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PROJECT CLAID (Contextualized and Localized Activities Intended for Distance Learning)

Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Score: _______

Quarter 3 – Week – 1
Competency: Distinguish text-types according to purpose
and features
Lesson: Classification of Text-types According to Features
(Problem-and-Solution and Cause-and-Effect
and Comparison and Contrast Structure)

1. Familiarize oneself with these text types: problem-and-solution,

cause-and-effect, comparison and contrast.
2. Distinguish problem-and-solution, cause-and-effect, comparison
and contrast text-types statements, selection or article.
3. Write a short essay using comparison and contrast’s block and
point-by-point method.

1. Text structure refers to how the information in a text
(content) is arranged. Texts may be fiction (imaginary) or
nonfiction (factual).
2. Some texts are organized by these text types:
problem-and-solution, cause-and-effect, and others use
comparison and contrast.

Directions: Carefully read the following questions. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer from the given choices.

1. Which of the following text type begins with the presentation of

problem between persons, among groups or might be national or
global issue followed by one or more possible solutions?
A. problem-and-solution C. comparison and contrast
B. cause-and-effect D. chronological order

Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN5RC-IIC-3.2.1
Competency: Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features
2. What method is used to describe all the similarities in the first
paragraph and then all the differences in the second paragraph?
(Simplify this sentence)
A. direct C. block
B. indirect D. point-by-point
3. Text type that presents and organizes similarities and differences of
two subjects-persons, places, events, or objects logically?
A. problem-and-solution C. comparison and contrast
B. cause-and-effect D. chronological order
4. What method alternates arguments about the two subjects (A and B)
that you are comparing and/or contrasting?
A. direct C. block
B. indirect D. point-by-point
5. What text type explains reasons and results of the events, situations,
and trends?
A. problem-and-solution C. comparison and contrast
B. cause-and-effect D. chronological order


Getting Started
Directions: Distinguish the classification of the following text. Choose the
letter of your answer and write it inside the box.

A. problem-and-solution B. cause-and-effect C. comparison and contrast

New Normal Classroom

Barbara Ramos
Classes held in classrooms must be full of productive noise to be
called class discussion while online classes must be full of related
responses to call it conversation. Whenever there are class suspensions in
face-to-face classrooms, the weather is to be blamed for it but for online
classes, power disruptions are the culprit.

Parents dilemma are these: lack of gadget for educational use of their
kids and regular time to assist their children are hard to keep. Someone
must have listened to their plea in the advent of technology driven
classrooms, educational tablets were distributed to cure the problem of
inability. Online class discussions can be viewed regularly whether online
or offline, the myth of ‘no time’ no longer exist.

Educational tablets have become the learners’ tool so that they could
always come to class wherever they may be and can go over their lessons
any time of the day as they please.

Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN5RC-IIC-3.2.1
Competency: Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features

Concept: Text structure refers to how the information in a text

(content) is arranged. Texts may be fiction (imaginary) or
nonfiction (factual)
Some texts are organized by problem-and-solution, cause-and-
effect, and others use comparison and contrast.

Classification of Text-types According to Structure

1. Problem-and-solution text type

A. Feature: Starts with the presentation of problem
between individuals, among groups or might be national or global
issue followed by one or more possible solutions. Being able to
distinguish problem and solution structure in the text helps the
readers to better understand and recall information covered in the
reading selection.
B. Signal words: problem, dilemma is, issue, to solve this,
to address this, solution, challengers, proposed solution/s,
resolve, repair, one answer is, remedy.
C. Structure: Problem Steps/solutions Conclusion
(How to Identify the Problem and Solution in a Reading Selection,

2. Cause-and-effect text type

A. Feature: Explains reasons and results of the events,
situations, and trends.
B. Transition/signal words: because, why, since, as a
result, hence, therefore, so, thus, if…then, consequently, for this
reason, leads to
C. Cause-and-effect text type Structures:

Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN5RC-IIC-3.2.1
Competency: Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features
3. Comparison and contrast text type

A. Feature: Presents and organizes similarities and

differences of two subjects-persons, places, events, or objects
logically. Uses block method or the point-by-point method.
B. Signal words: different, but, similar to, alike, compared
to however, rather, instead of, yet
C. Structure
Block Method- presents all arguments related to subject A, and
then compares and/or contrasts them to all arguments related to
subject B.

Sample Pattern:
Topic Sentence Online classes and face-to-face classes
have things in common.

Point 1 Online classes

a. class rules paragraph 1 supporting
b. class discussion sentences
c. submission of outputs
Point 2 Face-to-Face classes
a. class rules paragraph 2 supporting
b. class discussion sentences
c. submission of outputs

Concluding sentence -Things in common that are in online

and face-to-face classes.

Point-by-point Method - alternates arguments about the two

subjects (A and B) that you are comparing and/or contrasting.
Sample Pattern:
Topic Sentence Online classes and face-to-face classes have
things in common.
Supporting sentence 1- Online and face-to-face’ class rules
Supporting sentence 2- Online and face-to-face’ class
discussion (similarities/differences)
Supporting sentence 3- Online and face-to-face’ class
discussion (similarities/differences)

Concluding sentence- Things in common that are in online

and face-to-face classes.

Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN5RC-IIC-3.2.1
Competency: Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features

Getting it Right
Directions: Identify the text type being described in the crossword puzzle
below. (Excluding the word ‘and’)
1. Explains reasons and results
of events.
4. Method that presents all
arguments related to subject A
5. Presents similarities and
differences of two subjects.
2. Begins with a problem and
ways to solve it.
3. Method that alternates
arguments about two subjects
that you are comparing or

Stop, look, and read

Color the circle next to each paragraph according to its text-type.


comparison and contrast

A Mask is a Must
Wearing face masks is not an option anymore. It was imposed by
government after the Department of Health stated that people going out to
work caused a lot of new infections because of this Metro Manila and four
surrounding provinces were placed under lockdown again until August 18,
2020 after coronavirus infections climbed.
During the onset of this advisory, the public stormed pharmaceutical
stores for face masks and caused scarcity of this protective gear.
Manufacturing companies and even creative individuals thought of an
alternative solution to this massive need of mask production. They come up
with different kinds of face masks from materials available at home to
factory made cottons.
A wide variety of face masks were produced and left the public to
choose the best protection they could use. Face masks’ level of protection
depends on materials they are made of according to Jennifer L.W. Fink, a
registered nurse turned writer in her article at She cited
the research of Florida Atlantic University stating that without any nose and
mouth protection, droplets can spray up to 8 feet this can be decreased to 4
Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN5RC-IIC-3.2.1
Competency: Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features
feet by wearing bandanas, these are triangular or square cloth that are
available at home. Another is home-made cloth mask, a double-layer of this
cotton face mask is better than its single-layer version, it can decrease the
spread of droplets from 8 feet to 2 ½ inches, reduces the release of virus in
the air in case the wearer is unaware that he or she is infected.
Cone masks are manufactured molded mask covering the nose and
mouth is less effective in containing droplets compared to cotton masks but
are more effective than using bandanas according to State University
Disposable surgical masks can filter out 60% of inhaled particles
while N95s can filter out 95% of it. Both products were always out of stock
because of public demand to resolve this shortage, N95s were recommended
only for health workers. Nowadays wearing a mask is required with face
shield when commuting or going to crowded places. Protection against
unseen virus is better than cure.
Block or Point-by-point?
Distinguish the method used in these texts. Write your answer inside the
arrow above each paragraph.

Fish live in salt or A fish has scales and can

freshwater, while mammals can swim in salt or fresh water. They
live on land or in water. Fish have also have gills which are used to
gills to take in oxygen, but help them receive oxygen. A
mammals have lung to receive mammal can live on land or in
oxygen in the body. Fish, also, water. They have lungs to help
have scales while mammals have them breathe, and they have skin
skin or fur. or fur.


Directions: Write a one-paragraph
essay using the comparison and
contrast text-type’s block method and
point-by-point method based on the
topic and details below.
Block Method
Topic Sentence Online classes and
face-to-face classes have things in
Point 1 Online classes
a. class rules
b. class discussion
c. submission of outputs

Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN5RC-IIC-3.2.1
Competency: Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features
Point 2 Face-to-face classes
a. class rules
b. class discussion
c. submission of outputs
Concluding sentence Things in common that are in online and
face-to-face classes
Point-by-point Method
Topic Sentence Online classes and face-to-face classes have
differences and things in common.
Supporting sentence 1- Online and face-to-face’ class rules
Supporting sentence 2- Online and face-to-face’ class discussion
Supporting sentence 3- Online and face-to-face’ class discussion
Concluding sentence- (Things that are different and common in online and
face-to-face classes)

Directions: Classify the following statements with the correct text type.
Choose the letter of your answer inside the tablet and write it on the space
before the number.

___1. Daily consumption of soybeans found in

tofu, soy sauce, soy flour and soy milk help us Text Types
stay slender because it produces fewer and
smaller fat cells.
___2. Regular intake of soybeans is beneficial to A. problem-and-solution
men and women however it contains oxalates
that can crystalized when concentrated in body
B. cause-and-effect
fluids and may cause health problems with
individuals with kidney and gallbladder
problems. C. comparison and
___3. Soy oil provides omega 3 fatty acids like fish oil
that improve heart function reducing the risk of

Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN5RC-IIC-3.2.1
Competency: Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features
___4. Arrhythmia is an abnormal heartbeat that may lead to sudden heart attack
or stroke.
___5. Women enjoy more benefits from eating soybeans compared to the health
benefits me get from consuming them.

(Tulong Dukha Foundation, Inc., 2006)


How to Identify the Problem and Solution in a Reading Selection. (2015, January 16).
Retrieved from
Castillo, K. E., & Angeles, E. B. (2016). Joy in Learning English Grade Five Textbook.
Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc.
Tulong Dukha Foundation, Inc. (2006). Healthy You! A Handbook of Nutrition Trivia for
the Young Ones. Quezon City: Teresa & Son's, Incorporated-Printer.

Prepared by:

Renato R. Lopez Elementary School
SDO Mandaluyong


Content Language Layout


Education Program Supervisor, English

Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN5RC-IIC-3.2.1
Competency: Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features

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