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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Baybay City, Leyte

Lesson Plan


Subject: English Quarter: 4

I. Objective:

Identify grammatical signals used to present ideas from general to particular,claim,

and counter claim.
Code: EN8G-Ia-7
KBI: Listen Attentively, Participate Actively


Reference: English Grade 8 CG, TG, LM,

Materials: Laptop, Marker, Manila Paper,Tape

III. Procedure:

A. Routine
1. Checking of Attendance
2. Asking students about what they feel or how are they.
3. Review about the previous topic.

B. Drill:

Ask students to find the words written inside the box.

C. Motivation: (motive question)
1. Have you encountered these words before?
2. When do you usually use these words?

D. Presentation
Today, we will be talking about Grammatical Signals.The words you are
task to find in the activity are examples of grammatical signals. This lesson
will help you master the skills on how you are going to use appropriate
grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea

E. Lesson Proper:

F.1. Activity 1:Read Me!

Let the students read the sample paragraphs that uses grammatical

Paragraph 1
Reading requires comprehension. For instance, one can read a
long text but cannot understand what he or she is reading. In fact,
many students get low scores in the exam because they cannot
comprehend what they read. This problem must be addressed by
proper authorities.

Paragraph 2
Students nowadays are fond of playing online games, such as
Mobile Legends, PUBG, DOTA and the like. These affect their study
habits; in other words, they give more focus in playing these games
rather than reading their lessons. Parents need to limit their
children’s screen time, for example, students should only be given
three hours a day to use their gadgets. This is one of the many
strategies we can adopt to control students’ addiction in these
mobile games

F.2. Analysis:

1. What is the first paragraph all about?
2. Give a comment on the ideas presented in the second paragraph.
3. What do the underlined words suggest? What do you call them?
4. What will happen if we remove those underlined words. Do you think the
idea of the paragraph will change?

F.3. Abstraction:

Grammatical signals or expressions are writing devices that serve to maintain text
coherence or unity of ideas. They signal relationship between sentences. They can
be words or phrases that connect ideas of sentences and paragraphs for coherence.
They also indicate building up new idea or thought or compare ideas or draw
Grammatical signals or expressions are used in idea development for each
pattern, namely: 1. general to particular 2. claim and counterclaim

In this Lesson , we are going to focus only in developing ideas following the
general-to specific pattern

What is general–to–Specific pattern?

It is a method of writing a composition that discusses the broad topic using

specific details that support the topic. It is a pattern of developing ideas that begins
with a general idea or statement. This is followed by specific details to support and
explain the general idea. We use grammatical signals or expressions to connect the
general idea or statement and the specific details

Here are some of the grammatical signals that are used to express ideas from
general to particular:

for example such as in other words specifically

Namely for instance that is in particular

in fact like indeed including

Study the following sentences:

A. I can play quite a few musical instruments.

B. B. I can play quite a few musical instruments, such as the flute, the guitar,
and the piano.

Notice that both sentences have the same idea. However, we can say that the
second sentence is more specific than the first sentence. This is because the
second sentence contains supporting details and uses the grammatical signal
such as to connect the general idea “I can play quite a few musical instruments”
with the supporting details “the flute, the guitar, and the piano.”

F.4 Application: Activity 2: Fill the Gap

Directions: Complete the statements by filling in the blanks with the correct
grammatical signals from the box to connect the general idea to its supporting details.

Specifically such as that is

Namely for instance indeed

in fact like in other words

1. When I go camping, I bring lots of things, _______________ a fishing rod, a match
and a sleeping bag.
2. Do you have any hobbies _______________ reading or writing?
3. Korea has many beautiful cities _______________ Seoul and Busan.
4. Three students were mentioned, _______________ John, Sarah and Chris.
5. He’s not all exciting, _______________ he’s really rather ordinary.
6. Martin has a bad eyesight, the doctor advised him to wear corrective lenses,
_______________ eyeglasses.
7. My grandfather loves collecting shiny stuffs, __________, when he sees anything
shiny he would automatically approach that thing.
8. All requests for foreign purchases of a property must be routed through an
authorized dealer, _______________ a registered banker.
9. I was annoyed, _______________ furious, over what happened.
10. She said the movie was a bit predictable. _______________, she didn’t like it.

Finish the open-ended questions based on what you have learned.

1. I learned that…

F. Evaluation: Construct Me

Directions: Share your learning on by constructing sentences using the

suggested grammatical signals that follow the general to particular pattern

for example like in other words specifically namely

G. Assignment:

Think and Write Directions: Construct a paragraph of not more than 200
words about a topic you are familiar with. It should contain a general statement
and use the different grammatical signals to add specific statements to support
the topic. Underline the grammatical signals used in your composition. This
activity will be rated through a rubric.

Topic Interesting, original Clearly states topic; Acceptable topic;

topic, reflecting presents one main presents one
thought and insight; idea. idea.
focuses on one
interesting main
Supporting Interesting, Examples and Sufficient number
Details concrete and details relate to the of examples and
descriptive topic and some details related to
examples and explanation is the topic.
details with included.
explanations that
relate to the topic.
Grammatical Uses 8 or more Uses 5 to 7 Uses less than 5
Signals grammatical grammatical grammatical
signals. signals. signals.
Mechanics Consistent Some errors, but A few errors in
standard English no major error in usage, spelling or
usage, spelling, usage, spelling or punctuation.
and punctuation. punctuation.
No errors.


Carried Not Carried

Reason if not


Class Proficiency Level CPL: Grade 8 : Ruby Ave.:_____ Grade 8 Beryl:

Ave.: ______ Grade 8 : Diamond Ave.:_____

Prepared by:

Ma, Katrina O. Papong

Checked & Observed by:

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