) Storing chemicals properly

8: Which of the following diseases is caused by a biological hazard?

a) Asthma
b) Tetanus
c) Heart attack
d) Salmonella infection

6: Which of the following is an example of a chemical hazard?

a) Slippery floor
b) Loud noise
c) Ammonia gas
d) High temperatures

7: What does MSDS stand for?

a) Material Safety Data Sheet
b) Manufacturing Safety Data System
c) Maximum Safety Detection System
d) Hazardous Chemical Information Guide

9: Which of the following is the correct way to handle chemical hazards?

a) Dispose of chemicals in regular trash bins
b) Store chemicals with food items to save space
c) Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
d) Ignore warning labels on chemical containers
Answer Key:

Section 1:

b) Noise
c) Physical hazard
a) Safety goggles
Section 2:

d) Influenza virus
a) Proper hand hygiene
d) Salmonella infection
Section 3:

c) Ammonia gas
a) Material Safety Data Sheet
c) Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

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